Pip Torok wrote:Timo Gufler wrote:One possible elections schedule could be March-September, which would make winter and summer separate. The current elections (January-July) happen during the vacations of many, that can be problematic.
I agree with Timo on this. I'd like to suggest that the term runs from March 21st and September 21st of each year, the Spring and Autumn equinox.
Pip Torok
Would I then just stop doing Oktoberfest? asks Rose ...
No, in no way. My suggestion (notice ... _suggestion_ !) I'd put forward to highlight the underlying problem:
(1) We are the CDS and we have elections. Elections for a term of 12 months or longer, or for a term of 3 months (or shorter!) are clearly impractical.
(2) The work involved in electing members for equal terms of 6 months will entail that one set of activity falls between July 1st and December 31st.
(3) Finding a convenient "window" is constrained by the RL occurrence of Summer vacation and the December Saturnalia. In addition, for active citizens of the CDS, there is the work involved in Oktoberfest.
Hence the problem and herewith the suggestion. As Rose saw, it implies that once the election work is under way, from the beginning of September onwards, arrangements for Oktoberfest would largely be in place. And yes, RA's, LRA's, Chancellors even will be beavering away at Oktoberfest, all the time aware that they _may_ no longer have those titles once festivities start!
I notice that the voting on this question has, to date (14th August), been one-way. We all, it seems, sense a problem.
Pip Torok