RA meeting 25 October: Transcript

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Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
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RA meeting 25 October: Transcript

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Meeting on 2009-10-25
Those present:
Cindy Ecksol is in the chair.
Wasp Thor: Hello, everyone
Lilith Ivory: Hi There :)
Joaquin Gustav: hello, welcome
Rose Springvale: hi Lilith!
Wasp Thor: Hi Micael
Micael Khandr: Hi Wasp.
Micael Khandr has indicated consent to be recorded.
Timo Gufler: hi :)
Lilith Ivory: Hi Timo
Arria Perreault: Hi Timo :-)
Rose Springvale: hi timo... brb. forgot something in my office
Arria Perreault: Hi Lilith
Arria Perreault: Hi Cindy
Lilith Ivory: Hi Arria :)
Robert Galland: Hi everyone, sorry, was afk
Cindy Ecksol: ok, I think we're administratively good.
Cindy Ecksol: recorder is on, so please touch to consent to recording
Robert Galland has indicated consent to be recorded.
Moon Adamant: hello all
Wasp Thor has indicated consent to be recorded.
Joaquin Gustav has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: agendas are in the urn on the floor next to the table here, so please touch to get an agenda
Arria Perreault: Hi SOnja :-)
Joaquin Gustav: ty Cindy
Timo Gufler: Hello Moon and Sonja
Arria Perreault: Hi Gwyn :-)
Arria Perreault has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: and just a "heads up" if you haven't looked at the forums this morning, you might want to check new postings from Jamie and others
Robert Galland: Ok, thank you
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hi all (sorry, lagged out!)
Cindy Ecksol: I'm sure we'll get links as we go along, but while we're getting set may as well be productive :-)
Moon Adamant: hmmm packet loss
Cindy Ecksol: morning stui!
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
StuiChicanne Darkstone: beat you Cindy
Cindy Ecksol: I was just about to ask what creative spot you were going to sit on today :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: snooze you lose :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles and apologises
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I can't even stand up again, sorry
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Cindy I am not sitting there
Rose Springvale: hi Calli
Cindy Ecksol: hee hee!
StuiChicanne Darkstone: they want me to conduct the show
Cindy Ecksol: maybe I should make you sit there.....
Callipygian Christensen waves to Rose and everyone else
Joaquin Gustav: hello Calli
Cindy Ecksol: ok, I see a quorum, so let's get started
StuiChicanne Darkstone: :)
Cindy Ecksol: everyone have the agenda?
StuiChicanne Darkstone has indicated consent to be recorded.
Gwyneth Llewelyn hasn't, but don't mind me.
Rose Springvale: hi brian!
Timo Gufler has indicated consent to be recorded.
Arria Perreault: I have a request concerning the agenda
Cindy Ecksol: in the urn, gwyn
Cindy Ecksol: yes, arria....
Rose Springvale: she's got technical problems
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe Cindy, I'm stuck on <0,0,0> - no urn for me
Rose Springvale: gwyn :)
Lilith Ivory has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: (and a reminder to all that we'll be using the question queue for questions and comments)
Wasp Thor: Gwyn was on my lap
StuiChicanne Darkstone: it's in the urn next to the ashes of a departed linden
Cindy Ecksol: gwyn, it's on the forum here too...hold on I'll give you a link
Cindy Ecksol: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2590
Arria Perreault: Mrs LRA
I have read your answer in the forum, telling that you don't add the point I have requested in the agenda. I nevertheless consider that the question of the sale of land owned by CDS and that CDS will sell is an important question. The solution of the executive have been debated in the forum. It is clear to me that the land management is a task of the Executive. When I see the number of parcels for sale and the solution proposed that seems to me subject to critics and questions (as everybody can read in the forum), I consider that the Representative Assembly has to discuss the question of land sale by CDS on a general point of view and to set a frame in which the executive can act. I don't think that only organization of sales (whatever the method) can solve the main problem (many parcels for sale). This question need a real debate and inputs from many people. For these reasons, I ask this Assembly to set in the Agenda of the meeting a discussion about the Bill I have proposed in the forums at the fo
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ( ty, that works :))) )
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I shall hold Cindy's notes
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I am the glamorous assistant
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Moon Adamant has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: thank you arria.
Cindy Ecksol: Before we get specifically to your point, I'd like to ask everyon eto look at the agenda.
Gwyneth Llewelyn has indicated consent to be recorded.
Sonja Strom: Did Arria finish?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: ?
Arria Perreault: I have given my request. I can give arguments later
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I have the link, thanks
Sonja Strom: okay
Cindy Ecksol: you'll notice that we DO have on the agenda today a discussion of land sales.
Sonja Strom: the "at the fo" ending was a little be incomplete for me.
Cindy Ecksol: I received that request from the Chancellor's office before Arria posted her proposal and agreed to include it on the agenda
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, on III a.
Cindy Ecksol: I'll also note that I've not refused to discuss Arria's proposal, just asked her to defer iti to a future meeting
Cindy Ecksol: you'll also notice that the agenda allows 40 minutes to discuss land sales.
Cindy Ecksol: I expect (and hope!) that all who have concerns abou tthat issue will bring them up today.
Sonja Strom has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: and also hope that whatever action the RA takes today, if Arria or others still feel that we need to consider her bill or other alternatives, that they will propose them for a future agenda
Cindy Ecksol: done
Cindy Ecksol: now...
Cindy Ecksol: Arria, are you making a motion that we modify the agenda?
Arria Perreault: I don't think that the fact that the request of the Executive come before is relevant. I think that my proposal is more general than the one of the Executive
StuiChicanne Darkstone: are we all sitting comfortably - perhaps we should begin :)
Arria Perreault: I think that the RA has to define a general frame for these sales. So I make a motion.
Cindy Ecksol: stui....we are already discussing the agenda :-)
Cindy Ecksol: Arria -- ifi you want your item on the agenda, you (or someone) must make a motion and someone must second.
Cindy Ecksol: what is the motion?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: The motion to discuss Arria's proposed bill is on the floor, I think
Cindy Ecksol: goodl.
Cindy Ecksol: do we have a second?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: And I'd be willing to second that discussion, yes.
Cindy Ecksol: thank you gwyn
Cindy Ecksol: discussion?
Cindy Ecksol: (please queue
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Cindy Ecksol: gwyn?
Gwyneth Llewelyn is not sure if the chat lag has eaten my seconding... lol
Cindy Ecksol: <waiting for gwyn to comment>
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, my apologies....
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I just wanted to do a very short comment,
Arria Perreault: Motion is: to add a new point in the agenda: Land selling Act (http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 583#p13853)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: after thinking quite a bit about all this discussion
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I believe that ONE thing is crucial,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: whatever the system we decide upon,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: it has to be VERY SIMPLE
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I mean, the goal ought to be: "as simple as buying land on any other community"
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I know that's a hard goal to set,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: but anything "Too complicated",
Gwyneth Llewelyn: will just drive people away from teh CDS
Rose Springvale: point of order? are we discussion the motion or the addition to the agenda?
Cindy Ecksol: discussion of the motion, rose
Rose Springvale: is that in order?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Anyway, my chat lag makes things too confusing for me right now, so I'll hush and wait patiently for the chat lag to go away. Thanks
Cindy Ecksol: thanks, gwyn.
Cindy Ecksol: rose, you are next in queue...was that your question?
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Rose Springvale: not sure what my question is. We have a plan we've been working on for months
Rose Springvale: and have had no input from the proponent of this motion
Cindy Ecksol: ok...hold that thought please...
Rose Springvale: query the rationale now
Cindy Ecksol: I'd like to stick to the issue of the agenda
Micael Khandr: Cindy--could you repeat the motion on the floor at the moment please?
Cindy Ecksol: before I call the vote, I'd jus t like to comment that the agenda is tight. we have two hours, I'd like to allow respectful discussion of the Chancellor's proposal
Arria Perreault: add a new point in the agenda under III Land selling Act (http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 583#p13853)
Cindy Ecksol: and also of Arria's if we vote to add to the agenda.
Arria Perreault: it's my motion
Cindy Ecksol: I'm not sur ethat we will be able to do both today, so I will say that I plan to vote against modifying the agenda
Cindy Ecksol: any other comments?
Arria Perreault: I will answer to Rose
Rose Springvale: no not now
Cindy Ecksol: no arria, off topic...
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Robert Galland
Cindy Ecksol: yes, robert?
Micael Khandr: Call the vote?
Cindy Ecksol: robert first....
Cindy Ecksol: ?
Cindy Ecksol: <please turn on typing animation so I can see who is alive :-)>
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Robert Galland: As to this motion, I agree with you that we should have time to hear the Chancellor's proposal today. At the next meeting, Arria's bill can receive ample attention and we can then vote. So, I hope we decide to split these items up frankly.
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor of modifyin gthe agenda to add presentation and discussion
Cindy Ecksol: please say aye
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
Sonja Strom: aye
Wasp Thor: aye
Micael Khandr: What are we "aye"ing?
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor of modifyin gthe agenda to add presentation and discussion
Cindy Ecksol: please say aye
Rose Springvale: cindy
Arria Perreault: aye
Joaquin Gustav: no
Cindy Ecksol: all opposed?
Micael Khandr: no
Robert Galland: no
StuiChicanne Darkstone: nay !
Cindy Ecksol: and I also say nay
Cindy Ecksol: motion fails.
Arria Perreault: May I a question?
Cindy Ecksol: any other modifications to the agenda for today?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Motion fails with 5 aye and 3 nay?
Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
Cindy Ecksol: no...five nay and 4 aye is my count
Cindy Ecksol: gwyn, sonja, wasp, arria in favor....joa, cindy, micael, robert stui opposed
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, I guess my chat is really too unreliable today, sorry
Sudane Erato has indicated consent to be recorded.
Micael Khandr: nay
Cindy Ecksol: may I have a motion to approve the agenda please?
Robert Galland: I move so
Cindy Ecksol: second?
Micael Khandr: second
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Robert Galland: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: AYE !
Joaquin Gustav: aye
Carolyn Saarinen has indicated consent to be recorded.
Wasp Thor: aye
Micael Khandr: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: AYE !
Micael Khandr: OK stui . . .
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I'm excitable today :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Micael Khandr: Today?
Cindy Ecksol: motion carries.
Gwyneth Llewelyn abstains
Sonja Strom abstains
Cindy Ecksol: naftali has requested a 7 day vote.
Arria Perreault: abstains
Cindy Ecksol: I'm not aware of any others.
Arria Perreault: for the firstmotion too?
Cindy Ecksol: arria, motion to amend the agenda failed. the agenda as proposed was just approved.
Carolyn Saarinen: I'd best abstain since I missed the discussion so far.
Cindy Ecksol: no problem, caro --
Cindy Ecksol: ok...future RA meeting: Nov 8 at 0900
Cindy Ecksol: I will pu tup a Doodle the week before the meeting
Cindy Ecksol: old business
Cindy Ecksol: a. In-world status board. Caro, anything new?
Sudane Erato: i can report on thata, if you wish
Carolyn Saarinen: We agreed locations and at least one has been set up
Cindy Ecksol: ah, great! where do we go?
Carolyn Saarinen: Sudane, please continue
Sudane Erato: the board is all set up, save for one feature, that I'd like to have before i duplicate it..
Sudane Erato: that is
Sudane Erato: a notecard from each member
Sudane Erato: which is given out to the toucher if they wish it
Jamie Palisades: I gather ir hands out blank cards, or nothing, if I click on a member now
Sudane Erato: i'd like that before i duplicate it for the other locations, if possible
Cindy Ecksol: ok, shall I send e-mail to the RA members requesting that they send you a notecard?
Micael Khandr: The notecard? When?
Sudane Erato: yes... there's an 'example notecard" in there now
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Autographs ? :)
Cindy Ecksol: ok....great.
Gwyneth Llewelyn: And from the Executive too?
Sudane Erato: yes, that would be great
Cindy Ecksol makes a note to followup
Sudane Erato: just the people whose indicators are there
Sudane Erato: RA members
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok.
Cindy Ecksol: ok......thanks Caro, sudane
Cindy Ecksol: love to see things get done :-)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Cindy Ecksol: next item....
Cindy Ecksol: b, Commerce Commission. Stui?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: we held a meeting that was well attended we posted feedback and minutes on the forums... we are to reschedules a meeting at earliest convenience of Rosy and I :)
Cindy Ecksol: ok, great.
Cindy Ecksol: questions for stui?
Micael Khandr: Why aren't you wearing a shirt?
Moon Adamant: lol
Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
Cindy Ecksol: um....about the commission, micael :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I was doing a foto for my latest project
StuiChicanne Darkstone: :)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: SpaWorld !
Cindy Ecksol: ok...moving on,.....
Cindy Ecksol: item c. Regional commissions
Gwyneth Llewelyn: And why are you crying, Stui? :) (sorry, please disregard that!)
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, anything new?
Cindy Ecksol: whoops...thought I saw jamie...maybe not
Rose Springvale: he's here....
Moon Adamant: he's here
StuiChicanne Darkstone: he's over my shoulder :)
Cindy Ecksol: oh, there you are....anything new, jamie?
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Moon Adamant pokes Jamie
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Moon flick his hearing aid :)
Jamie Palisades raises eyebrow
Jamie Palisades: hearing aid? heh
StuiChicanne Darkstone: or ear trumpet
Moon Adamant: :)
Jamie Palisades: Anything new, well, yes, I still have three people who I;m waiting to get a yes from
Jamie Palisades: so
StuiChicanne Darkstone: am I one of them ?
Jamie Palisades: by thext wednesday I will ask each of them one more time, then move on with alternatives or without them :)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *LOL* I'll say yes to anything :)
Cindy Ecksol: ok, thanks....
Jamie Palisades: I don;t think so, STui, I thikn you and i talked about you being mor likely ...
Wasp Thor: Stui, was anything accomplished in the meeting
Jamie Palisades: ... to be a arts prograsm CR$EATOR applyibng for funds, than a neutral funds doler0out
Lilith Ivory: as soon as I can see it lol
Jamie Palisades: oops, whihc agenda item are we on?
Cindy Ecksol: actually we're on "regional commissions"
StuiChicanne Darkstone: :)
Moon Adamant: eheheh
Jamie Palisades: did we mov4e on the regional commissions? apologies if not, that's what I was answering
Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
Jamie Palisades: (and have completed, with the note that we'll fniish all appointments this week)
Cindy Ecksol: stui, did you want to make a quick reply to Wasp on her question?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: have done in IM
Cindy Ecksol: ok, thanks....
Wasp Thor: I sorry..
Wasp Thor: I'm Sorry! for the troublew
Wasp Thor: trouble
Cindy Ecksol: no problem -- bad lag -)
Cindy Ecksol: ok....
Cindy Ecksol: next item
Cindy Ecksol: Linden partnership status
Jamie Palisades: Right. If I may
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, I believe you posted to forums on this?
Jamie Palisades: link to the item is here:
Jamie Palisades: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2594
Jamie Palisades: and I havce recommended we procees
Jamie Palisades: *proceed
Jamie Palisades: but :D
Jamie Palisades: the only thing the program semes to DO, for now ...
Jamie Palisades: is supply extra joining connective sims
Jamie Palisades: between a participating sim and ... something else
Jamie Palisades: so in this additional post:
Jamie Palisades: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2595
Jamie Palisades: I asked you aanother question: do we in fact want to do what our Sudane here has done with her SLNE -- hook up phsyically with someone? or the mainland?
Jamie Palisades: if so trhe program will have much more meaning to us.
Jamie Palisades: I suggest you have two quetsions for the RA
Jamie Palisades: (qa) SHall we apply? (I think so, and think it's harmless)
Jamie Palisades: and
Jamie Palisades: (qb) DO we ant to pursue land joining? Or just bask in the possible glory of Favored Estate Thingie, and wait to see what other goodies are involved?
Jamie Palisades: done, thanks
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Gwyneth Llewelyn
Cindy Ecksol: Gwyn, question?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well... more like a reply actually :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Although it's mostly a decision of the Exec,
Cindy Ecksol: you have the floor...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd definitely like to propose a motion to approve the Exec's suggestion to apply for the Linden programme
Gwyneth Llewelyn: And, as a side note,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (again, also an Exec decision; we can just appluad it or ignore it)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: that means the guild should think about the best way to "join" the mainland
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Historically, it would be fun to be as close to Anzere as possible,
Gwyneth Llewelyn: but that might be a) impossible b) found not to be feasible c) LL might not like it
Jamie Palisades nodfs
Carolyn Saarinen: Anzere?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, to recap, I definitely support this Executive decision :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks!
Jamie Palisades: (and is there anyone ELSE we'd want to be next to? tough one)
Timo Gufler thinks that it would be great to have CDS in front of a sea
Rose Springvale: excuse me
Moon Adamant: Caro, CDS' hub in the mainland
Gwyneth Llewelyn: (Caledon!)
Rose Springvale: ther are lots of newcomers here
Jamie Palisades: (the original mainland home of CDS, Caro)
Cindy Ecksol: (thx rose)
Cindy Ecksol: and thx gwyn
Carolyn Saarinen: Ah, "when dinosaurs ruled the grid" ;)


Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
Posts: 449
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:37 pm

Re: RA meeting 25 October: Transcript

Post by Cindy Ecksol »


Cindy Ecksol: hold that motion for a moment, gwyn and we'll get a second
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sure :)
Sudane Erato: hehe
Cindy Ecksol: but I think Moon is up next
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Moon Adamant
Moon Adamant: thanks :)
Cindy Ecksol: Moon, you have the floor
Moon Adamant: ok, my question has justly to do with land joining, granting of sims by LL, etc
Moon Adamant: we hae a GMP approved, and being revised
Moon Adamant: this GMP implies expansion in sims and in themes
Moon Adamant: it also implies considerable landforming
Rose Springvale: (GMP = General master plan, for zoning)
Micael Khandr: TY
Moon Adamant: this is not really a question, but a suggestion that
Moon Adamant: hmmm we check carefully if we can still pursue the GMP and the expansions planned
Moon Adamant: namely as to what regards land, and space for future themes
Moon Adamant: done
Jamie Palisades: for information, if there are no obections, what I wqould like to do is submit the app and say we are "interested" in exploring land joins, potentially, noting that as one part of the program, but only subject to further examination. Within CDS we would need to do a planning process -- whether by the Guild, if it continues to be viable as a currenbt source of public planning assistance as it once was, or otherwise as the RA sees fit. Today's plan is to indicate interest in the program, not to commit to any land acts
Cindy Ecksol: done jamie?
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Cindy Ecksol
Cindy Ecksol: ah...I'm next
Jamie Palisades: yes thx
Cindy Ecksol: question for jamie: don't we have to come up with some kind of a "project" to apply for this program? if not, I'm not sure what, exactly, it's about. what are the benefits to us if not for a joint project?
Jamie Palisades: Fair poinbt
Jamie Palisades: No, we don;t need to do so
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Good question!
Jamie Palisades: the program is unspecified as to the possible goodies
Jamie Palisades: buit
Jamie Palisades: ]the only one trhat we've seen SO FAR
Jamie Palisades: is the land deal
Cindy Ecksol nods
Jamie Palisades: If Sudane comes bgack, mayb ew3e shud get a few comments from her on her perception of the Blake Sea deal?
Carolyn Saarinen: Typical LL! Sign up now, we'll you what for later.
Jamie Palisades: which really is the beta test of this program
Cindy Ecksol: yeah, really!
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Cindy Ecksol: Rose?
Cindy Ecksol: Rose, you have the floor
Rose Springvale: i just wanted to point out that we already HAVE a project.. the democracy experiment
Rose Springvale: so lots of logical tie ins
Cindy Ecksol perks up her ears
Rose Springvale: done
Rose Springvale: lol
StuiChicanne Darkstone: we could do a CDS charity calendar !
Cindy Ecksol: followup...rose, what kind of logical tie ins?
Cindy Ecksol: I have not been able to think of any that LL could hgelp with
Rose Springvale: i mean what we are doing now is more project than most sims
Rose Springvale: self government IS a project
Cindy Ecksol: yes...but what would we ask LL to help with if we could??
Carolyn Saarinen: We could offer to 'civilize' the Mainland ;)
Sudane Erato: hehe
Rose Springvale: smiles. that's to be seen.
Sonja Strom is working on that in Arosa ;)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's our Hidden Agenda?, Caro & Rose ,)
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Rose Springvale: isn't bay city that?
Jamie Palisades smiles. Arowse. We may talk about that too, soon,
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Moon Adamant
StuiChicanne Darkstone: we could ask LL to set up our welfare state !
StuiChicanne Darkstone: for poor SLers :)
Cindy Ecksol: Moon, you had another question or comment?
Moon Adamant: mind two things here, after reading the link
Gwyneth Llewelyn: What do you mean, "ask"? *My* hidden agenda is to push LL out of the mainland altogether, and replace the Governance Team with the CDS.
Moon Adamant: one is that apparently we lose some estate powers
Moon Adamant: 4.Ban capabilities will not be granted to Residents on Mainland or in Community Partnership Areas.
Moon Adamant: and also, apparently problems will have to be solved through the Issue Tracker
Moon Adamant: now, hmmm
Carolyn Saarinen: ie ignored
Moon Adamant: well, last time i used teh issue tracker, they replied in 48 hours
Moon Adamant: so... my question is... what powers of estate do we keep?
Carolyn Saarinen: your milage may vary ;/
Robert Galland: Good question
Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, good questions ? Sudane might be able to answer some of them!
Jamie Palisades: FWIW, it was my impression that those statements (Moon mentioned about limited powers) only apply to the new land provided as Linden voids - not to a partner's own estate land. May I suggest we turn to Sudane who has experience with this in the Blake project?
Moon Adamant: you see, these deals with LL are always good to check what happens :) done
Jamie Palisades: (Sorry if we collided there Moon)
Cindy Ecksol: ah, yes.!
Cindy Ecksol: ok, queue that one up for sudane....
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Jamie Palisades
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, I think you have said what you queued to say, no?
Jamie Palisades: :) i yield my time to Sudane, that's why I hit to Big ?
Cindy Ecksol: Sudane, can you tell u swhat you know about "no ba powers"?
Cindy Ecksol: *ban
Cindy Ecksol: etc.
Sudane Erato: Ban powers in the Blake Sea?
Cindy Ecksol: yes...moon mentioned that powers in "community partnership" areas are limited
Cindy Ecksol: do you know anything about this?
Sudane Erato: well... this is a very complicated questionm
Cindy Ecksol: does it just apply (as Jamie mentioned) in "granted" areas?
Sudane Erato: they have n ow finally just arrived at a structure
Sudane Erato: there will be a designed group of people with *parcel* autority
Sudane Erato: not estate authroity
Sudane Erato: and the total intent is to facilitate the races
Sudane Erato: not particularly to exert general authroity
Cindy Ecksol: ok, so may be specific to that particular project?
Sudane Erato: if we want to delve into this in detail... we'd have to go into a lot of discusssion... but obviously, this is a very difficult topic for LL
Cindy Ecksol: ok, thanks
Cindy Ecksol: let's defer....
Cindy Ecksol: Gwyn made a motion to authorize Chancellor to apply on CDS behalf to the program
Cindy Ecksol: do we have a second?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I second :)
Sonja Strom: I thought this was passed in our last meeting?
Cindy Ecksol did not see it in minutes
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye !
Micael Khandr: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: aye !!
Sonja Strom: aye
Joaquin Gustav: aye
Arria Perreault: aye
Cindy Ecksol: any opposed?
Carolyn Saarinen: aye
Cindy Ecksol: abstentions?
Robert Galland: aye, sorry,
Wasp Thor: aye
Cindy Ecksol: motion carries. Jamie, why don't you post the application to the forum when you get it filled out.
Pip Torok: am present ... too late to vote?
Pip Torok: ah ok ... thank you
Cindy Ecksol: it's unanimous, pip, but you can vote if you touch the recorder first :-)
Jamie Palisades has indicated consent to be recorded.
Cindy Ecksol: ok, moving on -- Al Andalus citizens -- CDS group roles?
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, I think you were going to do something about that....
Jamie Palisades smniles
Jamie Palisades: may i just inform the RA that my colleague the AA estate owner and I have no idea what this item is about?
Rose Springvale: lol
Cindy Ecksol: rose?
Jamie Palisades: perhaps a communication now or later would help? :D
Sudane Erato: :)
Rose Springvale: i think you are refering to upgrading group roles but not AA group roles lol
Jamie Palisades: who, for example, asked for the item?
Sonja Strom: I thought we talked about this in the last meeting too...
Carolyn Saarinen: In my case it's been dealt with, I can't speak for others
Pip Torok: which item are we on please?
Cindy Ecksol: was discussing the fact that at last meeting Carolyn mentioned that AA "citizens" did not have "citizen" role in CDS group
Micael Khandr: Not in my case . . .
Cindy Ecksol: iie Pip
Jamie Palisades: any chyance of this item bgeing, ah, defined, by its proponent, whoever that might be? :D
Rose Springvale: oh... let me get back to that
Jamie Palisades: AH
Pip Torok: tks cindy
Jamie Palisades: thanks :) better
Cindy Ecksol: sorry....
Rose Springvale: i can fix them cindy, sorry, didn' tknow it was on agenda
Jamie Palisades: just so yu know, we have been rolling through adding them all
Jamie Palisades: but
Cindy Ecksol: IIe.
Jamie Palisades: quite a few
Jamie Palisades: ar eohnly ihtermittently in SL
Jamie Palisades: so we get offers than lay around or even expire
Jamie Palisades: *that
Cindy Ecksol: ok, as long as it's being addressed. just looking for status.
Jamie Palisades: Shall we just plaan to report it's completed by next meeting, then?
Cindy Ecksol: yes, please...
Jamie Palisades: ok :) thx
Cindy Ecksol: next item: II f. election dates
Cindy Ecksol: <searches madly for forum link>
StuiChicanne Darkstone: *considers Pinching Robert's shirt*
Cindy Ecksol: New term begins: 1 Feb 2010
Elections: 9-16 Jan 2010
Candidate declaration deadline: 25 Dec 2009
Faction viability date: 25 Dec 2009
Citizen list certification: 12 Dec 2009
Cindy Ecksol: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2579
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: StuiChicanne Darkstone
Cindy Ecksol: stui, you have the floor
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Christmas DAY !?
Cindy Ecksol: can be BEFORE that, stui :-)
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I will have my hand up a turkey's bits and bobs that day
Cindy Ecksol: just not after....
StuiChicanne Darkstone: what happens if as an 11th hour decision I plop the giblets on the keyboard ?
Moon Adamant: lol
Cindy Ecksol: this is the last time elections will happen in this timeframe
Jamie Palisades: Then you have a messy keyboard.
Arria Perreault: it's the deadline
Cindy Ecksol: just need to deal with it once more.
Cindy Ecksol wipes hand across brow
Cindy Ecksol: ok....
Cindy Ecksol: on to New Business!!!
Jamie Palisades: (Yes, this is not the result of your act, but rather, the usual dates, applied the last time before your changes, correct)
Cindy Ecksol: yes, exactly...
StuiChicanne Darkstone: and Robert can supply me with the LM for his shirt for my Christmas gift :)
Cindy Ecksol: last time for lousy election deadlines....
Cindy Ecksol: ok....
Cindy Ecksol: Rose -- land sales proposal please!
Robert Galland: Sure :)
Rose Springvale: yielding to the Chancellor
Cindy Ecksol reminds everyone to queue for questions so rose can finish>
Cindy Ecksol: or Jamie...
Rose Springvale: you :)
Jamie Palisades: (oopsd caps, sorry)
Jamie Palisades: ok then\...
Rose Springvale: (see, he yells!)
Rose Springvale: :)
Jamie Palisades: ok folks :) Like my new microphone talking toy? :D
Jamie Palisades: First the URL link
Sudane Erato: hehe
Jamie Palisades: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2583
Rose Springvale had to cam in, looked like litiths rats
Jamie Palisades: second the short background
Lilith Ivory: looks like a wipe for me
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Jamie I want your best rendition of Mustang Sally :)
Jamie Palisades: (heh it IS one of her rats - shh :D )
Jamie Palisades give sthe micorphone an Ozzy Ozbourne look
Jamie Palisades: background, ahem
Jamie Palisades: once upon a time
Pip Torok: insulting my sally mustang, stu! ;)
Jamie Palisades: CDS sold land through Sudane as estate owner
Jamie Palisades: there was a website listing
Jamie Palisades: a hope to keep it better updated
Jamie Palisades: she tried to keep an informal waiting list
Jamie Palisades: and there usually was one
Jamie Palisades: then
Jamie Palisades: we converted to selling CDS-owned land, in existing sims, by yellow map sale
Jamie Palisades: in other words, anyone can grab it
Jamie Palisades: like Linden mainland
Jamie Palisades: some estates never did that
Jamie Palisades: Caledon comes to mind
Jamie Palisades: becaue they did not like missing the opportunity to meet & greet newbies
Jamie Palisades: we still do NOT do that with NEW sims
Jamie Palisades: last term
Jamie Palisades: I told the RA I thought we should abandon the yellow map plan
Jamie Palisades: and was asked to propose an alternative, and notify the RA
Jamie Palisades: \(as usual, so you can stop us if we're doing something wrong :D )
Jamie Palisades: Rose's posting, the URL above
Jamie Palisades: is that proposal.
Jamie Palisades: We ALSO have recently discvussed another change
Jamie Palisades: or several - about land PRICES
Jamie Palisades: Arria suggested that we auctio off land to the highest bidder :)
Jamie Palisades: I suggested we give it away :) and just collect tier
Jamie Palisades: interesting ideas
Jamie Palisades: but not today's problem
Jamie Palisades: today's issue is that Rose and I plan to start using the 7 day advance notice - then lottery - method
Jamie Palisades: unles you tell us not to so do by a bill.
Jamie Palisades: May I ask Rose to amplifgy a little, about what our current vacxancies and proospectxs condition is, and how we came to this plan?
Rose Springvale: sure, but i'm not touching the rat
Rose Springvale: thanks
Gwyneth Llewelyn just sees a rabbit but no rats :)
Rose Springvale: we have today, abandoned or otherwise repossessed land in CDs of about 23 parcels
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Rose Springvale: because there have been inssues in the past about who got to buy the land
Rose Springvale: we looked for a way that would be completely fair.
Rose Springvale: not sensitive to time zone
Rose Springvale: not sensitive to "my friends"
Rose Springvale: not sensitive to faction or project or old timer or newbie
Rose Springvale: the result was a lottery... which hopefully you've all read about
Rose Springvale: on Tuesday, i sent out notices to both our groups
Rose Springvale: together representing about 400 individuals
Rose Springvale: and posted on the forums... what land is available NOW
Rose Springvale: there is more that will come available as we process it through the CDS reposession procedure, but this is land that right now is NOT paying tier
Rose Springvale: IF
Rose Springvale: more than one person wants parcels of that land
Pip Torok: link to that "lottery" please?
Rose Springvale: THEN we have the "drawing."
Rose Springvale: jamies link Pip
Rose Springvale: Timo very kindly created a script
Jamie Palisades: Pip: the idea here, but the extacly method to be disvussed (see Timo's post in that thread) http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2583
Rose Springvale: which i've placed in the prim at the back of the room with the CDS flag logo
Rose Springvale: any of you can see how that works.
Pip Torok: tks jamie
timos random block: Cindy Ecksol cast dice and got 5.
timos random block: Cindy Ecksol cast dice and got 3.
timos random block: Jamie Palisades cast dice and got 5.
timos random block: Jamie Palisades cast dice and got 4.
timos random block: Cindy Ecksol cast dice and got 1.
Rose Springvale: this just gives a way to randomize selections.
Sudane Erato: :)
timos random block: Micael Khandr cast dice and got 4.
Jamie Palisades smiles.
timos random block: Micael Khandr cast dice and got 5.
Rose Springvale: lol
Rose Springvale: okay, stop the spam!
Rose Springvale: :)
Micael Khandr: :)
Jamie Palisades: Are we all toy-craxy, or what?: :D
Rose Springvale: however, most parcels have not got multiple party's interest... so may never be an issue
Micael Khandr: You said to touch it . . .
Rose Springvale: Mostly, this gets land back on the roles, in the hands of people who want it and is indiscriminatory.
Rose Springvale: More jamie?
Jamie Palisades: I don't think so. Thanks. Questions?
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Arria Perreault
timos random block: Wasp Thor cast dice and got 2.
Cindy Ecksol: arria, you have the floor
Arria Perreault: Thank you
Pip Torok: yes ... what stops ppl from applying for every plot on the list?
Jamie Palisades: May I? :)
Jamie Palisades: 1. Our land concentration covenants
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Pippet - the question doofah :)
Pip Torok: (sorry ms LRA)
Jamie Palisades: 2. The faqct that they will be evicted of they are not current on ALL parcels
Jamie Palisades: 3. heh heh
Jamie Palisades: economics of SL - there's almost zero arbitrage gain
Arria Perreault: I have several questions/suggestions, some on the general problem and some on the proposal of the Executive
Jamie Palisades: and if we try it for this term and do not like the resultws? Fine
Jamie Palisades: and may I point out, some spendthrift could do the same thing in an auction
Jamie Palisades: or under CURRENT law
Jamie Palisades: any of those three ways, they are stuck with our land - and we get paid :D
Cindy Ecksol: ok, folks....arriai has the floor!
Jamie Palisades: So I think that's a false issue
Jamie Palisades: Sorry, was answering :)
Arria Perreault: I ask first
Arria Perreault: or are you diviner ;-)
Cindy Ecksol: go ahead arria
Cindy Ecksol: jamie idd not realize that pip was not you :-)
Jamie Palisades: (erk, I answered and only then noticed it was Pip, my apologies to Arria also)
Arria Perreault: I would like to question first the calender: why are we so slow? The yellow map story is not from yesterday.
I would like also ask another question: who are trying to reach for these sales?
Citizen or potential new citizen?
Why the sales of the Monastery sims parcels have been stopped, although there were new lands?
Arria Perreault: Jamie's introduction shows also that this is a general problem: land sale. I continue to believe that we need a strong frame and some new ideas.
Jamie Palisades politely waits to see when and if an answer from th e government is desired
Arria Perreault: With the proposal whe have to discuss, I have two problems
how to make a random drawing?
It is important that the executive gives garanties about the random drawing process. There are suggestions. It is also important to determine which branch is responsible for the random drawing. In any case, the script that is used must be published and accepted by the SC. The drawing must be done in presence of SC members.
Arria Perreault: how people can announce their interest for a plot ?
As the principal expectation from citizen is the transparency, I think that inscriptions have to be transparent. I am in favour of an inscription on the forum or the blog, instead of a mail to any mail-adress..
timos random block: Moon Adamant cast dice and got 2.


Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
Posts: 449
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:37 pm

Re: RA meeting 25 October: Transcript

Post by Cindy Ecksol »


Arria Perreault: Finally I have proposed to use the auction to sell this land. It is a very common system to sell items (even for a state). Linden Lab use it and eBay is very popular. It means that many people can use it. It is also the most transparent system and the easiest to manage. The result is clear and never subject to the critic. Everyone can see who is buying and what it to buy and can even show her/his intererest. Poeple can also negociate in the background as the auction will be for a certain period. As the competition is not very high, I don't expect that prices will increase.
Arria Perreault: Done
Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, would you like to respond to Arria?
Jamie Palisades grins
Rose Springvale: smiles
Jamie Palisades: lots of questions there
Jamie Palisades: about six
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Can we get a bingo machine ?
Arria Perreault: of course
Jamie Palisades: so let's try a short answer
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I will do the calling :)
Jamie Palisades: 1. Arria asks about timing of this plan
Jamie Palisades: Rose an dI work for CDS, as volunteers, and often not as fast as some RA members might wish :D
Jamie Palisades: My three pr4edecessors as Chancellor showed up at RA meetings - and indeed in CDS -- approximately
Jamie Palisades: bimonthly. never, and monthly :)
Jamie Palisades: so
Jamie Palisades: slow as we are
Jamie Palisades: I believe we are working with resaonble diligence
Jamie Palisades: and as we informed the RA
Jamie Palisades: this inmportant issue is the one we decided to focus on after Oktoberfest
Jamie Palisades: and here we are
Jamie Palisades: #2
Jamie Palisades: Arria mentions the SC
Jamie Palisades: it is my belief
Jamie Palisades: that the structure of our government
Jamie Palisades: expects the executive (including Sudane) to set up and execut4 fair systems
Jamie Palisades: for the RA to oversee and constrain them by legislation
Jamie Palisades: and for the SC to adjudicate if they are UNfair by breaking our laws
Jamie Palisades: i;m not sure giving this one to the SC would be either structurally sound, or sensible
Jamie Palisades: they, ah, meet even less than they did back when the SC was all Gywn :)
Gwyneth Llewelyn *coughs*
Jamie Palisades: THey're3 better at appeals than administration in my voiew
Jamie Palisades: #3
Jamie Palisades: Arria proposes auction
Jamie Palisades: i believe that is NOT is use in SL land much at all
Jamie Palisades: and that the reason for that is twofold
Jamie Palisades: (q) we are in a significantly declining land sale market in SL
Jamie Palisades: most big estates, even well run, have much higher default vacxancy rates than CDS
Jamie Palisades: which means
Jamie Palisades: they lose rent
Jamie Palisades: they;re "in the red"negative cash flor
Jamie Palisades: *flow
Jamie Palisades: and they close sims :)
Jamie Palisades: nboty what I;d like to see
Jamie Palisades: (b) auctions maximize SALE price
Jamie Palisades: at the expense of LESS monthly rent
Jamie Palisades: that's directly AGAINST our interest as CDDS
Jamie Palisades: which is to live off the monthly rent, and keep ourselves with a high occupancy
Jamie Palisades: I can see how persons
Jamie Palisades: ?me smiles at a few R$A members
Jamie Palisades: with their own land or projects to sell
Jamie Palisades: might want US to charge high prices
Jamie Palisades: but that's not in OUR best interest.
Jamie Palisades: Finally
Jamie Palisades: \#4
Jamie Palisades: Arria asks
Jamie Palisades: whay we mostly stoppe dland sales for a few weeks
Jamie Palisades: qs previously discussed here
Jamie Palisades: two reasons again - given that we could sustain the cash flow problem without risk
Jamie Palisades: (a) we knew a new system is imminent, unless the RA stops it
Jamie Palisades: so better to have all land on a fair equal platform\
Jamie Palisades: and (b) Rowe an dI were criticiazed by Timo and Pip, so felt we shoud do nothing until the RA was fully briefed
Jamie Palisades: *rose and I
Jamie Palisades: now
Jamie Palisades: mnid you
Jamie Palisades: favoritism aboundewd in CDS at timres for uyears before I arrived, in my prsonal view :)
Jamie Palisades: but
Jamie Palisades: if peopel chgoose to speak up now, not then, that['s their choice
Jamie Palisades: our hjob is simply to MAKE it fair now
Jamie Palisades: so that's our p0lan and motive. Let me finally, in fairness to Arria
Jamie Palisades: point out that she has a personal interest in being relieved of her company's guareantee
Jamie Palisades: on the Monastery parcelos
Jamie Palisades: and so
Jamie Palisades: if our hold has disadvantaged her
Jamie Palisades: I suggest she ask the RA to relieve her of the continuing rent guarantee on the parcels not offered yet for sale
Jamie Palisades: that woud seem fair tyo me - but is for her to propose if she w3sihes.
Jamie Palisades: Thanks, done - did I catch all the questions?
Rose Springvale: transparency
Arria Perreault: one is remainng
Cindy Ecksol: arria, do you have a followup?
Jamie Palisades smiles, listens
Arria Perreault: you did not answer on transparency: any comment on the idea that people announced their intention on the forum ?
Gwyneth Llewelyn thanks Jamie for the very thorough explanation
Cindy Ecksol: jamie?
Jamie Palisades: Arria, ar eyou asking whether a queue for land sales woudl be published, so people see who is bidding?
Arria Perreault: instead to write a mail, people write their name on the forum with the code of the parcel(s). We did this with good results in the opning of AM and LA
Jamie Palisades: Interesting though. Let me defer to Rose - but it;ps worth disvcussing, surely. You get a different result, if people SHOW wh';s interested, mayb, than if requests are anonymous
Rose Springvale: thanks
Jamie Palisades: Rose?
Rose Springvale: i've posted the list on the forum and asked for people to indicate interest by way of notecard to me, or email
Rose Springvale: the reason for that is two fold
Rose Springvale: one
Rose Springvale: some people are not eligible for one reason or another
Rose Springvale: out of respect for privacy, i'd rather discuss those issues personally
Rose Springvale: second
Rose Springvale: because the point of this excercise is fairness
Rose Springvale: it did not seem to be in the best interest of CDS for people to enter into the pool based on who else wanted land
Pip Torok: hear hear
Rose Springvale: we all have our people we like or don't like so much
Rose Springvale: thanks pip, i'll use you lol
Rose Springvale: if i don't want pip for a neighbor, it might encourage me to compete for a parcel
Wasp Thor: hahahahaha
Rose Springvale: CDS is not a popularity contest, and our land sales shouldn't be either
Rose Springvale: also, because many people who may want to buy our land are NOT citizens now
Rose Springvale: posting on forums eliminates their options
Jamie Palisades: Yeah, I'm going to buy all the rest of the land in AM as a member of the League Against English Poetry Read in Charming Voices :D
Rose Springvale: smiles
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Rose Springvale: done
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Pip Torok
Sudane Erato: :)
Moon Adamant: :D
Pip Torok: :-))
Cindy Ecksol: Pip, you have a question or comment?
Arria Perreault: Me frst?
StuiChicanne Darkstone: in the Q :)
Pip Torok: yes .. just to say tht the wghole principle of money in auctions is unequal unfair and pernicious to evrything CDS stans for ... do we want money to rule?
Pip Torok: finished
Cindy Ecksol: thanks piip
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: StuiChicanne Darkstone
Cindy Ecksol: Stui?
Cindy Ecksol: and then Arria next if you still have a followup
Arria Perreault: Cindy, you did not let me answer ...
Arria Perreault: ok
Cindy Ecksol thinks one folllowup at a time allows us to be fair to all who want to speak
Micael Khandr: (whistles to himself)
Cindy Ecksol waits for stui to finish typing
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I think it a ridiculous notion to have an auction and more so for there to be published interest because people will just push up prices to be petty and well if you want land you will throw your hat in without caring who else wants land - why else would anyone propose a wish to know who is interested but to be sour grapes ?
Cindy Ecksol: thanks stui.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: Arria could answer me perhaps ?
Cindy Ecksol: arria, you had another question?
Cindy Ecksol: (or comment or answer to stui)
Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
Arria Perreault: I will answer to Jamie and then to Stui
Arria Perreault: Jamie said "she ask the RA to relieve her of the continuing rent guarantee on the parcels not offered yet for sale". I don't have to do that, because it was the deal between CDS and I: 4 months
Arria Perreault: SC: for me, it is more a question of setting a rigourous process than any mistrust
Arria Perreault: Inscription on forum: we got no critic on the 2 experiences we did. It worked very well
Arria Perreault: Again, it seems to be important that some people can negociate if they have interesting projects. For example, Ulysse and I, we have a houe on 4 plots in LA. Imagine if one of the four parcel was given to someone else?
Sudane Erato: ??
Arria Perreault: In this case, I would have tryed to buy it again very expensive ...
Gwyneth Llewelyn: "given"?
Rose Springvale is lost
Arria Perreault: Auction is still for me the more transparent and self-organised system
Cindy Ecksol looks at time....
Micael Khandr: 2minutes . . . :)
Cindy Ecksol: done arria?
Arria Perreault: Yes, our big villa in LA: we need 4 specific plots to built it
Jamie Palisades: Me looks at his place in queue, smiles
Arria Perreault: how to get get for a project with this system?
Arria Perreault: done
Cindy Ecksol: thx
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Jamie Palisades
Cindy Ecksol: jamie?
Moon Adamant is going to plump the sofa pillows at the School for the Guild meeting next. Waves see you later :))
Jamie Palisades: thanks
Jamie Palisades: I can offline explain why I do not think ARri's 1-of-4 case would occur
Jamie Palisades: but generaqlly
Jamie Palisades: two things
Arria Perreault: online, please
Jamie Palisades: 1. This is under our law the system we will implement
Jamie Palisades: unless the RA stops it. Just so you know :)
Jamie Palisades: RA action is not required
Jamie Palisades: and
Jamie Palisades: 2.
Jamie Palisades: I encourge your input about how to improve it
Jamie Palisades: If I may be candid among friends in a smjall town. Arria, my reading of your proposal is, basically, that someone who writes that might not trust us to do it fairly and right, and so wish to take away as much power as possible from the government :) Now, if that's correct, then that's a respectable position .. you could join our own US Republican Party happily, like Mr Reagan and Mr Bush. But: the question of trust is a fair one. Our current system puts a LOT of trust in a few individuals - like Sudane and Gwyn. It's healthy to ask if that's a good system. So let me ask: Arria, do you think that there is a way for us to MAKE the lottery-allocation system Rose has proposed MORE safe for fairness? Already, I think, the SC could appeal and overturn any land sale act. What more is needed? Or do some of you, ah, just LIKE the SC members better? :)
Jamie Palisades: suggestions for improvement ar ewelcome -- now -- or later -- and I expect we will talk about PRICE at the next RA meeting
Jamie Palisades: now that all are on notice that there MIGHT be a radical change to price, smile
Jamie Palisades: that will have whatever market effects it will have
Jamie Palisades: thanksd :) done
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Sonja Strom
Cindy Ecksol: sonja?
Cindy Ecksol: you have the floor
Sonja Strom: My main concern is transparency.
Sonja Strom: Here we are talking about:
Sonja Strom: people who want land would send an email one individual to say they would like a parcel for free.
Sonja Strom: The land would be given to them unless more than one person requested it, in which case the recipient would be chosen by a roll of dice?
Sonja Strom: I find this a questionable practice.
Sonja Strom: In my view an auction would be a more open and fair structure.
Jamie Palisades: and maximize cds prices :) nice for any compeititors
Sonja Strom: If only one person wanted a parcel, then the price of it would not go high in an auction.
StuiChicanne Darkstone: if you are rich it's fair :)
Sonja Strom: Thanks
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Wasp Thor
Cindy Ecksol: Wasp, you have the floor
Wasp Thor: LL is losing money due to the adult mandate from congress..and a lot of the large sims are closing...we have to have a simple way to to get the land to as many as possible and depend on the tier...anything else is a waste of time and not realistic to the falling market
Gwyneth Llewelyn: hear, hear!
Cindy Ecksol nods in agreement
Cindy Ecksol: done wasp?
Wasp Thor: yes
Cindy Ecksol: ok...
Pip Torok: is money vs money ever fair?
Cindy Ecksol: we do not need a motion to approve -- as jamie points out, land admin is in the realm of the exec
Rose Springvale: i should be in queue madam lra
Cindy Ecksol: lol!
Cindy Ecksol: ok, rose?
Cindy Ecksol: go ahead...
Rose Springvale: two points. one, the proposal we will be implementing applies at present only
Rose Springvale: to land that is in inventory. Arria points to LA and AM as "successful" examples
Rose Springvale: i'd submit it was successful to the people who got what they wanted
Rose Springvale: there were people who were NOT happy
Rose Springvale: who wanted watefront
Rose Springvale: or a certain set of parcels
Rose Springvale: so you need to remember that this applies to people who aren't sitting here with 4 contiguouse parcels as well
Rose Springvale: as for auctions
Rose Springvale: LL does hold auctions
Rose Springvale: i participated in one a few weeks ago
Rose Springvale: wanted a particular parcel along a road and a bigger one behind
Rose Springvale: i ended up winning.. the bigger oen
Rose Springvale: but losing the roadfront
Rose Springvale: so the project was ruind. Auctions let that happen
Rose Springvale: finally
Rose Springvale: with all due respect
Rose Springvale: the references to transparency imply that our predecessors were trustworthy
Rose Springvale: our SC is trustworthy, but "we" in the exec office suddenly can't be trusted to flip a coin?
Arria Perreault: the principle "first ask, first served" was not good. but the transparency was good. And it is always possible to discuss.
Rose Springvale: makes me wonder why we are spending all our time here
Robert Galland: Nods
Rose Springvale: sure, and to gouge arria
Cindy Ecksol: ?
Rose Springvale: done
Cindy Ecksol: thx
Cindy Ecksol: ok, as jamie mentioned no RA approval is needed.
Cindy Ecksol: so if no other questions will close this item and go on to finish the meeting with IV and V
Micael Khandr: We are past two hours, Madame Chairperson.
Cindy Ecksol: thanks
Robert Galland: Tes, thank you, I have to get going myself
Robert Galland: tes=yes
Cindy Ecksol: ok, concerns of ra members?
Cindy Ecksol: and may as well queue concerns of citizens and announcements as well
Cindy Ecksol: ......
Question Queue V 1.1: Next in queue: Rose Springvale
Cindy Ecksol: rose?
Rose Springvale: yes, i want to encourage everyone to go see the haunted schloss, courtesy of miss Lilith
Rose Springvale: and the catacombs of course :)
Cindy Ecksol: lol! got lost there once....
Rose Springvale: and to submit notecards if you want to be in the Fall decorating contest
Rose Springvale: and wathc for announcement of a party next week.. haveing some scheduling issues
Robert Galland: Thanks everyone :)
Jamie Palisades smiles. Informally, please be advised, I will bring proposed action items next time and request agenda time for (a) land prices, and (b) possible covenant changes.
Lilith Ivory smiles
StuiChicanne Darkstone: I get lost everywhere :)
Cindy Ecksol: thanks rose...
Cindy Ecksol: motion to adjourn?
Jamie Palisades: The latter relating only to harmoinizing some of our rules across a few sims
Wasp Thor: second
Micael Khandr: Sorry, I must leave. Good day to all. Thanks, Cindy.
Rose Springvale: thanks everyone!
Cindy Ecksol: all in favor?
Wasp Thor: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: oui
Sonja Strom: aye
StuiChicanne Darkstone: one needs a oui oui
Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
Lilith Ivory: bye All :)
Cindy Ecksol: thanks all for your patience and courtesy! tough topics today, great discussion
Lilith Ivory: RL is calling my name hehe
Cindy Ecksol: meeting adjourned
Jamie Palisades: Hear hear.
Rose Springvale: smiles
Lilith Ivory: see you :)
The meeting closed at 11:14 Linden time.

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