For public information, this is a copy of my message to the SC about our incoming CDS citizens from Al-Andalus. The addressees are receiving it over the weekend sporadically, by notecard delivery; I do not expect them to act on it until after they're finished whatever they are doing to conclude their work on the CDS election ballot, closed on Saturday.
To: CDS Scientific Council
[Please note that there are privacy considerations in this message.]
Attached here is the list of citizens to be added to CDS. as persons entitled to citizenship by virtue of land ownership or group land
ownership under CDS law, as provided in Section 1 of the Al Andalus Expansion Bill enacted in May, .
As provided in section 4 of that legislation, CDS also adds a number of RA members equal to "the number of additional members that would be added to the RA under CDS law by reason of the additional number of citizens added under Para 1 above."
I believe that the CDS citizen list publicly posted at had, as of the record date for the current election, 72 qualified voting citizens. One was have been removed for nonpayment (we do not release names in such matters), resulting in a count of 71 for the election certification. Thus, the SC certified that 7 CDS RA members would be chosen in the currently pending ballot.
There are 71 pre-merger CDS citizens and 60 new CDS citizens from AA, for a combined total of 131. Under Article I, sec. 2 of our constitution, the number of seats is equal to "the odd whole number nearest to 10% of the population, rounded down, with a minimum of five seats and a maximum of forty seats."
The *odd* whole number that is nearest to 10% of our increased population, rounded down, appears to be 13 11, or 6 more than the current pre-merger 7. Thus, the 7 RA members who will be elected in the current pre-merger CDS election will be joined by 6 new AA reps. Note, the CDS Scientific Council, as our RA election authority, has the right to certify or review and correct these outcomes, and to adjudicate any appeals to those decisions.
AA conducted open government consultative meetings to elect AA RA members for these positions, as provided by the AA Expansion Bill, and, based on their original estimates, designated 4 persons: Carolyn Saarinen, Micael Khandr, StuiChicanne Darkstone and Wasp Thor. (AA's government will be happy to finalize and confirm the selection as of whatever date is required in order for the designees to serve during the 11th CDS term.)
The list has been certified to me and CDS as correct, and containing no duplicate avatar alts, to the best of Al Andalus' knowledge; and for myself, I have confirmed its accuracy by cross-checking it against the verified Al Andalus rent rolls and group memberships, which were delivered to Sudane and I. I have notified (or will have notified, by Monday 20 July) each of these persons that I have proposed their names as citizens, subject to appeal to you. At the same time as that invitation, I have or will have invited each of them into the C.D.S. SL group, and the CDS Forum BBS.
CDS posts its approved citizen list, by name only, at the CDS portal. I suggest these names be added to that list. (In the same manner, the
names only.) However, I do *not* suggest that you post this separate list on the CDS Forums. I will post this message -- but not the list
itself -- to the Forum, for the information of all parties. The message and the list together will be sent to the SC members, our
two EOs, and the head of each of our three currently certified political factions.
{Jamie's note to the forum posting - once the SC has confirmed that these names are satisfactory, we will add them to the official citizens list posted on our portal, pursuant to NL 5-15.)
As with other things we do, like rent collection, it's our duty to act with reasonable degrees of respect for our community's privacy and
spam-free lives. It may be helpful for USA citizens to recall, in this regard, that the privacy laws and expectations in many nations
are considerably different, and tighter, than in the United States. Also, from a quality-of-life point of view, our citizens generally
don't like being spammed.
This is my formal recommendation to the SC, acting as our election authority, that you take each of the following steps.
(1) Accept this AA citizen list, if acceptance is needed. (This may not require formal action, but at least, occurs in the same way that
you accept the periodic rosters from the CDS EO.)
(2) Accept or correct, if required, the calculations above confirming the correct number of reps to be seated under the above-cited laws.
(3) Accept, if your acceptance is required under our applicable laws, the 4 selected representatives of the nonduplicated AA electorate, for
seating with the 11th RA as of 1 August.
(4) Resolve any necessary issues with respect to factions in the 11th RA. I am sending a separate message on that issue, so that this
thread does not get too complex.
(5) Determine whether an additional election is required, as there are 2 vacancies.
As your chancellor, I can report that the task of making this merger work, to the reasonable satisfaction of all parties, was difficult and
time consuming. There were many details. and its execution required quite a bit of balancing and negotiating, over a long period of time.
I'm quite pleased to be able to hand over these matters for the SC's review if any, and to hand over our gorgeous combined landscape to our employers, the 130+ citizens of CDS.
Respectfully submitted, JP
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.