Announcing the CDS Historical Society

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Claude Desmoulins
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Announcing the CDS Historical Society

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

As we approach our fifth anniversary (The land in Anzere was purchased September 20, 2004) I think it's time we considered a more intentional approach to documenting our history. I have created the in world group "CDS Historical Society" It is open enrollment - the charter is "Dedicated to documenting, preserving, and sharing the history of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators." Please join the group and IM me or PM me if you are interested in helping with this endeavor. I think this task if of sufficient importance that drawing up a charter and seeking NGO status would be a good idea.

Possible projects include -

Preserving old records (forum posts, meeting transcripts, etc.)
Collecting interviews with long time residents about important CDS events.
Longitudinal analysis of financial and population records.

Other ideas?

I also think that this group could collect historical records and narratives from Al - Andalus, to help those of us from the "old" CDS learn about the history and culture of the newest members of our growing community.

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Re: Announcing the CDS Historical Society

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

We should definitely include AA history, of course!!

A brief history of the CDS, very resumed, can be found at which is a reasonably well starting point, but it requires fleshing out, of course!

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Sonja Strom
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Re: Announcing the CDS Historical Society

Post by Sonja Strom »

I support this initiative and have joined the Historical Society. I also think the complete history of Al Andalus can be considered a part of the history of the CDS, as it originated in the CDS and later became a part of the CDS.

Here are two other threads that could be of interest:

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Sudane Erato
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Re: Announcing the CDS Historical Society

Post by Sudane Erato »

I will be thrilled to help with this, but I cannot add another group. I do have volumes of documents which I'll be happy to provide, as well as a few pictures (not as many as I wish I had taken). I also have the financial statements from the beginning, in May 2005.

But... I've said this before and I'll say this again. The *real* history of the CDS, up until the time that Linden Lab closed the forums, was in the Neualtenburg forum, copies of which a number of us have. This should be the centerpiece document for any real understanding of the earliest phase... Sept 2004 through sometime in 2006.


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