Board Meeting 29th November 2009 - Transcript

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Moon Adamant
I need a hobby
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Board Meeting 29th November 2009 - Transcript

Post by Moon Adamant »

Transcript kindly taken by Lilith!

[11:21] Moon Adamant: so i am going to start in any case
[11:21] Moon Adamant: thsi meeting is transcripted - welcome veryone
[11:21] Moon Adamant: agenda is schloss
[11:21] Moon Adamant: Lil
[11:22] Moon Adamant: as you weren't here last meeting
[11:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn spams the grou... sorry
[11:22] Lilith Ivory: yes :(
[11:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *group even
[11:22] Lilith Ivory: RL issues sorry
[11:23] Moon Adamant: it was decided that the schloss issue was way outof hand
[11:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees...
[11:23] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:23] Lilith Ivory: yes
[11:23] Moon Adamant: and so that the Guild - breaking a rule here of not proposing work
[11:24] Sudane Erato: hi Delia :)
[11:24] Moon Adamant: is going to prepare a proposal for teh Executive
[11:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Delia, thanks so much for coming!
[11:24] Lilith Ivory: hi Delia
[11:24] Moon Adamant: while working with teh PIO to define the specs of teh space
[11:24] Moon Adamant: hi Delia, welcome
[11:25] Delia Lake: hi everyone. i'm partly partly here. i'm on a phonecall with a rl colleague so if i'm delayed in response please excuse me
[11:27] Moon Adamant: so
[11:27] Moon Adamant: all work is being done atm in teh colab doc
[11:27] Moon Adamant: so we're asking everyone who wants to work in it to join us there
[11:27] Moon Adamant: send me your mail by IM, and i'll invite you
[11:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[11:29] Delia Lake: [email protected]
[11:29] Moon Adamant: just a sec
[11:30] Moon Adamant: ok... please check your mails
[11:31] Moon Adamant: and why is this sim lagging so
[11:31] Lilith Ivory: got it
[11:31] Sudane Erato: maybe it's Lilith's hair :)
[11:31] Moon Adamant: when you can read it, we can discuss a bit the structure, what we ared oing atm and things TBD
[11:31] Lilith Ivory: or the shoe sound :(
[11:32] Sudane Erato: or all those scripts in her boots! :)
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: lol
[11:32] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:32] Lilith Ivory: want me to take them off?
[11:32] Sudane Erato: no!!
[11:32] Lilith Ivory looks for her slippers
[11:32] Moon Adamant: hey Garnet, long time no see :))
[11:32] Garnet Psaltery: hello! *looks for door*
[11:32] Moon Adamant: welcome to the Guild board meeting :)
[11:33] Lilith Ivory: hi Garnet
[11:33] Sudane Erato: Garnet!!
[11:33] Garnet Psaltery: I faild the entrance exam :o)
[11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: long time no see :))
[11:33] Sudane Erato: Garnet... 2nd floor
[11:33] Garnet Psaltery: ah hehe
[11:33] Sudane Erato: outside
[11:34] Sudane Erato: hi!!
[11:34] Garnet Psaltery: Greetings!
[11:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi :)
[11:34] Garnet Psaltery: Are you now quorate?
[11:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: definitely!!
[11:34] Sudane Erato: yep :)
[11:34] Garnet Psaltery: Oh good
[11:35] Moon Adamant: yes, thanks
[11:35] Moon Adamant: Garnet
[11:35] Moon Adamant: these meetings are transcripted
[11:35] Moon Adamant: grrrr lag
[11:35] Delia Lake: how to I log in to the google docs with my name so i can get a color? i can't find how
[11:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: colours are not assigned automatically, you just pick one of your choice and type with that colour :)
[11:36] Moon Adamant: Garnet - we are discussing the schloss
[11:36] Moon Adamant: it's today's agenda
[11:36] Garnet Psaltery nods
[11:37] Moon Adamant: the schloss not only has become very hmmm outdated of klate
[11:37] Moon Adamant: as there has been issues regarding content in there, etc
[11:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: it's also starting to become unpractical...
[11:37] Moon Adamant: as we will expand sooner or later to teh East
[11:38] Delia Lake: thx
[11:38] Moon Adamant: we are preparing a proposal so that we can have a new schloss, better fitted for events with more than 10 avatrs :P
[11:38] Moon Adamant: now, this is being discussed in a Gdoc
[11:38] Moon Adamant: because the guild victim er secretary er myself :)
[11:39] Moon Adamant: has had little time of late
[11:39] Garnet Psaltery nods
[11:39] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:39] Moon Adamant: so we are trying to save time
[11:39] Moon Adamant: you are welcome to join the Gdoc, if you want
[11:39] Moon Adamant: just IM me your mail :)
[11:39] Garnet Psaltery: I shall and thank you :o)
[11:40] Moon Adamant: as a citizen, you are entitled not only to attend these Guild Board meetings, as also to vote btw
[11:40] Garnet Psaltery: I shall be guided by the residents' wishes
[11:41] Moon Adamant: and if you want to grasp how we have been working of late, there's a Guild forum at our forums
[11:41] Moon Adamant: it has a sticky with our charter
[11:41] Garnet Psaltery: A sticky charter eh?
[11:41] Moon Adamant: ahahaha some would agree :)
[11:42] Moon Adamant: ok, when everyone has browsed teh doc, i'll explain it briefly
[11:42] Delia Lake: lol
[11:43] Garnet Psaltery: *browsed*
[11:43] Moon Adamant: Lil, your name is in brackets in the creators' list because i din't gather if all yoru content had been deleted or not, btw
[11:44] Lilith Ivory tries to figure out what Moon means
[11:44] Lilith Ivory: moment
[11:44] Delia Lake: some things there are from Sleazy also
[11:44] Moon Adamant: and Delia, thanks for metioning Sleazy - i actually didn't know he had added content there
[11:44] Lilith Ivory: I´m fighting with my google account at the moment
[11:45] Moon Adamant: another issue there - Sleazy hasn't logged in for months
[11:45] Delia Lake: in one of the basement areas
[11:45] Delia Lake: there is a monitoring device with his name on it
[11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: monitoring device?...
[11:45] Delia Lake: oh yes
[11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: do you have any idea what it is for?
[11:45] Garnet Psaltery: Sounds like a good occasion for spring cleaning.
[11:45] Delia Lake: not really as i can't access it
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: ah Sleazy ownes the god machine
[11:45] Delia Lake: yes
[11:45] Lilith Ivory: I loved to see it hehe
[11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles @ God Machine
[11:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: what does it do??
[11:46] Delia Lake: it's in the basement corner just behind my house
[11:46] Lilith Ivory: ..and I can remove the rest of my halloween deco
[11:46] Lilith Ivory: invites you to click it ... and then tells you you would bring the grid down
[11:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ooooh
[11:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hahahahha
[11:46] Lilith Ivory: I´d like to keep it hehe
[11:47] Lilith Ivory: is fun to explore the basement
[11:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn grins :D
[11:47] Lilith Ivory: and I already miss the toilets!
[11:47] Delia Lake: lol
[11:47] Moon Adamant: well, it's important to realize
[11:47] Lilith Ivory: the basements smells odd now ;-)
[11:47] Moon Adamant: that we *can* keep parts
[11:48] Moon Adamant: but we must have full access to them
[11:48] Sudane Erato: yeah... my marble toilets... and showers :)
[11:48] Moon Adamant: so we can move them if needed, etc
[11:48] Garnet Psaltery: What's left if you return non-modifiable parts?
[11:48] Lilith Ivory: I loved them!
[11:48] Sudane Erato: ty :)
[11:49] Moon Adamant: Hi Sonja :)
[11:49] Sonja Strom: Hi everybody
[11:49] Moon Adamant: we're already in full meeting - agenda is schloss
[11:49] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Miss Strom
[11:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Sonja :)
[11:49] Sudane Erato: hi :)
[11:49] Sonja Strom: I was just on RL Berlin television :-)
[11:50] Sudane Erato: oh my!
[11:50] Moon Adamant: you may want to see the collab doc? (and edit it?) It's going to be tough to be in the meeting without being able to read it
[11:50] Moon Adamant: eheheheh congrats :)
[11:50] Delia Lake: hi Sonja :) that's great!
[11:50] Garnet Psaltery: Oh was that in the 1920s Berlin?
[11:50] Sonja Strom: ups, that's not accurately stated
[11:51] Sonja Strom: I was on a video screen at a RL festival in Berlin that is being broadcast on television
[11:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: should we congratulate you, Sonja? :)
[11:51] Garnet Psaltery: Sounds very exciting
[11:51] Sonja Strom: It is for the OneWorld Festival in RL Berlin
[11:51] Moon Adamant: hi Mikelo :)
[11:51] Moon Adamant: sorry, hadn't seen you
[11:51] Mikelo Serevi: hi
[11:52] Mikelo Serevi: I 'sat' quietly through the wall
[11:52] Moon Adamant: Mikelo, this meeting is transcripted into our forums
[11:52] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Mr Serevi
[11:52] Sonja Strom: lol
[11:52] Delia Lake: Drax is there?
[11:52] Mikelo Serevi: ok
[11:52] Moon Adamant: we only have one topic at teh agenda today: the proposal for the new schloss
[11:52] Sonja Strom: yes, it was with Draxtor's show
[11:53] Moon Adamant: this is being discussed in a Gdoc
[11:53] Delia Lake: hi Mikelo
[11:53] Moon Adamant: if you would like access to the GDoc, please Im me your mail
[11:53] Mikelo Serevi: hi Delia
[11:53] Moon Adamant: and you too, Sonja :)
[11:55] Moon Adamant: ok.... just a rule on this doc
[11:55] Moon Adamant: pick a colour to add comments in
[11:56] Moon Adamant: so we can see who's writing what
[11:56] Moon Adamant: 5 minutes more for last people to have joined to be able to read it
[11:56] Moon Adamant: and then i'll comment on its state
[12:00] Moon Adamant lights a cig
[12:00] Moon Adamant: thanks Garnet :)
[12:00] Garnet Psaltery: My pleasure
[12:00] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:00] Moon Adamant: all read? :)
[12:00] Garnet Psaltery: yes
[12:00] Lilith Ivory: yup
[12:00] Moon Adamant: sorry everyone
[12:00] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:00] Moon Adamant: so the doc as you see has a structure
[12:01] Moon Adamant: this was discussed in last meeting or so
[12:01] Moon Adamant: first, we are presenting a rationale
[12:01] Moon Adamant: this is needed because as you know
[12:01] Moon Adamant: the Guild is generally contracted
[12:01] Moon Adamant: and doesn't pro-actively make proposals
[12:02] Moon Adamant: but seeing that teh whole schloss thing
[12:02] Moon Adamant: has been degrading since the guild exists
[12:02] Moon Adamant: maybe even from before
[12:02] Moon Adamant: and teh guild was never called for the schloss
[12:02] Moon Adamant: so we now present a rational saying what we propose, but also why we do it
[12:03] Moon Adamant: and why do we think the Guild is the best entity to do this proposal
[12:03] Moon Adamant: namely... because of IP issues
[12:03] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:03] Moon Adamant: then
[12:03] Moon Adamant: we have an enquiry into needs and fucntions
[12:03] Moon Adamant: this is our main realy with the PIO office
[12:03] Moon Adamant: sinc ethe schloss is now a publuic events space
[12:04] Moon Adamant: we need to know... what is needed
[12:04] Moon Adamant: nobody better than the PIO office to tell us that
[12:04] Moon Adamant: so, there are already a looooot of comments thre from the PIO :)
[12:05] Moon Adamant: hmmmm
[12:05] Moon Adamant: point 3 is lacking... maybe someone deleted it by mistake
[12:05] Moon Adamant: 3 is Specs
[12:05] Moon Adamant: it will resume the whole point 2
[12:05] Moon Adamant: into a single document
[12:05] Moon Adamant: and 4 will be our proposal, which will have several clauses
[12:05] Moon Adamant: creative, budget, etc
[12:06] Moon Adamant: now
[12:06] Moon Adamant: where can you all help? :)
[12:06] Moon Adamant: atm, we are still in the phases 1 and 2
[12:06] Moon Adamant: adding to teh rationale
[12:06] Moon Adamant: inquiring from the PIO
[12:07] Moon Adamant: so, please, if you have points for any of the two, please add them
[12:07] Moon Adamant: when we have a clearer picture on 2, then we'll help PIO office to define a clear 3 (Specs)
[12:07] Moon Adamant: we will need your help tehre as well to make sure nothing is forgotten
[12:07] Moon Adamant: and then, we will move onto 4
[12:07] Moon Adamant: atm
[12:08] Mikelo Serevi: yes, 2 does seem to be the main question right now, as you said
[12:08] Moon Adamant: i am also working on an adittion to this doc
[12:08] Moon Adamant: which is - images
[12:08] Moon Adamant: i don't know if i'll be able to post them in the doc, or if i'll do a presentation for them
[12:08] Delia Lake: i just added about Music Island on Cedar Island
[12:09] Delia Lake: it spans sims too
[12:09] Moon Adamant: but as you see, there s some discussion in 2 about appearance
[12:09] Delia Lake: the performer in Cedar and the audience in Sea Turtle
[12:09] Moon Adamant: yes, Delia - quite a good example in fact!
[12:09] Lilith Ivory: I´ve some old pics of the schloss made in 2007
[12:09] Moon Adamant: ok Lil
[12:09] Moon Adamant: then i'll do this
[12:09] Moon Adamant: i think it's simpler
[12:09] Lilith Ivory: should post them in the cds flikr group soon :)
[12:10] Moon Adamant: i'll create a Gpres to go with this
[12:10] Moon Adamant: becaus ei think if i add some 20 pics to this, it will make it difficult to read
[12:10] Moon Adamant: and you can then add pictures to Gpres as well
[12:10] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:10] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[12:10] Lilith Ivory: sure
[12:10] Moon Adamant: let's try and preview some schedule on this
[12:11] Moon Adamant: as you know
[12:11] Moon Adamant: Guild Board meetings are now happening evry other week
[12:11] Moon Adamant: on teh sundays when there's no RA
[12:12] Moon Adamant: so... let's aim to have 1 and 2 stable - plus the Gpres - for the next meeting, ok?
[12:12] Lilith Ivory: that´s a great idea - 3hours of meetings was hard or me
[12:12] Moon Adamant: then we can start working in 3 and 4
[12:12] Moon Adamant: ´Lil, it was hard on everyone! :)
[12:12] Delia Lake: yes
[12:12] Moon Adamant: also, we could never start on time
[12:12] Moon Adamant: because RA often gets delayed
[12:13] Moon Adamant: so... provisional schedule is good?
[12:13] Moon Adamant: let me get the correct date, just a sec
[12:14] Moon Adamant: 13 Dec to have Rationale and Enquiry ready, also image database
[12:14] Moon Adamant: all agreeing say Aye
[12:14] Garnet Psaltery: Aye
[12:14] Moon Adamant: (all citizens can vote :)
[12:14] Lilith Ivory: aye
[12:14] Sudane Erato: aye
[12:14] Delia Lake: aye
[12:14] Mikelo Serevi: aye, sounds reasonable
[12:14] Moon Adamant: eight citizens...
[12:15] Moon Adamant: 5 ayes, motion carries
[12:15] Moon Adamant: my vote for the record: Aye
[12:15] Moon Adamant: Gwyn can vote when she comes back :P
[12:15] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:15] Moon Adamant: any questions or any other business?
[12:15] Mikelo Serevi: 6 ayes, and 2 making coffee
[12:15] Lilith Ivory: uhm...
[12:15] Moon Adamant: ahahaha yes
[12:15] Delia Lake: lol
[12:15] Lilith Ivory: what about zaphs house in colonia nova?
[12:15] Mikelo Serevi: I did have one question about the new location for the schloss
[12:16] Lilith Ivory: it does not fit the covenant very well
[12:16] Lilith Ivory: does it have to stay there?
[12:16] Mikelo Serevi: did you mean it would relocate to the opposite side of NFS?
[12:16] Moon Adamant: Mikelo...
[12:16] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[12:16] Moon Adamant: at the same time we are proposing the schloss
[12:17] Moon Adamant: we er are supposed to be working on teh new sim plan lol
[12:17] Mikelo Serevi: aha, gotcha
[12:17] Moon Adamant: the idea is that the next sim is going to be Neufreistadt-East
[12:17] Sudane Erato: no, the schloss will not move
[12:17] Sudane Erato: only maybe expand
[12:18] Moon Adamant: so, what we will do is use the crossing between the two sims to expand grounds
[12:18] Moon Adamant: and share load
[12:18] Delia Lake: i like the location of the Schloss and to expand it across to the hilltop of the new sim would give many beautiful views off new terraces
[12:18] Mikelo Serevi: ok, because I didn't see an E-E crossing point, but creating one is the idea
[12:19] Moon Adamant: oh, we'll have two
[12:19] Moon Adamant: one is right here
[12:19] Moon Adamant: at the road below
[12:19] Moon Adamant: we have room to break the walls
[12:20] Moon Adamant: teh other is in Altenstadt
[12:20] Moon Adamant: at Kendraspark
[12:20] Mikelo Serevi: ok, thx
[12:20] Moon Adamant: you already have an arch there to mark the passage
[12:20] Sudane Erato: and a third on the hilltop to the south
[12:20] Moon Adamant: also, it's possible that we may be able to link through the country roads, but i haev to look at those
[12:21] Moon Adamant: ah, exactly, sudane :)
[12:21] Moon Adamant: hello Herr Chancellor
[12:21] Lilith Ivory: Hi Jamie :)
[12:21] Moon Adamant: we were finishing...
[12:21] Garnet Psaltery: I haven't got a question but just want to say this is very exciting.
[12:21] Jamie Palisades: Good afternoon Frau Secretariat
[12:22] Moon Adamant: well, garnet
[12:22] Jamie Palisades glances at Gwyn - sorry, make that "Fraulien"
[12:22] Garnet Psaltery: Hello Mr Palisades
[12:22] Moon Adamant: the schloss project is a *big* project lol
[12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
[12:22] Moon Adamant: so you can see
[12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (and hi Jamie)
[12:22] Moon Adamant: if this was a hmmm
[12:22] Moon Adamant: architecture grad
[12:22] Moon Adamant: and the schloss project was a project in curriculum
[12:23] Moon Adamant: it would be hmmm
[12:23] Moon Adamant: well, first of all it would be a semester project
[12:23] Delia Lake: hi Jamie
[12:23] Moon Adamant: and possibly a end of year project
[12:23] Jamie Palisades waves quietly
[12:23] Moon Adamant: because it has a lot of things in it
[12:23] Moon Adamant: urban, landscape, it's a social equipemnt, research, conceptual process, etc
[12:24] Moon Adamant: in a way
[12:24] Moon Adamant: think that the Schloss
[12:24] Jamie Palisades chuckles. How much simpler life is , if one approaches things like Samantha.
[12:24] Moon Adamant: is actually... a cultural centre!
[12:24] Moon Adamant: because that's what its
[12:24] Garnet Psaltery nods
[12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees
[12:25] Moon Adamant: it's not even a project for the first two years of an architecture grad
[12:25] Moon Adamant: ok
[12:25] Moon Adamant: shall we close this meeting? :)
[12:25] Moon Adamant: alll agreeing, say Aye :)
[12:25] Sudane Erato: aye
[12:25] Garnet Psaltery: Aye
[12:25] Mikelo Serevi: aye
[12:26] Lilith Ivory: aye
[12:26] Delia Lake: *aye
[12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye :)
[12:26] Delia Lake: ayer
[12:26] Moon Adamant: eheheh
[12:26] Moon Adamant: i love your enthusiasm at this motion
[12:26] Moon Adamant: :)
[12:26] Garnet Psaltery: Phew, thought I was going to have to do something.
[12:26] Lilith Ivory: hehehe
[12:26] Moon Adamant: motion carries
[12:26] Sudane Erato: hehe..
[12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Garnet
[12:26] Sudane Erato: bye all :)
[12:26] Moon Adamant: Sudane or Lil: please send me the transcript?
[12:26] Jamie Palisades: Informally, Moon, I'm delighted that you are looking again at the Schloss. It needs that sort of attention and IS a key piece of our heritage. Thank you all for braving the fierce issue :D
[12:26] Sudane Erato: I will
[12:27] Garnet Psaltery: Bye Sudane :o)
[12:27] Moon Adamant: rathaus is next ;)
[12:27] Delia Lake: yes, Moon. i was thinking that also
[12:27] Jamie Palisades: MUCH easier, Moonie
[12:27] Moon Adamant: well, yes
[12:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :))
[12:27] Moon Adamant: it's definitely a smaller project
[12:27] Jamie Palisades: more constraints and fewer wild options, too
[12:28] Garnet Psaltery: Will you excuse me? I have a Quest problem to deal with.
[12:28] Moon Adamant: but i'll prepare then the pics i have from rathausen in 1900 :)
[12:28] Moon Adamant: please go - thanks for showing by! .))

Eudaimonia now!
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