Chancellor Direct Election Constitutional Amendment Act
This needs a super majority of 9 Votes in favor to change the Constitution. Status of vote after meeting: 7 aye, 2 nay
Art II, Section 5 on the CDS Constitution - Deleted and replaced with:
1. The Chancellor of the CDS shall be elected by universal suffrage of all citizens from among any CDS citizen who shall make application to the SC.
2. The Chancellor will serve a term ending with the election of the next Chancellor.
3. The Chancellor may not be elected to or serve on the Representative Assembly, nor serve on the Scientific Council.
4. Chancellor vacancies will be filled by a by-election administered on a schedule set by the Scientific Council consistent with other applicable CDS law.
Chancellor Election Act
This is standard legislation and requires a simple majority. Status of vote after meetin 8 aye, O nay. Motion carries, (but see item 6, regarding passage of the Constitutional amendment, above)
NB: Several versions of this bill were moved and voted with various results, but none passed in session without resorting to seven day votes. However, the passage of THIS bill supersedes all prior votes. You need only vote to register your vote on this one.)
1. Chancellors are elected for a 6-month term and can hold at most two terms in succession.
2. Chancellor terms start simultaneously with the Representative Assembly terms.
3. Any citizen may become a candidate by declaring themselves by a message to the Dean of the Scientific Council, two weeks before the voting booths open. On the next day, all applicants will be listed by the Dean of the Scientific Council, and campaigning begins one week before the voting booths open. Elections shall be held over a 168 hour period beginning at noon SLT on the Saturday before the 16th of the month prior to the new Chancellor taking office. In the event of a server outage which prevents citizens from casting ballots and which lasts more than 12 hours, the Dean of the Scientific Council has the authority to adjust or extend the election schedule.
4. In case the Chancellor leaves office or is removed from it mid-term, a special Chancellor by-election will be called for by the Scientific Council which will open new applications on the day notice was given and close applications after a week.
5. Voting methodology will follow the same method as for the Representative Assembly election or Single-Transfer Vote if the current method for the Representative Aseembly election does not work for single candidate elections.
6. This bill is null and void if the Chancellor Direct Election Constitutional Amendment Act is not passed.
7. Any other legislation applicable to candidate eligibility and elections in general will also apply to the Chancellor election.
8. In the event that the elected Chancellor resigns after (less than half the term), a citizen who fills that term will be limited to that term plus one additional term.