RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

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Cindy Ecksol
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RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Please let me know via e-mail or notecard if you have any items for this week's RA meeting.

I've also posted a Doodle poll at http://www.doodle.com/xxy8me52qcx9xxni . Please let us know whether you plan to attend the meeting.



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Arria Perreault
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Re: RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

Post by Arria Perreault »

I have proposed a Bill about the sale of land by CDS:

http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php ... 853#p13853

Cindy Ecksol
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Re: RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Arria Perreault wrote:

I have proposed a Bill about the sale of land by CDS:

http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php ... 853#p13853

Arria, I already have a request from Rose to present to the RA a land sale process that she and Jamie have been working out for some time. I am going to keep Rose's presentation on the agenda and ask you to defer yours to a future meeting if it is still relevant.



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Arria Perreault
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Re: RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

Post by Arria Perreault »

I maintain my proposal and it has to be discussed. It is related to the topic. The proposal of Rose and Jamie are a unique action to sell the current available plots owned by CDS. With my proposal, I try to find a solution for the future. I think that there are some weakness in the process of land sales by CDS. It is a task of the RA to draw the frame in which the Executive acts.

I think that there are still some points to discuss on the process proposed by the Executive:

- auction/random drawing
- how to make a random drawing? In SL, outside SL? Who has to do this random drawing?
- how people can announce their interest for a plot ? Inscription on the forum or on a blog, even if people can say their interest for the same parcel (like we did for the opening of the sims of AM and LA) ?

These are the open questions. Discussions are for an other part of the forum.

I propose that we discuss first the unique action of sales and then the normal process for the future. As I already told, I don't want to stop the current project of salesI am just trying to improve it.

I would appreciate also that definitive agenda and any documentation about the discussed topics (when available) are posted on the forum before the meeting. It is better to get prepared for a constructive discussion.

Cindy Ecksol
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Re: RA meeting 25 Oct 2009: Agenda items and attendance request

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Arria, I am about to post an agenda that includes the item "Land Sales Process" with Rose as proponent, sponsored by me since she is not an RA member. This is something that the Chancellor promised to develop at the beginning of his term, and it has now come to the point where it is ready for review by RA. Rose requested time on the agenda on behalf of the Chancellor and will be making a presentation to the RA about the process that she and Jamie have been working on. I expect that she may also ask for RA approval of any items that need approval. There will be ample time for RA members and citizens to raise questions and have them answered.

You are welcome to raise any of the issues you mentioned in the context Rose develops, and I would encourage you (or anyone else) to do so. But tomorrow's agenda will not include introduction of the bill you proposed. What you are proposing is (as you will hear tomorrow) radically different from what the Chancellor's office is proposing, and it would not be fair to either proposal to discuss them both in the same session. If you still feel after tomorrow's meeting that you would like to introduce your bill, I'm sure we can find a way to give it appropriate attention at a future RA meeting.

Thanks for working with me on this and helping us all to keep our discussions focused and productive.


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