New Land Sale processes

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Re: New Land Sale processes

Post by Moon Adamant »

I obviously support that people in delay with their obligations towards the CDS be excluded from the land-process. :)

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Patroklus Murakami
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Re: New Land Sale processes

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Thanks to Jamie and Rose for working on this. The proposed process seems like a genuine attempt to create a fair and transparent way of selling (or perhaps that should be allocating?) government-held property. It is difficult to do this in a way which puts new and existing citizens on an equal footing; I suspect it is impossible to get this entirely right and that, whatever we do, someone will shout and scream that they have been treated unfairly. Nevertheless, Jamie and Rose should be congratulated for thinking about this and for bringing proposals forward for wider discussion.

Personally, I think that auctions would be better than the random process suggested. Hopefully the RA will get to discuss the merits of both options.

The proposal as it stands needs a bit more thought before it's ready IMHO. If I have understood it correctly I can:

  • Put my name down for all the parcels in all of the sims.
    Win any of them through the lottery (up to the land-holding limits in each sim).
    Pay nothing as the proposal seems to be that they get distributed for free.
    Flip them for anything more than L$0 and make a profit.

Please correct me if I have misunderstood but, if that is what is being proposed, I will be putting my name down for every free parcel. Seems like a pretty sweet deal :)

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Re: New Land Sale processes

Post by Sudane Erato »

Patroklus Murakami wrote:

Please correct me if I have misunderstood but, if that is what is being proposed, I will be putting my name down for every free parcel. Seems like a pretty sweet deal :)

hehe... Pat... if you do that, and don't manage to sell them all immediately, you'll owe an awful lot of tier! :)

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: New Land Sale processes

Post by Jamie Palisades »

As Sudane knows all too well. But yes, and our law would allow us to evict Pat The Enron Speculator from all CDS parcels, if he failed to pay rent on all of them.

Also, we have no CDS law prohibition *now* against flipping, if the statutory prices are too low.

Also, if I am right about declining land prices in SL, that strategy would fail miserably. Enron's not buying land in Caledon for re-sale now either. Pat has, I think, raised an interesting theoretical issue, but one with a miniscule change of actually occurring, as is evident from actual, declining transaction-set market land values in SL.

What other safeguards against flipping would be wise, if someone thinks it's actually an economic risk?

Finally, note, even if we were proved to "leave some money on the table", that is money that we have not projected, over and about what's in our budget :).

Regards JP

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Updates to New Land Sale processes

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Here's a reminder and additional notice about the way that CDS sells re-possessed land.

The following "notice and random drawing" sale process was notified to the RA (see the beginning of this Forum thread) and currently is in force. Note, this was a change from the prior "yellow map" open sale method.

1. CDS owned land. We will publish a list of all land held by the CDS and deliver it by Group Notice to CDS group and Al Andalus group and by posting on the forums. For a period of 7 days after publication, all parties interested in buying a parcel should send their name,the sim and parcel number they are interested in to Rose Springvale, either in world by notecard titled CDS Land Offer, or by email to [email protected] . If only one person has expressed interest in the parcel, at the end of the 7 day period, the property shall be sold to that person immediately. If more than one person expresses interest in the same parcel, the winner will be chosen by random drawing. The land will be offered to the avatar whose name is selected. For this phase, price and tier will be as stated on the Treasurers page at

If the avatar chosen in the drawing is no longer interested in the land (perhaps having won another parcel) the process will be repeated. The process will also be repeated on a monthly basis whenever CDS has more land in inventory. To purchase land from CDS, you must be in compliance with the limitations on land ownership in each sim, or illustrate how you propose to be in compliance. For example, if you already own 4096 m in Locus Amoenus, and you propose to buy another parcel, you must divest some land to be able to buy more.

After the RA discusses the zero-Lindens price proposal it currently is considering. we will need to update this. I expect that the updates will include the following steps:

a. If the prices are *not* changed to zero, we will propose that any parcel that does *not* attract buyers in the above monthly-notice-and-drawing method have its price *changed* to zero after two months.

b. We will also offer any land that's not purchased in the monthly-notice-and-drawing method, for two months, in a Land Vendor arrangement like the Hippo system demonstrated to the RA last term.

c. These changes will not affect private land sales by citizens. However, they *may* choose to sell their land "though" CDS by offering it for sale through the CDS Executive, in which case it will be offered at the same prices as CDS land and alongside CDS land. (But the revenue will go to the selling citizen, and the sellers will continue to pay tier until land is sold to a new owner, or abandoned to CDS.)

d. These changes also do not change the current special Commercial Land Bid process or the way that CDS offers land for sale for the first time in any newly opened sim. However, we also are discussing whether, when new land is opened, some portion of land should be reserved for new citizens. Comments are welcome on that issue, or any other part of these plans.

Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Land for Sale by CDS, December 6, 2009

Post by Rose Springvale »

This is the land available for purchase in CDS as of December 6, 2009. Please send me (Rose Springvale) a note if you are interested in buying any of these parcels before December 13. If more than one person is interested in any single parcel, a random drawing will be held to determine who the land will be sold to. Remember there are ownership limits in some sims and that covenants apply to all purchases.

Land sold on this list will be sold for $0L, with the exception of the one parcel unsold in Monastery. Two months tier must be prepaid at closing of the sale for land purchased at 0 L. There are no changes to the way individuals privately sell land in CDS... you are free to set price, and yellow map, advertise, etc.

Yellow map has been turned off for 0 Linden sales, because of the need to collect tier in advance and to keep 'bots" from complicating the process further. For landmarks to see the land, please get the note card titled land for Sale in CDS, December 20, that was attached to the group notice today... each parcel is landmarked, and coordinates given. I'll send the information to Brian too, to load in the info centers in the various sims.

Colonia Nova

The first 4 parcels, indicated with a * on the tier price, is land open to the CDS commercial bid process which qualifies it for 1/2 of the tier shown for six months. Process to apply here:
or see Jamie Palisades.

Parcel Name: C.12 SE Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 816 Price: 0 Tier: 2264*
Parcel Name: C.13 SE Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 864 Price: 0 Tier: 2395*
Parcel Name: C.19 SW Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 320 Price: 0 Tier: 887*
Parcel Name: C.20 SW Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 320 Price: 0 Tier: 887*
Parcel Name: E.04 CARDO Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 1408 Price: 0 Tier: 3605 Two months tier, or 7210L due at closing
Parcel Name: R.06 FULL COVENANT Sim Name: Colonia Nova Size: 1536 Price: 0L Tier: 3276 Two months tier, or 6552 L due at closing


Parcel Name: Urusulaweg 2235 Sim Name: Neufreistadt Size: 192 Price: 0 L Tier: 451 Two months tier, or 902 L due at closing
Parcel Name: Urusulaweg 2290 Sim Name: Neufreistadt Size: 144 Price: 0 L Tier 338 Two months tier, or 676 L due at closing
Parcel Name: Gwynethstrasse 1330 Sim Name: Neufreistadt Size: 192 Price 0 Tier: 451 Two months tier, or 902 L due at closing

Alpine Meadow (double prim)

Parcel Name: BS5 Sim Name: Alpine Meadow Size: 2048 Price: 0 Tier: 10,485
Two months tier, or 20970 due at closing.
Parcel Name: AH2 Sim Name: Alpine Meadow Size: 4096 Price: 0 Tier: 20,966
Two months tier, or 41932 due at closing.

Locus Amoenus(double prim)
Parcel Name: P.1 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.2 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.3 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.4 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.5 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.6 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.7 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.12 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.14 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 7554 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.15 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.16 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.23 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 512 Price: 0 Tier: 2227
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: P.34 Sim Name: Locus Amoenus Size: 1024 Price: 0 Tier: 4455
Two months tier, or 8910 L due at closing

Monastery (double prim) (No discounts)
Parcel Name: Hamlet 4 Sim Name: Monastery Size: 512 Price: 9516 Tier: 3215

Al Andalus Alhambra
Parcel Name: Al Garnata Parcel 16 Sim Name: Al Andalus Alhambra Size: 2560 Price: 0 tier 5955
Two months tier, or 11910 L due at closing
Parcel Name: Al Garnata Parcel 13 Sim Name: Al Andalus Alhambra Size: 1536 Price: 0 tier 3575
Two months tier, or 7150 L due at closin

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