A version of the proposed bill to make CDS constitutional amendments, to block some challenges to the Al-Andalus merger, was adopted today by the CDS RA by a vote of 3 to 2. Text here: (http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... =15#p13405. However, as a constitutional amendment, this is an incomplete vote, and requires a 2/3rds majority. Thus the outcome will depend on the delayed votes of two RA members absent today. (Not their fault; they both properly gave notice that they would not be able to attend, and asked to vote afterwards, as the RA's rules permit.)
All of the reasons for the legislation, and for the one faction that voted against it, are articulated in the Forum postings and the meeting transcripts. Mostly, it seems to relate to disagreements about how A-A should select its interim RA members .. whether CDS should dictate what A-A does ... and whether to leave, or fix, loopholes to un-do the original merger bill and attack those choices.
I expect we will close the transaction and join estates before 26 June, if both vote "yes" and the bill is adopted. If it is not, we will have to see if Al-Andalus is still willing to merge, before proceeding. As A-A must decide whether to pay Linden Labs tier for the next six months on 1 July, we'll likely have a final answer quite soon, either way.
Bear in mind that, if the merger terms are approved and we do merge territories, the CDS sims probably will move their absolute position on the Linden Labs SL map. More will be posted about what this means, if it occurs ... but that move would not create serious obstacles, and should not invalidate most existing SL "landmarks" in the inventories of avatars.
Regards JP