I notice that in recent discussion of the adoption of a [i:kd13omjk]Neufreistadt[/i:kd13omjk] flag, the issue was left open as to what, if anything, should be the flag of the [i:kd13omjk]Confederation[/i:kd13omjk]. In my view, it is highly desirable to have a Confederation flag, both as a matter of branding and publicity, but also as a symbol of community solidarity.
I do not have in mind an exact design at this juncture, but do have one or two ideas that could perhaps be discussed and developed. First of all, as a flag of a confederation, it would be rather nice if it could somehow incorporate the flags of all of the states (or localities, if we are not to be a true confederation) that we encompass. A good way of doing that would be to have a narrow band along the left-hand side of the flag, and have the individual flags of the sims lined up along that, and have, along the right hand side, the flags (or, if they do not have flags, stars) of each of the franchulates.
The main portion of the flag could encompass a shield shape divided into four, with each section representing, respectively, democracy, justice, commerce and community, what I would suggest are the four foundaitonal values of our community.
Any comments most welcome