1. Next meeting set for 6 December 2009 at 1200pm SLT
2. Discussion of proposed land pricing bill http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2592
a. Vote was taken on the bill as amended by Gwyn:
Code: Select all
1. Any parcel of land that is re-sold by CDS, after CDS repossesses it, will be sold for a purchase price of $0.
2. At the time of purchase, the buyer shall pay to CDS an amount equal to two months' rent. One half of the amount will be applied as the land's purchase price to CDS, and the other will be applied to satisfy the first two months of monthly rent (local tier) at a 50% discount for those first two months only.
3. This act does not affect the price of any land offered for sale by CDS for the first time, like the property in a newly opened sim.
4. This act will expire on February 1, 2010. If the CDS RA does not act to extend it, the prices for sales of repossessed land by CDS will return to their levels set before this act was adopted.
Those PRESENT voted: 4 in favor 5 opposed.
Seven day votes outstanding: Naftali Torok, StuiChicanne Darkstone, Sonja Strom, Robert Galland
b. Vote was taken on original land pricing bill, unamended.
Those PRESENT voted: 5 in favor 3 opposed 2 abstaining.
Seven day votes outstanding: Naftali Torok, StuiChicanne Darkstone, Sonja Strom
3. Cindy Ecksol resigned as LRA but will retain her seat pending SP appointment of a new faction leader.