RA Minutes 23 Aug 2009

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
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RA Minutes 23 Aug 2009

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Object-Name: notetaker 2.0.1
Region: Colonia Nova (246528, 250112)
Local-Position: (14, 165, 41)
Meeting on 2009-08-23
Projected and actual attendance: http://tr.im/wXud

Cindy Ecksol is in the chair.
Soro Dagostino has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: I see we have a quorum, so let's get started.
Pip Torok has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: agenda and some other documents are in the urn under the table -- please click to get your copies
Naftali Torok: hoppaaaaaaa, present.....comingg
Lilith Ivory: Hi Wasp
Cindy Ecksol: and also pleas eclick the recorder on top of the table to indicate your consent to be recorded
Wasp Thor: hello, everyone
Carolyn Saarinen has indicated consent to be recorded.
Rose Springvale has indicated consent to be recorded.
Joaquin Gustav has indicated consent to be recorded.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Cindy I hope that isn't a practical joke
Lilith Ivory has indicated consent to be recorded.
Naftali Torok: goooooood evening /afternoon/morning alll
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I don't want to be raking thru the ashes of someone's ancestor
Cindy Ecksol: uh oh....what, stui?
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Cindy Ecksol: urn was Moon's idea....
Naftali Torok has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: I promise no ashes :-)
Wasp Thor has indicated consent to be recorded.
StuiChicanne Darkstone has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: in the olden days they kept important documents in urns...haven't you heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Naftali Torok: ah talking about the mundus/?
Pip Torok: England nor Aussie wd give you any!
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I have heard of the dead sea salt
Pip Torok: like your outfit Wasp
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, could you please touch the recorder?
Naftali Torok: thats great for your hair stui
Wasp Thor: thank you
Naftali Torok: lol
StuiChicanne Darkstone: one day I was walking home from work and ended up spending ?120 on that stuff
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I didn't even want it
Cindy Ecksol: ok, let's get started.
Cindy Ecksol: chit chat later -- I will need to leave on time today :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *whispers*
Jamie Palisades has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: administrative details: for thos ewho haven't been here, please note the big question mark behind me to my right.
Cindy Ecksol: that is the "question queue" so if you wish to speak, please click it and I will recognize speakers in order.
Cindy Ecksol: we also have a timer, but i prefer not ot use it unless we really need it.
Naftali Torok: yes i am sitting on it now....to keep an eye on it....:)
Cindy Ecksol: one item I left off the agenda: we need to swear in Stui and Wasp
Naftali Torok: tru
Cindy Ecksol: I propose we do that first.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: no swearing - ladies present
Cindy Ecksol: Stui and Wasp, if you clicked on the urn, you received a copy of the "affirmation" we use.
Naftali Torok: lets hope they are quicker then me, last time.....:)
Cindy Ecksol: could you please add your name in the appropriate place and paste it into chat now?
Cindy Ecksol: while they are doing that if the rest of you could review the agenda and indicate whether you have any additions or changes that should speed things along
StuiChicanne Darkstone: The Confederation of Democratic Simulators is a democratic state. One of the freedoms embodied in our Constitution is that of religious choice as specified in one of its Founding Documents, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Out of our respect for diverse religious beliefs about taking oaths as well as for RA members who may be non-religious, the following affirmation does not contain any referrences to any supernatural entities. However, anyone taking office who may wish to do so may add the words "So help me God" [or any other entity] at the end, if they wish so. They may also replace the words "affirm" by "swear" if they are so inclined.
Please paste the following text into chat:
I, Stui, having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulato
Cindy Ecksol: thank you stui! congratulations and welcome to RA
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *LOL*
Naftali Torok: hourah 3 x
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I think I pasted too much
StuiChicanne Darkstone: and yet too little
Naftali Torok: better too much than too less
Cindy Ecksol: you did fine :-)
Cindy Ecksol: Wasp? are you with us?
Sonja Strom: Welcome :-)
Wasp Thor: yes
Soro Dagostino: George would approve.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: rs, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
Pip Torok: hi Gwyn!
Wasp Thor: I just have to figure out how to paste it to chat
Wasp Thor: LOL
zaphod Enoch: welcome
Cindy Ecksol: ah, I see :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I would bow but the outfit doesn't allow it
Rose Springvale: just in the chat bar Wasp
Rose Springvale: it will fit
Naftali Torok: lol
Cindy Ecksol: would you like me to paste for you and you can just say "yes"?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: like a cheese wire :)
Wasp Thor: yes thank you
Cindy Ecksol: I, Wasp Thor, having been elected as a Member of the Representative Assembly of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
Wasp Thor: Yes
zaphod Enoch: welcome
Gwyneth Llewelyn notices that Cindy has personality problems and says hi to all, btw :)
Rose Springvale: bravo!
Gwyneth Llewelyn has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: Thank you! and congratulations and welcome to RA
Naftali Torok: welcome wasp
Sonja Strom: Welcome Wasp :-)
Jamie Palisades smiles and applauds
Lilith Ivory applauds
Pip Torok: welcome
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Welcome indeed, Wasp :)
Joaquin Gustav: congratulations, Wasp
Cindy Ecksol: all right, moving along. any changes to agenda?
Soro Dagostino: Welcom Wasp
Pip Torok: "glad to have you on board" ....
StuiChicanne Darkstone: YAY !
Cindy Ecksol: no agenda changes?
Naftali Torok: not for me
Cindy Ecksol: ok, future RA schedule.
Pip Torok: nor from me
Soro Dagostino: Move approval of the Agenda
Cindy Ecksol: Sept 6 is Labor Day in US and I will not be available. But that's our current schedule
Cindy Ecksol: whoops, yes Soro is right
Cindy Ecksol: can we have a second?
Carolyn Saarinen: Second
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Soro Dagostino: Aye
Pip Torok: aye
Wasp Thor: aye
Carolyn Saarinen: aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
Jamie Palisades raises hand for perhaps-dumb question
Naftali Torok: i will not be available next week
Sonja Strom: aye
Naftali Torok: 30 august , rl concert
Cindy Ecksol: motion passes.
Cindy Ecksol: ok...
Cindy Ecksol: dates.
Cindy Ecksol: Naf, no meeting next week
Cindy Ecksol: proposal is for Sept 6 or 13
Naftali Torok: oki
Naftali Torok: clear
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, did you havea comment?
Pip Torok: propose sept 6
Jamie Palisades: Sorry if Im; not up to speed, but did yuo elect a statuoty Deputy LRA for this term? That would matter, in terms of the feasibility of meetigns without Cindy.
Carolyn Saarinen: Usually fortnighly Naf
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oops I don't remember if we did or not...
Cindy Ecksol: we have not yest done so.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I'm away camping on 20/21st sept so it works for me :)
Jamie Palisades smiles - may I suggest you do, fairly soon?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Definitely a good suggestion :)
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, I don't believe there's a constitutional imperative for that, although we can certainly do so.
Jamie Palisades smiles. Only a statutory one,
Cindy Ecksol: wow, did we do that?
Cindy Ecksol: then I guess we should elect one.
Jamie Palisades grins, points at red haired poruguese senator
Jamie Palisades: her fault :D
Cindy Ecksol: ah, ok.
Cindy Ecksol: thank you for bringing it up.
Jamie Palisades: (and not a bad idea if the LRA ever got incapacitated)
Sonja Strom: hi Idetoshi
Naftali Torok: still trying to translate: statuoty Deputy LRA f
Naftali Torok: lol
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Pip Torok: hello idetoshi
Jamie Palisades: statutory, required by statute. Sorry Nafi
Idetoshi Kenzo: hi all
Rose Springvale: smiles at naf... person to stand in if Cindy is absent
Cindy Ecksol: ok, if no objections, let's do it.
Naftali Torok: i see
Gwyneth Llewelyn: No objections from me :D
Cindy Ecksol: In view of his past experience, I would like to nominate my fellow faction member Soro Dagostino as deputy LRA
Naftali Torok: smiles back thankful at rose
Gwyneth Llewelyn would definitely second Soro :)
Cindy Ecksol: can i get a second on that?
Pip Torok: second
Joaquin Gustav: i second soro too
Wasp Thor: I second it
Cindy Ecksol: thank you Gwyn
Gwyneth Llewelyn points at her own words :)
Cindy Ecksol: any discussion?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Yay for Soro
Pip Torok: move to vote
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well.... Soro should at least say if he's available :)
Cindy Ecksol: Soro?
Naftali Torok: ok for soro
Naftali Torok: no sorrow for soro.....:)
Soro Dagostino: Yes -- thank you for the opportunity
Sonja Strom: or if he wants to :-)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Naf :)))))))
Cindy Ecksol: :-)
Naftali Torok: when he is not sailing....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yay, Soro!
Pip Torok: oooo! <painful pun! ... >
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (very!)
Cindy Ecksol: lol! soro is multitasking again i think....but he indicated to me that he would be willing
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Goodie, goodie.
Naftali Torok: great
Cindy Ecksol: I believe Pip has moved for a vote
Soro Dagostino: I said thank you for the opportunity
Naftali Torok: looks around, who's there finally....
Gwyneth Llewelyn votes aye for Soro as Deputy LRA
Cindy Ecksol: second?
Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Pip on the move, sorry
Wasp Thor: I second it
StuiChicanne Darkstone: just so long as it isn't me doing the stand in - no one would have a clue what I am talking about :)
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor...
Pip Torok: aye
Carolyn Saarinen: Aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
Sonja Strom: aye
Wasp Thor: AYE
Naftali Torok: lol same for me Stui, but yes Aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles @ Stui
Soro Dagostino: aye
Joaquin Gustav: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: yes I'm one for Soro
Cindy Ecksol: ok, motion carries
Cindy Ecksol: congratulations, Soro!
Sonja Strom: Congratulations and thanks, Soro.
Cindy Ecksol: now next question: I will be out on Sept 6 -- can you chair the meeting??
Soro Dagostino: Thank you all.
Pip Torok: yes congratulations
Soro Dagostino: LOL
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Cindy
Cindy Ecksol: :-)
Cindy Ecksol: hey, I'm a practical type!
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Soro that's the deep end there :)
Rose Springvale: will you have quorum?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (good, Cindy, good!)
Naftali Torok: mumbles.....boter bij de vis( butter with the fish, as we say in dutch
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)))
Lilith Ivory: hehe
StuiChicanne Darkstone: quorum sounds like an aftershave
Naftali Torok: lol
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Stui
Cindy Ecksol: unless anyone has objections to the Doodle polling method, I intend to do that for every meeting
Rose Springvale saves that phrase...
Naftali Torok: imao
Soro Dagostino: Yes Ms LRA -- I will be available.
Cindy Ecksol: so we will know whether there is aquorum or not ahead of time
Naftali Torok: ecellent Cind
Pip Torok: great idea Doodl
Joaquin Gustav: Doodle worked
Naftali Torok: it worked great for me
Wasp Thor: as long as we have dancing and latin music I say aye
Carolyn Saarinen: I think it IS an aftershave
Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
Cindy Ecksol: it certainly worked for me -- was much easier than showing up and wondering who else would be here!
Naftali Torok: uses nose....
Naftali Torok: spares us time
Naftali Torok: gives more fun in the meetings
Cindy Ecksol: and also an easy way to request a 7-day vote: just poll "no" and you get it automatically
Carolyn Saarinen: Works for me
Cindy Ecksol: old way is fine too -- e-mail to LRA
Cindy Ecksol: all right, great!
Cindy Ecksol: moving on.
Cindy Ecksol: Carolyn has an update on the in-world status board investigation
Cindy Ecksol: Caro?
Carolyn Saarinen: Ok
Carolyn Saarinen: I wont take up everyone's time with all my notes on this, but they are available if any one wants them.
Gwyneth Llewelyn listens...
Cindy Ecksol: (members please use Question Queue to ask questions rather than interrupt persentation)
Carolyn Saarinen: We obviously have people in our community who could make such a system for us, but those with the ability are likely to be busy. If we can get an off-the-shelf system at reasonable cost, I think we should buy. It would save time.
Naftali Torok: yes kisk my A.....::)
Naftali Torok: kick
Carolyn Saarinen: I've spoken to the creator of the system which seems to best suit our needs. He tells me we can have a set up for use in multiple locations/multiple avatars for L$1000.
Carolyn Saarinen: So, how do we feel about that?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's insanely cheap!!! :D
Jamie Palisades: Not going to be a problem from the budget end.
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Soro Dagostino
Cindy Ecksol: Soro?
Pip Torok: certainly reasobaly priced
Naftali Torok: time= money, lets do it
Soro Dagostino: Do we want to consider the new phone system set up by Lindens as part of the project?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ^^
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I wonder if I say I'll pose for a foto for his vendor if he'll take a bit off the price
Naftali Torok: ah
Carolyn Saarinen: This is the one that has Away and Busy options as well as just on/Off line
Naftali Torok: now thats an intersting project indeed
Naftali Torok: pointing at the phone thing
Cindy Ecksol: I looked at that phoen thing and decided I definitely do NOT want to do it.
Carolyn Saarinen: Everyone's pics go on the boards stui
Naftali Torok: but lets first end this subject
Cindy Ecksol: yes, thank you naf
StuiChicanne Darkstone: oh what shall I wear ?
Naftali Torok: does the system also have other communication toold
Pip Torok: im with Cindy on the phone thing
Cindy Ecksol: are there any objections to the IDEA of an in-world status board?
Naftali Torok: like mail/ im/ notes etc
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I love the idea
Pip Torok: none from me
Jamie Palisades: Hi, bunny.
Rose Springvale: hi brian!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: No objections from me at all, rather the contrary...
Wasp Thor: good idea
Joaquin Gustav: lets do it
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Brian :)))9 hello :)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: so long as I don't get stalkers
Lilith Ivory: Hi Brian
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Stui
Soro Dagostino: Move approval
Sonja Strom: Second
Brian Livingston waves quietly
Gwyneth Llewelyn can get stalked by anyone, just look at my blog, it always says where I am
Naftali Torok: sends a handkiss to brian
Pip Torok: (your stalkers have leavers!:)
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor of acquiring the online status board system for $100L?
Cindy Ecksol: whoops...$1000L
Gwyneth Llewelyn: L$1000, and aye !
Carolyn Saarinen: 1000
Sonja Strom: aye
Joaquin Gustav: aye
Soro Dagostino: aye
Wasp Thor: AYE
Naftali Torok: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: oui !
Pip Torok: aye
Carolyn Saarinen: Aye
Cindy Ecksol: ok, great!
Jamie Palisades raises hand on the board status thing
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie?
Jamie Palisades: Shall we take off line the exact details of whetehr the owner matters, archiving, getting reimbursed , all that?
Wasp Thor: where does the momey come from
Jamie Palisades: Wasp, we will reimburse
Cindy Ecksol: Yes, I was just going to suggest that Carolyn get together with you and Rose and work out details
Jamie Palisades: but also with some of these devices the ID of the object "owner" matters
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
Jamie Palisades: ok, good, and thanks Caro
Carolyn Saarinen: So, I'll get back to the creator.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: We always have the "special avatars".... the content manager, etc
StuiChicanne Darkstone: maybe my box can recieve fan mail too ?
Cindy Ecksol: Carolyn, I'll leave it in your hands to figure it out with them and report back to us. will need to find locations too.
Jamie Palisades nods
Cindy Ecksol: so still work to be done, but let's move it forward
Cindy Ecksol: thanks for the great work on this.
Carolyn Saarinen: I can ask him to make delivery to whoever we like I guess
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Joaquin Gustav
Cindy Ecksol: Joaquin?
Joaquin Gustav: ty,
Joaquin Gustav: Did the creator ralk about updates
Joaquin Gustav: talk
Pip Torok: (good point)
Jamie Palisades: can we take that under advisement with Caro and get back to you on details?
Naftali Torok: good point Joa
Carolyn Saarinen: He said he could add other functions later if we needed them, for a fee. will ask about automatic updates on the basic system.
Cindy Ecksol: thank you jamie
Naftali Torok: nods
Joaquin Gustav: ty carolyn
Cindy Ecksol: I think the fee is so low that it's worth paying for enhancements if necessary
Cindy Ecksol: ok, moving on
Jamie Palisades nods
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Cindy Ecksol: next we have Jamie to talk about regional event expenditures
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie?
Pip Torok: (lovely feeling ... bespoke software!)
Jamie Palisades: Roght, let' see if I can do this one in under the alloted 15 mins
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Jamie Palisades: This is about augmentation to our events budget,
Jamie Palisades: Last year we used this events budget:
a. Major events budget - One per term (like Oktoberfest), for
a total of L$ 60000/yr, so L$ 5000/mo
b. One funded social event per month - L$ 5000/mo
c. I recreation event per sim per year (like skiing) at L$
5000 x 4 / 12 = $L 1666/mo
Jamie Palisades: Bear with me, it's background :D
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Jamie Palisades: That totals 11666/month. We probably spent about two third of


Last edited by Cindy Ecksol on Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
Posts: 449
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:37 pm

Re: RA Minutes 23 Aug 2009

Post by Cindy Ecksol »


that total, last term. Even then, though, We noted then that we were spending about half of what our conservative-projected revenus suggests we ought to spend, on local culture, events and education.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: if there's a bear with you Jamie it'll make you quicker :)
Jamie Palisades: I think of you more as a cross than a bear, kitten.
Jamie Palisades: ...
StuiChicanne Darkstone: :)
Jamie Palisades: We easily can support more. So, one of the elements I plan to include in next meeting's planned budget for the term is a set of extra line items.
Jamie Palisades: I chatted with Cindy about this, and we thought it would be a good idea to mention them earlier, at this meeting, so that we can get any initial feedback or reactions now, instead of waiting for next meeting, when it might get lost in all of the budget details.
Jamie Palisades: ...
Jamie Palisades: I will propose that we set aside portions of an expanded events budget for four citizen-led small volunteer panels, which (as Gwyneth and I discussed last term) would relly be a delegation of executive branch power, subject to myself and Sudane watching administratively.
Jamie Palisades: The exact numbers are in consultation now -- remember I am
making civil service appointments this next week, and want my own team to be consulted -- and we can talk about the right *numbers* at our budget consultation meeting, next time. For now, though, I'd like any feedback or reactions to the *concept* :
Jamie Palisades: : and to be specific, on this planned scheme:
Jamie Palisades: 1. A cultural & Arts commission, to seek, develop, consider and be a funding source for activities involving our cultural and museum NGOs, and any embassy/inter-sim ambassador activities
Jamie Palisades: 2. An Alpine regional commission to seek, develop, consider and be a funding source for themed activities in the NFS and AM sims.
Jamie Palisades: 3. An Andalusian regional commission to seek, develop, consider and be a funding source for themed activities in the AA sims.
Jamie Palisades: 4. A Roman regional commission to seek, develop, consider and be a funding source for themed activities in the CN and LA sims. ...
Naftali Torok: wow great plans
Jamie Palisades: I plan to propose that the funding be roughly commensurate with the populations in question; and that some regional events (and their budgets) be devolved down to those panels. I also am considering suggesting that one or two chairs for each of those panels be stipended by us, as I suspect some work will be involved. I'd expect their decisions to be made in an informal but publicly transparent process; probably would attend some of their meetigns myself; and we would require that persons who are seeking funding abstain from any vote on their own proposals.
Jamie Palisades: so :
Jamie Palisades: That's the basic idea. It may change due to the consultations noted above, but still, please expect to see it built into next meeting's budget plan :) Comments?
Naftali Torok: hey lets read jamie
Naftali Torok: yu go fast
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :))
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Jamie !
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
Naftali Torok: not fair.....ronfl
StuiChicanne Darkstone: allow me to be that bear
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Cindy Ecksol: Gwyn?
Cindy Ecksol: you have the floor
Jamie Palisades: done :) open for slings and arrows, Ms LRA
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, I just wish to thank Jamie, for using this term to roll out the huge proposal :)
Pip Torok: sounds well thought out but wd appreciate the days to really considert the implications
Gwyneth Llewelyn: speaking for myself, I'm quite in favour of that budget!
Cindy Ecksol: (please use the queue if you have comments)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I agree, Pip
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Also, I'd like to understand the reporting method
Gwyneth Llewelyn: from each comission to the Exec
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (and know if at least the Exec will present a short briefing on the commisions' work to the RA)
Jamie Palisades: (I'll hold responses for a bit, then make then when Cindy likes)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I guess the answer is "yes" :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok!
Jamie Palisades: and yes :D
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, why don't you respond to each?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks, that's all ? very good idea, Jamie, thanks so much!
Jamie Palisades: heh heh I just did
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :-D
Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Cindy Ecksol: that was easy.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks for the answer :D
Cindy Ecksol: ok, Stui, I believe you're next
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: StuiChicanne Darkstone
StuiChicanne Darkstone: YAY me !
StuiChicanne Darkstone: ok
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I just wonder if it is necessary to have a seperate commission for culture and arts when you have one for each set of sims?
Naftali Torok: nods
Naftali Torok: worth to considder
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmmh
Jamie Palisades: Stui, we have some stuff in CDS -- the museums, a sculpture walk, and "embassy" activity come to mind - that are not really them-specific, and affect everyone
StuiChicanne Darkstone: seems like a level of admin that would be worked upon where it could be resolved regionally
Jamie Palisades: *theme-specific
Jamie Palisades: but it;s worth giving a seond though
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* I also like a theme-neutral over-arching group ... :)
Naftali Torok: nods
Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's good for cohesion.
Jamie Palisades: fooey+ s e c o n d t h o u g h t sorry
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, speaking strictly for myself, I'd support it.
Naftali Torok: hi Micael
Rose Springvale: hey Micael
Pip Torok: hi Micael
Cindy Ecksol: ok, Carolyn, you are next up.
Wasp Thor: Hi Micael
StuiChicanne Darkstone: is it designed to function for CDS ?
Jamie Palisades: this is exactly the kind of feedabck I was hoping for :)
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Carolyn Saarinen
Jamie Palisades: how so, Stui?
Micael Khandr: Hi Pip.
Micael Khandr: Hi Wasp
Soro Dagostino: Hello Micael
Micael Khandr: Hi Soro
Micael Khandr: Sorry I'm late, Cindy
Cindy Ecksol smiles
Cindy Ecksol: happy to see you
StuiChicanne Darkstone: well my query is, will the arts and cultural commission work towards seeking out opportunities to expand arts fully or work towards funding that which is already functioning ?
Micael Khandr has indicated consent to be recorded.
Jamie Palisades: ah
Jamie Palisades: up to them :D we hope for creativity
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (very good question!)
Jamie Palisades: i expect they'd support existing stuff ... as part of that ... it it works
Cindy Ecksol: I believe Carolyn has a question....Caro, you have the floor
StuiChicanne Darkstone: it would be rather unfair to have an arts commission that cannot assist those with opportunities but no present basis if it is using it's funds on upkeep primarily
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Carolyn Saarinen: Thanks, first of all:
Carolyn Saarinen: Yay, we've won the Ashes! Eat it Ponting!
Carolyn Saarinen: Now
Brian Livingston pokes zaphod
Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
StuiChicanne Darkstone: (were they in that urn?)
Jamie Palisades: heh
Naftali Torok: lol
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *checks his agenda for particles*
Carolyn Saarinen: Are we also making provision for educational activities that aren't specifically cultural?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *sniffs*
zaphod Enoch: sorry had to be somewhere else to solve problems
Naftali Torok: looks around in front of screen...
Cindy Ecksol: great question, Carolyn!
Carolyn Saarinen: The other day, a citizen pointed out to me that it's been repeatedly suggested that there be classes available in the sims
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah! That's from the Guild budget!
Jamie Palisades: Carolyn, I'd hope we define it that way, yes.
Pip Torok: such as formal classes caro?
Soro Dagostino: sigh
Carolyn Saarinen: such as building/scripting
Jamie Palisades: we have had some exp[eriments with classes through the CDS Guild
Pip Torok: (what Id meant )
Carolyn Saarinen: This was being talked about when I was a CN resident
Jamie Palisades: haven;t always worked out in terms of turnout though
Naftali Torok: yesss, lets pick that idea up again
Jamie Palisades: they tried :) sort version:" willing teachers, absence of good PR & thus students
Gwyneth Llewelyn is trying to get Moon to come in-world and explain how the Guild classes work
Pip Torok: hi Delia!!
Naftali Torok: Delia
Cindy Ecksol: ok, let's see...I think Soro is up next. Soro, you have the floor
Naftali Torok: are there still guild classes going on nowadays?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Technically, yes ;)
Soro Dagostino: Thank you.
Naftali Torok: mm
Pip Torok: mmm from me too ...
Naftali Torok: there s moon
Naftali Torok: lol looks at ceiling where the moon is raising....:)
Soro Dagostino: I am a little concerned that regional rivalries might commence.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Naftali Torok: looks for sunglasses
Moon Adamant: hello all
Pip Torok: id suggest crossing that bridge if we ever came to it, Soro ...
Micael Khandr: Regional rivalries?
Rose Springvale: hi moon
Lilith Ivory: Hi Moon
Wasp Thor: Hi Moon
Naftali Torok: monny
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Soro Dagostino
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: StuiChicanne Darkstone
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: zaphod Enoch
Naftali Torok: same q here: Micael Khandr: Regional rivalries?
Cindy Ecksol: I'm skipping Stui right now because he has had a chance to speak.
Cindy Ecksol: Zaph, you had a comment or question?
Naftali Torok: ajj
zaphod Enoch: as for the educational questions i moght be of help
Soro Dagostino: The "Local groups" might lose sight of the integration of CDS.
Soro Dagostino: Done.
Micael Khandr: How are "local groups" defined?
zaphod Enoch: as be still connected to munich i know thea have an educational language shool there called DESK
Carolyn Saarinen: Well, the regions DO differ, cultural/educational rivalry might be a good thing.
zaphod Enoch: it would be great to have a dependance of the desk in cds
Micael Khandr: Just because I don't like fog . . . :)
Cindy Ecksol: :-)
zaphod Enoch: offering language courses
Naftali Torok: now that might be an idea, to look for dependances in cds/ Aa
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I believe that perhaps to have a budget sent to each region that can only be used for cultural and art would work better as then it allows areas to save, and even to agree transfer of funds to other regions, rather than it being arranged by who is capable of bring to the table a proposal. Either that or to play to strengths using regions best suited to cultural events and then using other spaces when it is a region specific event.
Cindy Ecksol: ok, might I suggest that we're getting into some detail here that is at a bit deeper level than we can handle in this forum?
Jamie Palisades: Ms LRA, I have a feeling we could go all day on this one. Maybe I shoudl post to Forums, so we can have more chat there?
Cindy Ecksol: What I'd like to suggest is that we take this conversation onto the forums
Pip Torok: agree cindy
Jamie Palisades chuckles
Cindy Ecksol: ah, thanks, jamie!
Micael Khandr: Agreed.
Naftali Torok: agree
Gwyneth Llewelyn notices how Cindy and Jamie are in sync :)
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
zaphod Enoch: well whatever
Jamie Palisades: if only, Red, if only
Cindy Ecksol: not a bad thing...and i did NOT prompt that!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha Jamie :)
Cindy Ecksol: ok, thanks all.
Soro Dagostino: Motion to postpone.
Cindy Ecksol: and thanks to Jamie for brining this forward
Micael Khandr: Can we discuss Jamie and Cindy on the forums, too? :)
Pip Torok: second
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ;)
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Jamie Palisades: Soro? not really needed - no action item on table :) will occur in budget presentation
Wasp Thor: aye
Micael Khandr: Aye, aye
Jamie Palisades: but hey, knock yourselfs out :D
Pip Torok: aye
Sonja Strom: aye
Soro Dagostino: aye
Cindy Ecksol: true...but good to close discussion
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aye ? but I believe that the Exec has just presented a "draft overview" really
Jamie Palisades nods
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, well, details will follow...
Naftali Torok: oki
Cindy Ecksol: thank you all....and please DO get in the habit of checking the forums for ongoing discussion
Cindy Ecksol: it's a good thing!
Soro Dagostino: :) so long as its over.
Cindy Ecksol: next....
Jamie Palisades dusts off chair in plebe section, sits down carefully so as not to poke self in butt with sword
Cindy Ecksol: I believe Naftali would like to inroduce a bill to change election dates. Please note that this is a "first reading" and I would like to suggest in advance that we not vote today on this
Cindy Ecksol: but let's hear Naftali first. Naf?
Naftali Torok: tries not to become tooo enthousiat........looking at her rl calendar in future.....;)
Naftali Torok: oh yes
Naftali Torok: lets see
Naftali Torok: Whereas there seems to be general agreement that the current election schedule forces campaigning into times of the year when most citizens are more distracted by their real lives than usual, we propose the following:
Amend Article I, Section 2 of the CDS Constitution to read:
"New RAs shall take office on 1 June and 1 December."
Naftali Torok: smiles...
Cindy Ecksol: thank you naf
Cindy Ecksol: do we have a second to naftali's motion?
Naftali Torok: but totally agress with what she has written
Pip Torok: second
Cindy Ecksol: thanks, pip.
Wasp Thor: I second it
Cindy Ecksol: discussion?
Micael Khandr: Being new--when would campaigning be then?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, everything else would start one month earlier?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: e.g. campagning; roll call, etc
Naftali Torok: and not in the bussy xmas time
Micael Khandr: May 1 and Nove 1 then?
Naftali Torok: or in the summer vacation times
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I would think it best to hold the whole process in the new year
Micael Khandr: Why, Stui?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: for personally I am very busy before Christmas
Pip Torok: how wd this affect oktober fest?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oooh lol
StuiChicanne Darkstone: in my work it's the very busiest time
Naftali Torok: yes but thats just why....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: OktoberPArtyFair
Cindy Ecksol: campaigning would be mostly post-oktoberfest
Cindy Ecksol: which was one of the reasons for picking these dates
Naftali Torok: in between okt fest and xams
StuiChicanne Darkstone: from October - december it's chaotic
Moon Adamant: sorry all
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Soro Dagostino
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: zaphod Enoch
Naftali Torok: ajjj did we forgot about Moon?
Cindy Ecksol: no....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Micael Khandr: Moon left.
Naftali Torok: mm
zaphod Enoch: i do have bigger building probs in the biergarten
Cindy Ecksol: OK, Soro, did you have a question on this?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: why not Jan start for Feb? which is always a bit less busy :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: She doesnt have a lot of free time; if we come back to the subject of classes later, Moon might log in again
zaphod Enoch: allmy builds are send beack to me
Rose Springvale: stui, that's what it is now
Cindy Ecksol: (queue please)
Cindy Ecksol: we are discussing Naftali's proposal
Naftali Torok: great gwyn thanks
Cindy Ecksol: Soro, you have the floor
zaphod Enoch: would be good if anybody can figure out what is happening
Soro Dagostino: It was requested to present the motion - while I was looking -- it got done.
Soro Dagostino: done.
Cindy Ecksol: Zap, do you have a question on this topic?
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Sonja Strom
Cindy Ecksol: Sonja, Zaph is passing on this...you have the floor
Sonja Strom: I would like to let everybody know there is a poll and conversation about this topic in the CDS forum, here http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2534 Thank you.
zaphod Enoch: nope sorry i did wrong
Naftali Torok: ok here is the motion again: Whereas there seems to be general agreement that the current election schedule forces campaigning into times of the year when most citizens are more distracted by their real lives than usual, we propose the following:
Amend Article I, Section 2 of the CDS Constitution to read:
"New RAs shall take office on 1 June and 1 December."
Cindy Ecksol: thank you sonja
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Cindy Ecksol: Gwyn?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: In theory, I have absolutely no problem with the changes.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: In practice, I wonder if we shouldn't do a broader poll?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: e.g. a formal referendum...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Changing election dates is a major thing,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and
Carolyn Saarinen nods
Cindy Ecksol: lol! we can use doodle!!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Eeek
Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
Pip Torok: doodle WOULD be neater!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: it would also require changing some of the clauses on the AA/CDS agreement
Cindy Ecksol: ?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: e.g. instead of 6 months for the transition phase,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: there would be only 5 :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's a very minor thing though
Naftali Torok: mmmm
Naftali Torok: nods
Pip Torok: a "short parliament" ... :|
Cindy Ecksol: ok, good point.
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Cindy Ecksol: Rose, you had a question or comment?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm ok with doing the poll on Doodle, although, as a matter of principle, I don't like that we start using a lot of off-world tools ;)
Rose Springvale: two actually
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (sorry, I'm finished)
Rose Springvale: one, i'm sure the AA CDS agreement is amenable to shortened transition
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (go ahead, Rose :) )
Naftali Torok: agree with gwyn
Rose Springvale: but more importantly
Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees with Rose too :D
Rose Springvale: i'm very much opposed to taking more off world
Rose Springvale: to doodle or elsewhere
Rose Springvale: we are in SL to be in SL, nto on the net all the time
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
Cindy Ecksol: :-)
Gwyneth Llewelyn *covers her mouth*
Pip Torok: what wd you propose Rose?
Rose Springvale: i don't even like the forums, as you all know
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Bravo!!!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: oops
Micael Khandr: Brava?
Rose Springvale: anything official we do should be done with total transparency in world. imho
Rose Springvale: done
Jamie Palisades smiles - CSDF favors direct citizen referenda now? And offworld?
Naftali Torok: must say i only started to read them regularly last weeks
Cindy Ecksol: good point
Cindy Ecksol: ok, if we want to do a poll, we can certainly do it in-world as we did for the GMP survey
Micael Khandr: We have forums? (just kidding)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I find forums to be unregulated bitch fests normally
Naftali Torok: good idea
Naftali Torok: and fun as well
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Sonja Strom
Naftali Torok: it makes us creative inworld
Cindy Ecksol: Sonja? you have the floor
Pip Torok: yes ... but they do get news and discussion going Stu ....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (times change, Jamie ;) )
Sonja Strom: I see one problem with a Doodle poll, which is that it would *not* require a confirmation the participant was a citizen of the CDS. I kind of wonder why it would be in any way better than the poll already existing in the CDS forum. Thank you.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh excellent point, Sonja!
Cindy Ecksol: yes, so true!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hmm
Naftali Torok: pip not everybody has that much time....:)
Cindy Ecksol: it was just a thought :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: but would you go to a tabloid newspaper to gain your insight ?
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Jamie Palisades
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie?
Cindy Ecksol: (and then Soro and then I'm going to call "time")
Micael Khandr: Cough . . .
Cindy Ecksol: looks like we lost jamie...


Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
Posts: 449
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:37 pm

Re: RA Minutes 23 Aug 2009

Post by Cindy Ecksol »


Jamie Palisades smiles. Two quick things
Jamie Palisades: nope
Cindy Ecksol: or not :-)
Naftali Torok: whisles at jamie
Naftali Torok: get a wake
Jamie Palisades: 1. as to doodle, I think we need to work and talk more about whether citizen consultations should be off world. As an RA tool, it does not trouble me if the results are always made transparent
Naftali Torok: he vanished
Naftali Torok: oh sorry
Jamie Palisades: but as a general citizen tool, he, even MORE diffusion of our community? not so sure
Jamie Palisades: second
Carolyn Saarinen: Good servants, bad masters
Jamie Palisades: 2. as to the dates, I just have not heard any reason why a campiagn in November is any more or less annoying than a campaign in january,
Jamie Palisades: done, thanks
Gwyneth Llewelyn claps
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Soro Dagostino
Cindy Ecksol: Soro? a comment?
Soro Dagostino: I think the January time for a campaign is a good time.
Soro Dagostino: It lets us focus on governerment -- not social and other affairs.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: new broom and all that
Soro Dagostino: done.
Cindy Ecksol: thx
Cindy Ecksol: Can I get a motion to defer this item to next meeting?
Soro Dagostino: So Move.
Naftali Torok: nods
Pip Torok: second
Cindy Ecksol: thx
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Sonja Strom: aye
Soro Dagostino: aye
Naftali Torok: yep
Pip Torok: aye
Wasp Thor: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: YEP !!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: abstain...
Carolyn Saarinen: aye
Cindy Ecksol: naf, if you will post that text on the forum we can discuss there.
Naftali Torok: oki
Micael Khandr: Aye
Joaquin Gustav: aye
Cindy Ecksol: thanks everyone for insightful comments
Cindy Ecksol: ok, concerns of RA members?
Naftali Torok: yes
Sonja Strom: yes
Sonja Strom: I would like to share some information with you.
Cindy Ecksol: is that "yes" you have concerns or something else?
Naftali Torok: smiles
Cindy Ecksol: (queue is easier for me to tell)
Cindy Ecksol: naftali?
Naftali Torok: as an Ra member as well as a citizen , i just wanna give my concern about new building and terraforming in our sims.....might be a futrure concern...
Naftali Torok: more specific, the plot of Brian
Brian Livingston: Wha?
Naftali Torok: not yu brian
Naftali Torok: but what is going to happen with your former land
Gwyneth Llewelyn: What is Brian plotting? :)
Naftali Torok: check it out there, if yu walk from Am to CN
Brian Livingston sighs in relief and wipes a bead of sweat off his brow... his evil plans remain undiscovered
Naftali Torok: yu crash
Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers*
Soro Dagostino: Digging a Rabbit hole.
Naftali Torok: lol
Cindy Ecksol: :-)
Naftali Torok: exactly
Rose Springvale: actually the land is owned by Aliasi now
Cindy Ecksol: ok, maybe better handled with Jamie and Aliasi?
Soro Dagostino: Naftali = Alice
Naftali Torok: yes and everybody is free to devellop his fantasy, but i think
Naftali Torok: its good to keep in mind that we have a certain landcape theme
Naftali Torok: oki
Naftali Torok: just wanna mention this theme
Cindy Ecksol: Sonja?
Sonja Strom: I would like to let the RA know I am founding a village at the base of the largest mountains on the original mainland, on the snow sims.
Sonja Strom: It is called Arosa.
Sonja Strom: That area has the best skiing I have found in the SL world.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes :)
Pip Torok wonders about moslem architexture in LA ...
Sonja Strom: I would be happy to work together with the CDS on this project, possibly for the village to become a franchulate of the CDS - that is, a part of the Confederation on the mainland.
Naftali Torok: lol, thinking of wintersports
Cindy Ecksol: ah, interesting!
Sonja Strom: As you might imagine with it being mainland area, at the moment it is disorganized.
Sonja Strom: But there are already several nice houses there and a pretty good feeling overall, with scenic mountains in the background.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Very interesting :)
Cindy Ecksol: thanks, sonja! will look forward to hearing more
Sonja Strom: I would be happy to let you know any more of the particulars about it.
Sonja Strom: Thank you.
Cindy Ecksol: anyone else with concerns? citizens?
Sonja Strom: :-)
Cindy Ecksol: /next
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Naftali Torok
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Sonja Strom
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Carolyn Saarinen
Cindy Ecksol: ah,m there we go!
Cindy Ecksol: Carolyn?
Carolyn Saarinen: Me first?
Cindy Ecksol: yes please
Carolyn Saarinen: Ok, only to refer back to the point I made earlier.
Carolyn Saarinen: A citizen did ask what the current staus of the education/classes scheme was. I think I need to talk to the Guild about that. Correct?
Cindy Ecksol: yes....definitely
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Carolyn Saarinen: Ok I'll follow it up.
Cindy Ecksol: and if necessary let's put on next agenda
Carolyn Saarinen nods
Brian Livingston has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: was kind of aside track today
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Cindy Ecksol: rose?
Rose Springvale: Three things
Rose Springvale: 1, next week is the anniversary of the LA mundus ceremony
Naftali Torok: nods
Rose Springvale: i've had no response to my posting on it...
Rose Springvale: so am not sure if it should be cancelled
Naftali Torok: thinks , need to clear up my inventory to find a newobject.....
Rose Springvale: 2. Solomon Mosely is planning a panel discussion on Health Care issues for Sept 5
Rose Springvale: that will be held in the Al Andalus Auditorium
Soro Dagostino: IN a boxing ring?
Rose Springvale: i'll be gone that weekend, so he might appreciate some help if anyone has time
Rose Springvale: 3. I have sent out the first call for floats for the Oktoberfest parade
Rose Springvale: so please let me know you will do it
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (2. is at which hour?)
Rose Springvale: its the same amount of work for 2 floats as 20
Naftali Torok: i am available for Mundus ceremony
Rose Springvale: hold on, let me get the info
Brian Livingston hopes it's not a death panal... those are scary.
Naftali Torok: lol
Rose Springvale: i thnk he's planning for 1 pm on the fifth, but i dont' see it on the calendar righ tnow
Micael Khandr: I thought we discussed death panels last week . . . ?:)
Pip Torok hopes Sarah doesnt venture to the UK .. (death panels indeed!:)
Naftali Torok: looks at Brian,(missing his Rabbit hole....and specially the vege garden.)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (ok, I might be able to help, Rose ? at least push people towards the right place and such!)
Lilith Ivory does still not know what that means :(
Rose Springvale: as for the panel.. he is planning to bring in experts from the major political parties and some neutral people too
Rose Springvale: just politics Lilith
Lilith Ivory: :)
Cindy Ecksol: ok, very good. thanks rose
Rose Springvale: done unless questions
Naftali Torok: looks on her virtual watch.....feels her stomache...hungry
Soro Dagostino: Move to adjourn
Carolyn Saarinen: 2Lives unworthy of life" You know who I mean ;)
Cindy Ecksol: thx, soro
Pip Torok: second
Cindy Ecksol: (love how the RA reads my mind)
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor
Sonja Strom: aye
Carolyn Saarinen: Aye
Naftali Torok: good
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (I had just a tiny thing to say...)
Pip Torok: aye
Soro Dagostino: aye
Wasp Thor: aye
Jamie Palisades: so speak :D
Micael Khandr: aye
Rose Springvale: i'll listen Gwyn
Naftali Torok: aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: only with permission of Miz LRA :)
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Gwyneth Llewelyn: and lol
Naftali Torok: lol
Cindy Ecksol: we're listening
Naftali Torok: eras open
Cindy Ecksol: go ahead gwyn, and then I'll adjourn
Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's easy really
Sonja Strom's ears perk up
Soro Dagostino: As usual
Gwyneth Llewelyn: last week, during the informal meeting,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: people were talking about getting a "social site"
Jamie Palisades: feh, her power dissapates with the gavel :D this is just an assemblage of rowdies now :D
Jamie Palisades: mm hmmmmm :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: for CDS citizens to share interests, tell everybody who's who and so on
Gwyneth Llewelyn: well
Naftali Torok: ah
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Try this: http://social.slcds.info/ :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: See if that somehow fits your ideas
Cindy Ecksol: ah, great!
Cindy Ecksol: and let's discuss on forums, ok?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: If not, well, we always have the forums...
Naftali Torok: a getting-everybody-to-know-play....;)
Cindy Ecksol: I really need to run...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes .)
Cindy Ecksol: thanks all!
Joaquin Gustav: ty gwyneth
Naftali Torok: thanks cindy
Cindy Ecksol: meeting adjourned....
The meeting closed at 10:43 Linden time.

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