CDS Plot at SL6B

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Rose Springvale
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CDS Plot at SL6B

Post by Rose Springvale »

Our Chancellor secured a prime space on behalf of CDS and took the time to create a clever, informative and fun display of the past, present and future of CDS in accordance with the SL6B theme, The Future of Virtual Worlds. (He may have already announced this at the RA meeting... sorry for the repetition if so) You can find it in Quantum, here:

Thanks Jamie, for all the time you put into this creation and into coordinating our input on the Prim Perfect display as well.

SL6B ends June 30 and many performances and presentations are scheduled, including a closing by Philip Linden on June 29 at 11 slt.

Please refer to the CDS Calendar for events in world this week!


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Sonja Strom
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Re: CDS Plot at SL6B

Post by Sonja Strom »

The SL6B displays look really good. Thank you for putting them together Jamie! :D

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Jamie Palisades
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CDS Display at SL6B, report & pictures

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Thanks Sonja for the compliment, and to Rose for help with the arrangements. The SL Sixth Birthday (SL6B) event was built on a theme of the distant future .. and a barren alien moon landscape. Not much room for a gentle snow or a Roman villa ... but we managed to get approve for a CDS Space Colony "our style".

Three traditional CDS Fachwerken housed exhibits on the past, present and future of CDS. The strange landscape enjoyed a little beautification, as two stately snow-covered pines and the (new!) CDS Flag hovered jauntily a few meters over the alien soil (thanks to a few useful hunks of Cavorite, as a nod to the event's strong science fiction style. (Rumours that CDS officials looted the Cavorite from the secret underground tunnels of the Dread Lord Shang's mad scientists' lair are just that, only rumours.)

cds-sl6b-site.png (51.92 KiB) Viewed 691 times

The Past Haus exhibit explained our democratic voting and constitution-based creation; the adjoining Present Haus displayed samples from our rich event calendars and land planning work. The usual explanatory notecards were available, as was a nice box of CDS and CDS vendor freebies -- and thanks very much to Sonja, Annabella and Arria for their volunteer donations!
(Report continues after pictures)

cds-sl6b-planning.png (53.46 KiB) Viewed 692 times
cds-sl6b-past.png (55.23 KiB) Viewed 691 times
Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Jamie Palisades
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CDS Display at SL6B (more)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

The Future Haus, genteely floating a few meters away, was joined to the rest by a rather un-Alpine spacewarp tunnel. Visitors were greeting by one wall showing off the new Al-Andalus estate merger, another announcing a fall CDS-sponsored conference on virtual government, and several speculative displays about future sim governance ... including:

cds-sl6b-future.png (69.99 KiB) Viewed 683 times

* a 3D master weather control machine for the CDS estate, controlled by crowdsourcing (unfortunately, in this device of the far future, the fog control was still broken); and

* a hovering, greeting and information-dispensing Robochancellor.

I understand that the consensus of visitors was that the cyberofficial was slightly less annoying than the current human incumbent. Who is relieved to report that the robot has no plans to stand for office, next term.

cds-sl6b-aa-govt.png (63.46 KiB) Viewed 683 times

We enjoyed lots of traffic, stationed next to the original (2003) Linden Lab virtual time capsule ... positive reactions from the Linden team ... and a number of inquiries about CDS citizenship and plans for the Fall 2009 Oktoberfest.

Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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