This evening I sent the following note to my colleagues in the RA, to Delia Lake in her role as Dean of the SC, and to Sonja Strom, in her role as an announced candidate for Chancellor for the upcoming term:
Dear colleagues,
On the eve of the 12th CDS RA, I am announcing my candidacy for Chancellor.
Six months is not a long time, and I anticipate that this term will have more than the usual degree of political, social and personal complications. Given those constraints, as Chancellor I intend to focus on three key areas:
1. Work with the RA, the community and the Chancellor to complete the Al Andalus merger. There are so many complex issues involved here, that I hardly dare start listing them for fear of leaving out something critical. But at a minimum we will need a clear operating agreement that satisfies both the concerts of the RA and the concerns of Al Andalus residents and a revamping of our payment and accounting systems to eliminate the inconsistent presentation of data that has been causing such confusion over the past six months and give us clear knowledge of our financial status as we move forward.
2. Develop and implement a framework to nurture arts, music, literature and intellectual liveliness in our community. Thanks in particular to Rose's long-term efforts in these areas we have a fine start on this, and I intend to work with her and others who have begun to spark fabulous ideas and events to identify and implement some "best practices" that may allow our community to stabilize this foundation and grow from it.
3. Work with the RA to rationalize the CDS constitution with respect to election rules and procedures for campaigns in time for the next election cycle.
There is certainly much more that could be done, but these are the things that I believe MUST be accomplished this term. The more committed assistance available from our community (meaning "active and responsible volunteers") the more we can do of course.
I hope you will support my candidacy, and I look forward to working with all of you.
Cindy Ecksol