Continuation of the Agenda items discussion from the 10 May 2010 SC meeting
# 4. Update on the new election software and testing of it. (UD)
--we are continuing rounds of testing, modifying layout of the ballot with Jonathan
# 7. Request from the Dean that the SC members read through current CDS laws regarding citizenship, citizen definition, and the work of past commissions to review CDS citizenship
--History of citizenship in Portal documents and multiple threads of Forum posts. Post links here. Other?
8. Scheduling the next SC meeting. (UD)
--Use Doodle with members to schedule SC meetings.
--According to Constitution the SC must meet once a fortnight, but in the document, Procedure for Scientific Council Meetings v1.2 , the SC “will have ordinary meetings on a bi-weekly basis.” We should reconcile these. Hold a formal meeting once a fortnight and an open informal meeting in between perhaps?