Communications Commission Meeting 4, Transcript 2 of 2

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Communications Commission Meeting 4, Transcript 2 of 2

Post by Kaseido_Quandry »

[2010/08/28 11:47] Lilith Ivory: oops sorry, RL issues ...
[2010/08/28 11:47] Sonja Strom: the LMs can be in the notecard too
[2010/08/28 11:47] Lilith Ivory: see you all later
[2010/08/28 11:47] Anna Toussaint: yes ... a script with links would work
[2010/08/28 11:47] Kaseido Quandry: yep Sonja, that's what I'm thinking
[2010/08/28 11:47] Sonja Strom: bye Lilith!
[2010/08/28 11:47] Anna Toussaint: that's what we have now
[2010/08/28 11:47] Kaseido Quandry: bye Lilith!
[2010/08/28 11:47] Pip Torok: bye Lilith
[2010/08/28 11:47] Arria Perreault: it is possible to update quickly, Anna
[2010/08/28 11:47] Anna Toussaint: I've got an updated CDS about card with all the LMs
[2010/08/28 11:47] Anna Toussaint: I do know html, but not the latest permutations ...
[2010/08/28 11:48] Kaseido Quandry: ok, great - we can send that out in a notice, so everyone has it, and do that, say, once a term
[2010/08/28 11:48] Anna Toussaint: send what?
[2010/08/28 11:48] Arria Perreault: just send me mails or notecards Anna
[2010/08/28 11:48] Anna Toussaint: kk
[2010/08/28 11:48] Anna Toussaint: I shall!
[2010/08/28 11:48] Rose Springvale: We've always done that in the past Kas, and just date the notecards, if there is term sensitive information.
[2010/08/28 11:48] Kaseido Quandry: great!
[2010/08/28 11:48] Arria Perreault: can we talk later
[2010/08/28 11:48] Anna Toussaint: kk
[2010/08/28 11:48] Rose Springvale: most of the thinks in CDS don't change often
[2010/08/28 11:48] Rose Springvale: things*
[2010/08/28 11:48] Kaseido Quandry: yep - and I'd like to get those in everyone's hands
[2010/08/28 11:49] Anna Toussaint: right now, there are five info points and Anzere
[2010/08/28 11:49] Arria Perreault: anyway it's good to have an official notecard that people can get in their inventory
[2010/08/28 11:49] Anna Toussaint: yes
[2010/08/28 11:49] Kaseido Quandry: yes, definitely
[2010/08/28 11:49] Anna Toussaint: I'll get it to everyone
[2010/08/28 11:49] Kaseido Quandry: fantastic! thanks, Anna
[2010/08/28 11:49] Rose Springvale gave you Welcome to CDS! (June 2010).
[2010/08/28 11:49] Anna Toussaint: as soon as I make sure it's ok
[2010/08/28 11:49] Anna Toussaint: it has all the LMs on it
[2010/08/28 11:49] Kaseido Quandry: oo, wow, this June -thanks Rose
[2010/08/28 11:50] Kaseido Quandry: OK, does everyone have that? the June 2010 card?
[2010/08/28 11:50] Arria Perreault: no
[2010/08/28 11:50] Rose Springvale: that's mine kas
[2010/08/28 11:50] Anna Toussaint: I've got a July 31 card, i think ....
[2010/08/28 11:50] Anna Toussaint: let me see
[2010/08/28 11:50] Anna Toussaint: after the de-merger ...
[2010/08/28 11:50] Kaseido Quandry: is that shareable, Rose?
[2010/08/28 11:50] Anna Toussaint: I just don't know if it's quite right, yet ...
[2010/08/28 11:50] Rose Springvale: ah, of course. I woudn't have been so fast to delete the AA references .. so clearly out of date
[2010/08/28 11:51] Kaseido Quandry: ah yes
[2010/08/28 11:51] Kaseido Quandry: at any rate, it looks like we can get something into everyone's hands fairly soon?
[2010/08/28 11:52] Anna Toussaint: here it is ... if anyone has any ideas, let me know and I will incorporate
[2010/08/28 11:52] Anna Toussaint gave you About the CDS -- July 31 2010.
[2010/08/28 11:52] Sonja Strom: thanks!
[2010/08/28 11:52] Kaseido Quandry: OK, great!
[2010/08/28 11:52] Kaseido Quandry: let's go on to d)
[2010/08/28 11:53] Kaseido Quandry: Sonja's told us we're good on the notice part of d), and I'll get an announcement about it out shortly
[2010/08/28 11:53] Arria Perreault: sorry to say that, but there is a reference to a AA document on d)
[2010/08/28 11:53] Kaseido Quandry: how are we on group subscribers?
[2010/08/28 11:53] Kaseido Quandry: yes there is Arria.
[2010/08/28 11:53] Arria Perreault: "Guidelines for use of the group should follow those for the current Al Andalus group, included below. "
[2010/08/28 11:53] Kaseido Quandry: and that document was incorporated by reference into the statute
[2010/08/28 11:54] Rose Springvale: documents don't demerge :)
[2010/08/28 11:54] Anna Toussaint: well, that's in the policy ... and we can still use it, can't we?
[2010/08/28 11:54] Kaseido Quandry: we have to, it's the law :)
[2010/08/28 11:54] Anna Toussaint: if the rules make sense?
[2010/08/28 11:54] Anna Toussaint: brb
[2010/08/28 11:54] Arria Perreault: it would be good to have it at least
[2010/08/28 11:54] Rose Springvale: do you have a copy of the card Kas?
[2010/08/28 11:54] Rose Springvale: we all had it before the law passed i know
[2010/08/28 11:54] Sonja Strom: Why would the CDS want to keep including AA in its communications materials?
[2010/08/28 11:55] Kaseido Quandry: I do..
[2010/08/28 11:55] Rose Springvale: it says "like the AA notice policy"
[2010/08/28 11:55] Rose Springvale: that isn't what it says sonja
[2010/08/28 11:55] Anna Toussaint accepted your inventory offer.
[2010/08/28 11:55] Sonja Strom accepted your inventory offer.
[2010/08/28 11:55] Pip Torok accepted your inventory offer.
[2010/08/28 11:55] Arria Perreault: does "should follow" mean it's not an obligation?
[2010/08/28 11:55] Arria Perreault accepted your inventory offer.
[2010/08/28 11:56] Sonja Strom: thanks Kaseido
[2010/08/28 11:56] Kaseido Quandry: No, it's an obligation
[2010/08/28 11:56] Arria Perreault: ok
[2010/08/28 11:56] Arria Perreault: so we are free for the policy?
[2010/08/28 11:57] Kaseido Quandry: I'm sorry, I don't understand?
[2010/08/28 11:57] Arria Perreault: if it is not an obligation to follow the AA policy, we can make our own policy
[2010/08/28 11:57] Kaseido Quandry: IT IS THE TEXT OF THE LAW
[2010/08/28 11:57] Kaseido Quandry: Is that sufficiently clear, Arria?
[2010/08/28 11:57] Rose Springvale: [11:56] Kaseido Quandry: No, it's an obligation
[2010/08/28 11:58] Arria Perreault: yes, you said that
[2010/08/28 11:58] Kaseido Quandry: We have one more point, and I'd like to see us wrap at the hour, for those attending the next meeting
[2010/08/28 11:58] Arria Perreault: I'd like to know if we can make our own policy
[2010/08/28 11:58] Kaseido Quandry: Sure, Arria, you're on the RA. Write a bill to supersede this one.
[2010/08/28 11:59] Kaseido Quandry: Let's go on to e)
[2010/08/28 11:59] Arria Perreault: a policy is under a law, like the one we made for the fees payement
[2010/08/28 11:59] Kaseido Quandry: This law clearly spells out the content of the policy
[2010/08/28 12:00] Arria Perreault: I would like to know if this commission can write a CDS policy for the group notices
[2010/08/28 12:00] Kaseido Quandry: so, e) - where are we on this?
[2010/08/28 12:00] Arria Perreault: it's written "should follow" and you said it's not obligatory
[2010/08/28 12:00] Callipygian Christensen accepted your inventory offer.
[2010/08/28 12:00] Kaseido Quandry: no, I've said twice, in caps once, that THIS IS THE LAW AND POLICY
[2010/08/28 12:00] Kaseido Quandry: if you don't like it, write a bill to change it
[2010/08/28 12:00] Arria Perreault: no
[2010/08/28 12:01] Kaseido Quandry: ok then
[2010/08/28 12:01] Kaseido Quandry: e)
[2010/08/28 12:01] Arria Perreault: it's not my understanding
[2010/08/28 12:01] Anna Toussaint: If the rules make sense, why reinvent the wheel?
[2010/08/28 12:01] Kaseido Quandry: I understand that the LRA and Dean have *not* been provided with account passwords, is that correct?
[2010/08/28 12:01] Sonja Strom: with e. I am not sure,
[2010/08/28 12:01] Sonja Strom: we will have to ask Anna
[2010/08/28 12:01] Anna Toussaint: we can do that ...
[2010/08/28 12:01] Arria Perreault: we can read together the AA policy and adapt it
[2010/08/28 12:01] Anna Toussaint: I may have overlooked it
[2010/08/28 12:01] Callipygian Christensen: RL calls..later all..Anna..Im me and we can talk kiosks
[2010/08/28 12:02] Kaseido Quandry: ok, if we can get that done by the next RA meeting, that'd rock
[2010/08/28 12:02] Anna Toussaint: cool, Calli
[2010/08/28 12:02] Sonja Strom: bye Calli!
[2010/08/28 12:02] Anna Toussaint: who are we talking about, Kas
[2010/08/28 12:02] Anna Toussaint: ?
[2010/08/28 12:02] Pip Torok: bye Calli
[2010/08/28 12:02] Arria Perreault: bye calli :-)
[2010/08/28 12:02] Anna Toussaint: who needs the passwords?
[2010/08/28 12:03] Arria Perreault: I have some comments about that point
[2010/08/28 12:03] Kaseido Quandry: um, whoever has the paswords for the Twitter, Facebook and website, and anthing else, needs to change them and get them to the LRA and Dean
[2010/08/28 12:03] Arria Perreault: it doesnt work like this, Kas
[2010/08/28 12:03] Sonja Strom: I'm sorry, I am hosting another meeting now myself, and must go
[2010/08/28 12:03] Sonja Strom: bye!
[2010/08/28 12:03] Pip Torok: me too, bye
[2010/08/28 12:03] Arria Perreault: there is a regional commission meeting now
[2010/08/28 12:04] Kaseido Quandry: ok, with the understanding Anna's going to work to get us in compliance with e), we can adjourn
[2010/08/28 12:04] Rose Springvale: thanks Kas
[2010/08/28 12:04] Sonja Strom: I'm sure will continue to talk about all of these topics.
[2010/08/28 12:04] Kaseido Quandry: We're adjouned, and the transcript is closed.

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