I think that the updating of the Website of the CDS is a duty of the Executive Branch, especially the Public Information Officer (PIO). As member of a former Executive Team as PIO, I have worked with other people to the creation of the Website. It is made with a well-known Content Management System (Typo3) that is easy to use. At the end of the term, we have "given the key back" concerning all the redaction work. I had only the intention to make some content for the New Guild and Faculty. I did a few and I am not anymore active in this organization currently. Brian Livingstone has worked a lot to bring informations in the Portal. For reasons I don't know, the Portal was not updated despite the fact that it had big changes in CDS. There is no page about the new sim Monastery and about the different sims of Al Andalous.
The forum has an other aim for the CDS community: it hosts the public debates. The forum is an old Internet application, but still in use and popular. It should not be used to publish public information. In my opinion all RA stuffs (except the debates we do sometimes in the forum) should be in the Portal. Same for all informations that come from the Executive Team or the Scientific Council. Each branch should organize the updating of its page, at least by transferring them to a webpublisher.
I would recommend to the Executive to use more the Portal. It exists and it would bring nothing to start an other project. I can only tell that it took a lot of time and energy to make it from zero. The tools are available. If there is any problem in this domain, I am ready to help . The only thing we have to do it to give an access to some people who can update pages. I am volunteer for that.
I am glad that you mentionned social networks like Facebook. A Facebook page can play an important role to make us better known and attract people to us. I would strongly recommend it. Same for a Twitter account. Contents from both plateforms can be heritated in the other. I would like to mention that CDS has a Flickr group and several citizen share their pictures with it:
A blog plateform can be used to make a website with a simple structure. I am not sure that it would be possible to transfer the structure from the portal in Blogger or Wordpress. A blog is chronological. To find again information it is important to use a coherent list of keywords. It is not impossible for the CDS, but it needs some reflexion. Not always easy. A plateform like Ning has more tools (blog, forum, etc...). The transfert of important informations like our law corpus will not be easy.
I use Wordpress for the Monastery Internet presence :
I use also other platforms in connection with the blog:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Me ... 8739868895
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ammonastery
Flickr (group): http://www.flickr.com/groups/themonastery/pool/
More recently, I have used You Tube (no specific channel): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VNXyTnwglc
My recommendation is:
- update the CDS Portal
- organize a group of people who can update specific informations (many of us have the know-how). The rights can be defined easely in the CMS.
- improve the dissemation of informations of the Portal with the use of RSS
- make the update of information easier by the integration of datas from other platforms and tool. We already have some examples: citizen list or event calender. If a Twitter account is opened, it can be easely integrated in the homepage. The PIO uses only Twitter for short notices and the Portal is updated automatically. It would be also easy to integrate the pictures from Flickr, so anyone can add pictures.
- restrict the use of forum to debates
- open account in some social networks: Twitter and Facebook come first in the pipeline. The use of these plateforms are mainly to advertise CDS. Not every citizen can be requested to have a Twitter or Facebook account.
- use SL information tools (group notice and events calender)