Greetings. I've been asked to confirm some details regarding our SP faction for the upcoming CDS election cycle.
In keeping with our theme (see name of faction), we have not fussed over this much. We are unlikely to do so; we have not held lots of meetings, nor will we. Our members prefer to use their in-world time in CDS to contribute directly to CDS ... which was what I admired about SP in the first place, and moved me to join.
One distinctive feature of SP is that our members show up at (and often run) CDS events; a relatively large share of us actually "live" in CDS, and treat it as our home within Second Life. SP may be a little unusual, as virtual political parties go, because we don't have much interest in intrigue, pogroms or secret alliances, either.
We've been lucky enough to win two of the last three CDS elections; during which CDS has been growing both in terms of land, and rich cultural events and diversity, far more rapidly and successfully than was the case during its 4 prior years.
We prefer to put confidence in the good will, creativity and intelligence of our citizens, and will work collaboratively with anyone who is willing to do so. When we've been seated in the RA (CDS's legislature), we don't spend a lot of time with faction politics, but rather, have tried to be a strong influence for collaborative creativity, a positive tone, low drama ... more events and less speeches ... and for only holding meetings when they're needed.
Imagine all the time that saves! How's that for a mission statement?
For housekeeping details, please be advised of the following:
1. As of the election's record date, the SP faction has the following declared members. Aliasi Stonebender, Alfred Heinkel, Beathan Vale, Brian Livingston, Cindy Ecksol, Lilith Ivory, Jamie Palisades, Marion Diabolito, Naftali Torok, Publius Crabgrass, Rose Springvale, Robert Galland, Satir DeCuir and Soro Dagostino. (alpha by first name)
2. Soro, Cindy and Robert are standing for election to the RA.
3. My current plan is to seek another term as Chancellor, which the new RA will appoint.
Additional info on SP views is posted here on this forum ... for those who care to read more, and for the faction members themselves to assess and improve.
Warm regards JP