Here's the proposed agenda for Sunday. If you have any other matters that need to be brought forward right away and cannot be handled under "Concerns of RA Members" please let me know. As you can see we're already over two hours of scheduled time so if what you have can wait until our next meeting, that would be ideal.
I'm also going to make a separate posting about "Rules of Procedure" and a couple of new tools I've installed that may help our meetings go a bit smoother, so please look for that later today.
RA AGENDA for 2 August 2009, 7:00 AM SLT, PRAETORIUM
I. Processional from the gates of CN to the Praetorium (07:00-07:15)
II. Welcome and Inauguration of RA members (07:15-07:30)
a. Get agreements to record session.
b. Swearing in ceremony
III. LRA Welcome and administrative details (07:30-07:45)
a. RA procedures and tools
b. Future RA schedule: Sunday 16 Aug 2009, 9:00 AM SLT
c. 7 day vote requests.
IV. Election of Chancellor (07:45-08:15)
a. Nominations
b Vote
V. Intro to CDS Budget Process (08:15-09:00)
a. Presentation (Sudane Erato)
b. Questions
VI. Concerns of RA Members (09:00-09:05)
VII. Concerns of Citizens (09:05-09:15)
VIII. Adjournment (09:15)