Hi all. The degree of divisiveness and revenge that is showing in the current Al-Andalus destroy-the-merger debates is extraordinary to me.
I don't think it's appropriate for me to be on CDS's SC judiciary, if I am taking strong political positions.
But as Chancellor, I was a primary architect of the CDS-AA merger, protecting it from a few RA members who were then the minority, fighting it ... and are now the majority faction trying to undo it.
Both the merger, and constitution changes to deprecate factions (which they also opposed), might be attacked -- like last time -- and I was one of the chief drafters. So my views might be "evidence" in any SC appeal of those matters.
At this time I think I'd be of more use to CDS as a citizen who can speak out, not as a judge. So with my gratitude to the SC for their nomination, and apologies for the inconvenience, I withdraw my name from consideration.
Maybe after this blows over, I can inquire again, if the SC still needs more bodies.
But I believe strongly in an impartial, nonpolitical judiciary. That's not a CDS legal requirement ... unfortunately. Some of our SC leaders have been very political. But I don't think it's appropriate. I would rather be free to talk about the politics, so long as there are strong political attacks on the AA region of CDS. I wish Delia, Claude, Danton & the others the best of luck.
Regards JP