Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

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Patroklus Murakami
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Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

Soro Dagostino has been admitted to the Scientific Council. He was nominated by the SC at its meeting on 10 May.

The RA usually ratifies such appointments exercising one of its powers as set out in our Constitution: "The RA provides a vote of confidence on candidates to the Philosophic branch. This vote is in regards to their perceived likelihood to uphold the constitution."

Unfortunately, the 12th RA was not able to form a quorum at its last meeting to ratify (or reject) Soro's appointment.

Under NL4-8, "If the RA fails to act on an SC nomination within 30 days of the Scientific Council Dean's communicating notice of the nomination to the Leader of the RA, the nominee is confirmed automatically." I assume this is why Soro was a full participant in the 9 June SC meeting.

It's a shame that the RA was unable to consider this appointment. If I had had the opportunity to question Soro's appointment I would have done so and would have voted against his appointment. His contributions to RA meetings during the 12th RA consisted mostly of paranoid and unhelpful heckling and I have no confidence in his ability to uphold the constitution.

But the undeclared faction that now runs the CDS has another supporter in a key government institution. Congratulations.

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Aliasi Stonebender
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Re: Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

If you find Soro's behavior unseemly, impeachment is still an entirely valid option, if one we've been loathe to use. If you fear that you cannot gain support for such an action, then that is unfortunate.

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Danton Sideways
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Re: Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Danton Sideways »

Impeachment is obviously an extreme procedure which seems inappropriate in this context. But the RA should have been able to question Soro and decide on his candidacy. There is an inherent risk that SC nominations made towards the end of a semester will fail to come before the RA. This risk could be reduced by passing legislation stipulating that SC nominations can only be made in the period between the opening of a new semester and at least one month before the final RA of the semester.

Cindy Ecksol
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Re: Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Danton Sideways wrote:

Impeachment is obviously an extreme procedure which seems inappropriate in this context. But the RA should have been able to question Soro and decide on his candidacy. There is an inherent risk that SC nominations made towards the end of a semester will fail to come before the RA. This risk could be reduced by passing legislation stipulating that SC nominations can only be made in the period between the opening of a new semester and at least one month before the final RA of the semester.

Well, if you're going to make a rule like this for SC nominations, seems like we should make it for all legislation, doesn't it? We DO seem to pass an awful lot of really poor legislation in a hurry at the very end of the term.....

Don't consider this a proposal -- it's merely a rhetorical question :-)


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Re: Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

The devious, cleverly master-minded plot to take over the CDS is almost complete ;) Rejoice!

Seriously, I don't know why a newly elected RA cannot vote on an SC appointment made a few days before the election. Nothing prevents that from happening, in my reading of the legislation...

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Soro Dagostino
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Re: Soro's Admission to the Scientific Council

Post by Soro Dagostino »

Gee, I didn't know I was so powerful . . . :)

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