I am a CDS citizen since December 2006. At that time, I have bought a house in Colonia Nova where I have opened my first exhibition. There are many amazing places in Second Life, but I think that CDS is a very special place. What makes it so special? I see three caracteristics:
CDS is a democracy
It was a surprise for me to realize that I became a citizen of a virtual democracy. I wasn't aware of that when I bought my land, but the electoral campaign few after my arrival. At that time, all factions were present on the forum and it was possible to talk with candidates. I have slowly understood how work all these branches together. It is not perfect, but it exists. We have debates, we have discussions. We elect people.
CDS is beautiful
I have choosen to live in CDS because I was fallen in love with Colonia Nova. All our sims are beautiful, because we take time to build them. We have a General Master Plan, we have themes and cluster. Orography, hydrography, road, all is coherent. We have skilled people who are able to create amazing landscapes or wonderful buildings. Our public places and buildings are great. There are also nice private houses. It is a big pleasure to visit the sims.
People make CDS
CDS is first people. I have met wonderful, interesting, strong, valuable people in this community. It is not possible to be friend with every one, but together we learn a lot. Yes, we have conflicts. Yes, we argue. But we have also wonderful parties and fests. We know also to have fun together. CDS is a picture of our world. I would hate to live in a smooth community, far from the reality. I did not come to Seconf Life to escape real life. Not every moment in CDS is nice and I had some bad periods, like many of us. But I have learned a lot, being with you all.
If I had to summarize, I would say that CDS is a place where your dreams can become true. You will have to fight for them. You will have to work for them too. You will have to adapt them and maybe improve them. But if you strongly believe in them, you will succeed. Noboby has told that dreams come true easely, here or elsewhere.
I am running for a sit in the RA as CSDF member, because I am ready to engage myself for the community. My wish is to help other people to build projects for CDS. I strongly believe that we have to involve more our citizen in the community and to encourage them to build small and big projects. So CDS will life and grow.
I have a high interest for cultural life in Second Life, especially in museums and exhibitions. CDS has already great place for exhibitions, museums, places of interest and places for events. I think also that CDS could play a role in education, which is a growing activity in Second Life. By such activities, we can attract new citizen.
Economy is a known issue in Second Life and it has been often discussed in our community. Since the beginning of Second Life, commerce has evolved a lot and now. The future is not anymore in little shops, but in malls (like Limani in Locus Amoenus) and even more through the platform Xstreet. We should request a Xstreet terminal somewhere in CDS, when Xstreet will install new ones (now it is temporarily stopped). We should encourage people to sell their stuff with this platform too.
We need to expand and I am in favour all projects of expansion, inclusive merging with other communities. Our own name says that: Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
I cannot talk here about all issues. If citizen have questions to adress me, they can ask directly through this forum or through my campaign blog where I have copied this message too.