The SC has received a request to investigate, as follows:
Dear SC Members
I request that the SC investigate a breach of our law. Rose Springvale stood for election to the RA despite law NL 5-6 which prevents the EO from "holding any elected or appointed office in the sim government, unless a waiver might be granted, on a case by case basis, by the SC".
Rose has a clear conflict of interest as both the Al Andalus Estate Owner and founder of VDI in a term when the CDS will choose whether to continue with the merger with AA and where some have proposed that the whole CDS estate be owned by VDI (or similar non-profit).
I also respectfully request that our Dean Delia Lake recuse herself from this discussion. As an officer of VDI she clearly has a potential conflict of interest which means she should not rule on this matter.
Patroklus Murakami
In accordance with SC Procedures, this investigation is designated as Unstructured Discussion (UD),
5. For an "unstructured discussion" item the process described under D.3 will be preceded by a period of time during which any member of the SC may speak freely in relation to the agenda item under discussion. Cross-talk is allowed and any member may speak at any time.
The law in question, NL 5-6 Estate Owner Act, can be found at Founding documents for VDI are on Google Docs for public view. ... RkMg&hl=en I cannot tell if this is my personal link to Google Docs or a general one. If the link does not work for you, let me know and I'll get you one that does.