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RA Agenda for June 28, 2009 @ 0900 Hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:28 am
by Soro Dagostino

RA Agenda for June 28, 2009 @ 0900 Hours.

Here is the RA AGENDA for Regular Meeting 28th June 2009, 9:00 AM SLT, PRAETORIUM

I. ADMIN (9:00 to 9:10)
a. Get agreements to record session.
b. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
c. Inquire for speakers on today's agenda items.
d. Future RA schedule: Sunday 7/5/2009, 9:00 AM SLT - Subject to postponement, July 4, Holiday Weekend -- USA.
e. 7 day votes.

II. Chancellor's Report (9:10 to 9:25)
1. a. Report regarding accession of AA.
b. Report regarding accession of Monastery.
2 a. Administrative matters of note.
b. Questions and Answers

III. GENERAL MASTER PLAN (9:25 to 10:50)
1. Postponed Proposed Constitutional Amendment on RA Structure and voting when an accession of territory by CDS with new citizens for CDS.
a. Presentation by Proponent, recitation of Amendments to date.
b. Discussion
c. Consideration of any related Motions
d. Vote

a. Open discussion

1. a. Make compliance with CDS laws and rules an explicit condition of CDS citizenship.
b. Presentation by Scientific Council.
c. Consideration of any related Motions
d. Vote or Postponement for Study
2. a. Require citizens to use ADR provided by the Philosophic Branch to resolve disputes related to CDS law and rules.
b. Presentation by Scientific Council.
c. Consideration of any related Motions.
d. Vote or Postponement for Study

a. Works closed and Adjournment (10:30)

1. I do not have a proponent for Item V. If I hear from no one, the LRA will ask for a Motion to Postpone.any further bills pending for approval nor amendments.
2. Should there be additional matters to be considered be prepared to make a motion to revise the Agenda Sunday Morning to have them heard.
3. All debate limits will be strictly observed unless waived by a majority vote of the RA Members.