With the consent of the newly-elected RA members, I'd like to hold the first RA meeting of the new term on Sunday 2 August at 7am SLT. Please note that our meetings are usually at 9am on Sundays, but I'm going to ask your indulgence for this week to move it to 7am as we really need to have a meeting, as LRA I'd hate to miss that first meeting, and unfortunately I'm going to be traveling that day and will have to stop meeting and leave my house in RL not later than 9:30am.
At a minimum the agenda will include swearing in of the new RA and election of a Chancellor for the term. I have one more item in mind and am open to other suggestions, but my thought is to keep this meeting relatively short. We'll also be testing out some new technology that may help us keep our meetings of 13 productive, so we'll also need some time to get used to those tools.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you can attend. I will post this notice to the AA and CDS groups tomorrow when I get better internet access.