[14:15] Moon Adamant: ok, everyone, it's 2.15 PM
[14:15] Moon Adamant: so i am starting the meeting
[14:16] Pip Torok: ha .... sitting at last!
[14:16] Moon Adamant: please remember that the meeting will be transcripted from now on
[14:16] Moon Adamant: and that the transcript will be published on the nG forum
[14:16] Moon Adamant: agenda is on the green box
[14:16] Moon Adamant: ok... *pulls the agenda*
[14:16] Moon Adamant: ah, point 1 is simple
[14:17] Moon Adamant: 1. AM re-parcelling of plot AH2
[14:17] Moon Adamant: ok
[14:17] Moon Adamant: from my info, this plot needs to be parcelled down
[14:17] Moon Adamant: not only it is too big and difficult to sell
[14:17] Moon Adamant: as also there is some need for prim plots
[14:18] Moon Adamant: now... the citizens that were here when we planned AM will remember
[14:18] Moon Adamant: that AM has a principle of area assignment to parcels
[14:18] Moon Adamant: hey Arria
[14:18] Rosie Gray: hi Arria
[14:18] Arria Perreault: Hi Moon
[14:18] Arria Perreault: Hi Sudane
[14:18] Pip Torok: hi Arria
[14:18] Arria Perreault: Hi Rosie
[14:18] Sudane Erato:
[14:18] Moon Adamant: the plots have half the area of the ones next in size
[14:19] Pip Torok: "area assignment to parcels"? ...
[14:19] Moon Adamant: so 1a=2b=4c=8d
[14:19] Pip Torok: ah
[14:19] Rosie Gray nods
[14:19] Moon Adamant: so... i published my suggestion to cut the plot AH2 in two, to make 2 B plots
[14:20] Moon Adamant: you saw the image?
[14:20] Keila Forager: Yes
[14:20] Sudane Erato: yes
[14:20] Rosie Gray: yes
[14:20] Pip Torok: no ...
[14:20] Moon Adamant: oh
[14:20] Rose Springvale: i'll get the link
[14:20] Pip Torok: tks
[14:20] Moon Adamant: https://docs.google.com/present/view?id ... nterval=60
[14:20] Rose Springvale: or not
[14:21] Moon Adamant: so... I'd like to ask if there are other suggestions
[14:21] Rose Springvale: Moon, i think the concept is good, but how does it work with the terraing?
[14:21] Moon Adamant: hi Delia
[14:21] Rosie Gray: ㋡
[14:21] Sudane Erato: hi half-here
[14:21] Moon Adamant: well, the terrain there is on the flatest area of the sim
[14:22] Rose Springvale: kk
[14:22] Moon Adamant: even if you keep the two plots available for houses
[14:22] Delia Lake: hi
[14:22] Moon Adamant: they both have access by road
[14:22] Keila Forager: Hi Delia
[14:22] Rosie Gray: hello Delia
[14:22] Moon Adamant: ah, mind also that the prim plot (which i am suggesting is new BH5)
[14:22] Moon Adamant: can be further subdivided
[14:23] Moon Adamant: but i don't have info on the desired size of prim plots
[14:23] Moon Adamant: not sure if Sudane has?
[14:24] Rose Springvale: i think there are at least two people who are looking for more prims. but there is other land for sale in Am too
[14:24] Moon Adamant: ok
[14:24] Moon Adamant: should we leave teh decision to parcel further to the Executive then?
[14:24] Rose Springvale: my concern is that once we designate land as prim land, it can't be used to build on
[14:24] Moon Adamant: what do you guys think?
[14:25] Rose Springvale: if we just sell it as land, its up to the purchaser to decide
[14:25] Rosie Gray: do you put a bit of landscaping on a prim plot though?
[14:25] Pip Torok: I notice that the layout wont encourage the use as prim plots necessarily
[14:25] Rose Springvale: though.. i don't think we charge for prim parcels, just increase tier
[14:25] Moon Adamant: i know, but i know that this was discussed at the RA and that the RA expressed the wish to have the NG thinking about this
[14:25] Arria Perreault: can we subdivise B5 in several plots?
[14:25] Rose Springvale: it came from the finance commission as a way to get the land sold
[14:25] Arria Perreault: for prims
[14:26] Sudane Erato: we always HAVE charged for prim parcels... just like normal parcels
[14:26] Rose Springvale: oh!
[14:26] Rose Springvale: okay, i thought only tier
[14:26] Rose Springvale: what is the sales price?
[14:26] Sudane Erato: but everything can change
[14:26] Moon Adamant: yes, Arria, we can - into 2 C plots or 4 D plots - i really recommend that the principle of parcelling keeps being followed
[14:26] Keila Forager: If BH is to be used for prim plots it should be subdivided more I would think
[14:26] Pip Torok: agree
[14:26] Keila Forager: BH5
[14:26] Sudane Erato: same as normal parcels... at least in NFS and CN where there ARE prim parcels
[14:26] Rosie Gray: I agree with Keila about that
[14:26] Pip Torok: (agree with Moon that is
[14:27] Rosie Gray: makes it more flexible
[14:27] Moon Adamant: I tend to agree too
[14:27] Rose Springvale: k
[14:27] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[14:27] Arria Perreault: A B parcel is $10,485
[14:27] Arria Perreault: L$/month
[14:27] Moon Adamant: so let's do this
[14:27] Moon Adamant: we can recommend that the Executive parcels it in C plots at least
[14:27] Moon Adamant: do you agree?
[14:27] Sudane Erato: sure
[14:28] Rose Springvale: i agree but...
[14:28] Rose Springvale: i think we should not limit them to prim parcels
[14:28] Moon Adamant: (and if you agree, i can refresh the drawing later)
[14:28] Rose Springvale: if someone wanted to put up a fachwerk, they can't
[14:28] Moon Adamant: hm
[14:28] Sudane Erato: my sense was that the original request was for 4 parcels
[14:28] Moon Adamant: mind that if you parcel into Cs
[14:28] Rosie Gray: what is it zoned for there?
[14:28] Keila Forager: then parcel them into four C plots..
[14:28] Moon Adamant: then 2 plots won't have road access
[14:28] Rose Springvale: ah
[14:29] Pip Torok: i think we need to "step back" and think do we need the prim-farm or do we need to subdivide in order to sell them?
[14:29] Moon Adamant: but i am perfectly agreeable that on the two with road access
[14:29] Keila Forager: can you make them long and narrow and same sqm?
[14:29] Sudane Erato: Moon... only one, the NW corner
[14:29] Delia Lake: that would really limit usability
[14:29] Rose Springvale: how about a b, a c and two d's?
[14:29] Moon Adamant: Keila, issue is that the AM covenants have limitations on building to the limits of the parcels
[14:29] Moon Adamant: that can work as well
[14:29] Arria Perreault: 4 parcels, 3 for prims and one for building
[14:30] Pip Torok: speaking for AMUA we arent desperate for new prims (for now!:)
[14:30] Rose Springvale: its a double prim sim though
[14:30] Moon Adamant: so i am afraid taht if we create long strips, teh owners will have issues with those limits
[14:30] Keila Forager: True..
[14:30] Pip Torok: agree, Moon
[14:31] Sudane Erato: i think there is no need for long strips
[14:31] Sudane Erato: if we split it into 4, only one will have no road access
[14:31] Sudane Erato: and that can be reserved for prims
[14:31] Keila Forager: Divide into 4C plots and the north west corner could be prim and the others to build on,,
[14:31] Pip Torok: one issue Moon ... you know that building on a slope has its own problems ....
[14:31] Moon Adamant: yes, but this is the flattest bit, mind
[14:31] Keila Forager: then all have road access if I'm looking at the diagram correctly
[14:32] Pip Torok: either 1 .. you need to dig into the slope to make a flat area
[14:32] Sudane Erato: lol Pip... in RL almost everything is built on a slope
[14:32] Keila Forager: larger base and sink it into the ground
[14:32] Rosie Gray: I think a slope offers interesting possibilities
[14:32] Keila Forager: yes, me too Rosie
[14:32] Delia Lake: you just need a foundation with deep sides
[14:32] Pip Torok: or 2 ... the building sticks out like a sore thiumb on a flat artificial base ...
[14:32] Rose Springvale: i like the proposal of three parcels and on prim
[14:32] Rose Springvale: one for prims
[14:32] Moon Adamant: sorry... the prim plot(s) will be the ones bordering CN, so BH6 and not BH5
[14:32] Sudane Erato: the build should adhere to the terrain
[14:33] Moon Adamant: ok...
[14:33] Sudane Erato: not necessarily all on one level
[14:33] Rose Springvale: because smaller parces can be used for prims without being limited to it
[14:33] Moon Adamant: one question that may help us to decide this
[14:33] Rose Springvale: they just have to have vegetation, right?
[14:33] Moon Adamant: atm
[14:33] Moon Adamant: you're telling me we have free plots
[14:33] Moon Adamant: which size of plots aren't selling so well?
[14:33] Pip Torok: so the problem arises ... HO does the terraforming?
[14:33] Pip Torok: WHO
[14:34] Rose Springvale: moon ... there are three d parcels and one A parcel for sale right now
[14:34] Rose Springvale: i don't think it is the land, but the price, but that's just my opinion
[14:34] Moon Adamant: Pip, the Executive, so Rudeen
[14:34] Rosie Gray: I think so too Rose
[14:34] Pip Torok: ah ...
[14:34] Keila Forager: That is the reason I think too Rose...it's way too expensive
[14:34] Rose Springvale: exec is sonja, she means estate owner, so rudeen
[14:34] Moon Adamant: ok, so dividing into C seems sensible?
[14:34] Sudane Erato: we can always re-price them... the ones owned by the community
[14:35] Keila Forager: I think so Moon
[14:35] Rose Springvale: i agree, C's
[14:35] Moon Adamant: ok... let me propose this
[14:35] Rosie Gray: better to reprice them for todays market too
[14:35] Rosie Gray: in my opinion
[14:35] Keila Forager:
[14:35] Pip Torok: when Valus and I built Arpar del Pip ... we had the perms to do the terraforming ourselves (but that was then and this is now)
[14:35] Moon Adamant: that we recommend C, with a note that the non-acessible plot can be further divided into Ds, if need B
[14:36] Moon Adamant: now... do you all agree that we make this recommendation?
[14:36] Rosie Gray: I agree
[14:36] Sudane Erato: sure
[14:36] Pip Torok: yes
[14:36] Keila Forager: I do
[14:36] Moon Adamant: Rose, Delia, Arria?
[14:36] Delia Lake: yes
[14:36] Rose Springvale: oh, i already said. yes
[14:36] Sudane Erato: and if someone has a number for what they feel "this market" is... please suggest it
[14:37] Moon Adamant: oh sorry, some lag
[14:37] Moon Adamant: hmmm Arria is away
[14:37] Rose Springvale: jamie just sold a B parcel for 6k i think
[14:37] Moon Adamant: i vote yes too
[14:37] Rosie Gray: I thin kthere are some stats on the LL wiki, Sudane
[14:37] Moon Adamant: motion is passed, we'll record Arria's vote later
[14:37] Rosie Gray: not sure where though
[14:37] Keila Forager: and how big is a b parcel
[14:37] Sudane Erato: i have no idea what people think the price should be... we have only the original rate
[14:37] Moon Adamant: ok
[14:37] Moon Adamant: i'll have to think later
[14:37] Rosie Gray: I'll see if I can find the stats
[14:38] Sudane Erato: great
[14:38] Moon Adamant: if we will need to add a clause about prim plots to the covenants
[14:38] Moon Adamant: but as i haven't read taht covenant in a couple of years, i will need to read it again
[14:38] Keila Forager: I don't know about AM convanents but NFS are so out of date
[14:38] Rose Springvale: smiles.
[14:38] Moon Adamant: they're very old
[14:38] Rose Springvale: posted a thread on the forums. please comment!
[14:38] Keila Forager: and incorrect
[14:39] Pip Torok: but very important imo ....
[14:39] Moon Adamant: atm, i have no idea how do they apply, and if they still apply
[14:39] Keila Forager: but that's another subject
[14:39] Keila Forager:
[14:39] Rose Springvale: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2916
[14:39] Moon Adamant: i think though that RA must ask us to review them
[14:39] Moon Adamant: or teh Executive... not sure whom
[14:39] Moon Adamant: which*
[14:39] Rose Springvale: exec
[14:40] Rose Springvale: and remember i started that ... two years ago lol
[14:40] Moon Adamant: lol
[14:40] Rose Springvale: the google docs aer still there
[14:40] Moon Adamant: well, these things take time
[14:40] Rose Springvale: smiles
[14:40] Moon Adamant: ok
[14:40] Moon Adamant: passing to other things which are taking time too )
[14:40] Moon Adamant: point 2
[14:41] Moon Adamant: work-groups
[14:41] Moon Adamant: ok, last eeting we decided to reawake the work-group model
[14:41] Moon Adamant: to take care of several pending tasks
[14:41] Moon Adamant: we pointed down 4 tasks
[14:42] Moon Adamant: Schloss
[14:42] Moon Adamant: GMP
[14:42] Moon Adamant: Fachwerk
[14:42] Moon Adamant: Fundraising
[14:42] Moon Adamant: maybe i'll start from end, because fundraising is simpler
[14:42] Rose Springvale: ha
[14:42] Rose Springvale: easy for you to say!
[14:42] Rosie Gray: lol
[14:43] Moon Adamant: i do _incredible_difficult works of art for them
[14:43] Arria Perreault: just tell us how you need
[14:43] Arria Perreault: how much*
[14:43] Rose Springvale: oh. hmm
[14:43] Moon Adamant: well, I myself can't organize a party of drunkards in a pub
[14:43] Rose Springvale: i think arria is suggesting we solicit donations instead of a party or event?
[14:43] Keila Forager: that's easy..just give them beer
[14:43] Moon Adamant: that's why i am looking forward to a work-group on this
[14:44] Rose Springvale: i'm happy to chair the group moon, would like to have input from others for it. we can do another auction, or something new
[14:44] Moon Adamant: well... i think donations come quicer at a party
[14:44] Moon Adamant: quicker*
[14:44] Moon Adamant: after all, everyone knows we accept donatioons
[14:44] Keila Forager: Most successful fundraisers come from an event of some kind
[14:44] Rose Springvale: we could have a bachelor auction and see what we can get for pip
[14:44] Moon Adamant: oooh, we'd be rich then - great idea!
[14:44] Rosie Gray: why do we need fundraising right now?
[14:44] Moon Adamant: ah rosie
[14:44] Keila Forager: Events that are well publized too
[14:44] Pip Torok: would look forward to it but check my profile!!!
[14:45] Rose Springvale: we pay tier on this land and on the villa i think
[14:45] Rosie Gray: I thought there is a huge reserve
[14:45] Moon Adamant: the Guild owns this parcel
[14:45] Keila Forager: and what is the fundraising for?
[14:45] Rose Springvale: oh my
[14:45] Delia Lake: lol, are you you a bachelor, Pip?
[14:45] Rose Springvale: when did that happen??
[14:45] Pip Torok: no longer !
[14:45] Moon Adamant: hm, the CDS has a huge reserve, but our finances are independent from the CDS
[14:45] Keila Forager: Nah, he has a partner..says so in his profile
[14:45] Arria Perreault: we are a NGO
[14:45] Sudane Erato: the New Guild is down to having only one month's tier
[14:45] Moon Adamant: we are tenants here like everyone else
[14:45] Pip Torok: 3-4 wee3k ago
[14:45] Rose Springvale: but its NAFTALI!
[14:45] Rose Springvale: i demand a wedding!
[14:45] Moon Adamant:
[14:45] Keila Forager: OK..what about holding classes
[14:45] Pip Torok: surprise surprise
[14:45] Rosie Gray: ah okay
[14:45] Moon Adamant: Keila, that's a tough issue
[14:45] Arria Perreault: .-9
[14:46] Delia Lake: we need a public wedding celebration!!!
[14:46] Rose Springvale: Keila, we've done a pretty fun auction in the past,
[14:46] Rosie Gray: for this school property?
[14:46] Moon Adamant: the Guild has another organ, calle dthe Faculty
[14:46] Pip Torok: were working on a party (at least I am!)
[14:46] Rose Springvale: smiels
[14:46] Arria Perreault: great!
[14:46] Delia Lake: who pays the tier for this land, Moon? Sudane?
[14:46] Moon Adamant: one of Faculty's things is justly so providing formation
[14:46] Rosie Gray: yes what about classes? I think people usually donate for those
[14:46] Rose Springvale: we've raised the tier before with sales
[14:46] Moon Adamant: but it's very hard to get an ongoing schedule
[14:46] Keila Forager: Yes Rosie always..
[14:46] Rose Springvale: smiles. maybe we should send it to the wg?
[14:47] Moon Adamant: Delia, this land is paid through Guild's accoiunt avatar
[14:47] Keila Forager: You need a bunch of people willing to teach at different times..
[14:47] Moon Adamant: yes, and it's hard to get them
[14:47] Arria Perreault: anyway I have a lot of things in my inventory for an auction ...
[14:47] Keila Forager: there are so many fewer building classes than there used to be
[14:47] Delia Lake: so how does that acct get money?
[14:47] Moon Adamant: also, what has happened when we made classes is that nobody showed up
[14:47] Arria Perreault: old dresses ...
[14:47] Rosie Gray: that's true Keila
[14:47] Moon Adamant: well, delia
[14:47] Rose Springvale: we raised 30000 L from the last one
[14:47] Delia Lake: i know how MoCAso gets money. he has his hand in my purse
[14:47] Moon Adamant: that account gets money mainly though fundraising events
[14:48] Rosie Gray: ah nobody showed up, well that's another whole issue
[14:48] Arria Perreault: same for the Monastery
[14:48] Sudane Erato: Delia, the account has gotten money thru both donations and the fees received from the community for building things
[14:48] Keila Forager: Yes totally another issue Rosie..
[14:48] Delia Lake: ok
[14:48] Moon Adamant: and also, some Guild members donate their work in Guil projects, accepting a token payment and giving the rest to the guild
[14:48] Rose Springvale: CDS New Guild Auction Report 2008:
-78 Items donated (approximately) grouped to make 46 bid boxes
-17 different donors, all but 2 CDS citizens.
-21 different people won bids
-20 cash donors (approximately)
Sales: $ 20635 (subject to collection)
Donations: $ 9660
Total: $ 30295
[14:48] Delia Lake: for example?
[14:48] Sudane Erato: Moon, even if they don't donate... a portion still goes to the Guild
[14:49] Moon Adamant: yes, that too... but the bulk comes through the entire donations
[14:49] Moon Adamant: i would say
[14:49] Sudane Erato: yes
[14:49] Moon Adamant: so...
[14:49] Arria Perreault: maybe the Guild can get money for the work we do for CDS, like this reparcelling
[14:49] Moon Adamant: as we are reaching the limit of our piggybank now
[14:49] Moon Adamant: we need to raise some funds
[14:50] Moon Adamant: hmmm, I don't know what to charge on this
[14:50] Rosie Gray: maybe CDS would consider an ongoing grant
[14:50] Sudane Erato: yeah, reparceling doesn't take any real work
[14:50] Moon Adamant: i mean... this is a doodle and 15 mins discussion... we generally sell project and contents to the CDS
[14:50] Keila Forager: reparceling is easy
[14:50] Arria Perreault: thinking is not real work ?
[14:51] Delia Lake: so for instance, when we rebuild the Schloss, there could maybe be a Torok ballroom that Pip and Naf might donate for?
[14:51] Rose Springvale: we are an ngo, this is what we are here for. i'd not want to charge for all of that...
[14:51] Moon Adamant: eheheh can I quote you to my clients? .)
[14:51] Delia Lake: and a Springvale garden terrace?
[14:51] Rose Springvale: noooo
[14:51] Rose Springvale: lol
[14:51] Moon Adamant: that's an interesting suggestion Delia
[14:51] Delia Lake: like that perhaps?
[14:51] Keila Forager: a Rose Garden
[14:51] Keila Forager:
[14:52] Rose Springvale: we've always used naming as a way to honor contribution
[14:52] Moon Adamant: i think the Exec would need to comment on that
[14:52] Pip Torok: well we may have something right now ... check the neighborhoof of the Old Bowl but 600 mtres higher
[14:52] Rose Springvale: i don't like the idea of buying it
[14:52] Delia Lake: just grabbing names not asigning sponsorships
[14:52] Moon Adamant: yes, Rose is right when she quotes the tradition there
[14:52] Moon Adamant: like the NFS streets being named after the founders
[14:52] Moon Adamant: or the park after Kendra
[14:53] Moon Adamant: still, if teh Exec would like to consider it
[14:53] Moon Adamant: it's possible
[14:53] Moon Adamant: ok, but back on track
[14:53] Moon Adamant: ok Rose
[14:53] Keila Forager: I think the best bet is an event/ auction
[14:53] Moon Adamant: it has worked very well in the past, Keila
[14:53] Arria Perreault: yes (my inventory agrees)
[14:53] Keila Forager: or even ongoing vendors, like at RFL
[14:54] Moon Adamant: can't remember if we ever tried that
[14:54] Moon Adamant: at Oktoberfest, for xample
[14:54] Rosie Gray: I don't know how ongoing vendors will make much difference, since nobody sells anything here anyway
[14:54] Moon Adamant: lol
[14:54] Moon Adamant: sad but true
[14:54] Delia Lake: ongoing vendors that every once in a while gave up a goodie/prize?
[14:54] Keila Forager: all the money from the vendor regardless of who owns it, goes to one account
[14:54] Keila Forager: Well, that's a whole other issue Rosie
[14:54] Rose Springvale: how much tier do we need to raise? does NG pay for Villa too or does jon?
[14:55] Moon Adamant: Jon does
[14:55] Rosie Gray: yes, just saying I don't think it would raise any money
[14:55] Moon Adamant: ok...
[14:55] Rose Springvale: so only the school, or would we like to change that?
[14:55] Moon Adamant: i was checking
[14:55] Keila Forager: Not if we just let them sit there with out advertising etc
[14:55] Moon Adamant: hm, for teh moment, i'd keep school going
[14:55] Sudane Erato: its about 2200/month, and no, we pay only for this parcel we are on now
[14:55] Moon Adamant: would need to talk to Jon regarding that
[14:56] Rose Springvale: so about 30k would pay a year
[14:56] Moon Adamant: yes
[14:56] Sudane Erato: yes
[14:56] Moon Adamant: Rose
[14:56] Moon Adamant: seeing you were the only one volunteering for this wg at the fourms
[14:56] Rose Springvale: ha! NOW you hear me
[14:56] Moon Adamant: (i ask now if someone else would like to volunteer for it too)
[14:57] Moon Adamant: i'd ask you to lead this work-group
[14:57] Moon Adamant: also becaus eof past experience
[14:57] Rose Springvale: i'm happy to
[14:57] Moon Adamant: ok... does anyone disagree?
[14:57] Keila Forager: No..
[14:57] Rose Springvale: you are here
[14:58] Moon Adamant: test test
[14:58] Moon Adamant: ok... lag spikes
[14:58] Arria Perreault: fine for me
[14:58] Moon Adamant: uhoh
[14:58] Sudane Erato: yep
[14:58] Keila Forager: I answered
[14:58] Moon Adamant: ok... then Rose for this
[14:58] Moon Adamant: she may need help
[14:58] Delia Lake: hi Gwyn
[14:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn grins @ Keila
[14:58] Arria Perreault: Hi Gwyn
[14:58] Rose Springvale: WILL need help
[14:58] Moon Adamant: oh Gwyn is ideal for helping there
[14:58] Rose Springvale: you are pip
[14:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi all
[14:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I am?
[14:58] Pip Torok: (seems I am)
[14:58] Keila Forager: You will Rose??? ehehe
[14:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
[14:58] Moon Adamant: she can sell kisses like at past events;)
[14:58] Rose Springvale: auction Gwyn
[14:58] Keila Forager: Hi Gwun
[14:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol !
[14:59] Rose Springvale: smiles. gwyn!
[14:59] Keila Forager: Gwyn
[14:59] Rose Springvale: she never shows up!
[14:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I scared everybody away last time!
[14:59] Moon Adamant: she's shy
[14:59] Rose Springvale: they paid us to not kiss you last time lol
[14:59] Pip Torok: dear me, am I here?
[14:59] Pip Torok: now now
[14:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: exactly! haha
[14:59] Moon Adamant: you are Pip
[14:59] Moon Adamant: ok, in any case