The library projects in Al Andalus have been going on for over two years now, with various people leading the different groups, and with varying results. The ongoing project was complicated when the library located in Al Garnata was brought to AA from Illumination Island, with the understanding that we were "saving" that library and that it would cease to exist otherwise. That turned out not to be true, but the ability of the Illumination library, renamed Tesoro Liberia de La Ahlambra, to serve as a transition building between the Colonia Nova sim and the Al Andalus sims, due to its architecture, was thought to be an appropriate use of space.
The Librarian/owner was not able to work as a team member under the CDS system, and chose to leave shortly after the move. Since then, several issues with El Tesory Liberia have arisen. It is time to both address those issues as well as get the Al Andalus library back on track.
Fern Leissa, who has significant professional and personal skills in this area, and I, are meeting on Monday January 11 at 10am slt to discuss the logistical issues and our thoughts on the future of the projects. If you have comments, you are welcome to attend or send your thoughts to me before Monday.