1. Discussion of RA Archivist. Arria Perreault and Cindy Ecksol have both expressed interest. Sent to RA for Vote:
Arria: 4
Cindy: 5
Abstain: 1
Awaiting to 7 day votes.
Motion to change numbering of laws in CDS to CDS-L instead of N-L
Aye 5
no 3
Awaiting 7 day votes
2. Commission reports:
- Citizenship will meet August 19 Tuesday (sic.) August 19 is thursday. will clarify)
- Commerce commission will meet once more to discuss proposed recommendations, late august, and then ready to report to RA
- Finance: Sudane is working on the plan to implement the Reclamation act. Also Jamie has posted legislation the commission would like to discuss. Jamie's legislation will be on the agenda in one of the next two meetings.
- Communications. Since the communications bill has not been implemented, meetings are on hold. We will invite the chancellor to the next meeting (Report due anyway) to talk about this. Communications committee would also like to work with RA archivist regarding communications.
3. Elections commission report and recommendations
A. Motion to let the RA search a volunteer to write a short FAQ on Single
Transferrable Voting
Aye 9
Nay 0
B. Discussion of proposed Campaigning Act. TABLED (motion, 5 aye, 2 nay)
C. Motion to Adopt New Term Act "Alternative B" Faild for lack of second. Motion to adopt New Term Act Alternative A, without "ADD" language:
Motion carries: Aye 8 Nay 1
(see full discussion here, http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3026 text of acts considered below
4. Concerns of RA: RA thanked Patroklus for his service and wished him luck.
5. Delia and Kas will be at SLCC
Motion to adjourn: unanimous.
2. Campaigning and Role of the SC in the election process (MOTION TO ADOPT TABLED TO NEXT MEETING)
It was felt that the role of the SC in the election process should just be limited to overseeing the campaigning. This leads itself to the following bill:
Campaigning Act
1. Campaigning starts officially two weeks before the last election day.
2. Campaigning ought to be supervised by the SC as they see fit, trying to keep a balance between limiting spam and allowing free access of candidates to do their campaigning. The RA might pass further legislation regarding campaigning, to be enforced by the SC.
3. Candidates would be allowed ONE group notice, with an attached notecard, announcing their candidacy and stating their platform; no further campaigning/political group notices are allowed. However, if candidates wish to "sponsor" a general event and use it to raise awareness as candidates, that's fine — as an event, it will be announced as usually on any official CDS channels for communication.
4. Each candidate should be allowed to post their own notice.
5. The Executive should collect notecards/pictures from candidates and set up a board (possibly at several locations) where citizens can learn about what the candidates stand for and organize events where citizens can fairly meet all candidates.
New Term Act
1 (Alternative A) The last day the voting booths are open is always a Saturday (until noon). The newly elected Representative Assembly will automatically meet on the Saturday on the next week at noon, unless the newly elected RA members decide, by majority, in the 24 hours following the closing of the voting booths, to meet at a different date, which cannot be set beyond 10 days after the voting booths were closed. 2. The agenda for the first term meeting mandatorily includes:
a) Inauguration Ceremony with Administration of the Oath to the newly elected Representative Assembly members by the Dean of the Scientific Council;
b) Election of the new Leader of the Representative Assembly, who will immediately chair the meeting;
c) State of the Nation address.
3. The Inauguration Ball will be held on the weekend of the first RA meeting for the new term.