[quote="Patroklus Murakami":35do69o8][quote="Kendra Bancroft":35do69o8]It became official as soon as it was published by the Dean of the SC on your official forum.
No reasonable person (let alone Government Spokesman) would have made the comment to begin with.[/quote:35do69o8]
That's a ridiculous proposition, Kendra. Are you saying that every word of every transcript of every meeting that takes place in Neufreistadt (and presumably Neualtenburg before it) is 'official'? What does that mean anyway? That it is a statement of government policy? It was a throwaway remark at the end of a meeting. Nobody would have noticed it if you hadn't drawn attention to it. (And it was published by me, not Gwyn by the way).
I explained in an earlier post why it was a reasonable conclusion to make. We have free speech in N'stadt, you can't censor people's comments because you disagree with them or are offended by them.[/quote:35do69o8]
It is not a reasonable conclusion to make at all.
Even a casual tour of Port Neualtenburg will reveal merchants other than myself.
Chance Abattoir
Logan Bauer
Karsten Rutledge
Amelie Brissot
Sven Enfield
Ulrika Zugzwang
Solivar Scarbourough
Daequix Scarborough
all of whom have a say in the environment in Port Neualtenburg
Karsten's clipper ship and Logan's Blimp, Solivar's Gypsy wagon and Ulrika's fachwerh being among the attractions contributed to the City.
All citizens further have the right to change and alter any of their stores to their liking.
Furthermore proactive development and collaboration is encouraged. A prime example being our national pastime (Chicken Racer Bumper Cars) which has been developed by Ulrika, Solivar, Daequix and myself with participation from Lucifer Baphomet who will be joining the merchant class sometime next month.
In addition, due to our success this last month I am finally able to move our capital into the development of our next phase "Colonial Neualtenburg" (which will be our Representative Branch of our micronation) on a 20km island in the mainland Valerian Sim and will be built completely democratically as a group effort.
Lastly, if it had not been noticable, I would not have found out about it thru upset PN citizens and outsiders who alerted me to it's presence --would I?
Your forums are managed by your SC. The moment something appears on your official forums it becomes a matter of official record. The comment was made by the head of the very branch of Gov't that is responsable for the content.
It is not a matter of censor at this point. It is a matter of Neufreistadt integrity.
Leave what you will as posted. I care not.
Apologize for the slight. And publish a retraction --or I fail to see how I can consider the actions of your Government with any seriousness I would attach to an organization run by adults.