We had our first official meeting to discuss improving the CDS portal and forums on Feb 5. The following is a transcript of basically a brainstorming session. I will be getting my RL work schedule tomorrow and will announce the next meeting date, time and place. If you are at all interested in helping with this project, we would love to have you and hear your ideas.
[12:42] Rose Springvale: we finally have sunshine, but due to get cold again, mid 60s... about 18 C here
[12:42] Rose Springvale: yes, finally
[12:42] Arria Perreault: nice weather
[12:42] Rose Springvale: there is Keila
[12:42] Rose Springvale: we've had a lot more cold and rain than we should have!
[12:43] Keila Forager: Sorry, had to reboot the whole computer
[12:43] Rose Springvale: smiles, love sl weekends
[12:44] Rose Springvale: we're gonna lose cindy in a few minutes K, you might want to get started ?
[12:45] Keila Forager: Ok, the work group was formed since it seemed it needed an update. I put a few of my observations in a notecard I sent out. I gave you a copy Cindy..
[12:45] Rose Springvale: (stui will be here shortly)
[12:46] Rose Springvale: that's the first one?
[12:46] Rose Springvale: "portal and forum meeting reminder"
[12:46] Cindy Ecksol: yes, thanks.
[12:47] Keila Forager: I've invited also a new resident Rowan, but she can't make it due to RL..She was it was difficult to find info and confusing
[12:47] Cindy Ecksol nods
[12:47] Cindy Ecksol: that's about the essence in my opinion too keila
[12:48] Keila Forager: I haven't gotten any other info from any one excpet Danton and he thinks the biggest problem is not enough opputunity for residents to submit..
[12:48] Rose Springvale: wait, did i not send you my top ten? lol
[12:48] Cindy Ecksol:
[12:48] Keila Forager: the link in the covenant doesn't even work...LOL
[12:48] Rose Springvale: Danton likes to blog.
[12:48] Keila Forager: and that is where we send new residents and potentials to find info
[12:48] Rose Springvale: that's right, if you try to find the NFS coevenant it takes you to a dead page
[12:48] Keila Forager: so, I'll shut up and let you guys tell me specifics now
[12:49] Rose Springvale: smiles
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol raises hand
[12:49] Keila Forager: Cindy
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: just real quik before I have to dash.
[12:49] Keila Forager: ok
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: there are really two major issues as I see it....
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: first, design.
[12:49] Keila Forager: agreed
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: the design jusut isn't logical, causes things to be difficult to find, doesnt' make logical sense.
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: second, content
[12:49] Cindy Ecksol: content is out of date, missing, etc.
[12:50] Keila Forager: yes, home page is full of links and no info
[12:50] Cindy Ecksol: in the world I work in (website design and implementation) the first thing to do is create the design, the hierarchy of information
[12:50] Rose Springvale gave you Rose's top ten forum/portal issues.
[12:50] Cindy Ecksol: that SHOULD take most of the time and energy in the process.
[12:51] Cindy Ecksol: once you get past that, updating content is relatively easy.
[12:51] Keila Forager: that was the comments I heard most..
[12:51] Cindy Ecksol: oh...and a content management system is BIG overkill for a project this size and shape
[12:51] Keila Forager: and problems I still have..
[12:51] Cindy Ecksol: that's the nut....I can give you more via notecard or at some later time from my perspective
[12:51] Keila Forager: I know what I want to find, but can't remember where I found it
[12:52] Keila Forager: and I think updating the covanent needs to be a separate project
[12:52] Rose Springvale: it needs to be much more user friendly, in a nutshell.
[12:52] Keila Forager: yes..
[12:52] Rose Springvale: the covenant update is well underway
[12:52] Cindy Ecksol: (btw, rose's list is really on target IMO)
[12:52] Keila Forager: good.
[12:52] Rose Springvale: just needs to be presented
[12:52] Cindy Ecksol: must run....but please keep me posted
[12:52] Keila Forager: OK, thanks
[12:53] Keila Forager: I will
[12:53] Arria Perreault: ok, thank you
[12:53] Rose Springvale: don't worry about that here.. its an issue that will be taken up under land i think Keila. several people have already looked at the redrafts, trying to make them more uniform
[12:53] Arria Perreault: may I give my opinion?
[12:54] Keila Forager: Absolutely Arria, the more the better..
[12:54] Arria Perreault: I understand very well what you said, all three and I agree with some points
[12:55] Rose Springvale: smiles
[12:55] Arria Perreault: I will review some points
[12:55] Arria Perreault: design: well it's a question of personal preferences
[12:56] Arria Perreault: I think that Mizou was inspired by NFS sim
[12:56] Arria Perreault: in the same time, it's possible to build another template
[12:56] Arria Perreault: structure and missing information:
[12:56] Rose Springvale: what about accessibility Arria?
[12:56] Arria Perreault: in the initial project, there was room for much more information
[12:57] Arria Perreault: for disabled people, you mean?
[12:57] Rose Springvale: no no
[12:57] Keila Forager: No for all people..
[12:57] Rose Springvale: i mean so that other people can update and contribute
[12:57] Arria Perreault: ok: I come later
[12:57] Keila Forager: and to make it easier to navigate...
[12:58] Arria Perreault: about structure: I may have somewhere a site map with all content we should have
[12:58] Arria Perreault: it's still possible to add and improve the structure
[12:58] Arria Perreault: about update: this is the worst point
[12:59] Keila Forager: When I first came to CDS in 2007 I looked at teh portal, and was so confused, never looked again
[12:59] Arria Perreault: many informations are not up to date
[12:59] Rose Springvale: i think that it just isn't dynamic
[12:59] Rose Springvale: not just updates, it feels more like a monument than a place for information
[12:59] Arria Perreault: there is no miracle in this domain: we need one or several people in charge with the portal
[13:00] Arria Perreault: we have finished our project at the end of the term and then we have given the keys to the next team
[13:00] Arria Perreault: I had several discussions with Brian and I think that he had made a lot of work at the beginning
[13:01] Rose Springvale: when i would send him things, he would tell me he didn't have access Arria
[13:01] Arria Perreault: then he stopped. I don't know when
[13:01] Arria Perreault: same for the archives of the RA
[13:01] Keila Forager: Question?? Who has access to add or change info on the portal and the forum??
[13:01] Arria Perreault: the two last terms, there was no RA Archivist
[13:01] Rose Springvale: i thought publius was term before last
[13:02] Arria Perreault: For the portal: I have an access and Alexicon has the access as administrator
[13:02] Arria Perreault: Publius was RA archivist 2 terms ago (with Justice as LRA)
[13:03] Rose Springvale: may i ask, why do we need a complicated portal instead of something like a ning site?
[13:03] Arria Perreault: Forum: Gwyn has the administrations rights
[13:03] Rose Springvale: but none of those peopel have responsibility for getting information
[13:03] Rose Springvale: to the public
[13:03] Arria Perreault: Rose, I think that it was under the responsibility of the Executif
[13:04] Arria Perreault: we have given the system ready to use
[13:04] Keila Forager: And we need something that is straightforward to give the information to anyone who wants to find it..
[13:04] Rose Springvale: but if he didn't have access either, how could it be?
[13:04] Rose Springvale: only you and Alex?
[13:04] Arria Perreault: we have given rights access and all infrmation to Brian
[13:04] Rose Springvale: who has disappeared months ago
[13:04] Rose Springvale: this is the problem with limiting access. I think it should be wide open personally
[13:05] Rose Springvale: and brian didn't seem to think he had access either
[13:05] Keila Forager: Having access is something that needs to come I think, but we need to make the INFO portal able to give out info
[13:05] Arria Perreault: We have discussed a lot about the tool and we agreed to use a CMS
[13:05] Arria Perreault: I think many other people agreed on that
[13:05] Rose Springvale: who is the we in your sentence?
[13:06] Keila Forager: The way the portal gives out info SUCKS
[13:06] Keila Forager: to put it nicely
[13:06] Arria Perreault: we= team
[13:06] Rose Springvale: who is on the team?
[13:06] Arria Perreault: Alex, Mizou, Arria and Cindy
[13:06] Arria Perreault: we had a team and we used one term to achieve this project
[13:07] Arria Perreault: than we have transferred it to Jaie
[13:07] Arria Perreault: we have set at the RA the position of the webmaster
[13:07] Arria Perreault: webmaster=administrator
[13:07] Rose Springvale: well, this group is the successor to that team, correct?
[13:07] Arria Perreault: this group here?
[13:08] Keila Forager: This group was created to identify problems with the portal and forums and see what we could do to fix them..
[13:08] Rose Springvale: okay.
[13:09] Keila Forager: I'm no webmaster, but the portal is not user friendly and doesn't have correct info
[13:09] Arria Perreault: and the next Chancellor will have to manage this question
[13:09] Keila Forager: that is why we are here..to weed out what needs to be fixed
[13:09] Arria Perreault: the PIO will be in charge for updating
[13:09] Arria Perreault: now let me tell you something
[13:10] Arria Perreault: I will need more than one minute
[13:10] Keila Forager: it needs way more than updating..info needs correcting
[13:10] Keila Forager: take as long as you need
[13:10] Arria Perreault: first I understan your claim and this has to be taken in account
[13:11] Arria Perreault: now there are several needs in a community like CDS
[13:11] Arria Perreault: 1. Information
[13:11] Arria Perreault: 2. Communication and marketing
[13:11] Arria Perreault: 3. Debate
[13:12] Arria Perreault: Information is: our laws, our different branches and organizations, our land and sims
[13:12] Arria Perreault: this is the portal
[13:13] Arria Perreault: Debate: we have the forum and the forum is under the responsibility of the SC
[13:13] Arria Perreault: this is important
[13:13] Rose Springvale: also in absentia most of the time
[13:13] Keila Forager: very true..as most don't know it's there
[13:13] Arria Perreault: to separate this two platforms
[13:13] Arria Perreault: each time I have asked Gwyn for something, she did it
[13:13] Rose Springvale: well, we disagree there. I still believe that debate belongs in world.
[13:14] Rose Springvale: and i have asked and been ignored for months
[13:14] Rose Springvale: so perhaps it is a personnel issue
[13:14] Rose Springvale: note there is still no thread for land!
[13:14] Arria Perreault: this is one opinion, Rose
[13:14] Keila Forager: I see the few same names on the forum...
[13:14] Arria Perreault: other people consider that forum are a good tool for debates
[13:14] Keila Forager: Out of over a hundred citizens??
[13:15] Keila Forager: That is an issue..
[13:15] Arria Perreault: everyone can get an access
[13:15] Rose Springvale: but they don't come in world, which makes it a community of forum people, and a separate SL community
[13:15] Keila Forager: The issue is getting the info out there Arria, that is why we are here today..
[13:15] Arria Perreault: it's not possible to be in SL all the time and participate to all debates
[13:15] Arria Perreault: let me return to the needs
[13:16] Keila Forager: Yes, the problems with the forum and portal, pls do
[13:16] Arria Perreault: there is a lack in the domain of communication, marketing, community life, events
[13:16] Arria Perreault: for this, we have to find a solution
[13:17] Arria Perreault: it could be a blog open to several authors
[13:17] Keila Forager: I know in the portal events shows in about 3 different links..but difficult to follow..
[13:17] Rose Springvale: yet another place to divert attention. sigh
[13:17] Rose Springvale: and they only pick up what is on the calendar
[13:17] Rose Springvale: so most things never make it there
[13:17] Rose Springvale: half of what people schedule on the calendar doesn't happen
[13:17] Rose Springvale: i can't remember the last guild meeting for example
[13:17] Keila Forager: we need to simplify...have all the correct and updated info in the simpliest way to find it
[13:18] Arria Perreault: with wordpress or ning, you cannot have all the information of the portal
[13:18] Rose Springvale: sure you can
[13:18] Rose Springvale: check out new babbages site
[13:18] Keila Forager: I'm no web designer, but why not?
[13:18] Rose Springvale: here is something that was said in a caledon meeting we would be wise to follow:
[13:19] Keila Forager: I've seen ning, with similiar info we need to get to the citizens..
[13:19] Rose Springvale: 0:57] XXXXXXXX: if we have, say, a rather good, effective, facebook~style social network
[0:58] XXXXXXXX: it will, in my best business estimation, endanger our inworld population density to a point where it can strongly affect the estate.
[0:58] XXXXXXXX: for instance, some of you may have noticed the place get less active when The Sims 3 came out.
[0:58] xxxxxxxxx: How and why?
[0:59] Jorge Serapis: If people are interacting out of world, there's less of a need to interact in world.
[0:59] XXXXXXXXXX: the reason why, is that most all of us have so many minutes per day for online activities
[13:19] Rose Springvale: the more we split up our content, the more time people will have to spend out of world
[13:20] Rose Springvale: our project is a SL project
[13:20] Rose Springvale: we want to bring people IN sl
[13:20] Arria Perreault: Rose, we need a depository for our informations
[13:20] Rose Springvale: we have so many now its mind boggling
[13:20] Rose Springvale: and no one keeps them current
[13:20] Arria Perreault: with a Internet presence, we can also attract people to us and to SL
[13:20] Keila Forager: Yes, but we need one that will take a few minutes to access , not an hour or more
[13:20] Rose Springvale: nto when we look like a graveyard
[13:21] Arria Perreault: I see people who come to the Monastery because of its Internet presence
[13:21] Rose Springvale: our portal makes CDS look like a project that failed last year
[13:21] Keila Forager: Arria, with the portal we have now, all it will do is drive them away, if they read that first before meeting us
[13:21] Rose Springvale: monastery has a blog... why is it not connected to the CDS site??
[13:21] Keila Forager: I would never have bought land after reading that covanent on line...
[13:22] Rose Springvale: actually, monastery has been as neglected on the portal as the rest!
[13:22] Keila Forager: if I could have ever found it,
[13:22] Keila Forager: LOL
[13:22] Keila Forager: Agreed Rose, still has the monastary in AM
[13:22] Arria Perreault: we can change many things to the portal and make it better, but we need a place for our laws and other informations
[13:22] Rose Springvale: we have a wiki
[13:23] Arria Perreault: all the information were transferred to the portal
[13:23] Rose Springvale: and really, a lot of that should be archived. it really does not help us grow for people to constantly hear of the Ulrika nonsense
[13:23] Keila Forager: and is very confusing..
[13:23] Arria Perreault: I consider that the forum must stay separate
[13:23] Rose Springvale: smile. and i'd like to burn it down
[13:23] Arria Perreault: I know
[13:23] Keila Forager: too many links confuses people, the home page has links on the top, on the side and on the bottom..
[13:23] Rose Springvale: it gives a grandstand to people to hurt us
[13:23] Arria Perreault: but a lot of ideas has been discussed there
[13:23] Keila Forager: where is the info..
[13:24] Rose Springvale: and no one ever controls it
[13:24] Keila Forager: you need to clilck on a bunch of links to find it
[13:24] Arria Perreault: I appreciate to discuss through the forum
[13:24] Keila Forager: and hope it might be correct..
[13:24] Rose Springvale: but arria, not by very many people.. and it is TERRIBLE for new people
[13:24] Arria Perreault: we can read quietly and answer
[13:24] Rose Springvale: the 10 who use it
[13:24] Rose Springvale: but what about the 110 who don't
[13:24] Arria Perreault: well everyone can participate
[13:24] Rose Springvale: they who actually live in sL
[13:24] Rose Springvale: not really
[13:24] Rose Springvale: i've heard of people trying to register 3 tiems, and giving up
[13:24] Arria Perreault: why?
[13:25] Keila Forager: Arria, that is why we are here...the problems with the forum..and portal..
[13:25] Rose Springvale: and so many of the threads are limited posting
[13:25] Keila Forager: one of the biggest problems with the forum, is it's underuse..
[13:25] Keila Forager: and trying to get registered
[13:25] Rose Springvale: let's face it, people are MEAN on the forum
[13:25] Arria Perreault: ok, I will have a discussion with the administrators of the two platforms
[13:25] Keila Forager: yes, they are
[13:25] Rose Springvale: why would new people want to get involved in that?
[13:26] Keila Forager: as a new resident , if I didn't have friends here I would have seriously thought of selling my land
[13:26] Arria Perreault: to participate to democratic process and community life
[13:26] Rose Springvale: but democracy and community happen here, face to face
[13:26] Keila Forager: people don't come to SL for drama and meaness..
[13:26] Rose Springvale: it is easy to get mad in the middle of the night and take shots at each other
[13:26] Arria Perreault: and where do you store all discussions?
[13:27] Rose Springvale: not so easy when we sit across the table, even vitually
[13:27] Rose Springvale: some discussions don't deserve to be stored
[13:27] Rose Springvale: meanness, name calling
[13:27] Rose Springvale: that's not what we are about
[13:27] Arria Perreault: there are some other very important to stor
[13:27] Keila Forager: the forums show we are
[13:27] Rose Springvale: yet if you look at the forums, yes, that's what shows
[13:27] Arria Perreault: yes, it is what we are talking about
[13:28] Keila Forager: The forums make it seem like no one really gets along..
[13:28] Keila Forager: Tell me why I should live in a place like that?
[13:28] Arria Perreault: as democracy, we need to store many informations, to have the transparency
[13:28] Rose Springvale: but arria
[13:28] Rose Springvale: when we store the opinions of only 10% of our population, the vocal, angry 10%, we do a disservice to the rest
[13:29] Rose Springvale: tha's why we shouyld have in world meetings, and summaries
[13:29] Keila Forager: I agree we need to store the info, but that is not what this meeting is about.
[13:29] Arria Perreault: yes, it is part of the question
[13:29] Arria Perreault: CDS is like a rl state and has same needs
[13:30] Arria Perreault: we need to improve our system and have a better tool for communication
[13:30] Arria Perreault: for exemple, I would love to have a RSS feed with all events and important informations
[13:31] Rose Springvale: very easy to do
[13:31] Rose Springvale: on a regulare site lol
[13:31] Arria Perreault: I think I have in my netvibes the RSS of the calender
[13:31] Arria Perreault: we can add this to the portal
[13:31] Rose Springvale: sigh
[13:31] Keila Forager: And what to do see to get the citizems more involved in the forums??
[13:32] Rose Springvale: unless we do more than just add things to the portal, we have failed
[13:32] Keila Forager: Exactlyl..
[13:32] Rose Springvale: and why can't the forums be part of the same site?
[13:32] Arria Perreault: first inform them and second tell the adminsitrator that she has to look regularly the requests of access
[13:32] Rose Springvale: they should all be under the administration of the SC
[13:32] Rose Springvale: i disagree.. i think access must be widely distribute
[13:32] Keila Forager: how are you going to inform them..that is why we are here..
[13:33] Rose Springvale: too much time is wasted askign permissions and waiting for time zones
[13:33] Keila Forager: to get the info to the public and the citizens..
[13:33] Arria Perreault: the forums are for the citizen and the Executive and the RA should not have effect on them, only as users
[13:33] Keila Forager: as the present portal and forums are NOT doing that
[13:33] Rose Springvale: so?
[13:33] Rose Springvale: why should the portal be different?
[13:33] Keila Forager: But Arria, the citizens don't use them, and that's sad
[13:33] Rose Springvale: the executive and the RA serve the citizens, not the other way around
[13:34] Arria Perreault: we could also give automatically an access to new residents
[13:34] Rose Springvale: http://newbabbage.ning.com/
[13:34] Keila Forager: Yes, we could, but how do they find out about them..and what will make them want to come back to read them, lately they have been mean and hateful
[13:34] Rose Springvale: http://www.steamlander.com/community/vi ... 6ed424e158
[13:35] Rose Springvale: http://winterfell.ning.com/
[13:35] Rose Springvale: all these communities do what we are talking about
[13:35] Rose Springvale: for free and with widespread access
[13:36] Rose Springvale: i can paste more
[13:36] Arria Perreault: I will look these exemples carefully
[13:36] Rose Springvale: thank you
[13:36] Keila Forager: Even the land and tier needs updated...people need to know they will be charged a surcharge on top of published tier..
[13:36] Rose Springvale: sigh
[13:37] Arria Perreault: what we have to do first is a list of needs
[13:37] Keila Forager: that is what I wanted everyone to come here today with..
[13:37] Arria Perreault: then we can define what kind of tool we need
[13:37] Keila Forager: I made an initial list..
[13:37] Arria Perreault: yes
[13:37] Keila Forager: that is what I asked for
[13:37] Arria Perreault: but other has needs
[13:37] Arria Perreault: the RA has needs
[13:38] Rose Springvale: i think you can effectively add Arria's desire for preservation of debate and history, laws
[13:38] Arria Perreault: we need an archivist and a place for our laws and transcriptions
[13:38] Keila Forager: this isn't abouot the RA, it's about correcting the misinformation and making it easy to find CDS information on the portal
[13:38] Arria Perreault: we will improve this
[13:38] Keila Forager: that can be part of it, but not the largest part
[13:39] Rose Springvale: oh, photos too Keila
[13:39] Arria Perreault: I will set this question to the agenda of the RA
[13:39] Rose Springvale: we are all over the web
[13:39] Keila Forager: what question?
[13:39] Rose Springvale: so Keila will report from this committee
[13:40] Arria Perreault: yes, she can make a report
[13:40] Arria Perreault: but not only a list of claims
[13:40] Rose Springvale: her committee, her report
[13:40] Rose Springvale: democracy
[13:40] Arria Perreault: I think that the needs are also interesting
[13:41] Arria Perreault: ok, Kela
[13:41] Arria Perreault: Keila
[13:41] Arria Perreault: I will set your report to the agenda
[13:42] Rose Springvale: in all fairness, you should post a summary on the forum too K
[13:42] Arria Perreault: next sunday at 9 AM
[13:42] Keila Forager: Valentines Day?
[13:42] Arria Perreault: yes, it would be good
[13:42] Rose Springvale: you mean day after tomorrow yes?
[13:42] Arria Perreault: 9th february
[13:42] Rose Springvale: are you working that day Keila?
[13:42] Arria Perreault: 7th february, sorry
[13:42] Keila Forager: Not at the moment..
[13:43] Rose Springvale: it might make sense to have another meeting before taking it back to RA... maybe during US friendly hours
[13:43] Keila Forager: I'll put it in a notecard to pass along in case I can't make it
[13:43] Arria Perreault: then the RA will see the next step
[13:43] Arria Perreault: before sunday?
[13:43] Keila Forager: This was the time everyone gave me as being good..
[13:43] Arria Perreault: or we can set this point in a next meeting, later
[13:43] Keila Forager: and it took a month to get this meeting..
[13:44] Arria Perreault: but I think we have still a lot of informations
[13:44] Rose Springvale: makes sense to have the new exec have a chance for input too
[13:44] Arria Perreault: I am sure it will be a process
[13:44] Keila Forager: We need another one, as I don't think we got real specific as what the problems are, just needs..
[13:45] Arria Perreault: Keila, you came with this point
[13:45] Arria Perreault: tell me if you need more time
[13:45] Arria Perreault: ok
[13:45] Keila Forager: I can't make people do what they won't
[13:46] Arria Perreault: I am constructive, Keila
[13:46] Rose Springvale: smiles. welcome to CDS Keila
[13:46] Keila Forager: Yeah, no wonder you work so hard to get people here Rose..
[13:46] Arria Perreault: I deeply regret how the portal is today
[13:46] Rose Springvale: i think we can work together
[13:47] Rose Springvale: with the talent we have, and the content! we should be the site people look to for an example!
[13:47] Arria Perreault: I agree with that
[13:47] Keila Forager: Yes, it's bad, but we need specific construtive ideas..not what we need, unless we are starting from scratch
[13:47] Rose Springvale: i think that's the first time we've agreed in years Arria!
[13:47] Arria Perreault: why did Brian stop to update it?
[13:47] Keila Forager: I sent out specific instances that need to be fixed..
[13:48] Rose Springvale: as i said, he got frustrated with not having full access... and then he started back in grad school and just didn't have the time for all the back and forth i think
[13:48] Keila Forager: If others don't have the time to look closely at it, then it's doomed to stay as is
[13:48] Rose Springvale: how about a survey?
[13:49] Keila Forager: LOL
[13:49] Arria Perreault: it could be a good idea
[13:49] Arria Perreault: we can think to clever questions
[13:49] Keila Forager: No offense Rose, but if the members of the work group can't do it, then whats to think others will
[13:49] Rose Springvale: might be fun
[13:49] Rose Springvale: well, remember its all about time
[13:50] Rose Springvale: this is leisure...
[13:50] Rose Springvale: so if we can make it fun, and interesting...
[13:50] Keila Forager: I've spent hours trying to find my way around that portal..
[13:50] Rose Springvale: yep, so we know that's a major problem
[13:51] Rose Springvale: you know what the team didn't have Arria? untrained people
[13:51] Arria Perreault: keila, the portal has not been updated
[13:51] Rose Springvale: the site may make perfect sense to people with web training
[13:51] Keila Forager: I know that..
[13:51] Rose Springvale: but it has to be easy for people like keila .. or... hmm. Pip
[13:52] Rose Springvale: people who can use the technology fine, but who only want what they want
[13:52] Keila Forager: Stui didn't even know it existed..
[13:52] Rose Springvale: oh yes he did
[13:52] Rose Springvale: he hates the forum and has refused to post
[13:52] Arria Perreault: well we had a discussion about the CMS
[13:52] Rose Springvale: but he was given the site
[13:52] Keila Forager: when you get sent to a webpage that didn't exist anymore, you aren't going to search any farther..
[13:52] Arria Perreault: I admit Typo3 is not my favorite ...
[13:52] Keila Forager: no wonder,, it's not a nice place
[13:53] Arria Perreault: let me also talk with Alex and Gwyn
[13:53] Rose Springvale: typo3 sounds like the way my typing goes at 3 am
[13:53] Arria Perreault: it's a current tool in Europ
[13:53] Rose Springvale: ahhh
[13:54] Rose Springvale: so we have a double language barrier
[13:54] Arria Perreault: as I told, not my favourite
[13:54] Arria Perreault: I prefer drupal
[13:54] Arria Perreault: or Joomla
[13:54] Rose Springvale: smiles
[13:54] Rose Springvale: those sound like central african dialects
[13:54] Arria Perreault: for the next meeting, I will talk with Alex an Gwyn
[13:55] Arria Perreault: it will be my task
[13:55] Keila Forager: Maybe they can just come..
[13:55] Arria Perreault: Rose, it was a hard work to make this portal
[13:55] Keila Forager: I will send out my initial request again..
[13:55] Arria Perreault: we really spend many hours on it
[13:55] Rose Springvale: i am sure it was... and that's part of the problem... if it was hard for trained people, it is impossible for the untrained
[13:56] Arria Perreault: and I don't feel totally responsible for what it is now
[13:56] Keila Forager: then you probably would like to see people use it..instead of give up before they get past the first page
[13:56] Arria Perreault: Keila, you were not there at that time
[13:56] Rose Springvale: Arria... one big problem i think is that most of us feel like we are shut out of the process and use
[13:57] Arria Perreault: we have finished the project and given the website to the Chancellor
[13:57] Arria Perreault: we were NEVER in charge to update it
[13:57] Arria Perreault: the PIO Team of Jamie was
[13:57] Keila Forager: no i wasn't, and I'm not saying it wasn't hard work, but it's also very hard to navigate,a nd I'm saying if that is the case, people won't look at it
[13:57] Rose Springvale: but by doing that, withoug him knowing how to get into it... well. and what if i had been the only pio?
[13:58] Arria Perreault: this I can hear
[13:58] Rose Springvale: i sure couldnt' do it
[13:58] Arria Perreault: that's why Jamie hired Brian
[13:58] Keila Forager: the only reason I looked was I was given mis information on my tier and was told "oh well the website is a mistake , you owe more"
[13:58] Rose Springvale: it isn't really reasonable to assume we'll always have a trained computer specialist though
[13:58] Arria Perreault: he asked the RA to have two people instead one as PIO
[13:59] Arria Perreault: now many peole are able to use a CMS with a few training
[13:59] Rose Springvale: but none have come forward to replace brian for almost a year
[13:59] Rose Springvale: i think they have other things to do!
[14:00] Arria Perreault: it was the duty of jamie to find someone
[14:00] Arria Perreault: he could at least came to me
[14:00] Keila Forager: If we don't have someone to keep things up to date , then maybe we need to consider a place to archive things and everything else on the forums..
[14:01] Keila Forager: Well, I think we will not get anything else accomplished today...
[14:01] Arria Perreault: no, certainly not
[14:01] Rose Springvale: the really hard part for me, is that while we discuss, we maintain the status quo
[14:01] Arria Perreault: I will talk with Alex and Gwyn and look the links of Rose
[14:02] Rose Springvale: and every day that we keep what we have is a day we have not represented our sims well
[14:02] Keila Forager: Yes Rose
[14:02] Keila Forager: Me too
[14:02] Keila Forager: Hi Jamie
[14:02] Arria Perreault: anyway Rose, any project will need time
[14:02] Rose Springvale: i think jamie was going to try to at least get the sims updated. I'm frankly surprised no one has contested the election
[14:02] Rose Springvale: hey
[14:02] Rose Springvale: he's not in chat distance yet lol
[14:03] Keila Forager: He was when I said hi
[14:03] Rose Springvale: oh
[14:03] Keila Forager: and this project seems like it will take a very long time..
[14:03] Rose Springvale: hi jamie.
[14:03] Jamie Palisades chuckles. Good evening. I hear I am doing a bad job
[14:04] Keila Forager: Nah..
[14:04] Keila Forager: Not in my opinion
[14:04] Jamie Palisades: Arria is quite right that, given a very user-unfriendly system, i should have tried to replace Brian with one of the few other peopel who could use it, smile.
[14:04] Arria Perreault: Hi Jamie
[14:04] Jamie Palisades: Good evening - and congratulations!
[14:04] Arria Perreault:
[14:05] Rose Springvale: hey sonja
[14:05] Arria Perreault: Hi sonja
[14:05] Jamie Palisades: Arria, you join a long line of interesting people myself, Soro, Cindy, Patroklus, Justice. Best of luck to you.
[14:05] Sonja Strom: hello
[14:05] Arria Perreault: thank you
[14:06] Jamie Palisades: SOnja, I never walk in ere, without being grateful for the changes that Zaphod made
[14:06] Keila Forager: Maybe I should have made the meeting at 1400..LOL
[14:06] Sonja Strom:
[14:06] Rose Springvale: try the chairs .... hehe
[14:06] Rose Springvale: we still need to update the poses i think
[14:06] Sonja Strom: yes
[14:07] Jamie Palisades: I saw that Timo posted some Flickr pictures of Arosa, but I have not visited yet. Did Zaphod do anything over in your new city?
[14:07] Keila Forager: You need to visit Jamie..
[14:07] Jamie Palisades pokes at the beer, so see if it pours
[14:07] Keila Forager: and then come by my place
[14:07] Rose Springvale: did arria crash?
[14:07] Jamie Palisades: Too busy with CDS these days at least, this term
[14:07] Sonja Strom: no zaphod has not done anything in Arosa
[14:08] Jamie Palisades: Hm - I guess the Tirolers hav etheir own place oto
[14:08] Sonja Strom: I think she must have crashed
[14:08] Sonja Strom: yes
[14:08] Rose Springvale: want to come chat?
[14:08] Rose Springvale: oops, wrong box lol
[14:08] Jamie Palisades: he did such a nice job with the buildings we saw him make here - we all really should sit on him to be SL's next fachwerk maker
[14:09] Jamie Palisades: oop
[14:09] Arria Perreault: sorry, I have crashed
[14:09] Rose Springvale: oh, i saw dianne!
[14:09] Rose Springvale: did you talk her into coming back Sonja?
[14:09] Jamie Palisades: no, i can SIT on the beer, but not drink it
[14:09] Rose Springvale: smile
[14:09] Sonja Strom: he might like that
[14:09] Arria Perreault: Keila, can you send me transcript of the meeting ?
[14:09] Rose Springvale: hey stui
[14:09] Keila Forager: Yes, I will Arria
[14:09] Sonja Strom: welcome back arria
[14:09] Rose Springvale: did you three have things you wanted to say aobut the forum and portal?
[14:10] Arria Perreault:
[14:10] StuiChicanne Darkstone: BOO !
[14:10] Rose Springvale: smile
[14:10] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I am here
[14:10] Arria Perreault: Hi Stui
[14:10] Sonja Strom: the main thing I think about the portal is, it would be good to update it to include all the sims of the CDS
[14:10] Keila Forager: Hi Stui
[14:10] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Evening AP
[14:10] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Evening Keila !
[14:11] StuiChicanne Darkstone: oh there's Jamie !
[14:11] Keila Forager: That was an issue that no one even mentioned Sonja, but you are so correct.
[14:11] Rose Springvale: its on my card
[14:11] Jamie Palisades: Sonja, I agree, as the forum posting said, it;s a shame we were unable to do so. Do you have an idea about where to secure the volunteer effort to write and do that?
[14:11] Sonja Strom: It would be good to have the changes in the laws updated too
[14:11] Jamie Palisades: Yes, I think Gwyn mentioned that there should be an RA archivist for that
[14:11] Sonja Strom: I don't know if that would be something the Archivist would do, maybe
[14:12] Sonja Strom: sure
[14:12] Rose Springvale: See .. this is what we were saying earlier... it is hard to accomplise all we want when the volunteers are already spread so thin
[14:12] Arria Perreault: yes, I have asked for one in the forum
[14:12] Jamie Palisades: Thgat was their jhob, and that was who did it before, i think
[14:12] Jamie Palisades: "publius" then brian
[14:12] StuiChicanne Darkstone: you want to know what my main dislike of the portal is that I didn't know what it was *LOL*
[14:12] Rose Springvale: but you were given the information
[14:13] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Portal doesn't really conjure up the image of what it is
[14:13] Jamie Palisades: Still, Stui;s a godo example - we can create web resources that, like the Forum threads, some people are just not ever goning to go visit.
[14:13] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I hate the forums
[14:13] Jamie Palisades: *going
[14:13] Arria Perreault: there is no miracle: if nobod updat it, it's so
[14:13] Sonja Strom: maybe we could call it the CDS website
[14:13] StuiChicanne Darkstone: refuse to use it
[14:13] Keila Forager: OK..where were you guys at 1230..LOL
[14:14] Jamie Palisades: work, Kelia
[14:14] Arria Perreault: yes, we wont start again
[14:14] Rose Springvale: smiles at Keila. time zones
[14:14] Keila Forager: I know..
[14:14] Sonja Strom: would that be easier to understand, Stui?
[14:14] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I was stuck in a marathon of Una
[14:14] Keila Forager: gues 2 pm is better time..LOL
[14:14] Arria Perreault: Keila will publish a summary in the forum and call a second meeting
[14:14] Jamie Palisades: saying 'website' probably IS a good idea
[14:14] Rose Springvale: i agree!
[14:14] Sonja Strom: at first I didn't know what a web portal is either
[14:14] Sonja Strom: now I do,
[14:15] Rose Springvale thinks its a place to launch ships...
[14:15] StuiChicanne Darkstone: well if portal is a technical term... I'm so non technical
[14:15] Sonja Strom: but I think a lot of people think of it as being a website
[14:15] Arria Perreault: yes
[14:15] StuiChicanne Darkstone: if it said "info" then I'd have known
[14:15] StuiChicanne Darkstone: chat lag *LOL*
[14:16] Arria Perreault: more generally, we need to set better processes in CDS
[14:16] StuiChicanne Darkstone: we need a plain english campaign too
[14:16] Rose Springvale: too many lawyers and computer people.
[14:16] Keila Forager: Jamie, did you know you are in violation of the covanent? hehe
[14:16] Jamie Palisades: in what way?
[14:16] Keila Forager: Me too as a matter of fact..not allowed to have bunnies..LOL
[14:17] Keila Forager: and Sudane too
[14:17] Jamie Palisades: Speaking as the coip, i usualyl only react to complaints
[14:17] Jamie Palisades: eh? bunnies?
[14:17] Jamie Palisades: actually our biggest script problem in CDS probably is CN
[14:17] Rose Springvale: i think the limit has to do with animals that can wander off yoru land Keila
[14:17] Keila Forager: your house is taller than 20 meters, she doen't have 4 trees on her empty plot..LOL
[14:17] Rose Springvale: like.. neptune
[14:17] Keila Forager: so can bunnies..
[14:17] Jamie Palisades: Alexi's shop runs many scripts, and brings total FPS down
[14:17] Rose Springvale: ah, well
[14:18] Rose Springvale: we need Tan back
[14:18] Rose Springvale: he was the script police
[14:18] Keila Forager: and some of the building on market place too
[14:18] Jamie Palisades: hm - as for 20 meters, I might write a note to people on how we measure that
[14:18] Indicator Board (Business Ver): StuiChicanne Darkstone is offline!
[14:18] Keila Forager: LOL
[14:18] Jamie Palisades: in the Alps, it;s not terrioby common for a whole plot to be at one election
[14:18] Keila Forager: that portal gave me a headache..LOL
[14:18] Rose Springvale: smiles
[14:18] Jamie Palisades: remember Jon Seattle's house bolted on the edge of the balley in Neufreistadt?
[14:18] Jamie Palisades: *valley
[14:19] Jamie Palisades: it was 20m TALL, and 20m upfrom one EDGE of the ground
[14:19] Jamie Palisades: but about 45 from the lower side, smile
[14:19] Rose Springvale: yes, i remember the measure had to be from the highest ground elevation
[14:20] Jamie Palisades: Nice to see you all, but I fear I've walked in on the end of a meeting
[14:20] Jamie Palisades: Sorry about that.
[14:20] Keila Forager: that's ok, good to see you too
[14:20] Rose Springvale: thanks Keila, for getting us going
[14:20] Rose Springvale: i'll bet more people are at the next meeting
[14:21] Keila Forager whispers: Probably..and I think I'll bring my whip with me..LOL
[14:22] Rose Springvale: smiles. well, i'll lend you my scimitar and you can have the next meeting in AA
[14:22] Sonja Strom: sali Arria
[14:22] Arria Perreault: sorry
[14:22] Keila Forager: LOL
[14:22] Missty Knight is Online
[14:22] Jamie Palisades: ooo a scimitar
[14:22] sasken Aeghin is Online
[14:22] Arria Perreault: I come back with Emerald
[14:23] Sonja Strom: is it more stable?
[14:23] Rose Springvale: smile
[14:23] Arria Perreault: I will see
[14:23] Keila Forager: I use emerald
[14:23] Arria Perreault:
[14:23] Rose Springvale: i only do when i don't need sound
[14:23] Rose Springvale: it still doesn't work right on my mac for voice or streaming
[14:23] Jamie Palisades: emerald has seemed stable for me
[14:23] Keila Forager: I have only had trouble with IM voice
[14:23] StuiChicanne Darkstone: grrrrr
[14:23] Rose Springvale: are you on a mac?
[14:24] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Technology
[14:24] Arria Perreault: I have a Mac, yes
[14:24] Keila Forager: Nope, pc
[14:24] Rose Springvale: smile
[14:24] Rose Springvale: arria.. i'm going to faint. two things we agree on in one day
[14:24] Rose Springvale:
[14:25] Arria Perreault:
[14:25] Keila Forager: in Boreal
[14:25] Keila Forager: Have you been to see the bunnies Sonja?
[14:25] Arria Perreault: I hope we will have more
[14:25] Keila Forager: chat lag..LOL
[14:25] Sonja Strom: yes,
[14:25] Sonja Strom: they are really cute
[14:25] StuiChicanne Darkstone: as I was saying before I was so rudely interupted by the apparent failure of service providers to maintain constant service
[14:26] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I think we need a plain english project in CDS
[14:26] StuiChicanne Darkstone: to simplify and include more people in the issues
[14:27] Rose Springvale: stui, it's a bigger issue, not only plain english, but so many are ESL people
[14:27] StuiChicanne Darkstone: specific language tends to exclude the people who are able but not knowledgable in that area
[14:28] Rose Springvale: excuse me, i've got a girl who wants to join the community, need to find her a house. thanks Keila, everyone
[14:28] Sonja Strom: thanks Rose
[14:28] Keila Forager: OK, bye Rose..
[14:28] Sonja Strom: see you Rose
[14:28] StuiChicanne Darkstone: see you soon Rosy
[14:28] Keila Forager: when you are done we can find the lost nest
[14:28] Arria Perreault: bye Rose
[14:28] Arria Perreault: I have to go too
[14:28] Keila Forager: OK, thanks for coming Arria..
[14:29] Arria Perreault: Thank you Keila for the meeting