There is again a full events schedule from our venues this week. Refer to the notecards in world, or please check the events calendar! Check out the first Community Compline at the Valyermo Center in Al Andalus.(Micael Khandr is the contact on this) Community Compline is a Christian prayer service, based on Catholic tradition. Or stop by Bayt al-Hikmah in Al Andalus and learn about Ramadan. (Sivat Ariantho is the contact for Bayt al Hikmah.) Both of these are located in the Garnata Village of Al Andalus… the white houses outside the fortress walls. People of all faiths, or no faith, are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Oktoberfest plans are well underway. We have a great line up of entertainment, including a special concert by the Tiroler Eck Show band! And don't forget the parade. Other communities have parades, but ours is special, and the more entries we get, the better it will be. It doesn't take a lot of time to decorate one of the bierwagons with your shops logo, or your NGO's mission, your faction's propaganda, or just dress up in Oktoberfest garb and be the décor yourself! I'd love to see what you all come up with, and of course there are prizes! If you want to do a float but can't be present the day of the parade, we can find you drivers!
Remember too that we have Oktoberfest Market stalls available for CDS residents at no charge. Let me know if you want to have a stall reserved! Traffic is great on the platz during Oktoberfest, and this is a benefit of your citizenship! Why not make a little money and be part of the fun too?
Other Rumors in the mill… Watch for news of a new ski community we may be affiliated with this winter… An Art Enclave is eyeing the sunny slopes of Al Garnata…The library and opera house need volunteers and new management….the CDS election schedule may be changing….
There is also land available in every sim, from the smallest parcels to full homestead size. Jamie is working on a new land policy, but if you know anyone who wants land in CDS, or more land, please let us know. The sooner we sell our inventory, the sooner we will be able to plan our next community project.