Budget 12th Term notes

For the Chancellor to make important announcements regarding executive actions.

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Jamie Palisades
I need a hobby
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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:56 pm

Budget 12th Term notes

Post by Jamie Palisades »

From Sudane's revenues presentation, our expenses budget inherits the following:

Projected net revenue for operations = USD 1930 – 1560 = USD 370
Payment into reserved = 25% of net revenue = USD 92
Available for monthly expenses = USD 278 (x 6 = 1668 per term)


a. Stipends. 1 treasurer, 2 PIO, 1 events assistant, 2 caretakers, 1 content archivist.
(See http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2528)
Statutory amount is L$1000/month/ position. It's incredibly cheap for what we get from these people. Total L$7000/mo.

b. Webportal hosting cost. USD 10/month = Total L$2750/mo.

c. Events budget

1. Major events (Oktoberfest, Feria, Grand Tours, inaugural balls) L$72000 per 6 month term, thus L$12000/mo. (But not even every month. Example: Oktoberfest = approx L$45000.)
2. Four social/recreational event per year (like the skiing party) @ L$5000 ea. L$ 10000 per 6 month term, L$1666/mo.
3. The new part: Themed region programming panels
i. Alpine. 3 residential sims (incl 1 void), approx 120 rentable lots
ii. Roman. 2 residential sims, approx. appox. 85 rentable lots
iii. Andalusian. 4 residential sims (incl 2 voids), approx 45 rentable lots

Potential budget for these = L$76450 – 7000 – 2750 – 12000 – 1666 = no more than L$49700

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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