Claude Desmoulins: Believe it or not we do have a quorum.
Claude Desmoulins: Please touch the box on the table to give consent for recording.
Sonja Strom: wow!
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
Aliasi Stonebender has indicated consent to be recorded.
Aliasi Stonebender: I touched it, did it report to you?
Claude Desmoulins: A bizarre old quorum rule says SC quorum is dean +1. If we actually needed a majority preent it might take some time to get the election certified
Sonja Strom: Hi Ceasar
Aliasi Stonebender: ah, there we go.
Claude Desmoulins: Yes.
Sonja Strom: Hi Cleopatra
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hello
Claude Desmoulins: As to certifying the election results....
Ceasar Xigalia: hi everyone
Sonja Strom: Hi Cindy
Cindy Ecksol: hello all....still rezzing
Claude Desmoulins: Jamie points out that the CDS census ocurred before the merger took effect.
Claude Desmoulins: If we agree that the merger ought not be able to alter that census, we can certify the election results.
CLEOPATRA Xigalia raises her hand
Claude Desmoulins: Any reconciling of the merger bill with other legislation or constitutional provisions would then be done by adjusting the number of interim seats.
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi, any comment before we open the floor?
Cindy Ecksol raises her hand
Claude Desmoulins: Is Aliasi typing?
Ceasar Xigalia: not to me
Claude Desmoulins: Ok - Cleopatra?
Aliasi Stonebender: ah, sorry
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i wasnt allowed to vote is all
Ceasar Xigalia: nor me
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: I asked jamie and sudane no one knew why
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: ok jamie just told why
Claude Desmoulins: When did you become citizens?
Aliasi Stonebender: anyway, I concur. the census is the census, it shouldn't be counted post-merger.
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: nvm I don't even know what we are voting for or against
Claude Desmoulins: OK if the SC concurs, please let's take a three minute recess to releqse results.
Claude Desmoulins: New LRA is Cindy Ecksol
Claude Desmoulins: SP has three seats
Claude Desmoulins: Cindy, Soro, and Robert Galland
Claude Desmoulins: DPU has two seats - Sonja and Pip
Claude Desmoulins: CSDF has two seats - Arria and Gwyn
Patroklus Murakami: congratulations to cindy
Rose Springvale: congrats, yes
Sonja Strom: Congratulations
Cindy Ecksol: thanks everyone
Jamie Palisades: Congratulations, Cindy, Should have bet me that quarter, Rose. Claude, should I speak to Cleopatra's issue briefly?
Cindy Ecksol: and congrats to everyone else who won a seat
Claude Desmoulins: Please.
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i dont care
Jamie Palisades: Cleopatra contacted me, asking why she was not on the voter elgibile ballot
Jamie Palisades: so just to make my report here
Jamie Palisades: I did check
Jamie Palisades: and she nought land here two days after the record date
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: what was the date in question though
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i will confirm with my transaction log
Jamie Palisades: which, as one might not always know, happens a few days before the ballot opens
Jamie Palisades: i sent a notecard to her also but she did not get it, so I must apolgize for not getting her a timely reply
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: is a few the legal langaugage
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: which date ?
Jamie Palisades: but I did confirm with our treasurer and records, to make sure she was not incorrectly excluded.
Jamie Palisades: done thanks
Ceasar Xigalia: oh i guess we can vote next time
Jamie Palisades: please do.
Claude Desmoulins: OK. Since this was not as elegant as we want it to be, I want to put the following out for disucssion ,though I suggest we not act on it today given the irregular nature of today's meeting:
Ceasar Xigalia: whens that?
Aliasi Stonebender: yeah, if you bough land just before the election you wouldn't have been allowed to vote.
Claude Desmoulins: Draft Election Certification Process
1. The election administrator shall convey results privately to all members of the SC as soon as they are available.
2. From that point SC members have 24 hours to convey an objection to those results to the dean
3. If no objection is presented w/in 24 hours. The results shall be considered certified and the dean shall publish results
4. If there is an objection, the dean shall publish an announcement of the objection and schedule an SC meeting at the earliest possible time for its consideration.
Jamie Palisades: (answering by IM)
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but what is the day? no we had the land before people could announce their candacy for RA
Patroklus Murakami: in six months ceasar. we hold elections twice a year
Rose Springvale: jamie, you have busy on
Claude Desmoulins: I'll post to forums for discussion, but just to get it out there.
Jamie Palisades: (oops thx)
Ceasar Xigalia: ok ty Patroklus
Claude Desmoulins: There will also be the matter of interim seats. But I wonder if that oughtn't be discussed asynchronously and acted upon. at a meeting with more notice given
Jamie Palisades: Up to the SC, but I might mention something else that likely will occupy your attention soon.
If there will be 7 Ra members from the ballot plus 4 elected form AA, and the correct number is 13, we face two issues fairly soon,
one is that we'll need to fill two vacancies.
The other is how to reconcile the 4 with our factino-centyric system. If you'd like I am happy to wait - or say a word now.
Rose Springvale: hmm
Claude Desmoulins: Though we need to resolve before the new RA term begins.
Aliasi Stonebender: Ifigured for the purpose of this election, AA was counted as a pseudo-faction.
Rose Springvale: curious if the other two are not within the original merger agreement
Jamie Palisades: I agree, Aliasi.
Jamie Palisades: The four shoud be their own faction for this term -- it;s the only solution that actually comes close to fitting the law
Cindy Ecksol nods in agreement
Jamie Palisades: ...
Jamie Palisades: On the two vacancies, let me just put out there my belief that there's a rea; conflict between AA's expectation to fill its seats .. and the fact that as may be a normal by-election under CDS law.
Jamie Palisades: oops, "as of now .. the only legal approach may be ..:"
Rose Springvale: i think the merger agreement is specific.
Claude Desmoulins: I would note that article vi considers a citizen to be a single resident and that article 1 sets RA@ 10% round down.
Delia Lake has indicated consent to be recorded.
Claude Desmoulins: If you count up avatars, you get 128.
Patroklus Murakami: ?
Jamie Palisades: so maybe we're back to 4, Claude?
Aliasi Stonebender: yeah, I think for this election, the unusual nature of the merger means things have to be modified.
Claude Desmoulins: which would seem to demand 11 total RA members per article 1
Aliasi Stonebender: and the 'CDS gets 1 more rep, being more populous' seems the fairest solution.
Jamie Palisades: I.e. is you miss 130 total as of the date for THIS cald, the right number is the closest odd to 12, rounding down
Delia Lake: things should sort themselves out by the next election
Delia Lake: i think so too
Delia Lake: a
Rose Springvale: but wait
Rose Springvale: we chose to be counted with AA
Claude Desmoulins: The way I counted getting to 131 required the converting dual citizens to be both in the CDS census and the AA count.
Rose Springvale: we did not vote in the CDS election
Claude Desmoulins: But that happened after the census was final.
Delia Lake: the sc did have to certify the census before the polls opened
Jamie Palisades: Hmm -- well you'll need a ruling there for sure. Either way. Conveniently, though, as there are no incumbents for the two seats (that either do or do not exist) ... I guess that will not hold up your certification of 11 reps for the first meeting of the 11h term.
Rose Springvale: no incumbents?
Jamie Palisades: if later you decide there should have been 6 more (for a total of 13), then you;ll reach the issue of how to fill them .. and not, if you don;t
Jamie Palisades: well, Rose, AS elected 4
Jamie Palisades: *AA
Claude Desmoulins: If the RA thinks 7-6 is appropriate they could amend the constitution to specifically create 2 additional aa interim seats
Rose Springvale: but AA can elect two more before the RA is seated
Jamie Palisades: that's exactly the right legal question, Rose -- does the count that they're entitled to, under the bill and the constitution, give them 6?
Jamie Palisades jooks at the judiciary branch, raises eyebrow
Claude Desmoulins: As I read it 128/10=12.8 rounded down to odd = 11 - 7 CDS just elected = 4 aa.
Rose Springvale: i respectfully disagree
Jamie Palisades squints. This gets complex. have to read that bill really carefully. Does the SC want to rule on this one today?
Claude Desmoulins: Does counting the converting dual citizens w/ aa after they were counted in the cds census contradict article vi definition of a citizen as a single sl resident?
Claude Desmoulins looks at the rest of the sc members in attendence...
Delia Lake: can we count the total here as the cds vote was complete before the Jamie posted the AA merger to the forum
Rose Springvale: with all due respect, the merger bill says if we elect to be counted wiht AA, we are.
Rose Springvale: we did not vote in the CDS election because of that
Claude Desmoulins would like to allow the european members of the SC to weigh in.
Patroklus Murakami: "The CDS RA will be increased by a number equal to the higher of
* (a) two, or
* (b) the number of additional members that would be added to the RA under CDS law by reason of the additional number of citizens added under Para 1 above."
Delia Lake: the issue would seem to be significantly affected by where Rose, Micael and Stui get counted
Patroklus Murakami: somewhat ambiguous, unfortunately
Rose Springvale: actually, there is more language, but i'm not prepared to make a formal presentation at this time
Rose Springvale: and would ask to be allowed to present the casw with proper preparation
Claude Desmoulins: I'd like to move that we have discussion of the proposed certifiaction procedures and the aa interim seat matter in forums and then have a regularly called meeting early next week. We can discuss some more here , but do we need to act.
Rose Springvale: that's too long
Rose Springvale: i suggest we do it tomorrow
Rose Springvale: before the transfer happens
Notary Desk: Passed self test.
Claude Desmoulins: BRB
Jamie Palisades: Thanks. Some delay's wise, in any case. Giving your absent collagues a chance to weigh in also will let affected parties here go back and read the bill and marshal their opinions
Delia Lake: we do need to sort this out asap though
Rose Springvale: i object to going ahead with the transfer though, with this outstanding
Rose Springvale: the election has already been delayed days
Rose Springvale: and the merger bill has been available for months
Rose Springvale: to back pedal on the represenation fo rthe community is not a good strt
Claude Desmoulins: My concern is that you have to count people twice to get to 131.
Rose Springvale: especisally when we in good faith did not vote
Rose Springvale: Claude
Rose Springvale: those numbers are always fluid
Rose Springvale: even CDS has a "greater than" language
Rose Springvale: if the number changes befoer the vote
Claude Desmoulins: Dnate is unavailable tomorrow. No word from Danton or Naftali as to when they could make a meeting.
Rose Springvale: there are enough of you to make decisions. these issues are not a surprise to anyone
Rose Springvale: the sims are due to move on wednesday
Rose Springvale: i've taken steps to assure that happens
Delia Lake: naftali will have the same problem tomorrow as today
Delia Lake: most likely
Rose Springvale: shall i ask that it be delayed so we can fuss about how we count?
Delia Lake: he eve
Claude Desmoulins: Just to note that we did not receive a count of converting dual citizens until July 18
Rose Springvale: CDS had it
Rose Springvale: i dont' recall ever being asked by SC
Claude Desmoulins: Jamie, did you convey that count to any member of the SC prior to Saturday?
Rose Springvale: you have had a list of dual citizens for quite some time though
Rose Springvale: i sent you the list claude
Aliasi Stonebender: yes, we had figured, since none of the citizens in question had voted, it kind of fixed itself... no such luck.
Claude Desmoulins: True
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi and Delia, do you want to meet tomorrow?
Delia Lake: i can meet tommorrow depending on the time
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi?
Aliasi Stonebender: sure.
Delia Lake: also may we please remove Hugh Lamont, not Beaumont, from the citizen list for AA. he is not a citizen
Aliasi Stonebender: if it's a similar time as this, I can... no, wait.
Rose Springvale: delia
Aliasi Stonebender: it very definitely has to be 2 pm or later, I won't be around until then.
Rose Springvale: sigh
Claude Desmoulins: Fine w/ me Does 2 pm Slt work dfor you delia?
Jamie Palisades: hm let me mention something if additions to the roster need to come up for the moment.
Delia Lake: yes. i can come at that time
Claude Desmoulins: Jamie?
Jamie Palisades: first to answer Claude's question, no.
Jamie Palisades: It was my expectation that the A results woudl be reconcliled necessarily under our laws *after* the CDS ballot
Jamie Palisades: AA
Claude Desmoulins: And now that is what is in fact happening.
Jamie Palisades: agreed
Jamie Palisades: and applying the total calculation, Claude, in the way you suggested (or otherwise) is a fresh calculation with its own record date
Jamie Palisades: you lot just have to decide what that date is i.e., do you count or not count the 3 dual citizens in the AA pool
Jamie Palisades: as that apparently tips the number
Patroklus Murakami: i.e. count the same three people twice?
Delia Lake: naftali just came inworld
Claude Desmoulins: Rose, what's your position RE hugh's status?
Jamie Palisades: well, Pat, as you know, I view any reasonable calculation method in good faith that conforms to the statute's rules as fair -- not necessarily a UDHC abomination
Rose Springvale: hugh was a member of the land group. I asked all citizens to give me names of the land group for citizenship purposes. when i didn't get replies, i counted myself, i.e. Hugh, however other people sent me MORE group members after that list, so i wasn't too worried about it
Claude Desmoulins: My question is regaring the definition of a citizen per article vi.
Rose Springvale: he shows on the land group.
Patroklus Murakami: one citizen only counts once though. not reasonable to count ppl twice
Jamie Palisades: and Hugh's interesting. As with the list from Sudane, we take the AA tenants list rather by rote, from the official records, and offer it absent any manifest error at the time
Rose Springvale: but i can go get the other three names if it makes a differnce. Patroklus
Rose Springvale: depriving us of our vote is not reasonable. we relied on the legislation
Claude Desmoulins: NAftali, welcome. Are you available for another SC mtg any time tomorrow?
Jamie Palisades: Hi Nafi. Just for my records, has Naftali been escheated over to the SC by the 30 day rule yet?
Claude Desmoulins: Rose, what is the current AA citizen count not including dual citizens?
Delia Lake: we believe she has, yes Jamie
Naftali Torok: hi all, must still rezz
Naftali Torok: connection is not too strong
Rose Springvale: believe it or not, i don't know
Rose Springvale: i have to go count them.
Jamie Palisades: sorry to interrupt - but *current* means what?
Jamie Palisades: no such question is legally useful without a date fixed, sorry
Claude Desmoulins: Today.
Cindy Ecksol agrees with Jamie and doesn't understand how that date could be "today"
Sonja Strom: It was to happen after the "old" CDS elections, or?
Sonja Strom: That would be today.
Jamie Palisades looks at Rose, smiles -- Ok, the SC Dean wants a number as of today, Let me know if you need help. And we can talk with SC tomorrow about what date the law requires that we apply.
Claude Desmoulins: If today were to be the record date for a fresh calculation, could that record date be either the date of the land transfer, for example?
Cindy Ecksol: was that in the legislation? or would the date we passed the legislation be the appropriate date?
Rose Springvale: sigh
Patroklus Murakami: the legislation did not contain a date, sadly
Claude Desmoulins: I couldn't find a date in the legislation.
Rose Springvale: i will have to go open up files and count them i don't have it handy, jamies number was current as of that day
Aliasi Stonebender: ah, so nice to see that. well, we still have the date it was passed, which I think we'd have to default to if there's nothign specified.
Rose Springvale: i have been operating on the date of transfer, we frankly didn't think it would be a close call
Aliasi Stonebender: it isn't the SC's job to make the RA write coherent legislation. Just constitutional ones.
Claude Desmoulins: If article Vi doesn't preclude counding converted dual citizens twice, then the legislation can be followed to the letter.
Claude Desmoulins: That's the first key question.
Justice Soothsayer notesrelevant date may be date of acceptence of merger by AA: quote: The six Al Andalus sims and four CDS sims will merge as one territory on acceptance of this offer by AA's managers; all land owning residents of AA will become CDS citizens, and land, rentals and administration of AA assets will be the responsibility of the established structures in the CDS government.
Justice Soothsayer apologizes for spontaneous eruption into discussion.
Sonja Strom too
Rose Springvale: as CDS has not taken such responsibility to date, the i think we need to stick to date of transfer
Rose Springvale: i've paid all the bills
Claude Desmoulins: If that's the case can we even do the count until the date of transfer?
Rose Springvale: well
Rose Springvale: from a practical standpoint
Rose Springvale: we have a pretty good shot at it
Rose Springvale: but technically, no.
Claude Desmoulins: Let me bounce back to SC. Does counting converting dual citizens both in the June CDS census and in the AA count violate the definition of a cds citizen as a single sl resident in Article VI? . SC first.
Jamie Palisades: Just for clarity, doing this one today or tomorrow?
Naftali Torok: i have to appologize, cant stay very long
Naftali Torok: sl is calling here
Claude Desmoulins: Rose do you want time to prepare something?
Jamie Palisades: (eh, maybe that's your snake you are hearing, Nafi)
Naftali Torok: ah
Rose Springvale: Claude, if i am a cds citizen on the record date
Rose Springvale: and i sell all my cds land
Rose Springvale: then buy in AA
Naftali Torok: no i am shure my students are calling me for jamsession
Naftali Torok: lol
Rose Springvale: and then AA and CDS agree to merge
Rose Springvale: i'm counted twice
Rose Springvale: what you all propose punishes me for not selling all my CDS land
Rose Springvale: while effectively letting someone who no longer has any interest in CDS have a vote
Rose Springvale: or be counted rather
Rose Springvale: if i knew i was not going to be allowed to represent AA
Rose Springvale: as a converting dual citizen
Rose Springvale: i would have voted in the CDS election
Rose Springvale: as i have in every other CDS election
Patroklus Murakami: i recall that when i raised this issue i was reassured that dual citizens would *not* count twice against both the CDS and AA census
Delia Lake: there is some validity to rose's points here. what if this merger were taking place mid term of the RA?
Rose Springvale: this anguage has been in the merger bill from the beginning.
Delia Lake: rose would have voted in the cds election 3 mos previous
Claude Desmoulins: You have a point Rose.
Patroklus Murakami: the possibility of double counting has existed since the legislation was passed
Patroklus Murakami: some of us have tried to raise the question, despite opposition
Delia Lake: and then as a landowner in AA would have been part of the selection of the reps for that merging community
Jamie Palisades: Only, Pat, if you regard it as invalid to have two different record dates, which recognize that stuff might change between the two
Patroklus Murakami: it's invalid to have people count twice. that's the main point at issue.
Rose Springvale: it was frankly my belief, based on the representations of RA members, that this was beyond dispute
Rose Springvale: we only count twice if we voted
Rose Springvale: we did not
Rose Springvale: record date always includes people who may or may not be eligible to vote
Patroklus Murakami: so you don't count in the CDS electoral roll surely?
Claude Desmoulins: In order to have eliminated the possibility of double counting, we would have needed to know how many converting dual citizens there were prior to cds census. Although Delia's point that a midterm merge would have created this situation.
Cindy Ecksol: may I make a suggestion?
Rose Springvale: this is not a case of double counting
Rose Springvale: if we had voted in both elections,sure
Claude Desmoulins: Dekia then Cindy
Claude Desmoulins: *Delia
Delia Lake: if rose, stui and micael are counted in AA where they did vote, should they also be in the total of the citizens for apportionment of cds RA members?
Patroklus Murakami: there's 128 citizens if you don't double count, 131 if you do. voting has nothing to do with the double count issue really
Cindy Ecksol (surprisingly) agrees with Pat
Rose Springvale: sigh
Rose Springvale: you are mixing apples and oranges
Delia Lake: it's not a matter of whether the elections are valid but a matter of how many reps the cds has for this next term according to the cds constitution
Cindy Ecksol notes that not counting those three makes the CDS count 68, which means a 5 seat RA!!
Jamie Palisades: except that the record date for CDS passed Cin
Delia Lake: that's one of the dilemma's Cindy
Rose Springvale: but the point is you should not look at the results to determine the application of the law
Cindy Ecksol: ok, so may I make my suggestion?
Jamie Palisades: it was "accurate at the time"
Rose Springvale: the only way this would have not been the case is if we used the SAME dates
Rose Springvale: at which point i still had ashcroft lol
Patroklus Murakami: such a shame this wasn't thought through beforehand. see what happens when you shout ppl down for asking legitimate questions?
Cindy Ecksol agrees with rose
Jamie Palisades: (I'll let you know if we ever do, Pat )
Justice Soothsayer raises hand to speak after SC members
Cindy Ecksol is still queued up to speak
Claude Desmoulins: Cindy then Justice
Cindy Ecksol: I think that it's been established....
Cindy Ecksol: that we have a problem with the record dates....
Cindy Ecksol: the CDS record date makes the RA 7 members and counts dual citizens....
Cindy Ecksol: but the legislation implies a different record date, and pretty much no matter how you count that date, it seems to imply that AA should have 6 seats....
Cindy Ecksol: making a 13 seat RA for this term....
Cindy Ecksol: when Claude points out that the "undoubled" total would make an 11 seat RA....
Cindy Ecksol: So it seems to me that what the SC needs to rule on....
Cindy Ecksol: is not so much what the record dates are, but how the RA count needs to be reconciled....
Cindy Ecksol: after all, even if SC decides that this term we will certify two extra reps from AA based on the merger legislation...
Cindy Ecksol: next term we are likely to go back to 11....
Cindy Ecksol: Perhaps that's the issue that needs to be discussed after everyon has a chance to think it through and Rose has a chance to prepare a case....
Cindy Ecksol: done
Claude Desmoulins: Justice?
Justice Soothsayer: Thanks, Claude. First, it seems tme that we are about to have a 7-member RA. Based on the appropriate recod date for determining that number.
Justice Soothsayer: The number would then be increased per the merger legislation.
Claude Desmoulins: I need to leave in c. 10 minutes, btw
Claude Desmoulins: sorry
Justice Soothsayer: The merger bill expressly contemplated how to handle "dual citizens". They should be counted again in determining how to increase the RA size.
Justice Soothsayer: But is that cnstitutional?
Justice Soothsayer: Given that the time for reviewing the constitutionality of the merger bill has expired, I think you are bound to determine that it is constitutional.
Justice Soothsayer: Done.
Rose Springvale raises hand
Claude Desmoulins: Let me toss this out. Rose points out that counts change and that the article 1 provisions has implicit in it a count as of some point in time.
Claude Desmoulins: If we counted aa and cds as of the same date, people would be one place or another.
Claude Desmoulins: Since the counts are at two different points in time, there is movement.
Claude Desmoulins: There's nothing in the constitution about when a count occurs.
Claude Desmoulins: So the merger legislation can coexist with NL 5-17.
Claude Desmoulins: Ideally we'd count everybody at the same time, bu that didn't happen.
Claude Desmoulins: Rose?
Rose Springvale: i was just going to point out that this is a case of representation. not a case of who wins or loses. It seems to me we all win by having more representation, rather than less
Rose Springvale: done.. sorry freezing
Aliasi Stonebender: speaking only for myself, I'm less concerned with letter-of-the-law than something that seems right. hence why the 7-6 split seemed reasonable to me - the specifics of the count aren't a big deal, really. But I understand that not being a popular viewpoint.
Claude Desmoulins: Do we need to reconvene tomorrow or are we ready to decide?
Rose Springvale: i think i've said all i need to
Claude Desmoulins: Delia?
Cindy Ecksol waves at everyone as she slips out the door for a RL anniversary dinner with her husband and without the kids
Patroklus Murakami: awww. have fun cindy
Sonja Strom: bye Cindy!
Pip Torok waves to Cindy
Jamie Palisades: happy anniversary & congrats, Cindy
Delia Lake: happy anniversary Cindy!
Cindy Ecksol: thanks! 29 years, pretty good
Rose Springvale: have fun!
Claude Desmoulins: I'm comfortable, given the two different census dates, allowing 6 aa appointments. If you don't count at the same time some of the herded cats will move. So Is Aliasi. Delia?
Claude Desmoulins: I would further suggest that the merger legislation specifically gives AA the right to choose all 6 reps by their method.
Delia Lake: i agree. 6 seats for aa and 7 for the premerger cds, after merger would be all cds
Claude Desmoulins: Given the language of the merger legislation, there seems to be no need for a by election per cds procedures.
Delia Lake: no. aa still chooses the 2 additional reps according to the aa laws
Claude Desmoulins: We'll take up the proposed certification procedure at the next reg. meeting.
Claude Desmoulins: Any objection to adjournment?
Delia Lake: are we decided, and can the election results now be announced?
Claude Desmoulins: I think so.
Claude Desmoulins: Rose, can you disseminate the results from this week's election?
Aliasi Stonebender: sounds like a plan. at least the election after this should go smoothly *touch wood*
Rose Springvale: oh, sure
Rose Springvale: and call a meeting in AA for the new nominees
Justice Soothsayer: Habemus RA!
Jamie Palisades looks for white smoke
Rose Springvale: smile, thank you all
Delia Lake: the aa representation will be a non issue next election. but this is something we should look at seriously regarding any future mergers
Claude Desmoulins: Cindy, please let me know as soon as you have a scheduled first meeting so we can organize the ceremonials.
Rose Springvale: she's gone claude
Claude Desmoulins: We are adjourned.
Delia Lake: cindy had to leave
Rose Springvale: but i'll remind her
Jamie Palisades: Agreed Del, -- Pat and I sort of started a chat with the RA about constitutional cleanup -- i hope it gets followed through
Claude Desmoulins: Thanks all.