Finance Commisson Chatlog 1 June 30, 2010 Noon SLT

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Tor Karlsvalt
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Finance Commisson Chatlog 1 June 30, 2010 Noon SLT

Post by Tor Karlsvalt »

Thanks all for attending my first attempt at chairing a meeting here in CDS. I will have another meeting this evening at 7:00 PM today and look for a posting for one this weekend also. There are many issues that we must cover and this is a start. We will probably have to make these a regular thing.

[2010/06/30 12:04] Tor Karlsvalt: glad you could allcome
[2010/06/30 12:04] Tor Karlsvalt: This is the first meeting of the Finance commission
[2010/06/30 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: The meeting will be recorded
[2010/06/30 12:05] Tor Karlsvalt: if you speak you are consenting to having the transcript posted to the public forums
[2010/06/30 12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: I have a spreadsheet in the box
[2010/06/30 12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: or a nc with a notecard
[2010/06/30 12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: I pieces together some figures from the last budgit we had
[2010/06/30 12:06] Tor Karlsvalt: but hat was in 10/09
[2010/06/30 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: so I had to make some adjustments owing to changes in tier paid
[2010/06/30 12:07] Rose Springvale: are you showing those changes Tor?
[2010/06/30 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: ym yes trying to
[2010/06/30 12:07] Pip Torok: ... l=en#gid=0
[2010/06/30 12:07] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks pip
[2010/06/30 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: first change I made was to revenue
[2010/06/30 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: in the last budget presentation Sudane had us having 1930 per month in revenue
[2010/06/30 12:08] Tor Karlsvalt: that is USD
[2010/06/30 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: since that presentation tier increased for AA sims
[2010/06/30 12:09] Rose Springvale: i'm sorry?
[2010/06/30 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: two homestead sims were upgraded
[2010/06/30 12:09] Rose Springvale: no
[2010/06/30 12:09] Tor Karlsvalt: rose?
[2010/06/30 12:09] Rose Springvale: AA tier has been the same from the time of the merger
[2010/06/30 12:09] GYPSY SOUL SUBSCRIBER CONTROL: ARIMO... Regarding Chicago JAM
[2010/06/30 12:09] Rose Springvale: no changes
[2010/06/30 12:10] Tor Karlsvalt: perhaps, but when Sudane presented her figures in 10/09 sh was using old figures.
[2010/06/30 12:10] Rose Springvale: no reason to be, because she only had the current figures
[2010/06/30 12:10] Yekaterina Kalchek: anyone esle getting spammed?
[2010/06/30 12:11] Rose Springvale: no...
[2010/06/30 12:11] Pip Torok: not me
[2010/06/30 12:11] Yekaterina Kalchek: Okay I have found where its coming from
[2010/06/30 12:11] Yekaterina Kalchek: sorry please carry on
[2010/06/30 12:11] muhammedyussif Wikinger: AIC
[2010/06/30 12:12] Yekaterina Kalchek: Yes
[2010/06/30 12:12] Rose Springvale: if she used different numbers, i'd have to take issue Tor. The sims were upgraded in July
[2010/06/30 12:13] Rose Springvale: the tenants have paid the upgraded tier charges since then
[2010/06/30 12:15] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Could we first focus on the major problems we should deaol with?
[2010/06/30 12:15] muhammedyussif Wikinger: deal
[2010/06/30 12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: sorry guys wrong box
[2010/06/30 12:15] Tor Karlsvalt: i am new to this
[2010/06/30 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2010/06/30 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2010/06/30 12:16] Rose Springvale: no worries tor
[2010/06/30 12:16] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok - no problem
[2010/06/30 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: did eveyone open the spreadsheet
[2010/06/30 12:16] Yekaterina Kalchek: yes
[2010/06/30 12:16] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2010/06/30 12:17] Tor Karlsvalt: ok I tried to take the last budget we had from Jamie and estimate what we have to work with now
[2010/06/30 12:17] Rose Springvale: did sudane assist in the preparation of this Tor?
[2010/06/30 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: So I had to make some changes with regard to revenue
[2010/06/30 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[2010/06/30 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: This is my own, take from Jamies budget and Sudane's presentation in August 200
[2010/06/30 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: 2009
[2010/06/30 12:18] Tor Karlsvalt: one problem I had was figuring our renenue
[2010/06/30 12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: revenue
[2010/06/30 12:19] Tor Karlsvalt: Sudane's presentation in Aug is at
[2010/06/30 12:19] Rose Springvale: anyway... go on please?
[2010/06/30 12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: as you can see her revenue is at 1930 USD per month
[2010/06/30 12:20] Tor Karlsvalt: yet whe shows fixed expenses for AA lower than what is correct
[2010/06/30 12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: GAR and ALB are figued at $47.50 per month when they are really $147.50
[2010/06/30 12:21] Tor Karlsvalt: So ito compensate, I added $200.00 to the monthly revenue.
[2010/06/30 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: hene I was working with revenue of 2130 per month USD
[2010/06/30 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: Currently our reserve is based on grose expected revenue
[2010/06/30 12:22] Yekaterina Kalchek: Tor, so these are totally estimated figures and not actual at all? (Forigive my ignorance; I barely balance my own bank account!)
[2010/06/30 12:22] Tor Karlsvalt: True Kat
[2010/06/30 12:23] Yekaterina Kalchek: okay thank you
[2010/06/30 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: best we have right now.
[2010/06/30 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: but I think they are close
[2010/06/30 12:23] Rose Springvale: we have actuals .. from May
[2010/06/30 12:23] Pip Torok: so in effect we shdnt have an unpleasant surprise?
[2010/06/30 12:23] Tor Karlsvalt: no no surprise
[2010/06/30 12:24] Rose Springvale: original cds sims 1740 or there about/ and another 535 from AA sims
[2010/06/30 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: I am not sure what the actual tier expected from AA is so I made this estimate
[2010/06/30 12:24] Tor Karlsvalt: I thin kI am close
[2010/06/30 12:25] muhammedyussif Wikinger: why are we focusing on these figures?
[2010/06/30 12:25] Tor Karlsvalt: I figue 1656 for old CDS
[2010/06/30 12:25] Tor Karlsvalt: used the tables on the forum
[2010/06/30 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: well we need to figure out what RA will suggest our spending wlill be
[2010/06/30 12:26] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: and to review the size of our reserve act
[2010/06/30 12:26] Tor Karlsvalt: and ultimately, I think what tier should be charged
[2010/06/30 12:27] muhammedyussif Wikinger: should it be our task to make a budget?
[2010/06/30 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[2010/06/30 12:27] Tor Karlsvalt: but we need to determine how much money gets apportioned to the regional commissions
[2010/06/30 12:28] Pip Torok: not even to recommend a draft budget?
[2010/06/30 12:28] Tor Karlsvalt: we could recommend a budget i suppose
[2010/06/30 12:28] Rose Springvale: budgeting is up to the chancellor. we need to look at bigger issues, liek reserve percentages
[2010/06/30 12:28] Rose Springvale: and tier cost
[2010/06/30 12:28] Rose Springvale: we can suggest allocations to commissions, but tha'ts constitutionally not RA realm
[2010/06/30 12:29] Yekaterina Kalchek: I agree with Rose; I would have thought that your income stream is THE most vital element
[2010/06/30 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we use 25 percent of net revenue to determine how much is set aside.
[2010/06/30 12:29] Yekaterina Kalchek: everything else follows from its size
[2010/06/30 12:29] Rose Springvale: but i'm a bit curious as to why you allocate so discriminately to the sims
[2010/06/30 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: in the last budget that was 92 usd
[2010/06/30 12:29] Rose Springvale: in the cultural commissions
[2010/06/30 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I merely used a ration
[2010/06/30 12:29] Tor Karlsvalt: ratio
[2010/06/30 12:30] Rose Springvale: you used lots... not tier collected, correct?
[2010/06/30 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: It seemed that was where Jamie was heading
[2010/06/30 12:30] Rose Springvale: not number of sims
[2010/06/30 12:30] Rose Springvale: or number of programs
[2010/06/30 12:30] Rose Springvale: i thought he parceled them equally, each region
[2010/06/30 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: Jamie did, and the law, I think stated that it should be apportioned according to population, but he used lots
[2010/06/30 12:30] Rose Springvale: are you sure? i really thought all three themes had the same allocation
[2010/06/30 12:30] Tor Karlsvalt: he might have later, but in his budget he merely mentioned the lots
[2010/06/30 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: no not sure
[2010/06/30 12:31] Rose Springvale: wel, that isn't fair
[2010/06/30 12:31] Rose Springvale: sorry, it isn't
[2010/06/30 12:31] Rose Springvale: there are tiny "lots" in NFS
[2010/06/30 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: well that is what we are here to discuss
[2010/06/30 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: .That is fair
[2010/06/30 12:31] Rose Springvale: we could parcel up all the sims in 256 m lots .. but that makes no sense. still the same cost to cds
[2010/06/30 12:31] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree
[2010/06/30 12:32] muhammedyussif Wikinger: could we trust the figures that are presented?
[2010/06/30 12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: Jamie did not have an amount allocated for each
[2010/06/30 12:32] Tor Karlsvalt: yes as an estimate
[2010/06/30 12:32] Rose Springvale: not taking issue with figures muhammed. taking issue with allocated 3x for alpine, 2 x for roman and 1 x for all six AA sims
[2010/06/30 12:33] Rose Springvale: alpine sims are two ful, one homestead
[2010/06/30 12:33] muhammedyussif Wikinger: 3x what?
[2010/06/30 12:33] Rose Springvale: roman two full
[2010/06/30 12:33] Rose Springvale: aa, 4 full two homestead
[2010/06/30 12:33] Tor Karlsvalt: Those are only based on a ration of parcels to the balance left after expenditues are accouted for.
[2010/06/30 12:33] Rose Springvale: scroll down the spreadshett
[2010/06/30 12:33] Rose Springvale: well, if you allocate per SIM instead of parcel, you get a very different allocation
[2010/06/30 12:33] Yekaterina Kalchek: Clearly
[2010/06/30 12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: we can change this to make it proportional to tier paid.
[2010/06/30 12:34] Rose Springvale: AA sims have more than twice the square meters, yet Roman gets twice the allocation?
[2010/06/30 12:34] Yekaterina Kalchek: Going to be a lot of screaming if you do Tor
[2010/06/30 12:34] Tor Karlsvalt: well it isn't up to me
[2010/06/30 12:34] Rose Springvale: i would be very very careful... the cultural commissions are barely getting off the ground
[2010/06/30 12:35] Tor Karlsvalt: it seemed from what I saw, Jaimie used parcels.
[2010/06/30 12:35] Rose Springvale: i can't support anything other than equal treatment for the themes
[2010/06/30 12:35] Tor Karlsvalt: well hat is something we can look at
[2010/06/30 12:35] Rose Springvale: well, jamie is not in office :) this is our commission
[2010/06/30 12:36] Rose Springvale: what do the rest of you think?
[2010/06/30 12:36] Yekaterina Kalchek: I agree Rose; we need equally all round
[2010/06/30 12:36] Tor Karlsvalt: I agree too
[2010/06/30 12:36] Pip Torok: well i have probs opening the spreadsheet so i cannot comment
[2010/06/30 12:36] Yekaterina Kalchek: what happened in the past isnt relevant nopw
[2010/06/30 12:36] Yekaterina Kalchek: well distant past, I mean
[2010/06/30 12:36] Tor Karlsvalt: Jamie in august wrote in the foum
[2010/06/30 12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: I plan to propose that the funding be roughly commensurate with the populations in question; and that some regional events (and their budgets) be devolved down to those panels. I also am considering suggesting that one or two chairs for each of those panels be stipended by us, as I suspect some work will be involved. I'd expect their decisions to be made in an informal but publicly transparent process; and probably would attend some of their meetings myself. We will require that persons who are seeking funding abstain from any vote on their own proposals. .
[2010/06/30 12:37] Rose Springvale: that never happened
[2010/06/30 12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: ok in Oct he wrote
[2010/06/30 12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: 3. The new part: Themed region programming panels
i. Alpine. 3 residential sims (incl 1 void), approx 120 rentable lots
ii. Roman. 2 residential sims, approx. appox. 85 rentable lots
iii. Andalusian. 4 residential sims (incl 2 voids), approx 45 rentable lots

Potential budget for these = L$76450 – 7000 – 2750 – 12000 – 1666 = no more than L$49700
[2010/06/30 12:37] Rose Springvale: tor?ƒ
[2010/06/30 12:37] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[2010/06/30 12:38] Rose Springvale: he wasn't suggesting that they each get proportionate allocations. When we held those commissiotns the idea was to divide up the balance of 49700 between the three
[2010/06/30 12:38] muhammedyussif Wikinger: She could also tell us what she want us to do
[2010/06/30 12:38] Rose Springvale: but if one set didn't use the money, it was available to others
[2010/06/30 12:38] Rose Springvale: well, that's a different group muhammed
[2010/06/30 12:39] Yekaterina Kalchek: that's fair
[2010/06/30 12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2010/06/30 12:39] Rose Springvale: sudane has a finance committee
[2010/06/30 12:39] Rose Springvale: this is a commission of the RA to recommend how we handle planning for our money
[2010/06/30 12:39] Rose Springvale: we are charged with bringing legislation
[2010/06/30 12:39] Tor Karlsvalt: So that could be our solution.
[2010/06/30 12:40] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok - I need more background information
[2010/06/30 12:40] Rose Springvale: smiles
[2010/06/30 12:40] Tor Karlsvalt: we allocate the balance of our funds to the cultural commissions giving each a proportion based on population
[2010/06/30 12:40] Yekaterina Kalchek: excuse my ignorance but are the figures important bt
[2010/06/30 12:40] Yekaterina Kalchek: SORRY
[2010/06/30 12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: yes figures are important
[2010/06/30 12:41] Yekaterina Kalchek: I meant to say that surely the way income is divided and used it what we should be deciign - the PRINCIPLES
[2010/06/30 12:41] Rose Springvale: not so sure... if we focus on figures,we ar looking at budgets
[2010/06/30 12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: So that could be one issue we need to get ideas on
[2010/06/30 12:41] Rose Springvale: yes kat, i agree
[2010/06/30 12:41] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[2010/06/30 12:41] Rose Springvale: we need to know what kind of reserves we want, and when we exceed that level, what to do
[2010/06/30 12:42] Rose Springvale: we need to know if we have expectations of sold land before we buy new sims
[2010/06/30 12:42] Tor Karlsvalt: I wanted to get some figues so we could gage how we need to approach all of this.
[2010/06/30 12:42] Yekaterina Kalchek: exactly as a % of income
[2010/06/30 12:42] Rose Springvale: or sell sims if appropriate
[2010/06/30 12:43] Rose Springvale: i'm sorry folks, i'm at a business conference and have another meeting i need to go to.
[2010/06/30 12:43] Yekaterina Kalchek: Tor, I am not criticizing your approach but shouldn't we be starting with a tabla raza and working, as I say, the principles of how income is used and what % reserves we need etc
[2010/06/30 12:44] Pip Torok: agree with Kat
[2010/06/30 12:44] Tor Karlsvalt: That is ok Kat
[2010/06/30 12:44] Rose Springvale: see you, will look forward to the transcripts
[2010/06/30 12:44] Yekaterina Kalchek: Bye Rose
[2010/06/30 12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: well, I was thinking that we needed to now how much money we might have before we lookat principles
[2010/06/30 12:45] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Yes - how much do we have?
[2010/06/30 12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: and I am just throughing this out there to start discussion
[2010/06/30 12:45] Yekaterina Kalchek: Can I just say I agree with what Rose said; there is a lot of inequality at the moment; that needs to be rectified and then we can move on to use of funds
[2010/06/30 12:45] Tor Karlsvalt: well we have about 10K USD right now
[2010/06/30 12:46] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 12:46] Yekaterina Kalchek: LOL Tor, you certainly HAVE started a discussion !
[2010/06/30 12:46] Pip Torok: lol
[2010/06/30 12:46] Tor Karlsvalt: we would it be fair to say that as far as dividing the funds, you would all agree to use population
[2010/06/30 12:46] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Do we have to change legislation?
[2010/06/30 12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: not sure
[2010/06/30 12:47] Pip Torok: yes I wd agree
[2010/06/30 12:47] Yekaterina Kalchek: The problem there Tor is that there are people in AA who own large and expensive properties and there are people in Alpine who have a few square nmetres
[2010/06/30 12:47] Tor Karlsvalt: possible we would
[2010/06/30 12:48] Yekaterina Kalchek: do they get treated as equals.
[2010/06/30 12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, but Kat, AM costs much more than in AA
[2010/06/30 12:48] Yekaterina Kalchek: I am not suggesting a solution, just asking a question
[2010/06/30 12:48] Pip Torok: and parcels can be divided
[2010/06/30 12:48] Tor Karlsvalt: Tier in AM is probably twice that in AA
[2010/06/30 12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: So I can see problems if we just use population
[2010/06/30 12:49] muhammedyussif Wikinger: sorry
[2010/06/30 12:49] Yekaterina Kalchek: But AA had a heavy % of 'public buildings' and historical 'space'
[2010/06/30 12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: np Muh
[2010/06/30 12:49] Tor Karlsvalt: so that is the problem, we are not sure what is fair
[2010/06/30 12:50] Yekaterina Kalchek: Neither am I !!
[2010/06/30 12:50] Yekaterina Kalchek: is that problems the Cultural Commission's baby or is it this commission's problem?
[2010/06/30 12:50] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Is it not so that AA have the expenses and the old CDS the fortune
[2010/06/30 12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: this commission would have to recommend to the RA who much should be set aside for the cultural commissions.
[2010/06/30 12:51] Pip Torok: i think "fairness" might be a red-herring here ... for example ... what about the "beauty-premium" of AA (if there is one)
[2010/06/30 12:51] Yekaterina Kalchek: Wow, I am agreeing with you Pip
[2010/06/30 12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: good point Pip
[2010/06/30 12:51] Yekaterina Kalchek: very good point
[2010/06/30 12:51] Pip Torok: miracle!:)
[2010/06/30 12:51] Tor Karlsvalt: I personally think we get more visitors in CDS cuz we are close to AA
[2010/06/30 12:52] Pip Torok: but we do need an overarching formula ... we cant assume it will be simple
[2010/06/30 12:52] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[2010/06/30 12:52] Yekaterina Kalchek: Everyday we get tourists here and I often send them to CDS when I speak to them
[2010/06/30 12:52] Yekaterina Kalchek: (Those ones this morning, Muhammed)
[2010/06/30 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: We need to come up with a formual to at least come up with a minium
[2010/06/30 12:53] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: So suggestions?
[2010/06/30 12:53] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Will the comissions handle the expensis?
[2010/06/30 12:53] Yekaterina Kalchek: Yes; but I would personally reject an unadjusted population formula
[2010/06/30 12:53] Tor Karlsvalt: tier pmts are out, population alone is out
[2010/06/30 12:54] Yekaterina Kalchek: Yes
[2010/06/30 12:54] Pip Torok: one component cd be the relative expense of each sim ...
[2010/06/30 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Muh
[2010/06/30 12:54] Tor Karlsvalt: they are allowed to spend there own money
[2010/06/30 12:54] Yekaterina Kalchek: Umm.................. I have to think of the amount of expense incurred in AA because of its public buildings and festivals etc
[2010/06/30 12:55] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Some comissions work canbe very expensive oyher make things cheap
[2010/06/30 12:55] muhammedyussif Wikinger: other
[2010/06/30 12:55] Pip Torok: a sort of event-premium for each sim then?
[2010/06/30 12:55] Yekaterina Kalchek: Seems a way Pip
[2010/06/30 12:55] muhammedyussif Wikinger: would it not be better to see threir plans and the give money
[2010/06/30 12:55] Yekaterina Kalchek: a bit vague though.
[2010/06/30 12:56] Pip Torok: certainly as good as any
[2010/06/30 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: um Jamie's budget calls the big events as CDS wide events
[2010/06/30 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: major events that he whole project paid for
[2010/06/30 12:56] Yekaterina Kalchek: A 1 hour dance is far cheaper than the sort of ball laid on at the theatre
[2010/06/30 12:56] Tor Karlsvalt: i.e. Oktoberfes and Feria
[2010/06/30 12:56] Pip Torok: true!
[2010/06/30 12:56] Yekaterina Kalchek: Exactly
[2010/06/30 12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: So the really big expensive evets are for the whole of CDS to pay for
[2010/06/30 12:57] Yekaterina Kalchek: If major events could be taken out of the general budget and have their own allocations, that wouldnt so much effect their locales
[2010/06/30 12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: does that seem fair?
[2010/06/30 12:57] Yekaterina Kalchek: I think so
[2010/06/30 12:57] muhammedyussif Wikinger: yes - but is this not executive matters
[2010/06/30 12:57] Tor Karlsvalt: true Kat, that is what I have on my spreadsheet
[2010/06/30 12:57] muhammedyussif Wikinger: not legislative?
[2010/06/30 12:58] Pip Torok: only if ppl can budget these events realistically imo
[2010/06/30 12:58] Yekaterina Kalchek: Octoberfest and Fairia should be paid for out of the general overall income
[2010/06/30 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: I gree that is what seems to have happend in the past
[2010/06/30 12:58] Yekaterina Kalchek: Yes; I saw that Tor
[2010/06/30 12:58] Yekaterina Kalchek: :)
[2010/06/30 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: that is what I show on my spreadsheet
[2010/06/30 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: :)
[2010/06/30 12:58] Tor Karlsvalt: Feria would be a major event
[2010/06/30 12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: just that Oktoberfest is the next big one
[2010/06/30 12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: So
[2010/06/30 12:59] Yekaterina Kalchek: Its a matter of how much % of general income you set aside for these events and then whether other events can apply, as I gather happened in the past
[2010/06/30 12:59] Tor Karlsvalt: we could start by dividing everything by three
[2010/06/30 12:59] muhammedyussif Wikinger: I think we should not spend so much at beerdrinking and dancing - more on education
[2010/06/30 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: well, I guess Oktoberfest cost $L45000
[2010/06/30 13:00] Yekaterina Kalchek: I agree totally with you Muhammed, but we have to acknowledge that the majority of people enjoy their beer drinking and dancing
[2010/06/30 13:00] Tor Karlsvalt: I was figuring the same this year.
[2010/06/30 13:00] muhammedyussif Wikinger: why in heaven is that neccesary
[2010/06/30 13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[2010/06/30 13:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Well we need to be tolerant of everyones customs
[2010/06/30 13:01] muhammedyussif Wikinger: I think we must look further in the future
[2010/06/30 13:01] Pip Torok: one of the natural urges I should suggest, muh
[2010/06/30 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: so we can suggest to RA that we divide the surplus after expenses to among he three commissions
[2010/06/30 13:02] muhammedyussif Wikinger: If they like it they should pay for it in an entance fee
[2010/06/30 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: ok,
[2010/06/30 13:02] muhammedyussif Wikinger: entrance
[2010/06/30 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: we can discuss that too
[2010/06/30 13:02] Pip Torok: and with education ... imo we shd be careful not to duplicate what is already weelestablished elsewhere
[2010/06/30 13:02] Tor Karlsvalt: suggeston on raising money?
[2010/06/30 13:03] Tor Karlsvalt: tip jars maybe?
[2010/06/30 13:03] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Id we were more educative perhaps the European Union have sme funds to give grants
[2010/06/30 13:03] Pip Torok: do we have charity ppl among our population?
[2010/06/30 13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: Well maybe for AA, money can be gotten by VDI
[2010/06/30 13:04] Pip Torok: ... who cd advice on fundraising events?
[2010/06/30 13:04] Tor Karlsvalt: I suppose we could have contests for fundraising.
[2010/06/30 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe donatons toward a new schloss
[2010/06/30 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: etc
[2010/06/30 13:05] Yekaterina Kalchek: If I may say so, let's consider what we have got now; not some hypothetical income from sources that may not arise
[2010/06/30 13:05] Tor Karlsvalt: hate to beat a dead horse, but about the cultural commissons, are we ok with just each getting a third
[2010/06/30 13:05] Pip Torok: agree
[2010/06/30 13:06] Yekaterina Kalchek: I agree
[2010/06/30 13:06] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 13:06] Pip Torok: agree too
[2010/06/30 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: i agree Kat, but we can suggest that RA look at additional revenue.
[2010/06/30 13:06] Yekaterina Kalchek: I am very sorry, but its after midnight here and I have an early start
[2010/06/30 13:06] Yekaterina Kalchek: so would you all excuse me
[2010/06/30 13:06] Tor Karlsvalt: ok Kat thanks for coming.
[2010/06/30 13:07] Pip Torok: ok ... bye Kat!
[2010/06/30 13:07] muhammedyussif Wikinger: salamo'aleikom
[2010/06/30 13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: night
[2010/06/30 13:07] Yekaterina Kalchek: Thanks Tor; its been interesting and I hope things work well
[2010/06/30 13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[2010/06/30 13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks
[2010/06/30 13:07] Yekaterina Kalchek: Walaikum salaam every one
[2010/06/30 13:07] Tor Karlsvalt: bye
[2010/06/30 13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: welcome Kellie
[2010/06/30 13:08] Kellie Wellesley: Hi Tor
[2010/06/30 13:08] Kellie Wellesley: Ever feel like you're left holding the bag
[2010/06/30 13:08] Tor Karlsvalt: so right now I guess we have consensus on merely giving each commission a third of the money.
[2010/06/30 13:09] Pip Torok: one thing we havent covered yet Tor wd be the % of reserves ...
[2010/06/30 13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: ture
[2010/06/30 13:09] Tor Karlsvalt: true
[2010/06/30 13:09] muhammedyussif Wikinger: third of 10 K USD?
[2010/06/30 13:09] Pip Torok: agree Tor
[2010/06/30 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: i found this regarding reserves.
[2010/06/30 13:10] Tor Karlsvalt: eserve Act

NL 4-6 Financial Reserves Act
The city shall move 1 month's tier in USD to a separate line item (reserve account), and make those funds unavailable for other use.

Funds in the account shall be disbursed at the discretion of the RA to pay recurring expenses in the event of a sudden and unexpected drop in $USD income.

The city shall augment this account as funds are available until it contains enough funds to pay all recurring city expenses for a period of two months absent other income.
[2010/06/30 13:10] muhammedyussif Wikinger: well
[2010/06/30 13:11] Pip Torok: does that all make practical guide to work to Tor
[2010/06/30 13:11] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ...
[2010/06/30 13:11] Tor Karlsvalt: well we seem to have no problem putting money in the reserve but have a good deal of problem spending it
[2010/06/30 13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: We have about 10K in the Rudeen acct on the may statements
[2010/06/30 13:12] Pip Torok: ok ... given that, what % of reserve should we aim at iyo?
[2010/06/30 13:12] muhammedyussif Wikinger: the reserves is needed to pay AA tiers to Linden
[2010/06/30 13:12] muhammedyussif Wikinger: before hand
[2010/06/30 13:12] Tor Karlsvalt: well the law says it sould be one months tier
[2010/06/30 13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: true Muh
[2010/06/30 13:13] muhammedyussif Wikinger: but itb is 6 months behind
[2010/06/30 13:13] Pip Torok: heres where sudanes input wd be so useful
[2010/06/30 13:13] Tor Karlsvalt: true,
[2010/06/30 13:14] muhammedyussif Wikinger: could we not invite her to the next meeting?
[2010/06/30 13:14] Pip Torok: can i suggest you take the transcript to sudane and get her unofficial comment for our consumption?
[2010/06/30 13:14] muhammedyussif Wikinger: good idea
[2010/06/30 13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, well eveyone got the notice and I remember Sudane saying she gets her IM in email
[2010/06/30 13:14] Tor Karlsvalt: sure
[2010/06/30 13:15] Pip Torok: you see "6 months behind" means little to me personally ...
[2010/06/30 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: if we need one month that would be about 2200 USD
[2010/06/30 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: but right we have to build up for AA payments
[2010/06/30 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: and I guess they are not all due at one time
[2010/06/30 13:15] Tor Karlsvalt: I think GEN and ALH pay annually
[2010/06/30 13:16] Tor Karlsvalt: every july
[2010/06/30 13:16] Pip Torok: i imagine the volatility of LL prices wd be a n imprtant factor ...
[2010/06/30 13:16] Tor Karlsvalt: true
[2010/06/30 13:16] Tor Karlsvalt: We can leave it alone.
[2010/06/30 13:16] Pip Torok: (mirroring the RL Banking world of today!:)
[2010/06/30 13:17] Tor Karlsvalt: a large reserve does offer us security and flexibility in planning a new sim
[2010/06/30 13:17] muhammedyussif Wikinger: yes
[2010/06/30 13:17] Tor Karlsvalt: but this also begs the question if AA tier should incrase to better fund the reserve
[2010/06/30 13:18] Pip Torok: yes ... and keeping a prudent amount is the 64000 question
[2010/06/30 13:18] Tor Karlsvalt: one thing we could fix is the AM parcel that seems unsellable
[2010/06/30 13:18] Tor Karlsvalt: not sure how splitting it is done.
[2010/06/30 13:19] Pip Torok: yes! ... you know my suggstion ... split it into parcells for prim-farms
[2010/06/30 13:19] Tor Karlsvalt: I saw something done in CN awhile back.
[2010/06/30 13:19] Tor Karlsvalt: The New Guild divised the plan
[2010/06/30 13:19] Tor Karlsvalt: well that is a suggestion
[2010/06/30 13:20] Tor Karlsvalt: we could recommend to RA that we ask the new guild to come up with a plan.
[2010/06/30 13:20] Pip Torok: it woiuld keep the openness of the meadow ...
[2010/06/30 13:20] Pip Torok: yes! ... lets do that ...
[2010/06/30 13:20] Tor Karlsvalt: ok that is true. I like the meadow and am short of prims in AM
[2010/06/30 13:20] Tor Karlsvalt: ok done
[2010/06/30 13:21] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 13:21] Pip Torok: (know the feeling:) ...
[2010/06/30 13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: we will propose that the new guild look at options
[2010/06/30 13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: one being prim farms
[2010/06/30 13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: or RA can vote on it too.
[2010/06/30 13:21] Tor Karlsvalt: that will help generate more revenue
[2010/06/30 13:21] Pip Torok: NGO do have the experience after all
[2010/06/30 13:22] Tor Karlsvalt: so we probably need to study the reserve more and get sudanes input
[2010/06/30 13:22] muhammedyussif Wikinger: yes
[2010/06/30 13:22] Pip Torok: and also gently encourage her presence at our next meeting??
[2010/06/30 13:23] muhammedyussif Wikinger: :-)
[2010/06/30 13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: I hope to have a thid meeting later this weekend.
[2010/06/30 13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: Ageed pip
[2010/06/30 13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: I think I need to do that
[2010/06/30 13:23] Tor Karlsvalt: learning how this stuff works
[2010/06/30 13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: So to recap we have some agreement on the AM parcel
[2010/06/30 13:24] Pip Torok: yes
[2010/06/30 13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: we will ask RA to give it to the New guild
[2010/06/30 13:24] Tor Karlsvalt: to divise a the best sue wiith a prim farm as a suggestion
[2010/06/30 13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: and surplus funds after operating costs should be divided among equally among the three cultural commissions.
[2010/06/30 13:25] Pip Torok: yes
[2010/06/30 13:25] Tor Karlsvalt: also exluding money for major events.
[2010/06/30 13:26] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Have we three cultural comissions?
[2010/06/30 13:26] Pip Torok: yes (defining what "major" ight be a problem ...
[2010/06/30 13:26] Pip Torok: oficially yes muh
[2010/06/30 13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: I suggest that the Chancellor have to review the funds say at mid-term to see if funds can be re-allocated
[2010/06/30 13:26] Tor Karlsvalt: yes muh
[2010/06/30 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: Alpine, Roman and AA
[2010/06/30 13:27] Pip Torok: agree Tor
[2010/06/30 13:27] muhammedyussif Wikinger: Which names do they have?
[2010/06/30 13:27] muhammedyussif Wikinger: ok
[2010/06/30 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: well not bad so far.
[2010/06/30 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: we need to do this more often.
[2010/06/30 13:27] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[2010/06/30 13:27] muhammedyussif Wikinger: I agree
[2010/06/30 13:27] Pip Torok: quite!!
[2010/06/30 13:28] Pip Torok: and the venue's not bad either
[2010/06/30 13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: it is very easy to get tied down in the nittygritty when money is involved
[2010/06/30 13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: ys
[2010/06/30 13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: like this place
[2010/06/30 13:28] Tor Karlsvalt: great view
[2010/06/30 13:28] Pip Torok: was Mchel Manen's favourite AA spot ...
[2010/06/30 13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: Is is my real hope can stay as one
[2010/06/30 13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: oh NO!
[2010/06/30 13:29] Pip Torok: never mind ... its a good place to hide!
[2010/06/30 13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[2010/06/30 13:29] Tor Karlsvalt: it is sort of out of the way
[2010/06/30 13:30] Pip Torok: but so handy for Riyyad Mekness!
[2010/06/30 13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: haha
[2010/06/30 13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: what does that mean?
[2010/06/30 13:30] Pip Torok: thats my house in AA ...
[2010/06/30 13:30] Tor Karlsvalt: btw, unless you are opposed, we can officially call this to a close
[2010/06/30 13:31] Tor Karlsvalt: yes Pip in know
[2010/06/30 13:31] Pip Torok: agree
[2010/06/30 13:31] muhammedyussif Wikinger: agree

Cindy Ecksol
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Re: Finance Commisson Chatlog 1 June 30, 2010 Noon SLT

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Can we please, please, PLEASE put these commission meetings (and all of the others) on the community calendar? I'd be there a lot more often if they were as visible as Compline and Stui's talking hour.



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Pip Torok
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Re: Finance Commisson Chatlog 1 June 30, 2010 Noon SLT

Post by Pip Torok »

Thanks for the very timely publication, Tor.

Can I suggest that, in future, you add a summary of what we've talked about, and what we've agreed to?

If it were placed at one set point (say, just before the dialogue) then people who weren't at the meeting will be grateful, I'm sure!

Pip Torok

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