Thanks so much Caude. This is indeed interesting.
So it seems that only 57 of the 131 citizens are using the forum for debate. Likely, these 57 are the citizens who are returning frequently to the forum to even read the postings. Granted there is no data, only my supposition.
Worse still, only ONE person in only the AA group is also registered with the forum.
I think the forums are a great place to post long explanations, documents and serve an archival role. But for day-to-day communication or even as a preferred method of communicating ideas, they are horrible. Over half the citizens probably have no interest in them. And the majority of that half is probably AA.
Perhaps is it is no wonder that AA seems disengaged from CDS discourse. AA is just not communicating where where influential CDS politicians prefer to communicate. Surely we can all see how this can lead to mistrust between the citizens of the CDS group and AA group.
Obviously, the political leaders and citizens of AA communicate with each other. Lacking a forum, they must be communicating mainly in-world. No doubt building strong in-world relationships, working together and trusting each other.
I must say that my most valued communication with citizens is in-world as well. I do feel that if I know you in-world, I will be more likely to judge if I can trust you. So perhaps if we all made effort to engaged citizens from both sides of the estate line while in-world, and at more than meetings, then we would all learn that we share a great deal.
SL is an in-world experience. The forum can support that experience but is not a substitute for it.
I make a point to be in-world when I post to the forum. True, I might be in my cabin, but I am in world and available. Alas, not this isnstant, as I have crashed and cannot logon.
Tor Karlsvalt,
Eagle Rock Cabin, Alpine Meadow