As we phase in a new, objective system to sell the land owned by CDS, it is important that everyone who wants land in CDS has an equal opportunity to acquire it. The executive team has put together a process, the first part of which will go into effect immediately, and the balance of which will be presented to the RA for approval next week.
Phase one is outlined below. I will prepare the list of available parcels Monday and send in world and post on this fourm.
Land Sales by CDS.
1. CDS owned land. We will publish a list of all land held by the CDS and deliver it by Group Notice to CDS group and Al Andalus group and by posting on the forums. For a period of 7 days after publication, all parties interested in buying a parcel should send their name,the sim and parcel number they are interested in to Rose Springvale, either in world by notecard titled CDS Land Offer, or by email to [email protected] . If only one person has expressed interest in the parcel, at the end of the 7 day period, the property shall be sold to that person immediately. If more than one person expresses interest in the same parcel, the winner will be chosen by random drawing. The land will be offered to the avatar whose name is selected. For this phase, price and tier will be as stated on the Treasurers page at
If the avatar chosen in the drawing is no longer interested in the land (perhaps having won another parcel) the process will be repeated. The process will also be repeated on a monthly basis whenever CDS has more land in inventory. To purchase land from CDS, you must be in compliance with the limitations on land ownership in each sim, or illustrate how you propose to be in compliance. For example, if you already own 4096 m in Locus Amoenus, and you propose to buy another parcel, you must divest some land to be able to buy more.
Questions may be directed to Rose Springvale or posted on the forums.