Robert Walpole wrote:Pat,
You are the spit-image British reincarnation of Pim Fortuyn! Men like you are dangerous in every walk of life -real or virtual. Congratulations on being promoted to your level of incompetence!
I wish you everything you deserve!
Ah yes .... theRobert Walpole, otherwise known as Michel Manen ... we meet again.
You employ the sneer as a standard debating device, but here you've over-reached yourself.
Whenever anyone leaves, nearly all of us become mindful of Anthony's speech in Julius Caesar, and make an effort to say only good. You didn't, and I imagine that you'll not ever regret it. That behaviour may be what you are, your 'Ding An Sich', as Goethe would have put it. So be it.
But then you really blundered. You compared Patroklus Murakami to Pim Fortuyn. And that comparison has opened up the real and hidden heart of you.
For those unacquainted with Dutch politics, here is a vignette of the late Pim Fortuyn's thinking:
-- Stronger measures to fight crime
-- Less bureaucracy in government
-- Reduction of teacher shortages in schools
-- Shortening of waiting lists for hospital treatment
-- Repatriation of those immigrants who "won't integrate into Dutch society"
whereas Pat's own thinking could be summarised here:
"Your split between debate and community is yet another false dichotomy. We can have both. Political debate is a means to an end, not an end in itself. We need free and unrestricted speech in order to debate the issues and reach the right conclusions. We have a community. I think the distinction is between a closed society where certain topics are off limits, where the community maintains cohesion through repression, where, for example, people are 'discouraged' from free discussion on blogs and forums and told to 'keep it inworld'; and an open society where there are multiple sources of information, discussion and debate and freedom to say what you believe by the lights of your own conscience *even if that offends some people*. I think you favour a closed society, I think many other people in the CDS do. I favour the open society which the CDS was based on."
Can any reader think of a more profound contrast between Pim and Pat? I can't.
Now I, Pip Torok, am an advocate of Jung's idea of the "shadow". Google wikipedia for "Shadow (Psychology)" to get the background. It's naught for my comfort, so it may make uncomfortable reading for you too.
If it has validity, then you, Michel Manen, have marked yourself out as one of those "Men ... who are dangerous in every walk of life -- real or virtual". Hoist by your own petard.
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones;
so let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious;
If it were so, it was a grievous fault;
And grievously hath Caesar answered it."
-- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar III, 2
Pip Torok