Each new government appoints or re-appoints our executive branch civil servants, pursuant to CDS laws, at the start of each six-month term. Please be advised of the following positions.
(1) First, several already are automatically filled by either rule or practical necessity.
Estate Owner -- We have two this term: Sudane Erato for the 5 Alpine and Roman sims, and Rose Springvale for the 6 Andalusian sims. These two jobs may be recombined at the AA merger's one year anniversary.
Treasurer -- Sudane Erato, who has kindly fulfilled this key post for us ably since its inception.
Content Archivist -- Aliasi Stonebender. Aliasi is appointed to that role by the SC; the other two above are Chancellor appointments, and I hereby reconfirm them.
(2) The following other stipended positions, already established by prior acts, will be filled by early September, by Chancellor appointment. Anyone interested in applying should contact me, ideally by August 22nd. Under our laws, all these positions exercise delegated power from the executive branch of our government.
Deputy Chancellor -- As discussed with the RA, one of the two pre-established co-PIO positions has been expanded to include land sales and citizen prospect management, as well as event supervision and publicity. Rose Springvale filled this role for us last term, though we didn't get around to applying the title change. Significant awareness of our relevant laws, and event device management skills, are needed.
PIO -- The other co-PIO role is responsible for our website resources and all in-world CDS information devices. (This excludes three special functions -- (i) the BBS "forums", which are managed by statute by the SC, (ii) compilation of CDS laws, which is the job of an RA Archivist appointed by the RA, and (iii) management of CDS polling machines, also an SC matter.) Brian Livingston performed this function for us last term. Some facility with web posting methods and devices, and willingness to devote time to updating and improvement of our info systems, are needed.
Events Manager -- This person handles (or delegates) on-site event administration for concerts, lectures and other events sited on CDS land. Cindy Ecksol performed this function for us last term. Event device management skills are needed.
Land Managers -- These two positions keep administrative power over public land and objects, and assist with the cleanup, removal and fixing of landscape and common land objects. Sonja Strom and Lilith Ivory performed this function for us last term. Significant skill with object and sim controls, or willingness to learn, are needed.
All of the above positions, which fundamentally are volunteer jobs but do receive a statutory regular CDS stipend payment, require some degree of time commitment, and a friendly and communitarian approach to our work.
(3) Additional roles may be defined as we continue to refine our administration. The creation of any stipended position requires RA approval. For example, I am considering asking the RA to do something new with ambassador/sim relations. These are likely to come up at our budget approval meetings in early September.
(4) To complete the picture, let me also mention that a great deal of our energy and creativity comes not from the government, but from volunteer NGO roles in CDS. The following NGOs and possible NGOs are likely to figure in our progress strongly:
-- The Garnata library project (contact person Xinoxi Han).
-- The Guild (contact Moon Adamant).
-- MoCA (contact Delia Lake).
-- The Monastery (contact Arria Perrault).
-- Themed regional events committees to be established, probably one each for (i) the 3 Alpine sims, (ii) the 2 Roman sims, and (iii) the 6 Andalusian sims.
-- A retail/commercial interest group.
-- Others under discussion.
Regards JP