Proposed alteration to deeding procedure under Ver.1.12

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Sudane Erato
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Proposed alteration to deeding procedure under Ver.1.12

Post by Sudane Erato »

Proposed Bill re Neufreistadt Deeds following SL Release Ver.1.12

It is hereby proposed that following the Release of SL Ver.1.12, the technical land ownership assignments appearing on each parcel of land in Neufreistadt be changed to the actual owner name as shown on the deed which applies to that parcel. Further, it is proposed that any group wishing to record land in its name be chartered with the City of Neufreistadt, such a charter being a required prerequisite for any further group land ownership.


All land on a private sim is "owned", in the eyes of LL, by an "Estate Owner", currently Rudeen Edo. Previous to Ver.1.12, all "deeding" of land had to be to groups; individuals could not own land in their own name.

This has conflicted with the fundamental premise of Neufreistadt citizenship, by which citizenship is achieved by owning land. To this date, we have deeded to groups simply because we had to. Version 1.12 removes that obstacle. It enables us to actualize the concept of citizenship/land ownership on which the government is founded.

Further, there has evolved a procedure by which certain citizens, forming institutions for the pursuit of private business or of public improvement, have purchased and been deeded land in the name of that institution. At the very least, this creates confusion as to the "citizenship" status of that institution. This proposal seeks a clear definition of an acceptable city charter as a prerequisite for any "group" land ownership.

Examples (and certainly not only these examples) of clear and appropriate city charters underlying insitutions to which land has been deeded would be the Neufreistadt School and the Museum of Contemporary Art. My suggestion would be that perhaps City Charters enabling land ownership are not needed for "closely held" private and/or commercial institutions.

It must be noted that there may be some hardship with implementation of this bill. A number of citizens have had land deeded to them under group names which they have in common. The first example of this was that of Satchmo Prototype and Digi Vox, both former citizens of the City, who shared a common group for their land ownership. Since prims are pooled in land with the same owner (in this case their group), they achieved an advantage in doing this. This proposal would remove this loophole.

Finally, the implementation of this bill will be, not essential, but a highly desireable step in the development of the forthcoming Land Management System project. Since citizenship is directly related to ownership, and since parcel ownership is read directly from the land by script, the improvement in efficiency of the new system will be considerable.

I will submit this proposed bill to Claude via notecard, as per procedures.

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