* Edited to add review of eminent domain provisions and conflict of interest policies.
CDS has too many outstanding issues to be casual about the Agenda this term. I've taken the campaign statements from all candidates, and added my own issues, and come up with a list of the things we need to deal with. By the end of the term, I want to be able to tick off each item as "done."
It is my plan that this become a working RA. If representatives don't want to be randomly assigned to topic areas, please send me a note indicating the areas which most interest you. Be prepared to hold public meetings with our citizens, sufficient to determine what the community wants. I would like co chairs from different time zones to volunteer for each area of discussion, so that there is an opportunity for everyone to participate. I would ask that you attempt to also hold a public meeting on weekends. A minimum of three adequately noticed meetings should get you to a point where you can write up suggested legislation for the RA to consider. By holding meetings for the community prior to proposing legislation, we should be able to summarize conflicting sides to any issue, and spend our time in RA voting on the issues. It is my opinion that there is no right or wrong answer for any of these issues, EXCEPT to make no decision. If we are wrong, future RA's can replace our wisdom with theirs.
Citizens are vital to the success of this community, and while i will ask RA members to chair commissions, I hope that the people of CDS support the efforts by attending meetings, offering your opinion and presenting facts for consideration.
Here is the draft list. Please send me your suggestions for additions. Anyone is welcome to email me at Rose dot springvale at gmail.com.
1. Merger (complete by July 22)
a) tier system
b) operating agreement
c) citizenship issue
d) grant writing and service on VDI board.
e) review of tier issues.
2. Finances (Complete June )
a) Budget
i. Determing reserve requirements
ii. determine operating requirements
iii. determine desired events budget
iv. determine expansion needs
b) From a, determine shortfalls and excesses
c) Revise land prices and tier
d) Create alternative revenue streams: rent, grants,,sales, services
3. Sims (Complete June and July)
a) Cultural commissions
i. Expectations, budgets
ii. Social Events
iii. Intellectual Events
iv. Conferences and discussions
b) Occupancy: Rentals
c) Occupancy: expansion
d) Stewardship review of Public Buildings and update for prims/use
e) Covenant: Standardization and enforcement
4. Communication (ongoing) (focus and report in November?)
a) Name at least one PIO, who will recruit, train and utilize an information team
b) Expand access to social media tools and Portal
c) Archives and History.
d) Constitutional updates
e) Group notice policy and enforcement
f) Establish and utilize SL press including Independent CDS press
g) Establish and utilize CDS radio station
h) Participate in as many outreach activities as are feasible to expand CDS message: SL7/8B, Burning Life, Winterfaire, etc.
5. Elections. (complete September)
a) Establish oversight responsibility in the SC for all electoral matters
b) Review 13th RA Election for "loose ends" and tie them up
c) Clarify citizenship issues
d) Chancellor elections?
e) Size of RA?
f) Conflict of Interest policy
6. Expansion (complete August)
a) Recommission and revitalize New Guild
b) Support updates of GMP
c) Choose new sim to work on and begin preliminary plans
d) Purchase and develop new sim
e) Explore development of projects outside SL: OpenSim, Blue mars, others?
f) Review eminent domain provisions
7. People issues (ongoing)
a) Involve as many citizens in projects as possible:
i. all commissions meet 3 times before RA reports, in varying time slots
ii. Provide training for interested citizens in sim administration, events, building. Coordinate with Faculty of NG.
iii. Provide funding for citizen led and organized events, particularly through Cultural commissions
b) Government question hours. rotate sims, time zones, personnel.
c) Fully staff all civil service positions.
i. Provide adequate,updated job descriptions and clear expectations
ii. Provide continuity by asking for end of term reports
iii. Publicize responsible parties for both communication and gratitude.
d) Citizen and friends connections:
i. Welcome wagon
ii. Birthdays/rezdays
iii. Introductions and profiles