Meeting on 2010-04-22
Those present:
Claude Desmoulins is in the chair.
Claude Desmoulins: There.
Notary Desk: Passed self test.
Delia Lake: oh good. I need to get one of those recroders
Delia Lake: recorders
Claude Desmoulins: Can't remember where I got it.
Claude Desmoulins: Will send last group notice only if Alias shows up.
Delia Lake: ok
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is online!
Delia Lake: hi Pip
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi is not logged in to Google at the moment. She said she thought she'd be out of class by now.
Claude Desmoulins: Welcome to our waiting game.
Pip Torok: hi ... is it ok for me to stay?
Delia Lake: yes. Pip
Pip Torok: thank you
Kaseido Quandry: hi Delia!
Kaseido Quandry: hi Claude, Pip
Pip Torok: hi ...
Kaseido Quandry has indicated consent to be recorded.
Claude Desmoulins: Good afternoon
Pip Torok has indicated consent to be recorded.
Delia Lake has indicated consent to be recorded.
Delia Lake: hi Kas
Pip Torok: hi Danton!
Claude Desmoulins: We now seem to have everyone but the dean
Kaseido Quandry: hi Danton!
Delia Lake: hi Danton. you made it!
Danton Sideways: on iphone
Delia Lake: yes
Delia Lake:
Danton Sideways: and rather busy...
Delia Lake: I got a Droid phone and a sl app recently
Danton Sideways: wow
Danton Sideways: i'd like both iphone and android
Danton Sideways: too expennsive
Delia Lake: lol
Claude Desmoulins: I use Pocket Metaverse in a pinch.
Delia Lake: my service doesn't offer iphone
Delia Lake: hi Calli
Claude Desmoulins: BTw here is the relevant bit of SC procedures which is why we are still sitting here:
Claude Desmoulins: C. QUORUM & TIME MANAGEMENT
1. The SC has a quorum on a duly announced meeting when the Dean and one chair is present.
Callipygian Christensen: Hello Delia..everyone
Kaseido Quandry: hey Calli!
Delia Lake: so we are waiting for Aliasi who said this time would work for her and she would be here
Callipygian Christensen nods
Callipygian Christensen: I have a Greedy table
Callipygian Christensen: might havetime for a quick game *grin*
Delia Lake: hehe
Callipygian Christensen: So, noticing a potetnial elephant behind the curtain - is there some policy in place to replace Dean or chairs who miss multiple meetings or disappear?
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Timo Gufler is online!
Claude Desmoulins: About the only thing in writing is ...
Claude Desmoulins: ...Artice III section 9 of the Constitution
Claude Desmoulins: Aha
Claude Desmoulins: Here she comes
Delia Lake: Aliasi is inworld now
Delia Lake: very sorry to have everyone waiting so long
Delia Lake: hi Aliasi
Aliasi Stonebender: heuo
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi
Danton Sideways: hi
Callipygian Christensen: hello Aliasi
Delia Lake: hi CLEO
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i cant get in
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi delia
Aliasi Stonebender has indicated consent to be recorded.
Aliasi Stonebender: alright then. sionce I presume I was the one everyone was waiting on - and I do apologize, took me a second to get to a computer - shall we begiun?
Delia Lake: yes. has everyone here touched the recorder on the table? if not please do so
CLEOPATRA Xigalia has indicated consent to be recorded.
Claude Desmoulins: if you can
Callipygian Christensen has indicated consent to be recorded.
Aliasi Stonebender: yes, it just verifies you don't mind being recorded during this meeting, since it's how we keep minutes.
Claude Desmoulins: Dqanton, could you indicate in chat that you're ok with transcripting?
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi , do you have an agenda?
Delia Lake: Danton, fyi, is on his iPhone and cannot move
Danton Sideways: ok
Aliasi Stonebender: let's see here....
Danton Sideways: i'm walking in the street in london
Aliasi Stonebender: I believe you had some suggested issues, Claude, I'm looking for that email. the things of importance are (a) dean selection, since it's that time of year again (b) a possible revision to the SC procedures, and... something else...
Claude Desmoulins: election prep and we need to add new member nominations which was scheduled for last week,
Claude Desmoulins: .
Claude Desmoulins waits for the dean.
Aliasi Stonebender: ah, yes, I think that was the other things. I recall a question being raised about do people late on payment get to vote, etc.
Claude Desmoulins: They don't per NL 9-2.
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is away!
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is online!
Claude Desmoulins: Or do we want to do dean and quorum procedures first?
Aliasi Stonebender: also, should factions be indicated now that they're no longer required.
Claude Desmoulins: Yes.
Aliasi Stonebender: alright, let's take it from the top. the technical SC things we need to do badly; we've suffered without them.
Timo Gufler: hi
Arias Ahren: Hi Folks
Delia Lake: hi Arias
Arias Ahren: Rezzing
Arias Ahren: Very slow
Claude Desmoulins: Aliasi and I have had a term at the head of this august establishment.
Claude Desmoulins looks at Delia and Danton
Aliasi Stonebender: and me mostly because I'm the only one who bothered to show at the meeting when the election had to be held.
Aliasi Stonebender: This doesn't speak well for people's involvement in one third of the government, which is one reason we need to look at our procedures.
Delia Lake: I have been on the SC for a while now and would be willing to take my turn as Dean if you all would like
Aliasi Stonebender: i.e., the RA often passes votes to email; we need something similar, perhaps more use of an SC-only forum discussion.
Claude Desmoulins: I certainly would have no objections.
Aliasi Stonebender: doesn't bother me in the least.
Claude Desmoulins: Danton?
Danton Sideways: delia seems to have time
Aliasi Stonebender: (SC-only posts, that is, anyone should be able to read. Like the current accouncements forum.)
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is away!
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is online!
Claude Desmoulins: That sounds settled.
Claude Desmoulins: Should we allow the new Dean to take over the meeting immediately?
Aliasi Stonebender: *shrug* we could, yes.
Arias Ahren has indicated consent to be recorded.
Aliasi Stonebender: although I suggest the agenda remain the same.
Delia Lake: yes. i agree the agenda should remain the same
Claude Desmoulins: So is quorum next?
Delia Lake: yes
Danton Sideways: i may go silent here
Danton Sideways: arriving at destination
Claude Desmoulins: The constitution requires us to meet once a month.
Claude Desmoulins: Absent a change which would start in the RA and may be warrented given how reactive the SC is now designed to be,
Claude Desmoulins: *warranted
Claude Desmoulins: , we still probably need to do something about the dean+1 rule.
Delia Lake: from what i could find, so far in the history of the SC, the body has not had an acting or deputy Dean. please correct that if it is not so, Claude or Aliasi. but given that we all have demanding rl and want to perform our SC duties in service of the CDS community
Aliasi Stonebender: the dean is mostly a chief-justice kind of position these days anyway, no? Mostly the person who minds it all and keeps it moving.
Claude Desmoulins: I think a dean pro-tem would be fine, but the real question is how many members do you need for a legal in world meeting?
Delia Lake: right now we have 4 total SC members
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Timo Gufler is offline!
Delia Lake: the constitution allows for 9 i believe
Claude Desmoulins nods
Aliasi Stonebender: A simple majority, perhaps?
Claude Desmoulins: That would be 3 of four at the moment.
Aliasi Stonebender: that way, at least, routine, everyone-votes-the-same-way matters could be handled.
Aliasi Stonebender: at the moment, yes.
Aliasi Stonebender: but any less seems problematic.
Claude Desmoulins: True
Claude Desmoulins: Would you allow a quorum with exactly 50% present when there were an even number of members?
Claude Desmoulins: That is the only thing I'm thinking about.
Delia Lake: me too
Delia Lake: I would hope we might raise our numbers to 7 SC members
Aliasi Stonebender: I suppose that would be fair, although I think anything beyond routine matters should still need a majority, not just 'let's call an SC meeting in the middle of the night to do this'. Not that I think anyone here would, but I want to think long-term.
Claude Desmoulins realizes the entire current SC is here.
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Gwyneth Llewelyn is online!
Delia Lake: well. if we set regular monthly SC meeting times, held preliminary discussion on agenda items via the SC forum thread
Delia Lake: then SC members who could not make a particular meeting would get an opportunity to express their opinions
Aliasi Stonebender: indeed, sounds reasonable.
Claude Desmoulins: Then would you go with 50% or 50% +1 for the actual in world mtg?
Delia Lake: my preference is still for 50% + 1
Claude Desmoulins: OK
Claude Desmoulins: SO.
Aliasi Stonebender: especially if those who couldn't make it could make a binding opinion forum-wise.
Claude Desmoulins: change procedures to:
Claude Desmoulins: 1. Quorum is 50% +1 of current members.
Claude Desmoulins: 2. Members in attendance shall choose a dean pro tem if the dean is absent.
Claude Desmoulins: 3. SC can conduct official business via SC discussion forum.
Claude Desmoulins: Does that cover it?
Delia Lake: I think so, yes
Claude Desmoulins: Any concerns about doing it that way?
Aliasi Stonebender: none on my end.
Arias Ahren: It sounds reasonable to me.
Delia Lake: that should allow the SC to be much more functional and responsive
Claude Desmoulins: Does that takes us to election?
Delia Lake: yes
Delia Lake: the deadline for declared candidates is April 30
Claude Desmoulins: Depending on whether we include those behind on tier in the count for seats, the citizen count is 129 or 131.
Claude Desmoulins: NL 9-2 clasifies those behind in payments as provisional citizens.
Aliasi Stonebender: you may wish to announce on the forums, Delia, that you're the one that needs to be notified about candidacy. I've already gotten one notecard
Claude Desmoulins: We have previously included them in the count for number of seats even though 9-2 says they can't vote until they pay up.
Delia Lake: so according to NL 9-2 we would have to know how long they are in arears
Claude Desmoulins: I think that was in Sudane's list.
Delia Lake: after a month's time their properties are subject to confiscation
Delia Lake: ty Ali
Delia Lake: and yes, I'll make an announcement on the forum again re deadline for candidacy
Claude Desmoulins: we have 1 who hasn't paid march and one who hasn't paid feb or march as of the 17th.
Aliasi Stonebender: even if we count them before, after a month they probably shouldn't.
Claude Desmoulins: so do we include neither , one or, both in the count for number of seats?
Aliasi Stonebender: Danton made the point that they don't revoke your citizenship in RL if you don't pay taxes, but this is where I bring CDS's nature as a sort of land co-operative to mind. In real life, land doesn't magically poof when you don't pay for it.
CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i just paid her so ad d one for me
Delia Lake: lol Ali, but in sl if the tier isn't paid the whole of the CDS could poof!
Pip Torok raises hand
Notary Desk: Passed self test.
Claude Desmoulins: nl 9-2 is clear about those behind not voting.
Claude Desmoulins: so the only question is is the census number 129, 130, or 131?
Delia Lake: well, the deadline for candidacy is Apr 30
Delia Lake: the polls open May 15
Claude Desmoulins: And the deadline for voting eligibility was Apr 17,
Claude Desmoulins: as well as the initial census date.
Claude Desmoulins: Although current census act allows you to use number as of poll opening date if it's higher.
Delia Lake: yes, that's why i raised that
Claude Desmoulins: Ra may change all that on Sunday
Delia Lake: so as of right now we cannot say which is the correct citizen number
Delia Lake: Pip. you raised your hand?
Pip Torok: yes ... wd it be possible to advise those in arreARS SO THEY CAN PAY IN TIME?
Claude Desmoulins: I think the treasurer is suppose to do that.
Kaseido Quandry cheers Pip
Claude Desmoulins: *supposed
Delia Lake: usually Sudane sends out many notices
Pip Torok: perhaps a reminder to her from the sc?
Aliasi Stonebender: is an idea.
Delia Lake: sometimes I've gotten late ones for MoCAso if I haven't brought him inworld for a month. since his main function is as museum alt he doesn't do much else
Claude Desmoulins: From NL 9-2:
Claude Desmoulins: 2. The CDS Executive Branch shall provide for notice (which may be by IM or notecard) to each land owner when they have failed to pay tier rental by the established due date.
3. Five calendar days after the due date, a landowner who has failed timely to pay rental tier becomes a 'provisional citizen', and shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the CDS until and unless all amounts overdue to CDS are paid in full. The citizen shall receive a notice (by IM or notecard) advising her or him of this risk and imminent change is status, and noting the deadline for final payment pursuant to this Act.
4. CDS has the right to make public the lists of provisional citizens from time to time, as reasonably needed for its administration of government.
5. One calendar month after the due date, if the landowner has continued to fail to pay the full amount then overdue to CDS, then CDS shall send another notice to the landowner warning of imminent reclaimation (loss of the land). Fourteen days after tha
Claude Desmoulins: Fourteen days after that 1-month notice is sent, the CDS Executive Branch shall re-take ownership of the land, and the owner shall be removed from 'provisional citizen' status. The CDS Executive Branch may then dispose of the land by re-sale or otherwise in such manner as is consistent with our laws, and the landowner will lose any further interest in the parcel. All objects on the parcel at the time of reclaimation shall be returned, and a notice of the reclaimation sent to the landowner.
6. If a landowner who has failed to pay rental tier owns more than one CDS property, and reaches the one-month notice above, all of that owner's properties are subject to the reclamation rules specified above. However, this paragraph 6 shall only be in force on and after the date on which CDS government has posted a method by which absent landowners can effectively prepay rent, in amounts at least up to 3 months' in advance.
7. The CDS Executive Branch is encourged to take reasonable additional steps to notify citize
Claude Desmoulins: of past due amounts and all other matters described in this Act, but timely rent payment primarily is the citizen's responsibility to monitor.
Delia Lake: so either Sudane or Sonja could notify people
Delia Lake: although we could make the list public, that would not be my preference
Claude Desmoulins: So the Chancellor or Treasurer should be communicating with people.
Delia Lake: of course any citizen could go and click their payment box to make sure it's up to date
Delia Lake: i can put that in the forum
Aliasi Stonebender: the citizen list is a matter of public record, but yes, we don't need to specifically call people out I think.
Claude Desmoulins: But do you count the provisionals when determining number of seats?
Delia Lake: and i'll ask Sudane what she has been doing about notifying people
Claude Desmoulins: That's the question we have to iron out.
Delia Lake: I think that having a firm date for the census and status would resolve that actually
Delia Lake: right now we have 2 possible dates with the possibility of the RA making a change
Delia Lake: if there were 1 firm date, people would either be eligible on that date or they would not be
Claude Desmoulins: I think that's a different question.
Claude Desmoulins: The question I have is, do those who are provisional and not vote eligible count when we count heads to determine the number of RA seats?
Claude Desmoulins: Previously they have.
Delia Lake: ............thinking.......
Delia Lake: if they are provisional when? counted when?
Claude Desmoulins: As of the census date (apr 17th in this instance and again on may 15 unless the ra changes things)
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is away!
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is online!
Delia Lake: if they are still provisional on may 15 they cannot vote
Claude Desmoulins: Yes. But do only those who can vote count for determining the # of RA seats?
Aliasi Stonebender: I think that would make the most sense.
Delia Lake: so if they are provisional on May 15, and they are counted, then have their property confiscated on may 31, they would still be counted as citizens for the number of RA sworn in on June 1
Claude Desmoulins: That's the question.
Delia Lake: yes
Claude Desmoulins: Yes that's the question, yes they should be counted, or yes you agree with Aliasi that they shouldn't?
Delia Lake: yes that's the question
Arias Ahren: It dosent see that there is a good resolution, but it seems you are faced with doing it that ay.
Delia Lake: if there happened to be 15 in that condition it would skew the numbers
Arias Ahren: True
Claude Desmoulins: It may still.
Arias Ahren: but would the number ever be that high
Claude Desmoulins: 129 v 131 makes a differenc unless the RA changes how seats are counted.
Delia Lake: yes, 1 seat difference
Claude Desmoulins: 11 v 13 I think.
Arias Ahren: Significant
Delia Lake: oh yes you're correct. must be an odd number
Pip Torok: under the propposed change the number of seats wd be 7 for both 129 and 131
Claude Desmoulins: Today we have to decide 129 or 131. If the RA doesn't change anything we have to do the count again on May 15.
Claude Desmoulins: If we worry abt what the RA might do we'll be here all night
Delia Lake: i would say that at this time we should count the provisional citizens, as there is a reasonable expectation that they will pay up before May 15
Claude Desmoulins: Plus that gives the term provisional citizen an explict meaning.
Delia Lake: yes
Claude Desmoulins: can't vote but counts for seat allocation.
Arias Ahren: If the history is that they have generally paid I think that is your best option
Claude Desmoulins: And that's how we've done it in the past.
Delia Lake: I recommend that we continue with that policy
Delia Lake: what do you think, Claude? Aliasi?
Claude Desmoulins: Fine with continuing that way.
Delia Lake: Ali?
Delia Lake: she may be having trouble with that computer she's on...
Delia Lake: so then according to the current list the CDS has 131 citizens from the Apr 17 list
Aliasi Stonebender: eh, I don't feel strongly enough to fight it
Claude Desmoulins: Yes.
Aliasi Stonebender: so sure, no votes, count for seats. Until a problem crops up it doesn't change things.
Delia Lake: so we will post that on the forum also
Callipygian Christensen raises her hand
Claude Desmoulins: Item 2 - Should candidates affiliated with factions have their faction listed next to their names on the virtual ballot?
Delia Lake: yes, Calli?
Pip Torok raises his hand
Callipygian Christensen: I am not sure I understand the purpose of the two separate counts - establishing the number of seats a month ahead - does this have some purpose I am missing?
Pip Torok waits for item 2 ...
Callipygian Christensen: It appears to just mean the same work has to be done twice.
Claude Desmoulins: ?t was put in a couple of years ago, when it was hope growth right before the election would create a couple of more RA seats. Now the two separate dates are just a pain , IMO.
Claude Desmoulins: *hoped
Claude Desmoulins: I think that since factions are still recognized in the constitution we should put faction affiliations on the ballot.
Aliasi Stonebender: On the one hand, there's nothing preventing someone from going stealth, but on the other hand, if you're part of a faction and wish to push its goals you shouldn't be ashamed to fly the flag.
Aliasi Stonebender: so to speak.
Delia Lake: I agree. it is not required that a candidate be a member of a faction but being a member of a faction is not prohibited either. people have a choice now
Pip Torok raises hand
Claude Desmoulins: Had the RA wished to make elections completely non partisan they could have eliminated all reference to factions.
Claude Desmoulins: So should the factionless have independent, no faction or nothing at all next to their names?
Pip Torok raises hand
Delia Lake: the corollary question though is how should candidates be listed on the ballot? should they be alpabetical by name, and then faction, but not grouped by faction as in the past?
Delia Lake: yes, Pip?
Claude Desmoulins: Or they could be random.
Delia Lake: they could be random. yes
Claude Desmoulins: Just build it into the code. I think that's how the old system worked.
Delia Lake: Pip, you wanted to say something?
Pip Torok: I believe candidates should not be labelled as faction members but can if they wish declare themselves in speaking to be belong to a faction
Pip Torok: done
Aliasi Stonebender: when making declarations, many people declare they're with a faction, so I suppose that could work.
Aliasi Stonebender: since now it has little effect on the system, it's more a brand-name.
Claude Desmoulins: But I think that if the RA wanted no reference to factions on the ballot, they would have purged all that language from the constitution. They didn't
Delia Lake: "The first RA elections where candidates are not required to be a member of any faction will be for the term starting June 1, 2010."
Claude Desmoulins: BTW I support random ordering of candidates.
Arias Ahren: Forgive me call from the States
Pip Torok: The faction leader could declare that certain candidates have declared themselves for that faction
Delia Lake: I also support random ordering of candidate names on the ballot
Claude Desmoulins: I would even think that any declared candidate who appears as a factin member in the appropriate in world grp would be labeled with that faction member. Are you suggesting....
Delia Lake: brb
Claude Desmoulins: ....that a faction member would run without identifying with the faction?
Claude Desmoulins: In that case why not just leave the faction?
Pip Torok: i'm suggesting that the ballot have a random order but that a faction leader cd unofficially declare that certain candidates wish to be considered to belong to a faction
Pip Torok: done
Claude Desmoulins: So it would be the candidate's choice?
Delia Lake: back
Aliasi Stonebender: I'm not really for that.
Pip Torok: yes
Pip Torok: yes
Claude Desmoulins: My thought is that if you don't want to run as a member of faction X leave the faction.
Aliasi Stonebender: exactly.
Claude Desmoulins: Delia?
Aliasi Stonebender: or if you belong to, I dunno, the Cute Baby Seal-Eating faction and wish to promote eating cute baby seals, we should encourage an environment where you say so.
Delia Lake: i don't feel strongly as to whether a faction designation would be listed after a candidate. If the candidates are listed by name, randomly, and not grouped by faction. my slight preference would be no faction listings on the ballot, just names, and candidate names associated with different factions on posters at the faction offices. but that is not a strong preference
Pip Torok: it's of course possible that the unofficial faction-list comes out before and independent from the ballot list with random names
Claude Desmoulins: I tend to agree with Aliasi.
Claude Desmoulins: Since factions were about running for RA it makes sense to me that any faction member running for RA would run as a faction member, else why be in the faction?
Claude Desmoulins: are instead of were.
Pip Torok: because of the principles placed on the platform?
Aliasi Stonebender: If you don't want your faction membership to be known, don't run as that faction, it's really that simple.
Aliasi Stonebender: if you agree with the principles but not the people, roll your own.
Claude Desmoulins: I believe in the principles of faction x but not enough to be publicly associated with it? Still seems odd to me.
Pip Torok: then candidates will all run as independent whatever their affiliation, I wd suggest
Claude Desmoulins: I could compromise on letting faction associated candidates choose whether to lrun as faction x when they declare tothe dean.
Aliasi Stonebender: I don't see why that follows, Pip.
Aliasi Stonebender: since many people might vote for someone *because* they associate with a faction. Like I said, it's branding.
Claude Desmoulins: But I object to removing them completely from the election because the RA had that opportunity when they changed things in Jan and didn't take it.
Aliasi Stonebender: "I'm a member of the CSDF/DPU/whatever, and thus I believe these things. Vote for me!"
Aliasi Stonebender: If you don't believe in those things, don't run as a faction member.
Delia Lake: ok. so then for an example, not real, it would read Pip Torok, DPU, Delia Lake, Conservationists, and Kaseido Quandry _________
Claude Desmoulins: or Kaseido No Faction affiliation.
Claude Desmoulins: Then it would be clear the lack of a faction label was intended.
Delia Lake: ok
Pip Torok: OK then, I conceded that a faction affiliation be placed on the ballot if the sc wishes
Pip Torok: *cocede
Pip Torok: *concede
Claude Desmoulins: So - candidate names in random order.
Claude Desmoulins: Candidates who are in factions have faction name.
Claude Desmoulins: Candidates w/o have no faction affiliation.
Claude Desmoulins: Is that right?
Pip Torok agrees
Delia Lake: yes
Aliasi Stonebender: (as an aside, if you feel strongly enough about it, there's nothing saying a SC member can't propose a bill to an RA member, I would like to note. But we have to go by known intent in part.
Claude Desmoulins: OK
Claude Desmoulins: BTW,
Claude Desmoulins: Election system tests are May 8-9 done by the SC and Jon Seattle,
Delia Lake: yes
Claude Desmoulins: Is that it for elections?
Delia Lake: Jon is working on the new system
Claude Desmoulins: Did you look at the draft voter guide revision I sent out?
Delia Lake: just briefly, Claude
Delia Lake: ty for doing that
Claude Desmoulins: We have some time to get it cleaned up and can edit asynchronously.
Claude Desmoulins: Just please send suggested edits inthe next week or so.
Claude Desmoulins: Is the last thing SC nominations?
Delia Lake: i'll go through it on saturday with edits
Delia Lake: yes
Claude Desmoulins: I need to leave in about 15 minutes.
Delia Lake: I believe that the CDS would benefit from a larger SC. my thoughts are that 7 would be a good number for us at this time of our community population. that may be optimistic
Claude Desmoulins: Any nominations?
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is away!
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is online!
Delia Lake: i do also, Claude. i had a rl call scheduled for 4:45 and just postopned it for a short time to finish here
Notary Desk: Passed self test.
Delia Lake: are there any nominations from the people here?
Aliasi Stonebender: that's the tricky part, we need to have people who are qualified to join.
Delia Lake: I would like to nominate Jamie Palisades. Jamie has spoken with me and expressed his interest in becoming a member of the SC
Aliasi Stonebender: Hm, I could go with Jamie, certainly.
Claude Desmoulins: He certainly knows hsi way around the CDS system.
Aliasi Stonebender: so I'll second th enomination, if we're being all Robert's Rules.
Claude Desmoulins: I am also in favor.
Claude Desmoulins: What about Micael Khandr?
Delia Lake: I would love to have Micael be on the SC. I have not spoken with him about it though and do not know if he would be interested
Claude Desmoulins: Not only was he on RA ,but he has lots of RL experience in conflict resolution and consensus decision making. We could nominate contingent on his willingness to serve.
Delia Lake: i'm a little uncomfortable in nominating someone who hasn't been asked
Aliasi Stonebender: I'm not personally familiar with him.
Delia Lake: I'd be glad to talk with Micael though about joining the SC
Claude Desmoulins: He can always decline, couldn't he?
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Arria Perreault is offline!
Delia Lake: he could, but it seems to me a little presumptive.
Delia Lake: I'll look for Micael online in the next couple of days
Aliasi Stonebender: this is just nominations, anyway.
Claude Desmoulins: Well we could certainly wait until he has a chance to think about it.
Claude Desmoulins: Jamie would get us to 5, should the RA concur.
Claude Desmoulins: Is there anything else?
Delia Lake: what about Soro?
Pip Torok: a request? ... that the Dean announce the results as soon as possible so that we can all celebrate in the thermae as per traditytion?
Pip Torok: done
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Patroklus Murakami is online!
Delia Lake: Might we want to ask Soro Dagostino if he might be interested in the SC also?
Delia Lake: I'd love to have a few more possible names
Claude Desmoulins: Since we wantto ask them before we nominate, why don't we pass Jamie on to the RA and take this topic up again at next SC meeting.
Delia Lake: and Pip we will do our very best to announce the election results as soon as we can
Pip Torok: thank you ....
Aliasi Stonebender: fair enough
Delia Lake: yes. good idea. as Jamie we know is interested
Delia Lake: I'll let Arria know
Claude Desmoulins: May we adjourn, Madame Dean?
Delia Lake: given that this is election time, and we are producing a new software, should we try to schedule another SC meeting for say May 10 timeframe? after the first tests?
Delia Lake: hi Pat. we are just about to adjourn
Indicator Board (Business Ver): Pip Torok is offline!
Patroklus Murakami: late to the party eh? nm
Aliasi Stonebender: sounds good.
Claude Desmoulins: On the 10th I'm free in the afternoon but not motning
Delia Lake: we can schedule the next meeting via email and then post. we have been here for a long while. thank you all for participating in this official SC meeting
Delia Lake: if there are no further business items and no objections, the meeting of the SC is now adjourned
The meeting closed at 14:13 Linden time.