RA Meeting 3 Jan 2010: Proposed Agenda

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Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
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RA Meeting 3 Jan 2010: Proposed Agenda

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Please let me know if you have any additional items for the final RA meeting of the term. Right now it looks like I will probably be able to attend the meeting, but if not, Soro will be there to chair.

Please Doodle at http://www.doodle.com/n3b29hfqnxhkc2n9 to say whether you'll be able to attend or claim a seven-day vote if you can't make it.


RA AGENDA for 3 Jan 2010, 09:00 AM SLT, PRAETORIUM

I. Administrative (0900-0915)
a. Get agreements to record session.
b. Review this agenda. Approve any changes
c. Future RA schedule
d. 7 day votes.

II. Reports
a. Chancellor's report (0915-0930)
b. Commerce Commission report (0930-0940)

III. Old Business
a. Constitutional revision concerning factions (0940-1010)
(originally posted to forums 4 December 2009, initial discussion in RA 6 December) viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2630#p14029 )

IV. New Business

V. Concerns of RA Members (1010-1020)

VI. Concerns of Citizens (1020-1030)

VII. Adjournment (1030)

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