(CONT from Part1)
[2010/02/07 10:50] Arria Perreault: I have published an announcement in the forum to ask for volunteer
[2010/02/07 10:50] Arria Perreault: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2682
[2010/02/07 10:50] Arria Perreault: Still possible to answer
[2010/02/07 10:50] Mikelo Serevi: Maybe no one was able to find it
[2010/02/07 10:50] Cindy Ecksol smiles
[2010/02/07 10:50] Rose Springvale: /smiles and drags mikelo to keila's committee
[2010/02/07 10:50] Keila Forager: or maybe very few people read the forum
[2010/02/07 10:51] Arria Perreault: If someone is ready to do this work, he/she can tell now or answer in the forum
[2010/02/07 10:51] Solomon Mosely: i didnt look. i figured if there was an assigned post in exsistence, it would have been addresed by the RA to fill it
[2010/02/07 10:51] Mikelo Serevi: I might volunteer
[2010/02/07 10:52] Patroklus Murakami: happy to help whoever is appointed. i've done similar functions in the past
[2010/02/07 10:52] Mikelo Serevi: Unless someone else wants to do it
[2010/02/07 10:52] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I can't do that... I am ideologically opposed to the forums
[2010/02/07 10:52] Jamie Palisades: Bravo. Arria, let me state my offer to help whoever takes the role, with digging through transcripts for the text of
laws, if they like.
[2010/02/07 10:52] Arria Perreault: The law code is in the portal, Stui
[2010/02/07 10:52] Rose Springvale: Mikelo would be great and i think he volunteered
[2010/02/07 10:52] StuiChicanne Darkstone: so is everything it seems
[2010/02/07 10:52] Rose Springvale: Does the archivist also post transcripts?
[2010/02/07 10:52] Arria Perreault: Mikel is volunteer
[2010/02/07 10:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (it's a paid job, btw; the RA Archivist is a Civil Servant under the code of laws)
[2010/02/07 10:53] Mikelo Serevi: bonus
[2010/02/07 10:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* @ Rose — yes
[2010/02/07 10:53] Arria Perreault: It would be fine too
[2010/02/07 10:53] StuiChicanne Darkstone: posting transcripts was mentioned I believe
[2010/02/07 10:53] Delia Lake: http://portal.slcds.info/index.php?id=codeoflaws
[2010/02/07 10:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, it's part of the role
[2010/02/07 10:53] StuiChicanne Darkstone: and so that's on the forums isn't it ?
[2010/02/07 10:53] Cindy Ecksol: no, stui....
[2010/02/07 10:53] Patroklus Murakami: portal and forums are separate
[2010/02/07 10:53] Mikelo Serevi: Starting with this meeting, I imagine
[2010/02/07 10:53] Cindy Ecksol: forums are on a different server
[2010/02/07 10:54] Arria Perreault: Can we consider that Mikelo is our new RA Archivist or do we have to elect him?
[2010/02/07 10:54] Cindy Ecksol raises hand
[2010/02/07 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh-huh — and eventually elsewhere. We used to have the transcripts on a Wiki; we just pushed them to the forum when the Wiki became, uh, unmanageable
[2010/02/07 10:54] StuiChicanne Darkstone: whoa don't get technical
[2010/02/07 10:54] Jamie Palisades smiles. Quick, approve him before he gets away!
[2010/02/07 10:54] Mikelo Serevi: lol
[2010/02/07 10:54] Patroklus Murakami: if there are no other volunteers, i propose that the RA approves Mikelo's appontment as RA ARchivist
[2010/02/07 10:55] Solomon Mosely: congrats mik
[2010/02/07 10:55] Rose Springvale: yay Mikelo!
[2010/02/07 10:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds that before Mikelo has second thoughts about it!
[2010/02/07 10:55] Arria Perreault: I propose we applause him
[2010/02/07 10:55] Sonja Strom: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[2010/02/07 10:56] Lilith Ivory: applause
[2010/02/07 10:56] Sonja Strom:
[2010/02/07 10:56] Arria Perreault: /applause
[2010/02/07 10:56] Ulysse Alexandre applauds
[2010/02/07 10:56] Mikelo Serevi: ty
[2010/02/07 10:56] Jamie Palisades:
[2010/02/07 10:56] Timo Gufler applauds
[2010/02/07 10:56] Patroklus Murakami acclaims mikelo
[2010/02/07 10:56] Imotali Antiesse: clap clap
[2010/02/07 10:56] Arria Perreault: Thank you, very much
[2010/02/07 10:56] Gelf Yalin: applause
[2010/02/07 10:56] Cindy Ecksol raises hand again
[2010/02/07 10:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks so much, Mikelo! You have almost a year of backlogs already....
[2010/02/07 10:57] Arria Perreault: I suggest that former RA Archivists or other people well involved in law work inform him
[2010/02/07 10:57] Mikelo Serevi: lucky me
[2010/02/07 10:57] Arria Perreault: I will make sure that he gets an access to the portal
[2010/02/07 10:57] Arria Perreault: The next point now
[2010/02/07 10:57] Arria Perreault: LRA pro tempore
[2010/02/07 10:58] Arria Perreault: We need to elect someone to replace the LRA in case she cannot come
[2010/02/07 10:58] Pip Torok: I propose Cindy Ecksol if she's willing
[2010/02/07 10:59] Rose Springvale: shes' not in RA lol
[2010/02/07 10:59] Cindy Ecksol: lol!
[2010/02/07 10:59] Cindy Ecksol: nice thought Pip!
[2010/02/07 10:59] Pip Torok: drat!
[2010/02/07 10:59] Arria Perreault: We need a RA member
[2010/02/07 10:59] Patroklus Murakami: cindy did an excellent job last term
[2010/02/07 10:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2010/02/07 10:59] Cindy Ecksol: I get to watch this term.....
[2010/02/07 10:59] Patroklus Murakami: but i think that it needs to be an RA member...
[2010/02/07 10:59] StuiChicanne Darkstone: if we get the little hammer
[2010/02/07 10:59] Patroklus Murakami: how about you, pip?
[2010/02/07 10:59] Patroklus Murakami: can we persuade you?
[2010/02/07 10:59] Delia Lake: "The Representative Assembly may elect one of its members to serve as Leader pro tempore who may act as Leader in the event of the absence of the Leader or if the position of Leader is vacant."
[2010/02/07 10:59] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I might pinch the hammer when Arria's away
[2010/02/07 11:00] StuiChicanne Darkstone: and run around banging it randomly
[2010/02/07 11:00] You decline The Blarney Stone Irish Bar - Du, Dublin (80, 80, 25) from A group member named Chuckie Breda.
[2010/02/07 11:00] Pip Torok: am not up to it physically (diabetes)
[2010/02/07 11:00] Mikelo Serevi doesn't doubt it, stui
[2010/02/07 11:00] Patroklus Murakami: oh, i'm sorry to hear that pip
[2010/02/07 11:00] StuiChicanne Darkstone: "order! ORDER !"
[2010/02/07 11:00] Jamie Palisades: Hm. Stui with a hammer. Hm.
[2010/02/07 11:00] Arria Perreault: yes, me too
[2010/02/07 11:00] Cindy Ecksol thinks stui would be great
[2010/02/07 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 11:00] Mikelo Serevi erases proposal for pip
[2010/02/07 11:01] Solomon Mosely is disappointed, pip would be perfect
[2010/02/07 11:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Any volunteers?
[2010/02/07 11:02] Rose Springvale: i think stui did
[2010/02/07 11:02] Cindy Ecksol wonders why Gwyndidn't volunteer.....
[2010/02/07 11:02] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I think Caro should
[2010/02/07 11:02] StuiChicanne Darkstone:
[2010/02/07 11:03] Carolyn Saarinen: I thought you had Stui?
[2010/02/07 11:03] Delia Lake thinks Stui does a good job of running his talking hours in AA
[2010/02/07 11:03] StuiChicanne Darkstone: well I could
[2010/02/07 11:03] Imotali Antiesse: yes for stui
[2010/02/07 11:03] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I could keep my beady eyes open for people whispering
[2010/02/07 11:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All righty! Motion to approve Stui as pro tem LRA?
[2010/02/07 11:04] Arria Perreault: Any second?
[2010/02/07 11:04] Carolyn Saarinen: second
[2010/02/07 11:04] Arria Perreault: ty you
[2010/02/07 11:05] Arria Perreault: RA members who want to have Stui as LRA pro tempore, please say aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] Mikelo Serevi: aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] Imotali Antiesse: aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] StuiChicanne Darkstone: don't all jump at once
[2010/02/07 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] Patroklus Murakami: aye
[2010/02/07 11:05] Timo Gufler: aye...
[2010/02/07 11:05] Pip Torok: aye
[2010/02/07 11:06] StuiChicanne Darkstone: any more for any more ?
[2010/02/07 11:06] StuiChicanne Darkstone: *looks for nays*
[2010/02/07 11:06] Gelf Yalin: aye
[2010/02/07 11:06] Arria Perreault: nay?
[2010/02/07 11:06] Carolyn Saarinen: no nays, it seems
[2010/02/07 11:06] StuiChicanne Darkstone:
[2010/02/07 11:06] Rose Springvale: yay Stui!
[2010/02/07 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ,)
[2010/02/07 11:06] Jamie Palisades smiles and claps
[2010/02/07 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn applauds
[2010/02/07 11:07] Mikelo Serevi: good, we needed one 'nay' just to make things interesting
[2010/02/07 11:07] Pip Torok: yes ... tea, stu!
[2010/02/07 11:07] Arria Perreault: I abstains, because I am concerned
[2010/02/07 11:07] Keila Forager: Yay Stui
[2010/02/07 11:07] Lilith Ivory: APPLAUSE!
[2010/02/07 11:07] Pip Torok: *yea
[2010/02/07 11:07] Arria Perreault: Congratulation, Stui
[2010/02/07 11:07] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Arria there is no need to be concerned
[2010/02/07 11:07] StuiChicanne Darkstone: if all else fails I'll tell jokes for an hour
[2010/02/07 11:07] Patroklus Murakami: grtz
[2010/02/07 11:07] Arria Perreault: I'll warn you when I need you replace me
[2010/02/07 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Stui!
[2010/02/07 11:08] Rose Springvale: you will do a fine job stui, as always
[2010/02/07 11:08] Arria Perreault: Next point
[2010/02/07 11:08] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I will need a hammer
[2010/02/07 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The New Guild shall be informed.
[2010/02/07 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 11:08] Arria Perreault: We have to organize the election of the next Chancellor
[2010/02/07 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes...
[2010/02/07 11:09] Rose Springvale looks for scimitar and considers the benefits of merging...
[2010/02/07 11:09] Arria Perreault: This election will happen in our next meeting
[2010/02/07 11:09] StuiChicanne Darkstone: well not alistair darling
[2010/02/07 11:09] StuiChicanne Darkstone: he's hopeless
[2010/02/07 11:09] Arria Perreault: I have tried to clarify who should make the announcement in the forums, me or SC
[2010/02/07 11:10] Delia Lake: if i may speak to this, Arria
[2010/02/07 11:10] Arria Perreault: please, Delia
[2010/02/07 11:10] Arria Perreault: Jamie has also asked to speak (I did not forget)
[2010/02/07 11:11] Delia Lake: firstly Article II of the Constitution addresses the election of Chancellor
[2010/02/07 11:11] Delia Lake: Section 5 - Chancellor Selection Process
The Chancellor of the CDS shall be selected by the Representative Assembly from among any CDS citizen who shall make application to the RA.
The application period shall begin when the membership of a new RA is named and end the first day of the new RA term. This provision shall come into force
with the next RA election following passage and ratification of this amendment. (ed. note: the Seventh RA)
The chancellor will serve a term ending with the election of the next chancellor by the incoming RA.
The Chancellor may not be elected to or serve on the Representative Assembly, nor serve on the Scientific Council. The Chancellor may hold a position in the
Artisanal Collective but may not vote therein.
[2010/02/07 11:11] Cindy Ecksol thinks "Oops!"
[2010/02/07 11:11] Keila Forager: Double oops..
[2010/02/07 11:11] Delia Lake: Secondly, I did send an email to my fellow SC members regarding this but have yet to have heard anything back
[2010/02/07 11:12] Ariel Feden: (leafs through constitutional index under C)
[2010/02/07 11:12] Mikelo Serevi: Thank you delia
[2010/02/07 11:12] Delia Lake: I am merely 1 of 5 and am not the Dean of the SC
[2010/02/07 11:12] Rose Springvale: danton is here
[2010/02/07 11:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 11:12] Delia Lake: yes
[2010/02/07 11:12] Arria Perreault: Thank you for your efforts, Delia
[2010/02/07 11:13] Arria Perreault: Jamie, you wanted to speak too
[2010/02/07 11:13] Jamie Palisades: thank you
[2010/02/07 11:13] Jamie Palisades: Arria, three transition matters
[2010/02/07 11:13] Jamie Palisades: the legal one first
[2010/02/07 11:13] Jamie Palisades: as I posted in the Forums, our constitution unfortunately closes eligibility for chancellor today, with the start of
term. I was informally told that the SC meant to announce the position last week, but forget. May I suggest that you have the RA formally act to reopen it
for a stated period of time, and then we post to the Forums about it?
[2010/02/07 11:13] Jamie Palisades: i thin it will be betetr process if you extend the time officially by a vote here.
[2010/02/07 11:14] Jamie Palisades: i'll hold the other two, in case that one generates comment
[2010/02/07 11:14] Arria Perreault: ok
[2010/02/07 11:14] Patroklus Murakami nods in agreement with jamie
[2010/02/07 11:14] Pip Torok nods too
[2010/02/07 11:14] Gelf Yalin: nods
[2010/02/07 11:14] StuiChicanne Darkstone: *shakes his head*
[2010/02/07 11:14] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I like to do my own thing
[2010/02/07 11:15] Mikelo Serevi: I propose we vote to extend the period by as much as we extended the voting period.
[2010/02/07 11:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Mikelo.
[2010/02/07 11:15] Arria Perreault: ty
[2010/02/07 11:15] Pip Torok: if jamies finished arria can we formally propose it?
[2010/02/07 11:15] Mikelo Serevi: And thx jamie, good idea
[2010/02/07 11:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees with Jamie as well
[2010/02/07 11:15] Jamie Palisades: can we have the date stated here? I thikn Mikelo just made a motion, but that's the "which" of February?
[2010/02/07 11:15] Pip Torok: (ah sorry)
[2010/02/07 11:16] Arria Perreault: he has two other points, he told
[2010/02/07 11:16] Jamie Palisades: shall i go now, or wait for the motion, arria?
[2010/02/07 11:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, good point, Jamie
[2010/02/07 11:16] Arria Perreault: Jamie, can we vote on this now or the two other points are related?
[2010/02/07 11:16] Jamie Palisades: please go ahead and vot,e, and name a date
[2010/02/07 11:16] Arria Perreault: we move to move
[2010/02/07 11:16] Pip Torok: seconded
[2010/02/07 11:16] Arria Perreault: sorry
[2010/02/07 11:16] Patroklus Murakami: cut off date should be our next formal meeting in two week's time. yes?
[2010/02/07 11:17] Mikelo Serevi: Ok, how about the 21st, our next meeting?
[2010/02/07 11:17] Arria Perreault: until when?
[2010/02/07 11:17] Patroklus Murakami: yes!
[2010/02/07 11:17] Rose Springvale: for the app period??
[2010/02/07 11:17] Pip Torok agrees
[2010/02/07 11:17] Arria Perreault: a day before the meeting
[2010/02/07 11:17] StuiChicanne Darkstone: WEll it can't be this sunday
[2010/02/07 11:17] Rose Springvale: the election was only extended one week
[2010/02/07 11:17] StuiChicanne Darkstone: that's Valentines day
[2010/02/07 11:17] Arria Perreault: so we have the list of candidates
[2010/02/07 11:18] StuiChicanne Darkstone: why would it take 2 weeks to get people to say "I want to be chancellor"?
[2010/02/07 11:18] Jamie Palisades smiles. I heard three people say next meeting 21 feb. Is that the motion?
[2010/02/07 11:18] Arria Perreault: the motion is to extend the limit
[2010/02/07 11:18] Patroklus Murakami: arria has a point about the cut off date tho
[2010/02/07 11:18] Pip Torok: its more convoluted than that usually stui
[2010/02/07 11:18] Mikelo Serevi: Well they might be nervous, stui
[2010/02/07 11:18] Arria Perreault: I just want to know unteil when
[2010/02/07 11:19] StuiChicanne Darkstone: convoluted - it's a decision like any other
[2010/02/07 11:19] Patroklus Murakami: if it's the day before, we know the candidates when we come to the meeting
[2010/02/07 11:19] Patroklus Murakami: if not. who knows?
[2010/02/07 11:19] Rose Springvale: sighs, always the last minute
[2010/02/07 11:19] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I am the most indecisive person in RA as we all know
[2010/02/07 11:19] Arria Perreault: If we elect the Chancelor the 21, we have to set the limit few days before
[2010/02/07 11:19] Pip Torok agrees on the day before
[2010/02/07 11:19] StuiChicanne Darkstone: it takes me 9 hrs to decide upon what ice cream I want
[2010/02/07 11:19] Mikelo Serevi: I amend my motion to extend to the 20th
[2010/02/07 11:19] Patroklus Murakami: i propose sat 20 feb at 9am SLT as the cutoff
[2010/02/07 11:19] Arria Perreault: ty
[2010/02/07 11:19] Jamie Palisades:
[2010/02/07 11:19] Mikelo Serevi: the day before
[2010/02/07 11:20] StuiChicanne Darkstone: anyone want to consult the I ching ?
[2010/02/07 11:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn is fine in seconding Mikelo's amended suggestion
[2010/02/07 11:20] Mikelo Serevi: I second pat's for good measure
[2010/02/07 11:20] StuiChicanne Darkstone: we should check the day is auspicious
[2010/02/07 11:20] Arria Perreault: First we vote on the amendment
[2010/02/07 11:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers* but gives some chicken for Stui to read its entrails — this is a *Roman* sim after all!
[2010/02/07 11:21] StuiChicanne Darkstone: ewwww
[2010/02/07 11:21] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I got excited when I heard chicken
[2010/02/07 11:21] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I thought it was dinnertime
[2010/02/07 11:21] Mikelo Serevi: wb timo
[2010/02/07 11:22] Arria Perreault: who agrees on sat 20 feb at 9am SLT as limit for candidacy for Chancellor? Please say aye or nay
[2010/02/07 11:22] Timo Gufler: thanks, sorry, I crashed
[2010/02/07 11:22] Mikelo Serevi: aye!
[2010/02/07 11:22] Patroklus Murakami: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Pip Torok: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Timo Gufler: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Imotali Antiesse: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Gelf Yalin: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[2010/02/07 11:22] StuiChicanne Darkstone: aye spy
[2010/02/07 11:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (wb Timo!)
[2010/02/07 11:23] Carolyn Saarinen: aye
[2010/02/07 11:23] Arria Perreault: aye
[2010/02/07 11:23] Jamie Palisades smiles
[2010/02/07 11:23] Arria Perreault: now we can vote on the amended motion:
[2010/02/07 11:24] Arria Perreault: who agree that we extend the period of election for the Chancellor until the next RA meeting, 21th feb? please say aye or nay
[2010/02/07 11:24] Mikelo Serevi: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Patroklus Murakami: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Pip Torok: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Gelf Yalin: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Timo Gufler: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Carolyn Saarinen: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Imotali Antiesse: aye
[2010/02/07 11:25] Arria Perreault: Stui?
[2010/02/07 11:26] Danton Sideways: That's a good solution
[2010/02/07 11:26] StuiChicanne Darkstone: present
[2010/02/07 11:26] Cindy Ecksol raises hand
[2010/02/07 11:26] StuiChicanne Darkstone: aye
[2010/02/07 11:26] Arria Perreault: aye
[2010/02/07 11:26] Arria Perreault: I will publish an announcement after this meeting in the forum
[2010/02/07 11:26] Jamie Palisades:
[2010/02/07 11:26] Jamie Palisades: may I?
[2010/02/07 11:27] Arria Perreault: you two other points, Jamie (then Cindy)
[2010/02/07 11:27] Jamie Palisades: Ok, thanks, the two others are faster. #2 I have updated your roles. See what title you have as an RA member ("CDS
Gov't", same as SC) when you are using the C.D.S. group, and let Sudane or me know if there are any problems. Also, Arria is in the "presiding officers"
group, to which I also will add Stui, which gives you some additional control, in some locations -- ejections and all that. Finally ..
[2010/02/07 11:27] Jamie Palisades: let me publicly, especially, thank Delia Lake for being a very helpful and communicative SC repreentative throughout
this term transition process. I'd invite the RA to join me in that thanks too .. and at the proper time, to adopt a resolution thanking the departing RA
members (Wasp, Soro, Sonja, Joaquin, Cindy, Michal etc.) for their service.
[2010/02/07 11:27] Jamie Palisades: done, thanks Arria
[2010/02/07 11:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hear, hear!
[2010/02/07 11:27] Patroklus Murakami: here, here
[2010/02/07 11:28] Patroklus Murakami: hear, hear. even
[2010/02/07 11:28] Pip Torok: hear hear!!!!
[2010/02/07 11:28] Arria Perreault: Thank you, Jamie
[2010/02/07 11:28] Arria Perreault: I need a motion for that
[2010/02/07 11:28] Carolyn Saarinen salutes
[2010/02/07 11:28] StuiChicanne Darkstone: *WOO HOO FOR DELIA !!*
[2010/02/07 11:28] Pip Torok: so move
[2010/02/07 11:28] Patroklus Murakami: second
[2010/02/07 11:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds
[2010/02/07 11:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry, lol
[2010/02/07 11:29] Mikelo Serevi: to #1, thx, to #2, hear hear!
[2010/02/07 11:29] Cindy Ecksol: lol!
[2010/02/07 11:29] Arria Perreault: Ty you
[2010/02/07 11:29] Delia Lake: ty
[2010/02/07 11:29] Gelf Yalin: hear hear
[2010/02/07 11:29] Danton Sideways: woot
[2010/02/07 11:29] Lilith Ivory applauds
[2010/02/07 11:30] Arria Perreault: We vot now on a resolution to thank the departing RA members. By saying aye, you thank them for their work. Please vote:
[2010/02/07 11:30] Cindy Ecksol waits patiently for hubub to subside
[2010/02/07 11:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Patroklus Murakami: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Timo Gufler: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Imotali Antiesse: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Gelf Yalin: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Pip Torok: aye
[2010/02/07 11:30] Mikelo Serevi: aye
[2010/02/07 11:31] Ariel Feden: Jamie's sat down!!
[2010/02/07 11:31] StuiChicanne Darkstone: aye
[2010/02/07 11:31] Arria Perreault: Caro?
[2010/02/07 11:32] Carolyn Saarinen: aye
[2010/02/07 11:32] Sonja Strom bows
[2010/02/07 11:32] Arria Perreault: aye
[2010/02/07 11:32] Arria Perreault: Motion carries
[2010/02/07 11:32] Arria Perreault: Thank you
[2010/02/07 11:33] Arria Perreault: we can appluase them
[2010/02/07 11:33] Lilith Ivory smiles
[2010/02/07 11:33] Mikelo Serevi: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪
[2010/02/07 11:33] Lilith Ivory: applause
[2010/02/07 11:33] Danton Sideways: yay
[2010/02/07 11:33] Patroklus Murakami applauds
[2010/02/07 11:33] Jamie Palisades claps
[2010/02/07 11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: bravo, bravo
[2010/02/07 11:33] Imotali Antiesse: clappps
[2010/02/07 11:33] Cindy Ecksol bows and smiles thank you
[2010/02/07 11:33] Pip Torok: bravo
[2010/02/07 11:33] Rose Springvale: bravo!!
[2010/02/07 11:33] Arria Perreault: /applauds
[2010/02/07 11:33] Keila Forager: ♪♪♪♪>~~~APPLAUSE~~~<♪♪♪♪
[2010/02/07 11:33] Keila Forager: ♪♪♪♪>~~~APPLAUSE~~~<♪♪♪♪
[2010/02/07 11:33] Sonja Strom bows again, embarassed at having bowed before too early
[2010/02/07 11:34] Ulysse Alexandre applauds
[2010/02/07 11:34] Arria Perreault: Cindy has asked to speak
[2010/02/07 11:34] Cindy Ecksol: thanks, arria...
[2010/02/07 11:34] Cindy Ecksol: this goes back to the change in dates for chancellor election....
[2010/02/07 11:34] Arria Perreault: ok
[2010/02/07 11:34] Cindy Ecksol: to whom should nominations be submitted and how?
[2010/02/07 11:35] Jamie Palisades: hmm i do not think the law specifies it. didn't people usually do that on the forum?
[2010/02/07 11:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: RA, according to the text Delia posted.
[2010/02/07 11:35] Rose Springvale: some years it was whoever showed up at the ra meeting lol
[2010/02/07 11:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: which in turn is represented by the LRA But I guess forum posts is fine.
[2010/02/07 11:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol yes Rose
[2010/02/07 11:35] Jamie Palisades: one coud just send arria a note, but a public posting might be nicer
[2010/02/07 11:35] Arria Perreault: Now we are in office, I think that nominations can be sent to me (notecard or email) or published in the forum
[2010/02/07 11:36] Arria Perreault: I agree with Jamie
[2010/02/07 11:36] Delia Lake: or do both methods
[2010/02/07 11:36] Patroklus Murakami: candidates should be invited to attend the next RA meeting too. so we can grill them
[2010/02/07 11:36] Pip Torok thinks the Forum would be open and direct
[2010/02/07 11:36] Arria Perreault: I will publish an announcement in the forum after this meeting
[2010/02/07 11:36] Rose Springvale: maybe by group notice too
[2010/02/07 11:36] Rose Springvale: for the many who do not read the forums
[2010/02/07 11:36] Arria Perreault: if someone prefer to write to me directly, it's fine too
[2010/02/07 11:36] Keila Forager: Maybe a group notice too..
[2010/02/07 11:37] Rose Springvale: keila are you my alt?
[2010/02/07 11:37] Keila Forager: oops chat lag
[2010/02/07 11:37] Arria Perreault: I'll publish the complete list when the limit is over
[2010/02/07 11:37] Keila Forager: No rose just a bunny partneer and friend
[2010/02/07 11:37] Rose Springvale: smiles
[2010/02/07 11:38] Cindy Ecksol giggles
[2010/02/07 11:38] Arria Perreault: Cindy, are you satisfied with this answer?
[2010/02/07 11:38] Cindy Ecksol: um.....I think so.
[2010/02/07 11:38] Carolyn Saarinen still thinks those bunnies are creepy
[2010/02/07 11:38] Cindy Ecksol: candidates should post to the forum and send a card to Arria
[2010/02/07 11:38] Cindy Ecksol: yes?
[2010/02/07 11:38] Arria Perreault: or*
[2010/02/07 11:39] Cindy Ecksol thinks those bunnies are cute....but crazy like Tamagatchis
[2010/02/07 11:39] Arria Perreault: so ... last point of this point: Inaugural ball
[2010/02/07 11:39] Keila Forager: You would like the Alliens Caro
[2010/02/07 11:39] Cindy Ecksol: and addictive!
[2010/02/07 11:39] Carolyn Saarinen: I AM an alien
[2010/02/07 11:39] Arria Perreault: I think it would be good to have this ball after the election of the Chancellor
[2010/02/07 11:40] Rose Springvale nods. that's the tradition
[2010/02/07 11:40] Arria Perreault: we have to start to organize before to have a Chancellor
[2010/02/07 11:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aww no ball today??
[2010/02/07 11:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2010/02/07 11:41] Arria Perreault: and have a little budget for a DJ or a musician
[2010/02/07 11:41] Rose Springvale: is that RA work now?
[2010/02/07 11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Uh, no?
[2010/02/07 11:42] Arria Perreault: no, but we don't have a Chancellor and a budget
[2010/02/07 11:42] Jamie Palisades smiles. Rose, we're in office until the replacement. We're we goign to ffer to do the usual?
[2010/02/07 11:42] Rose Springvale: chancellor serves until replaced.
[2010/02/07 11:42] Jamie Palisades: Sorry ARria, you have to replace me before you are rid of me, under the law
[2010/02/07 11:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We do, Arria... the Chancellor is in office until the next gets elected...
[2010/02/07 11:42] Jamie Palisades grins
[2010/02/07 11:42] Arria Perreault: good
[2010/02/07 11:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe yes. We've just made Jamie's term the longest in the CDS history
[2010/02/07 11:42] Delia Lake: lol
[2010/02/07 11:42] Keila Forager: YAY!
[2010/02/07 11:43] Delia Lake: another piece for the new Archivist
[2010/02/07 11:43] Rose Springvale: and btw, the next chancellors the shortest. as its also a short term lol
[2010/02/07 11:43] Jamie Palisades: pfft 1.55 years
[2010/02/07 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, good point, Rose
[2010/02/07 11:43] Jamie Palisades: but then I guess there are historical monuments in SL younger than that
[2010/02/07 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It'll also be our first 5-month term... we already had 4-month terms before
[2010/02/07 11:43] Arria Perreault: Do we go back to the Schloss this year?
[2010/02/07 11:43] Rose Springvale: up to the committee
[2010/02/07 11:43] Sonja Strom: Except for Pip, who was Interim Chancellor in 2008.
[2010/02/07 11:44] Rose Springvale: we know how to do a ball i think you can trust us
[2010/02/07 11:44] Sonja Strom: Sorry, chat lag...
[2010/02/07 11:44] Arria Perreault: thank you
[2010/02/07 11:45] Arria Perreault: I move to next point
[2010/02/07 11:45] Arria Perreault: Any concern of RA member currently?
[2010/02/07 11:45] Arria Perreault: No?
[2010/02/07 11:46] Patroklus Murakami: no
[2010/02/07 11:46] Arria Perreault: I move to next point
[2010/02/07 11:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 11:46] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I'm always concerned
[2010/02/07 11:46] Arria Perreault: Any concern of citizen currently
[2010/02/07 11:46] Rose Springvale raises hand
[2010/02/07 11:46] Arria Perreault: ?
[2010/02/07 11:46] Arria Perreault: Rose, please
[2010/02/07 11:46] Rose Springvale: i have three things
[2010/02/07 11:47] Rose Springvale: first, please note that our land sale experiment is over now
[2010/02/07 11:47] Rose Springvale: i know you'll be getting a full report on that from Jamie when it is time
[2010/02/07 11:47] Carolyn Saarinen: So all landowners are now rich!!!
[2010/02/07 11:47] Rose Springvale: but please be aware that there are 22 new citizens in CDS in the last quarter of this term
[2010/02/07 11:47] Timo Gufler feels how his wallet gets fatter
[2010/02/07 11:48] Sonja Strom: hahaa
[2010/02/07 11:48] StuiChicanne Darkstone: yes including my Soaper !
[2010/02/07 11:48] Rose Springvale: i'll post the list here, when finished, but as RA ... try to remember that not everyone knows all our history, acronyms,
[2010/02/07 11:48] Rose Springvale: 2.
[2010/02/07 11:48] Rose Springvale: The library project in AA will now proceed with it's own group, called Al Qantara
[2010/02/07 11:48] Rose Springvale: and notcies of meetings and work groups will be through that group
[2010/02/07 11:49] Rose Springvale: contact Fern Leissa to join
[2010/02/07 11:49] Jamie Palisades smiles
[2010/02/07 11:49] Rose Springvale: 3. Personally. I"m concerned with the number of deadlines we missed during the last election. And with no criticism,
feel the SC isn't complying with the law
[2010/02/07 11:49] Rose Springvale: specifically the holding of meetings, transcript posting, and notice
[2010/02/07 11:50] Rose Springvale: i understand that people have personal issues
[2010/02/07 11:50] Rose Springvale: but think there should be back up in place, for this important branch of our government
[2010/02/07 11:50] Rose Springvale: and ask that if it is the RA's power, to reconvene this group accordng to our laws
[2010/02/07 11:50] Rose Springvale: thanks
[2010/02/07 11:50] Arria Perreault: thank you, Rose
[2010/02/07 11:51] Arria Perreault: does anyone else wants to speak?
[2010/02/07 11:51] Rose Springvale: would you like me to paste the new citizen names?
[2010/02/07 11:51] StuiChicanne Darkstone: 1) Soaper
[2010/02/07 11:51] Arria Perreault: in th forum, maybe
[2010/02/07 11:51] Pip Torok: yes please!
[2010/02/07 11:51] StuiChicanne Darkstone: I want to see
[2010/02/07 11:51] Arria Perreault: a welcome post in the forum
[2010/02/07 11:51] Jamie Palisades: actually,more than that
[2010/02/07 11:52] Arria Perreault: and an invitation to the Ball
[2010/02/07 11:52] Rose Springvale: lol
[2010/02/07 11:52] Jamie Palisades: let's remember that Pip volunteered to work on wlecoming new citizens specifically
[2010/02/07 11:52] Jamie Palisades: with his extraordinary talent for good informal parties
[2010/02/07 11:52] Rose Springvale: we have a whole group of people eager to do new citizen work
[2010/02/07 11:52] Pip Torok: my first job this term, folks
[2010/02/07 11:52] Rose Springvale: but need to know the leadership first
[2010/02/07 11:52] Arria Perreault: so paste the list
[2010/02/07 11:52] Rose Springvale: i think it's my job right now
[2010/02/07 11:52] Rose Springvale: Keila Forager
Cam Holiday
Sterling Troughton
Jeroma Wycliffe
Jimmie McMahn
Amgadsef Anton*
Trilokita Babii*
Jenilicious DeCuir
Trul Irata
Azrael Tedeschi
Harm Xue
Lostie86 Sharpshire
Garnet Psaltery
Arias Ahren
Apollo Manga
Yekaterina Kalchek
Muhammedyussif wikinger
Lolita Draegonne
Jayme Mistwalker
Rowan Aurbierre
Mycroft Memeriser
Soliel Snook
Ariel Feden
Callipygian Christensen
Aida Ishtari
*now gone
[2010/02/07 11:52] Jamie Palisades smiles
[2010/02/07 11:52] Pip Torok: thank you Rose!
[2010/02/07 11:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Quite a lot — welcome, new citizens!!!
[2010/02/07 11:53] Sonja Strom: Welcome!!
[2010/02/07 11:53] Arria Perreault: Welcome to them
[2010/02/07 11:53] Rose Springvale: ah, and Tor too. i knew i'd leave someone out
[2010/02/07 11:53] Arria Perreault: we will be happy to meet them at the ball
[2010/02/07 11:53] Keila Forager smiles , thanks
[2010/02/07 11:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 11:53] Danton Sideways: Can I say something (there's no more question mark for the queue?)
[2010/02/07 11:53] Arria Perreault: Danton
[2010/02/07 11:54] Rose Springvale: Tor Karlsvat. (sorry Tor, you don't feel new!)
[2010/02/07 11:54] Arria Perreault: you have the floor
[2010/02/07 11:54] Danton Sideways: Just to mention that SC held a meeting at a critical moment in January
[2010/02/07 11:54] Tor Karlsvalt: ok rose
[2010/02/07 11:54] Danton Sideways: Aliasi chaired the meeting, and Claude and Delia and I were there
[2010/02/07 11:55] Danton Sideways: Unfortunately the transcript never got posted
[2010/02/07 11:55] Delia Lake: small correction, i was unable to come that day as was running a rl workshop
[2010/02/07 11:55] Danton Sideways: But the SC has been there when it was critical
[2010/02/07 11:55] Danton Sideways: Oh right oops
[2010/02/07 11:56] Arria Perreault: thank you for this information
[2010/02/07 11:57] Danton Sideways: That's all
[2010/02/07 11:57] Mikelo Serevi: If you have the transcript, pass it to me in a note card, danton
[2010/02/07 11:57] Arria Perreault: if nobody else has a remark, I will ask a RA member to make a motion to adjourn
[2010/02/07 11:57] Rose Springvale: when is the Sc's next monthly meeting?
[2010/02/07 11:57] Danton Sideways: I didn't keep one
[2010/02/07 11:57] Arria Perreault: this first meeting
[2010/02/07 11:57] Pip Torok: so move
[2010/02/07 11:57] Patroklus Murakami: second
[2010/02/07 11:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sure, whew — motion to adjourn
[2010/02/07 11:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2010/02/07 11:57] Arria Perreault: Vote:
[2010/02/07 11:58] Patroklus Murakami: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Pip Torok: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Mikelo Serevi: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Lilith Ivory: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Delia Lake: Aliasi has the transcript i believe
[2010/02/07 11:58] Imotali Antiesse: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Gelf Yalin: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Carolyn Saarinen: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] StuiChicanne Darkstone: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye aye aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Timo Gufler: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn is hungry! haha
[2010/02/07 11:58] Pip Torok is as well
[2010/02/07 11:58] Patroklus Murakami already started on supper!
[2010/02/07 11:58] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Belly Pork
[2010/02/07 11:58] Arria Perreault: aye
[2010/02/07 11:58] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Oh dear - my laptop got hot
[2010/02/07 11:58] Arria Perreault: we are adjourned
[2010/02/07 11:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn smiles @ muhammed
[2010/02/07 11:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No wonder...
[2010/02/07 11:59] StuiChicanne Darkstone: Gotta watch that Muh...
[2010/02/07 11:59] Arria Perreault: thank you for coming to this meeting
[2010/02/07 11:59] Patroklus Murakami: notice of next week's 'town hall' will be posted on the forums and sent out by group notices
[2010/02/07 11:59] Mikelo Serevi: Thanks a lot for you efforts, arria, I appreciate it
[2010/02/07 11:59] Timo Gufler: thanks for being a LRA, Arria
[2010/02/07 11:59] Rose Springvale: please post regular meetings on the calendar
[2010/02/07 11:59] StuiChicanne Darkstone: now you are a member of the RA
[2010/02/07 11:59] Ulysse Alexandre applauds
[2010/02/07 11:59] StuiChicanne Darkstone: you can't afford scandal
[2010/02/07 11:59] Pip Torok does as well
[2010/02/07 11:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn was going to second Rose on that... it's sooo convenient
[2010/02/07 12:00] Moon Adamant: congratulations to all RA members elected! good work!
[2010/02/07 12:00] Rose Springvale: now that we've gone an hour into guild time
[2010/02/07 12:00] Patroklus Murakami: cheerio everyone
[2010/02/07 12:00] Rose Springvale: is there a guild meeting?
[2010/02/07 12:00] Moon Adamant: not today
[2010/02/07 12:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 12:00] Rose Springvale: and now we have no off week
[2010/02/07 12:00] Moon Adamant: but on saturday, the 20th, we will hold the Secretary of teh Board elections
[2010/02/07 12:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: nasty
[2010/02/07 12:01] Rose Springvale: smiles
[2010/02/07 12:01] Moon Adamant: yes... for the moment, saturday
[2010/02/07 12:01] Carolyn Saarinen: ma:a s-salaamah to all.
[2010/02/07 12:01] Rose Springvale: 9 am?
[2010/02/07 12:01] Moon Adamant: please have a look at
[2010/02/07 12:01] Imotali Antiesse: (imo go to sleep!!) yes mama..
[2010/02/07 12:01] Moon Adamant: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2690
[2010/02/07 12:01] Rose Springvale: i'll move it on the calendar
[2010/02/07 12:01] Moon Adamant: yes, 9 AM
[2010/02/07 12:01] Timo Gufler: bye
[2010/02/07 12:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sleep well, Imo
[2010/02/07 12:01] Lilith Ivory: uhm ... one last question
[2010/02/07 12:01] Moon Adamant: thanks Pip
[2010/02/07 12:01] Mikelo Serevi: bye timo
[2010/02/07 12:01] Lilith Ivory: how do I use this doodle thing?
[2010/02/07 12:01] Lilith Ivory: I forgot to ask in time
[2010/02/07 12:02] Rose Springvale: Thank you all for your service
[2010/02/07 12:02] Rose Springvale: Mikelo, you have the transcript?
[2010/02/07 12:02] Mikelo Serevi: Yes, I always keep one
[2010/02/07 12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[2010/02/07 12:02] Rose Springvale: kk, me too, if you ever need back up
[2010/02/07 12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Brave Mikelo...
[2010/02/07 12:02] Mikelo Serevi: is there an official one from the recorder?
[2010/02/07 12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: there is, yes...
[2010/02/07 12:03] Mikelo Serevi: or is the recorder just a tool to get permission?
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Cindy, do you get those still?
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No... it also records logs
[2010/02/07 12:03] Cindy Ecksol: what, the recorder logs?
[2010/02/07 12:03] Cindy Ecksol: no, they go to Arria now
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes...
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ah
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: good!
[2010/02/07 12:03] Cindy Ecksol: yes, very good
[2010/02/07 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: less spam for you, dear Cindy
[2010/02/07 12:04] Mikelo Serevi: I can just edit out my radar spam
[2010/02/07 12:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn grins
[2010/02/07 12:04] Danton Sideways: Bye everybody
[2010/02/07 12:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: see you, Danton!
[2010/02/07 12:04] Delia Lake: bye Danton
[2010/02/07 12:05] Ulysse Alexandre: bye All
[2010/02/07 12:05] Mikelo Serevi: I have to go as well
[2010/02/07 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: bye
[2010/02/07 12:05] Rose Springvale: Tor, where have you been lately?
[2010/02/07 12:05] Mikelo Serevi: I'll have the transcript posted by the end of the day
[2010/02/07 12:06] Lilith Ivory: dinnertime
[2010/02/07 12:06] Lilith Ivory: see you all soon
[2010/02/07 12:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmmh dinner sounds wonderful, Lilith!
[2010/02/07 12:06] Rose Springvale: thanks mikelo, that's really helpful
[2010/02/07 12:06] Lilith Ivory: yea
[2010/02/07 12:06] Rose Springvale: what are you making us?
[2010/02/07 12:06] Lilith Ivory: bye
[2010/02/07 12:06] Lilith Ivory: lol
[2010/02/07 12:07] Lilith Ivory was thinking about bunnies
[2010/02/07 12:07] Aida Ishtari: see you later everyone
[2010/02/07 12:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: bye, Aida welcome to the mess!" haha
[2010/02/07 12:07] Rose Springvale: oh you wicked girl!
[2010/02/07 12:07] Lilith Ivory: bye for now
[2010/02/07 12:08] Arria Perreault: I have to go
[2010/02/07 12:08] Arria Perreault: bye bye
[2010/02/07 12:08] Mikelo Serevi: bye