The SC is addressing this request for a ruling from Cindy Ecksol via this SC Discussion section of the Forum. The format for this ruling will follow the No Discussion(ND) rule for SC procedures as follows:
a "no discussion" item members of the SC will only be asked for their preference in relation to the alternatives outlined and a brief justification for prefering this alternative. Members will be asked in an order chosen by the Dean and all statements and votes will be recorded into the journal of the meeting.
To the SC, please review the Request below then post your preference as a reply. The alternative rulings are 1) the first day of business for the 13th RA will be June 1 when this RA assumes office as specified in the CDS Constitution, or 2) the RA may meet previous to assuming office for the purpose of selecting a new LRA.
To: Dean of the SC
From: Cindy Ecksol
Subject: Request for immediate ruling on timing of LRA selection processThe CDS Constitution specifies that the new RA takes office on June 1. It also specifies per amendment in the 11th term that the LRA is to be elected by members of the new RA. It also specifies that nominations for Chancellor are open when the new RA is announced (May 23) and close at the first RA meeting of the term (to be announced).
The Constitution is silent on the timing of LRA selection. In past terms, that selection was concurrent with the announcement of members of the new RA -- well before the date that the RA officially took office. As a consequence, the new LRA announced and organized the first meeting and the solicitation of Chancellor candidates before officially taking office.
Some believe that it would be improper for the new RA to meet for the purpose of selecting a new LRA before June 1 on the grounds that they have not yet taken office. Others, myself included, believe that if the new RA does NOT meet before June 1 to organize itself and appoint the LRA Constitutional provisions regarding selection of the Chancellor will certainly be violated.
I request that the SC issue a formal ruling on this matter, specifying a reading of the Constitution that will enable the new RA to move forward as expeditiously as possible to perform its mandate duties for the 13th term.