Budget for 13th Term

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Sonja Strom
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Budget for 13th Term

Post by Sonja Strom »

The CDS Budget for this term is based on a process designed by our Treasurer, Sudane Erato. This process was originally designed for the original sims of the CDS, what are now termed the “Core” CDS sims. When an agreement was made for the Al Andalus sims to join the CDS, Sudane made a revised version of the process to include them, which she posted here:
http://picasaweb.google.com/sudane.erat ... 6192117378

At the time she posted this process, the numbers were different than what they are now.

This process was used to arrive at the budget for this term, based on the current figures given to me by Sudane. The current budget is as follows.

On average per month, our overall tier income and expenses from the 11 CDS sims are:
Tier Revenue: US$2,030 Tier Expense: US$1,798 Remainder: US$232

Therefore, our projected net revenue for operations are: US$2,030 – 1750 = US$232
Payment into Reserve = 10% of net revenue = US$23
Available for monthly expenses = US$209
Using an approximation of L$ value of 277 per US$, this totals approximately L$57,893

Our Operating Expenses:

I. Stipends:
1 treasurer = L$1,000, 1 PIO = L$1,000, 1 Caretaker = L$1,000, 1 Content Archivist = L$1,000
Total = L$4,000

II. Website/Webportal hosting cost: L$ 2,820

III. Events

1. Major events (Oktoberfest, Feria, Grand Tours, inaugural balls)
L$72,000 per 6 month term, Total = L$12,000

2. Four social/recreational events per year (like the skiing party):
L$5,000 each, or L$ 10,000 per 6 month term, Total = L$1,666

3. Remainder Distributed to Regional Event Committees:
a. Alpine = L$12,500
b. Roman = L$12,500
c. Andalusian = L$12,500

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Sonja Strom
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Re: Budget for 13th Term

Post by Sonja Strom »

This is the original budget for the term. The revised and current budget is posted here: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3066

At Cindy Ecksol's request I have made a spreadsheet version of the budget for this term. Since we also had this earlier budget at the beginning of this term, I have made a spreadsheet version of it as well. This (former) budget is described below:


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