The sturm and drang on this thread regarding the AA finances approaches its sadly customary loudness and nastiness, and, is often the case, more immersed in emotion than fact. In this case, the matter at hand APPEARS to be finances (although I'm not quite sure).
Does anyone know how to spell "s_u_d_a_n_e" "e_r_a_t_o" ?... or even in a pinch "s_o_n_j_a" "s_t_r_o_m" ? and know how to use the SL IM system? It is my understanding from Sonja that for the first time information was requested by the RA just this last Sunday about the AA finances issue. Since it was not at all clear what was being requested, and since I still have no access to a transcript to see if I can figure that out, AND since the tone on this thread is getting louder and more absurd with each post, let me provide some information. Perhaps the various sides on this can at LEAST discuss the real issues.
Rose led off this thread with a post documenting the calculations regarding parcels and tier in the AA sims. As she indicated, I do indeed have copies of this data, and she keeps it up to date with changes that occur. It is very important to understand, when viewing this data, that this is what is "intended" regarding tier collections and tier payments, and may not be what actually happens.
Obviously, actual tier payments are very easy to document, since LL sends a bill that must be paid.
Actual tier collections are easy to document as well, since they are payments coming from a variety of sources into Rudeen Edo's (our community "bank") transaction list. In the case of these collections, however, it may not, and indeed is not, the case that they agree with the "intended tier collections".
Now, this lack of agreement was anticipated, and it does not in itself represent a problem. For example, AA sims use primarily the Hippo box system of tier collection. Hippo boxes enable a payor to pay multiple months in advance, if they so desire. Therefore, if "intended tier collections", as represented on Rose's chart, are displayed on a monthly basis, but some of the payors are paying for multiple months, then the payments for a given month will not agree with the "intended tier collection" for that month.
Since this problem was foreseen at the beginning of the AA integration process (July 1, 2009), I proposed, and it was implicitly agreed, that the financial performance of the AA sims, and the determination of whether or not they paid their way, would NOT be made on a monthly basis. Rather, we would wait for a full year, adding up the various collections and expenditures, and see how it came out. The assumption is that over a full 12 months all those little ups and downs of tier collection would even out, and we'd be left with a clear sense of whether AA in fact collected as much tier as it cost.
Folks. The 12 months is not up. Whatever numbers I present now could change. You might have your own feelings about what will be the picture on July 1, but as far as facts go... we do not know. Please remember that.
I present two charts here, using numbers DIRECTLY from the Financial Reports which I publish every month and which are available to everyone on the CDS website:
Please view the charts and the associated data here: ... April2010#
The first chart, "Cumulative AA Tier Revenue and Expense in L$s", displays with the yellow line how much money we have collected in AA tier revenue from the residents since July 2009. It displays with the blue line how much we have paid to LL in tier for the 5 sims. As you can see, as of March 31, 2010, we are about 750,000 behind.
Let me emphasize. While we are behind in tier collections, we have three more months to go. The steepness of the yellow line is increasing, meaning that more and more tier is collected each month. While it appears to be a very difficult gap to fill, it COULD happen.
As you analyze this chart, please bear in mind that a great deal of effort was put into calculating the numbers fairly and properly at the start date. All prepayments were accounted for, both prepaid collections and prepaid tier expense. The data on this chart is accurate... through March 31, 2010.
I have included the second chart here because there has been some silliness expressed about the nature and purpose of our reserve. The chart simply displays the amount of reserves held each month by the community... again, readily available information in the Financial Reports.
It is quite interesting, and very informative, looking at this chart at this particular time. This graph shows EXACTLY what the reserve exists for. You will notice a million L$ drop in our reserves in October 2009. That drop, corresponding to the first tier payments on the AA sims which can easily be seen in the other chart, would not have been possible if we did not have a million L$s in the reserve. Let's be very clear. The acquisition of the AA sims was made possible by the very fact that we do maintain a reserve. The amount of the reserve may very fairly be open to discussion, but its existence, for a conservatively operated community such as ours, is in my opinion a given.
Here is a power point image sequence explaining the budget process and the part in that process played by the reserve. This presentation has been presented to numerous RA's... it is not new. ... etProcess#
May I fervently ask that in the future, before initiating a conversation regarding the finances of our community, that you ask either Sonja or myself for the actual data upon which the discussion will be held.