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Chicago Kipling
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The MoCA

Post by Chicago Kipling »

There has been discussion in both the assembly and streets of Neufreistadt as of late regarding the empty Museum of Contemporary Art. And while it is not a new discussion, I thought that recent thoughts should come to light here. I was reminded today by a friend in the city that many are unable to attend assembly meetings and so this is their primary venue for adding thoughts to subjects or being made aware of current issues.

My understanding is that the RA has moved towards investigating the matter in the recent session so I await those notes. Here is what I do know to this point otherwise:

[b:2q2ebmxp]There is the potential for use of the building as soon as ownership and building issues are resolved.[/b:2q2ebmxp] I've been told that there is an idea for a showing on hold and it really should not be hard to line up other potential exhibitions in a fine city like ours. I have to imagine it would be an attractive setting for high-publicity openings.

[b:2q2ebmxp]The group and builder of the site are no longer available. [/b:2q2ebmxp]While I have never met the builder, those I've talked to indicate this is the case and the group is clearly inactive.

[b:2q2ebmxp]The MoCA may need additional bolstering by interested citizens. [/b:2q2ebmxp]At present, I'm told that some involved are inactive or have been absent for some time.

As I have expressed to others, I am quite willing to devote time and energy to the rehabilitation of this much needed institution. Others have expressed interest in submitting legislation on the matter soon. Are there other facets to this conversation that citizens should be aware of?

Obviously there are matters of great importance before us, but my hope is that this can be resolved with minimal burden on the RA and others already overworked.

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Post by Ashcroft Burnham »

I agree. The Museum of Contemporary Art as it currently stands (empty) is a problem. It is out-of-theme (a concrete sarcophagus looks rather out of pleace in a medieval Bavarian town!), too high on the land, out of place and functionless. The building is rather an eyesore, and it is blotting out the view from my rear window.

Having said that, the idea of having [i:2h5fhpi9]a[/i:2h5fhpi9] museum of contemporary art in Neufreistadt is a very good one: it has the potential to contribute greatly to our cultural life, and attract new visitors.

Since we cannot tinker with the MoCA as it currently stands, it will either have to be left as it is (not good for the reasons outlined above), or deleted and rebuilt. I favour the latter option.

I don't mean any disrespect to those who run the Museum, incidentally: the [i:2h5fhpi9]institution[/i:2h5fhpi9] of the museum is good: only the [i:2h5fhpi9]building[/i:2h5fhpi9] is bad.

Ashcroft Burnham

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Chicago Kipling
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Post by Chicago Kipling »

We may also find as we discuss this that there are multiple separate issues to consider. Decisions of appearance may be best left to the staff when their are able to address the matter of the building.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

The MoCa needs to be taken down. It seems to come straight out of North Korea . It is too big and useless. It can not be modified and can not even be moved into its correct position.
We need to take this down first and then decide on what to replace it with.

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

Again, I value the opinion. I just want to encourage us to work alongside Rubaiyat and recognize that this institution was recognized as a non-city entity in the RA I believe.

The need seems to be restoring the ability of the current MoCA member to re-establish the group with full powers over the building so that plans the board has or had can be attained.

Decisions about what to do specifically with the museum, in my opinion, shouldn't be an RA matter, save for what's needed to restore control to the MoCA.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

I like simple solutions to problems.
First, the old MoCa group seems to be inactive. Solution Rubaiyat San needs to make an new group and the members of the MoCa need to join it.
Second, the land and the amount of resourses the city has allocated needs to be transfered over to the new group. This will allow direct control over the operation. The city manager does not have to get involved when anyone forgets to take their belongings with them. An Officer of the group can return it for them.
Third, at this point the old usless MoCa structure can be returned to its creator and a new structure can be placed.
Any thoughts or feedback?

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Post by Claude Desmoulins »

Since the MoCA building was purchased with city funds, current law requires action by the RA before it is deleted or altered. Any citizen can introduce a bill to authorize the removal of the building.

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Post by Chicago Kipling »

I've spoken with Rubaiyat who is rarely able to check this forum. Rubaiyat will soon form a new group and begin the process on the MoCA end.

Justice was approached about creating a bill for this and I'm willing as well so I expect between the two of us progress will be made soon that incorporates the suggestions here.

A good photograph is like a good hound dog, dumb, but eloquent. ~ Eugene Atget
Ranma Tardis

Post by Ranma Tardis »

[quote="Claude Desmoulins":u62zish5]Since the MoCA building was purchased with city funds, current law requires action by the RA before it is deleted or altered. Any citizen can introduce a bill to authorize the removal of the building.[/quote:u62zish5]

The current MoCa is not serving a purpose and even though it cost funds needs to be taken down.
I propose that the building to replace the MoCa be property of the group and not receive city funding of any sort. This will allow the group to change its apperance without RA approval when required. I volunteer to help rebuild the new structure using museums from Bavaria as an inspiration. Anything that I build will be deeded over to the group. I do not expect or will accept payment of any sort as this work is pro bono publico. This structure needs to compliment our fair city and not distract from it. I am willing to help out in this worthy cause.

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From What is Left of the MoCA Society

Post by Rubaiyat »

Hey All,

It is great to see the renewed interest in the MoCA so let me add my 6 Lindens:

First the Problems:

As you know the creator of the building is unreachable and the building sits about 5 meters too high. My understanding is that the city paid for the construction (and though it is out of place with the theme, I quite like it). However my experience with Ars Virtua (4 shows installed, 4 on the schedule) tell me not to install until I either have control of the building or am in touch with whomever does have this control.

I also understand that the city paid for this build and has been paying the bills for like 9 months.

For this I am truely sorry.

What I have done so far. I have been working off and on with Erin T, and we have a plan for a high quality (IMO) show that will involve much of the artistic community of SL. (feel free to ask me about it in world)

Additionally since we assume it will take about 8 weeks to organize an artist has contacted us with an interesting project that I think will fill nicely in the interim.

Okay, what to do now?

Well, if we cannot get the privs to the building, I fear we will have to build another. I have to say that I do like the build, and that it fits the whole tradition of big city Contemporary Art Museums.

I shall form a group for the administration of the MoCA, I want to know if there is still an interest in activating a MoCA for N'stadt?

Anyone interested in joining the Board of Trustees should contact me in-world.


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MoCA Proposal

Post by Rubaiyat »

A plan for the MoCA (a sketch)

The intent of this plan is to create a self sufficient MoCA that is a valuable cultural institution for both Neufreistadt and Second Life in general.

The charge of the MoCA will be to display contemporary works on site in N'stadt, and to create a collection of works to retain a cultural history of art in SL.

Personally I believe that a museum should be free and open to the public. To this end I recommend that the exhibits always be free to view during normal exhibition hours.

In order to raise funds I want to 1) create a paid membership, 2) collect donations from the trustees, 3) solicit money from outside benefactors and corporations.

I want to offer paid members a benefits package which includes 1) voting for members choice aquisitions, 2) members only events, 3) prestige in some form of a mention or thank you, 4) trustee voting.

I would like to expand the board of trustees (to about 7) and shift to the "working board" model. I do not anticipate filling all seats immediately. This board would select curators, recruit new people to run for the board, maintain collections, and other duties associated with running and marketing the museum.

The board would be responsible to the membership and the city (it's landlord).
This will enable the MoCA to collect and spend monies including paying it's rent to the city. The most important element to me is that it will enable the MoCA to collect art.

I am volunteering to see this through because I see value to the arts community, the city and to SL. The idea is to make it somewhat independant (which I believe was the original intent), to make it a valueable asset to the city, and to give it a legitimate artistic purpose that we can all be proud of. I am open to feedback, and I know this does not address the immediate issues with the MoCA but I think it can launch us into an interesting direction.

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