[9:00] Rose Springvale: Thanks for coming everyone. We are open for citizens concerns... smiles
[9:00] Keila Forager: today we are going to learn to make stones , flower and a cap
[9:01] Rose Springvale: smiles a keila
[9:01] Rose Springvale: tempting!
[9:01] Rose Springvale: Rosie, thanks for all your work on Oktoberfest!
[9:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn is willing to learn
[9:01] Rose Springvale: we are on the record now btw
[9:01] Rosie Gray smiles: you're very welcome
[9:01] Keila Forager: Yes Rosie, the marketplatz is awesome
[9:01] Rosie Gray: thanks Keila
[9:02] Rose Springvale: smiles. anyone have any concerns? I'll note we are quorate now, so officially the meeting is open, As you know we transcript the meetings
[9:02] Rosie Gray: I have a concern
[9:03] Arria Perreault: Hi all
[9:03] Mikelo Serevi: oops, sorry kas, still rezzing
[9:03] Rosie Gray: just wondering why it's so laggy here right now
[9:03] Kaseido Quandry: np!
[9:03] Rose Springvale: Ok Rosie. Hi Arria
[9:03] Rosie Gray: you can hardly walk
[9:03] Rose Springvale: SL is messy today.. i logged on with "no groups"
[9:03] Keila Forager: Oh, give me a minute and I can tell you Rosie..LOL When to a sim stats and performance class yesterday
[9:03] Kaseido Quandry:
[9:04] Tor Karlsvalt: yes and I hope i don't just loose all my clothes in this change.
[9:04] Rosie Gray: I think that's only useful if you have the permissions to view them Keila
[9:04] Rose Springvale raises eyebrow...
[9:04] Keila Forager: Nope......
[9:04] Rose Springvale: you lose your clothes often do you Tor?
[9:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[9:04] Mikelo Serevi: I heard phoenix can drop your clothes for you
[9:04] Tor Karlsvalt:
[9:05] Keila Forager: ctrl + shift +1
[9:05] Keila Forager: will give viewer and sim stats
[9:05] Rosie Gray: ah thanks!
[9:05] Rose Springvale: smiles
[9:05] Rose Springvale: maybe Keila will have to give us all the short course
[9:06] Mikelo Serevi: I'm having some net problems today, so I'd like 7 day if I suddenly vanish
[9:06] Rose Springvale: any other concerns to address now?
[9:06] Keila Forager: and the sim is running at close to "full speed" , so it's probably the viewer..at least it is mine
[9:06] Rose Springvale: ok Mikelo
[9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Can we legislate to abolish lag? hehe
[9:06] Rose Springvale: sure , but you can fight the implementation battle
[9:06] Tor Karlsvalt: second on that Gwyn
[9:06] Keila Forager: My class gave ideas to make it less
[9:07] Keila Forager: Will let you all know when the nexxt one is
[9:07] Pip Torok: ah... can I have y class notes then??!!
[9:07] Rose Springvale: i have some notecards that have been developed over time on that too.
[9:07] Mikelo Serevi: no more sexy hairs?
[9:07] Rosie Gray: eh?
[9:07] Mikelo Serevi: for the lag, er nm
[9:07] Rose Springvale: lol
[9:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn pretends not to have listened.
[9:08] Rose Springvale: i think it is the resize scripts that contributes to lag.... supposedly you can delete them, but most of us don't
[9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: On the other hand, i'm looking fiward to *meshed* hair...
[9:08] Rose Springvale: my hair is meshed every morning....
[9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I agree, Rose... I have a lot of trouble deleting those resize scripts
[9:08] Keila Forager: You can have lag with out any scripts..but this is a discussion for another time..LOL
[9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Rose!
[9:08] Tor Karlsvalt: that is bad, but i think much of that is on your own computer
[9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I agree, Keila
[9:08] Rosie Gray: they are a terrible nuisance, and completely unnecessary
[9:08] Keila Forager: That was something I just learned
[9:09] Rose Springvale: okay, thanks Keila.
[9:09] Rose Springvale: Any other concerns of citizens? we'll make a note to do some research on the lag perhaps
[9:09] Keila Forager: I can maybe arrange a class if you llike
[9:09] Pip Torok: does Gwyn have a blog?? )
[9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: whew... that would be a lot of homework.... some sims (CN, NFS...) would need to be totally rebuilt if we wished to limit lag...
[9:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sometimes, pip
[9:10] Mikelo Serevi: I've found these sims to be mostly lag free, except at gatherings
[9:10] Tor Karlsvalt: well we should work on NFS.
[9:10] Keila Forager: Maybe , maybe not Gwyn
[9:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We should yes.
[9:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: too many layers of alpha textures there!
[9:11] Keila Forager: It's the size of the textures
[9:11] Pip Torok: "where 2 or 3 are gathered together, there you have lag! ...."
[9:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes!
[9:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: LOL Pip!
[9:11] Mikelo Serevi: lol
[9:11] Object owned by Rose Springvale gave you 'CDS RA Agenda 9/18/10' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Colonia%20Nova/13/166/41 ).
[9:11] Tor Karlsvalt: Pip I thought that was God.
[9:11] Keila Forager: get rid of the fog..
[9:11] muhammedyussif Wikinger: sorry
[9:11] Pip Torok: no that LL, Creator of LAG!
[9:11] Rose Springvale: smiles. if there are no other concerns, we'll go on with the agenda...
[9:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn *snickers*
[9:12] Rose Springvale: Any additions or changes to the agenda? there were no 7 day issues from last meeting i don't think
[9:12] Object owned by Rose Springvale gave you 'Final Recommendations for the Election Commission' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Colonia%20Nova/13/166/41 ).
[9:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I have a question, Ms LRA...
[9:13] Rose Springvale: ok
[9:13] Mikelo Serevi: no, it was a short meeting, it seemed
[9:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, one of the topics for today is about "Term Limits2
[9:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I thought that had been settled already?
[9:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Or is that a new discussion?
[9:13] Rose Springvale: i think this was on the RA portion gwyn
[9:13] Rose Springvale: we settled chancellor
[9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: AH!
[9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok
[9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm enlightened now, thanks
[9:14] Rose Springvale: and thank you for the segue... we'll turn to the commission report, and you are up
[9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: already? ouchie
[9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn *flexes fingers*
[9:14] Rose Springvale: if you need time to refresh, we can come back
[9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No, I was just joking lol
[9:15] Rose Springvale: smile
[9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, campaigning act, which has been tabled
[9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the commission did meet just on that topic
[9:15] Rose Springvale: do you have a notecard you'd like distributed on that one?
[9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh... wait sure
[9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: good idea
[9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn grins
[9:16] Rose Springvale: the one in the box was the first draft i think
[9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes
[9:16] Rose Springvale: if you give it to me, i'll put it here
[9:16] Rose Springvale: there*
[9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: version 2 is here - http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3100 but I'll be happy to copy & paste it into a notecard
[9:16] Rose Springvale: go on, i'll do it
[9:16] Keila Forager: yes please, if I open an outside link I'll crash
[9:17] Pip Torok: (know the feeling, Keila ... )
[9:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok. Shared with Rose.
[9:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: There is some initial blah blah,
[9:18] Rose Springvale: in the box.
[9:18] Rose Springvale:
[9:18] Object owned by Rose Springvale gave you 'Election Commission on Campaigning Act - proposal 2' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Colonia%20Nova/13/166/41 ).
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: which is mostly to give the esteemed RA members a feeling that this was not one of the most consensual issues.
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: First... there are two opposing views, even on small groups:
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) No limits on campaigning shwatsoever
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 2) Heavy restrictions, closely overseen
[9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's hard to write a proposal that takes these opposing views into account
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Now, solution 2 requires someone to oversee,
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: AND it also requires someone to *enforce*
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It was felt that citizens participating in elections,
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: either RA or Exec,
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: might be biased...
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so we'd need a non-elected branch to oversee the campaigning.
[9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Right now, we just have one: the SC.
[9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: However, our Dean has been clear that the role of campaigning overseing is NOT part of teh SC's attributions as per teh Constitution.
[9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: To make things more complex,
[9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: some things like signs, respecting Covenants, etc. are clearly the province of the Executive
[9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So it's a mess hehe
[9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We finally came up with two suggestions.
[9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) Formally invite the SC to meet with the RA and discuss boundaries and potential overlapping on roles,
[9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so that we could separate areas clearly
[9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 2) Suggest that either the SC does the overseeing/enforcement OR a future commission, duly appointed for that specific purpose.
[9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: This is, in a nutshell, a resumed version of what you have in the notecard
[9:23] Arria Perreault raises hand
[9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Plus the actual proposed text for the bill, of course...
[9:23] Rose Springvale: are you finished and ready for questions Gwyn?
[9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm finished for now...
[9:23] muhammedyussif Wikinger: much obliged
[9:24] Rose Springvale: okay. thanks. Arria?
[9:25] Arria Perreault: I am very curious to know the arguments of the people who wanted strong restrictions in campaigning in a place like CDS based on democratic rules
[9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, Arria. Fair question!
[9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) Merchants. A very "dense" campaigning season would scare visitors away from shops.
[9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, yes, tourism would hurt too
[9:26] Keila Forager: what visitors..LOL
[9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and 2) Fear of excessive spamming
[9:26] Solomon Mosely: lol
[9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn grins @ Keila.
[9:26] Tor Karlsvalt wonders who is here to be scared
[9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Don't kill the messenger, I'm just forwarding the message
[9:26] Rose Springvale: smiles. Lets keep some order
[9:27] Arria Perreault: interesting ... thank you
[9:27] Keila Forager: You are correct provided we had visitors and tourism to scare away
[9:27] Keila Forager: Sorry
[9:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: But yes, those two points were the ones most quoted. Under 2 is implied "people that will have access to 'special' groups and are able to spam, while other candidates might not, etc
[9:27] Tor Karlsvalt: ?
[9:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: There are a LOT of groups in the CDS, Tor, and not all are under government control.
[9:28] Rose Springvale: any other questions? (i have a comment too)
[9:28] Tor Karlsvalt: i have
[9:28] Rose Springvale: go on Tor
[9:28] Tor Karlsvalt: ok, more a comment
[9:29] Tor Karlsvalt: i really don't think we should make rules that might not be enforced
[9:29] Tor Karlsvalt: and the enforcers may be the ones standing for elections
[9:29] Tor Karlsvalt: second
[9:29] Tor Karlsvalt: I don't think spam is much of an issue
[9:29] Tor Karlsvalt: especially with the new viewer
[9:30] Tor Karlsvalt: most of my messages just fall to the bottom bar and are ususally forgotten
[9:30] Tor Karlsvalt: thats all
[9:30] Rose Springvale: thanks. Anyone else?
[9:30] Delia Lake raises her hand
[9:30] Rose Springvale: Delia, go ahead
[9:30] Arria Perreault raises hand again
[9:31] Delia Lake: a thought just occurred to me. it might or might not work
[9:31] Delia Lake: might it be possible for the CDS to purchase subscribomatic or some such non group announcement technique
[9:32] Keila Forager: Why not, everyone else has them..but it's a subscription plan
[9:32] Delia Lake: then citizens who would want to get all the election campaign notices and info would get it but the rest of the non citizens in the CDS group would not
[9:32] Kaseido Quandry: it *would* enable creation of an "official channel" for the government
[9:32] Tor Karlsvalt: actually i like that idea
[9:32] Rosie Gray thinks that is a great idea
[9:32] Rose Springvale: not sure how that works though. Perhaps Communications could study that
[9:32] Keila Forager: yes..
[9:33] Kaseido Quandry: Happy to - it's a good solution to a lot of issues, maybe
[9:33] Keila Forager: A channel for just election notices
[9:33] Pip Torok likes it too
[9:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (small comment: that's actually easy to develop, if we don't want to spend any money buying it)
[9:33] Arria Perreault: me too
[9:33] Rose Springvale: I hate to see the official group go to subscribo. maybe better to do the events that way and keep the elections on the real group.
[9:33] Rose Springvale: because then anyone can subscribe without invitation
[9:34] Kaseido Quandry: well, that gets us right back to access and posting rights problems - but we can take that up in committee
[9:34] Rose Springvale: good idea though.
[9:34] Arria Perreault: I thought the candidates were not allowed to use the group notice
[9:34] Rose Springvale: that's what we are discussion Arria
[9:34] Arria Perreault: for their campaing
[9:34] Rose Springvale: discussing*
[9:35] Rose Springvale: My comment is simply this ... as a person who in the past has been charged with giving out official notices, we ALWAYS lose people when we start sending out multiple group notices in a day
[9:35] Rose Springvale: and if you will recall
[9:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The current proposal doesn't give them access.
[9:35] Pip Torok: is there a danger that a candidate wd flood the channel? or wd that be self-defeating?
[9:35] Rose Springvale: a couple of years ago there was a faction who got very agressive with campaigning, and many people complained
[9:35] Kaseido Quandry: Pip, I think it *would* be self-defeating - but the concern is collateral damage, as it were
[9:35] Arria Perreault: frankly, I think that debates and in-world meetings are the best solution. People can ask questions directly and get answers
[9:36] Keila Forager: I think it wouldn't be self defeating as name recognition gets votes
[9:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Pip, yes, that argument has been brought: anyone doing excissve spamming would probably not be elected because it's a self-defeating strategy... so, no need for special regulation, etc
[9:36] Arria Perreault: in the group, we have also people who are not citizen ...
[9:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: true!
[9:36] Rose Springvale: keila, the experts agree with you. name recognition is a tried and true campaign technique
[9:37] Rose Springvale: other comments?
[9:37] Arria Perreault: yes
[9:37] Keila Forager: True , if you don't "know " a candidate, you will vote for the name you see the most
[9:37] Tor Karlsvalt: donno, look at Delaware
[9:37] Rose Springvale: arria has the floor
[9:38] Arria Perreault: I think that the point 2 is problematic and the management of the violations seem to me impossible
[9:38] Rose Springvale: how would you change it?
[9:39] Arria Perreault: I think we need a minimal law, mentionning only what is forbidden
[9:39] Arria Perreault: no room for appreciation
[9:39] Rose Springvale: how would you then enforce it?
[9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: "spam" is forbidden, and so is limiting freedom of speech Only that hehe
[9:39] Arria Perreault: I would erase it and make a list of the things which are forbidden
[9:39] Arria Perreault: spam has to be defined
[9:40] Kaseido Quandry: good luck with that
[9:40] Arria Perreault: 10 or 100 notices?
[9:40] Rose Springvale: wow, that would be a long list
[9:40] Kaseido Quandry: that'll just lead to violations of "no spam" that are in technical compliance
[9:40] Pip Torok hopes there's a working definition of both "spam" and "free speech"...
[9:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm. Defining spam. Well, we could use one open source tool that establish what is spam and what it isn't using complex algorithms, metrics and heuristics...
[9:40] Arria Perreault: with this law, we can give to a branch the possibility to exclude candidates easely
[9:40] Rose Springvale: smiles
[9:40] Kaseido Quandry: or we could use *common sense*
[9:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees with Kas.
[9:41] Kaseido Quandry: some things are not quantifialble
[9:41] Pip Torok agrees with common sense ...
[9:41] Rose Springvale: I like the proposal, because it includes common sense, but also has some teeth for the people who will Royally abuse it
[9:41] Tor Karlsvalt hmmm, i think/me thinks common sense ain't common
[9:41] Arria Perreault: can the excluded candidate a way to recourse?
[9:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: also, the sensibility of what is allowed and what is not changes with time... so the list of "what is forbidden" would have to be constantly updated.
[9:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh of course, Arria! We always have recourses in the CDS
[9:42] Rose Springvale: we are at time on our discussion, do we want to extend, or have a motion?
[9:42] Delia Lake raises her hand again
[9:42] Rose Springvale: one sec Delia
[9:42] Arria Perreault: can add this in point 3? (recourse)
[9:42] Arria Perreault: can we*
[9:43] Rose Springvale: first we need an extension on discussion.
[9:43] Arria Perreault: I propose we extend the time
[9:43] Pip Torok: seconded
[9:43] Rose Springvale: how long please
[9:43] Arria Perreault: 10 min
[9:44] Rose Springvale: motion to extend discussion 10 minutes, seconded. all in favor?
[9:44] Pip Torok: aye
[9:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[9:44] muhammedyussif Wikinger: nay
[9:44] Keila Forager: nay
[9:44] Arria Perreault: aye
[9:44] Kaseido Quandry: nay
[9:44] Solomon Mosely: aye
[9:44] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[9:44] Solomon Mosely: aye aye aye gotta run, call me if a vote on anything comes up
[9:45] Rose Springvale: okay, i'll vote aye. discussion extended for ten minutes.
[9:45] Rose Springvale: Delia is next
[9:45] Delia Lake: re enforcement and recourse
[9:45] Delia Lake: 1. the SC cannot be both police and court
[9:45] Arria Perreault: (I agree)
[9:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (true!)
[9:46] Delia Lake: 2. recourse is certainly possible, but would the recourse be timely enough in the middle of a campaign or voting?
[9:46] Tor Karlsvalt: I think the problem lends itself to an open system, with few rules.
[9:47] muhammedyussif Wikinger: afk
[9:47] Tor Karlsvalt: we just will never be able to enforce rules like this.
[9:47] Keila Forager: agreed
[9:47] Arria Perreault: I agree too
[9:47] Rose Springvale: hm
[9:48] Arria Perreault: we need a minimal law, if we need one
[9:48] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe standards of conduct
[9:48] Arria Perreault: maybe the communication policy is enough for some points
[9:48] Rose Springvale: this is pretty minimal. What i hear you all saying is you want anything goes campaigns
[9:48] Keila Forager: Definitely need some guidelines with consequences
[9:48] Rose Springvale: which is fine for the people in this room, but try to remember some of our more flamboyant candidates
[9:49] Pip Torok feels that this is best driven by precedent ariring from actual preceived breaches
[9:49] Arria Perreault: I would like to know where are the limits: group notices or not for example
[9:49] Rose Springvale: gwyn, is that addressed in this proposal?
[9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes
[9:49] Tor Karlsvalt: who is going to count them?
[9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The text says that, Arria.
Transcript, RA meeting September 18, 2010
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Transcript, RA meeting September 18, 2010
- Forum Wizard
- Posts: 1074
- Joined: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:29 am
Re: Transcript, RA meeting September 18, 2010
[9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: - there is an initial collection of information
[9:49] Kaseido Quandry: I think that skill set is pretty widely dispersed in the CDS :p
[9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: - this information gets posted as a group notice
[9:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: - besides that, candidates don't have access to the groups EXCEPT if they want to announce events, which are handled throughb the usual channels (e.g. PIO)
[9:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, this is a Zero Group Notice proposal
[9:50] Kaseido Quandry: so this gives candidates *less* access to the group notices than someone *not* running for office
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No... it gives them the same access
[9:51] Tor Karlsvalt: i think notices have been opened up, no?
[9:51] Keila Forager: So they can send as many notices as they wish?
[9:51] Kaseido Quandry: Notices have been opened up
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: They shouldn't have neem, Tor!
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: They have?
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh my
[9:51] Keila Forager: We all have access..
[9:51] Tor Karlsvalt: thought so
[9:51] Rose Springvale: long time ago gwyn
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ^^
[9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: why?? lol
[9:51] Arria Perreault: I see a contradiction with the communication policy
[9:51] Keila Forager: Yep, I think 2 meetings ago
[9:51] Kaseido Quandry: freedom of speech, and all that
[9:51] Kaseido Quandry: and yes, Arria's right
[9:52] Rose Springvale: what about
[9:52] Arria Perreault: it could be that candidates have less right than non-candidates
[9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, she's right. This bill predates that kunacy
[9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *lunacy even
[9:52] Rose Springvale: if we adopt the essense of this as candidat gudelines
[9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, I'm sorry, This doesn't make any sense any longer.
[9:52] Tor Karlsvalt: maybe candidates could take a pledge to adhear to guildines
[9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: if the groups are open to any idiot, they should be open to candidates as well
[9:53] Tor Karlsvalt lol
[9:53] Rose Springvale: is that a motion Gwyn? where were you when we talked about all this!?
[9:53] Kaseido Quandry: heavens, we're letting the proles talk - what next, give them the vote?!
[9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Gosh, turn my head away for a minute, and the asylum gets opened and takes over
[9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Kas — no, this is like letting anyone enter unrestricted on the TV station, interrupt the work being done, and just broadcast what they wish
[9:54] Tor Karlsvalt still lol
[9:54] Keila Forager: Yep, pretty much
[9:54] Rose Springvale: um
[9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So why are we still worrying about the campaigning? lol
[9:54] Kaseido Quandry thought that's exactly what the intenets were for...
[9:55] Rose Springvale: lets get back to the point. We have a campaign law on the books that we violate each term
[9:55] Tor Karlsvalt: ture
[9:55] Rose Springvale: do we want to revise it, delete it, or ignore it
[9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: On the Internet, Kas, you don't get the governments' samp of approval on ANY blog post you do on your own
[9:55] Tor Karlsvalt: true
[9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *stamp
[9:55] Kaseido Quandry: no, we have the revised law from the end of the 12th RA
[9:55] Rose Springvale: but
[9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd ignore it, it doesn't make any sense now.
[9:55] Rose Springvale: it required a constitutional amendment that didn't pass Kas
[9:55] Kaseido Quandry: ahh, right
[9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aaah
[9:55] Arria Perreault: the SC did a decision
[9:55] Rose Springvale: so... shall we move to delete the campaign act entirely?
[9:55] Arria Perreault: Delia?
[9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I think so, Rose
[9:56] Rose Springvale: order please
[9:56] Arria Perreault: first ask Delia
[9:56] Keila Forager: 10 minutes are up
[9:56] Rose Springvale: Gwyn, want to look at that and bring it back??
[9:56] Rose Springvale: we need to move on
[9:56] Tor Karlsvalt thankfully we have lawyers.
[9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Look at what??
[9:57] Rose Springvale: deletion of the campaign act on the CDS code of laws currently, that was not addressed last term or now
[9:57] Arria Perreault raises hand
[9:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh I see. Well. That's an easy, one-line motion. If anyone cares to propose it...
[9:57] Rose Springvale: Arria?
[9:57] Arria Perreault: I have sent a request to the SC about this law and I am pretty sure they mad a decision.
[9:57] Rose Springvale: its on the forums.
[9:57] Arria Perreault: about the validity of this law
[9:57] Rose Springvale: but there is a law that was not revoked prior to that
[9:58] Arria Perreault: we can revoke it then
[9:58] Rose Springvale: i'm going to refer this all back to the committee
[9:58] Rose Springvale: i don't want a motion that we haven't looked at for effect on other laws. lets move on the thet term limits act gwyn
[9:58] Arria Perreault: I agree
[9:58] Delia Lake: sorry
[9:58] Delia Lake: rl phone call came in
[9:59] Rose Springvale: nm delia, we'll get it next time.
[9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, agreed.
[9:59] Pip Torok: brb 2 mins
[9:59] Delia Lake: i would strongly object to leaving any law on the books that we as a group intend to ignore
[9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hear, hear, Delia
[9:59] Tor Karlsvalt: brb
[9:59] Rose Springvale: that's why we will look at it in commission before we discuss. but lets move on, we have a full agenda
[10:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Right...
[10:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So hmm. I understand that on the last time we managed to discuss the term limits for the Chancellor. A proposal has been made to limit terms to elected RA members: they can only run twice in succession.
[10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The idea is to promote rotativity
[10:01] Rose Springvale: the language here would need to end at the word succession, as we already dealt with the chancellor issues
[10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes.
[10:02] Rose Springvale: Term Limits Act
No directly elected office in the CDS Government can be held by the same citizen more than two terms in succession.
[10:02] Rose Springvale: that would be the language yes?
[10:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Something like that, yes!
[10:02] Lilith Ivory waves
[10:02] Rose Springvale: do you want to make comments Gwyn?
[10:02] Rose Springvale: hi lilith
[10:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Only one.
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I think we should discuss what happens if someone vacates the spot in the middle of their second term,
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: can they run again? when?
[10:03] Pip Torok: back
[10:03] Rose Springvale: or their first term for that matter, does it count as a term
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: If they vacate it after 2 months, can they wait 4 months and get elected again? Or would have to wait 4 + 6 months*
[10:03] Keila Forager: I think it should
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes Rose
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: That as well
[10:03] Rose Springvale: but first lets discuss the proposal. may not be any support for it
[10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I think it's the only comment I've got. Thanks
[10:04] Rose Springvale: Discussion? do we want to limit successive terms?
[10:04] Keila Forager: Yes
[10:04] Rose Springvale: keila, ?
[10:04] muhammedyussif Wikinger: no
[10:04] Kaseido Quandry: is that a vote? are we voting?
[10:04] Rose Springvale: no
[10:04] Rose Springvale: i recognized keila for discussion
[10:04] Tor Karlsvalt: b sorry
[10:05] Rose Springvale: want to say why Keila?
[10:06] Rose Springvale: smiles. muhammed, would you like to give support for your opinion?
[10:06] Tor Karlsvalt thinks he is caught up
[10:06] muhammedyussif Wikinger: I think there are not enoug people in CDS to make it work
[10:07] Keila Forager: no comment, sorry, Yes was my comment, we need limits
[10:07] Rose Springvale: hmm, there are some 60 people. the ra only has 10%
[10:07] Rose Springvale: rounded down
[10:07] Naftali Torok: wavers to every one
[10:07] Naftali Torok: good saturday
[10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Note that after a term "asleep", they can come back as candidates, muhammed
[10:07] Pip Torok waves back
[10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (ni Naf!)
[10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *hi
[10:08] Rose Springvale: anyone else have thoughts on this?
[10:08] Keila Forager: Yes, the RA needs fresh blood...LOL
[10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It definitely needs fresh blood!!
[10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And giving out the message that this not "government by a selected few"
[10:08] Pip Torok: yes ... imo we need "fresh blood" but limiting terms is not going to provide it!]
[10:08] Rose Springvale: why not Pip?
[10:09] muhammedyussif Wikinger:
[10:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: heh... why not?
[10:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (aw Rose asked first!)
[10:09] Kaseido Quandry: I think we've all formed our opinions - call the question
[10:09] Pip Torok: yes ... but when there is not enough pl what alternative is there?
[10:09] Rose Springvale: as soon as pip finishes
[10:09] Rose Springvale: hmm
[10:09] Pip Torok: finished
[10:09] Keila Forager: There are enough people..
[10:09] Rose Springvale: okay. Question has been called
[10:09] Rose Springvale: Term Limits Act
No directly elected office in the CDS Government can be held by the same citizen more than two terms in succession,
[10:09] Rose Springvale: here is the language
[10:09] Rose Springvale: though technically we need a second for the motion
[10:10] Keila Forager: second
[10:10] Rose Springvale: thanks
[10:10] Rose Springvale: all in favor?
[10:10] muhammedyussif Wikinger: nay
[10:10] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[10:10] Keila Forager: definitely aye
[10:10] Kaseido Quandry: aye
[10:10] Lilith Ivory: aye
[10:10] Pip Torok: nay
[10:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[10:10] Tor Karlsvalt thinks this is worth trying.
[10:10] Rose Springvale: i vote aye, which passes the legislation, but will register 7 day votes as well
[10:11] Rose Springvale: thank you gwyn for you work on this. now
[10:11] Rose Springvale: lets do the details. What constitutes a term?
[10:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn bows
[10:11] Keila Forager: Thanks GWyn, good work
[10:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[10:11] Rose Springvale: i'd propose 50 percent of the term would be appropriate
[10:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: is "half a term" a term too?
[10:11] You decline Nantucket Theater from A group member named Chuck McMasters.
[10:12] Rose Springvale: would entertain a motion
[10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We'll go dowb the route of Zeon's Paradox...
[10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *Zeno
[10:12] Pip Torok: :-]]
[10:12] Rose Springvale: don't get too techie on me or i'll get a headache!
[10:12] Keila Forager: Anything over 50% of term meetings is considered a term..
[10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Keila's suggestion
[10:12] Pip Torok agrees on that definition
[10:12] Rose Springvale: terms are 26 weeks, can we say anything over 13 weeks from the beginning of the term?
[10:13] Pip Torok: second
[10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Fine!
[10:13] Lilith Ivory: ok
[10:13] Keila Forager: ok, that works
[10:13] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[10:13] Arria Perreault: sorry I have crashed. I am on my ipad
[10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We'll have to start somewhere
[10:13] Rose Springvale: that way we wont' get into the weekly or bi weekly issue
[10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (wb Arria!)
[10:13] Rose Springvale: okay
[10:13] Keila Forager: yes..true, in case of extra meetins
[10:13] Keila Forager: WB Arria
[10:13] Rose Springvale: moved and seconded that anything over 13 weeks, or half a term, constitutes a term for purposes of the term limits law
[10:13] Arria Perreault: tx
[10:14] Rose Springvale: shall we discuss or vote?
[10:14] Keila Forager: vote
[10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm fine with the vote.
[10:14] Pip Torok: me too
[10:14] Delia Lake muses. ...50% + 1 day? 13 wks + 1 day? as she wonders what the SC would do at exactly the 50% mark....hmmm again
[10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 50.00000001%
[10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 50% plus a second
[10:14] Delia Lake: lol!
[10:14] Rose Springvale: 1 second over 13 weeks lol
[10:14] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes!
[10:14] Rose Springvale: all in favor?
[10:14] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[10:14] Kaseido Quandry: aye
[10:14] Lilith Ivory: ye
[10:14] muhammedyussif Wikinger: aye
[10:15] Keila Forager: aye
[10:15] Pip Torok: lets be trad ... 13 wks + 1 day!
[10:15] Kaseido Quandry: is that a nay, pip?
[10:15] Pip Torok: no .... it is not a nay
[10:15] Rose Springvale: we are in a vote now.
[10:15] Rose Springvale: waiting
[10:15] Pip Torok: aye
[10:15] Arria Perreault: aye
[10:15] Rose Springvale: great. motion carries!
[10:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay!
[10:16] Rose Springvale: thank you again gwyn.
[10:16] Lilith Ivory aplauds
[10:16] Rose Springvale: moving on!
[10:16] Rose Springvale: commerce commission!
[10:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: you shouldn't thank ME that much as if the commission didn't have more people in it.... "thank you, commission" is more appropriate!
[10:17] Rose Springvale: indeed
[10:17] Rose Springvale: Lilith?
[10:17] Lilith Ivory:
[10:17] Lilith Ivory: not much to say but that the TP in NFS is changed now
[10:18] Rose Springvale: ah, great!
[10:18] Lilith Ivory: please let me know if there are any problems with it
[10:18] Rose Springvale: any meetings scheduled?
[10:18] Pip Torok: ok lilith ...
[10:18] Lilith Ivory: bare with me please till I´m back home from my travels
[10:19] Lilith Ivory: I´m sitting at the cleveland airport at the moment ...
[10:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[10:19] Lilith Ivory: I´ll schedule a meeting as soon as im home on 27th
[10:19] Sonja Strom:
[10:19] Rose Springvale: thanks!
[10:19] Lilith Ivory smiles
[10:19] Rose Springvale: Citizenship, Arria?
[10:19] Arria Perreault: we had a third meeting and now we are ready to submit a text to the RA
[10:20] Rose Springvale: great! will you post it in legislative discussions and we'll put it on the agenda next meeting
[10:20] Arria Perreault: i will post it in the forum this week end
[10:20] Rose Springvale: okay thank you.
[10:20] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:20] Rose Springvale: Finance, Tor?
[10:20] Tor Karlsvalt: ahem
[10:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Not much. The Finance Commission did not hold any meetings. However, I think we should grapple with the issue of pricing our land and any necessary adjustments to our tier. This is especially in light of any planning for expansion and the land for sale manly in LA. I do note that AH2 had not been re-parcelled yet.
[10:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[10:21] Rose Springvale: will you be calling a meeting to discuss that Tor?
[10:21] Tor Karlsvalt: Also, Sudane I believe has created a new alt to hold reserve funds.
[10:22] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, after the fest we will deal with these questions.
[10:22] Rose Springvale: maybe we will hear about that from the exec in her report
[10:22] Rose Springvale: any dates?
[10:22] Keila Forager: I agree, land is CDS is priced way too high compared to the rest of the grid, save some mainland
[10:22] Tor Karlsvalt: like to leave that open
[10:22] Rose Springvale: okay. bear in mind we are on the downward slope of this term, so if there are things we want to address, we need to get them going.
[10:22] Rose Springvale: thank you Tor.
[10:22] Tor Karlsvalt: yes i understand.
[10:23] Rose Springvale: Communications, Kas?
[10:23] Pip Torok: but dont forget ... the US UK and most of the R:L world is in desperate financial straights ,,, so assessing landpricing cant be more than temporary imo
[10:23] Kaseido Quandry: Meetings scheduled for next Thrusday and Saturday at 9am slt
[10:23] Rose Springvale: ah, great! topic?
[10:23] Rose Springvale: (any more specific than communications ? )
[10:23] Kaseido Quandry: "offical forums" primarily, and generally, what to do next
[10:24] Rose Springvale: ok. thanks. anything else to report?
[10:24] Kaseido Quandry: nope
[10:24] Rose Springvale: okay, thank you all. Commission chairs, you are doing a great job, and thank you to all the citizens who are participating.
[10:24] Rose Springvale: Sonja, are you ready?
[10:25] Rose Springvale: hm
[10:25] Sonja Strom: Yes
[10:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[10:25] Rose Springvale: okay, you are on
[10:25] Sonja Strom: thank you
[10:26] Sonja Strom: One of the more fun changes we have had is that we now have open teleport on the sim of Neufreistadt.
[10:26] Sonja Strom: That did create one problem,
[10:26] Keila Forager: Yay!!
[10:26] Sonja Strom:
[10:26] Sonja Strom: Yay, yes
[10:26] Sonja Strom: the problem was that if someone chose the SL map default teleport point,
[10:27] Sonja Strom: they would go into Fern Leissa' house
[10:27] Kaseido Quandry: ow, lol!
[10:27] Sonja Strom: hehe
[10:27] Lilith Ivory:
[10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn *chuckles*
[10:27] Tor Karlsvalt: that could be a surprise.
[10:27] Sonja Strom: yes! lol
[10:27] Lilith Ivory: Arria can teach Fern how to deal with that
[10:27] Sonja Strom: We worked on this, and tried to get the "default" changed,
[10:28] Sonja Strom: and Fern let us know she would donate her land to the CDS for the project
[10:28] Sonja Strom: so, we have her to thank for that!
[10:28] Sonja Strom: Very nice of her
[10:28] Lilith Ivory: not so bad to have a shop at 128/128
[10:28] Sonja Strom: now the default teleport point has been moved to exactly where the telehub used to be,
[10:28] Sonja Strom: heehee Lilith
[10:28] Pip Torok: the RA wd like to give her a vote of thanks!
[10:29] Sonja Strom:
[10:29] Arria Perreault: i have a garden ...
[10:29] Keila Forager: yes and I think we should pay her for her land
[10:29] Rose Springvale: so fern's land isn't needed now Sonja?
[10:29] Pip Torok: agree
[10:29] Sonja Strom: and peope using the SL map will end up in the Platz.
[10:29] Lilith Ivory: good idea
[10:30] Rose Springvale: (can we hold comments to the end of hte report please? lots of time for them at the end)
[10:30] Sonja Strom: A little less fun,as I think we all know, land sales down
[10:30] Sonja Strom: this is an issue made much more intensified by Arrias and his friends all leaving.
[10:30] Tor Karlsvalt:
[10:31] Sonja Strom: One thing we are doing to try to help is a reparceling of the really big parcel on Alpine Meadow
[10:31] Sonja Strom: the New Guild is working on this.
[10:31] Sonja Strom: Probably it would be good for the CDS to lower its monthly tier costs,
[10:31] Sonja Strom: and help with this would be appreciated.
[10:32] Sonja Strom: With many thanks to Tor and his great work on this, we have implemented new policies for nonpayment of tier,
[10:32] Sonja Strom: posted here:
[10:32] Sonja Strom: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3060
[10:33] Sonja Strom: Unfortunately these new policies appear to have resulted in a bunch of people falling behind in their tier payments.
[10:33] Sonja Strom: We are contacting them individually to see if we can get them on track with the new regulations.
[10:33] Sonja Strom: If you would like to help with this, please contact me.
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Re: Transcript, RA meeting September 18, 2010
[10:33] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[10:33] Sonja Strom: The finances are posted as Treasurer Reports, as normal
[10:34] Sonja Strom: to be found here: http://portal.slcds.info/index.php?id=224
[10:34] Sonja Strom: Now the are also detailed with Chancellor spreadsheets showing the budget.
[10:35] Sonja Strom: The current budget is posted here: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3066
[10:35] Sonja Strom: and monthly totals:
[10:35] Sonja Strom: June: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3095
July: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3097
August: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3099
[10:35] Sonja Strom: The Treasurer has created a new avatar to act as the holder of the reserves,
[10:36] Sonja Strom: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3096
[10:36] Sonja Strom: which she posted about here:
[10:36] Sonja Strom: There has been some discussion in the forum about the right of the Chancellor to make the budget and act on it.
[10:36] Sonja Strom: The legality of this issue has been brought as an issue for resolution to the Dean of the SC, Delia Lake.
[10:36] Sonja Strom: She has said the SC will discuss it and give their view on what the law says.
[10:37] Delia Lake: we are looking at that issue
[10:37] Delia Lake: we/SC
[10:37] Sonja Strom: One discussion in the community for going forward is about the Schloss in Neufreistadt, and possible future sims.
[10:37] Sonja Strom: There have been a fair number of accomplishments in the area of public communication.
[10:38] Sonja Strom: The InfoCenters have been re-furbished; they now give out (1) a re-edited "About CDS" notecard, (2) a url to the CDS Calendar
[10:38] Sonja Strom: nd (3) a url to the land for sale listing.
[10:38] Sonja Strom: They have been placed at info-points in the sims (CN Forum, LA Harbor, NFS Marktplatz, in MON near the Monsastery proper, and in AM near Naf's cantina)
[10:39] Sonja Strom: There has also been one placed at the Anzere infohub maintained by CDS.
[10:39] Sonja Strom: Land For Sale is being regularly updated and is now in a post on the forum,
[10:39] Sonja Strom: located here:
[10:39] Sonja Strom: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3080
[10:39] Sonja Strom: As I said, the InfoCenter urls link to there.
[10:40] Sonja Strom: Teleport boards (with maps) have been placed in the sims at all the above information points.
[10:40] Sonja Strom: We have written a new communications policy to implement the recent communications act.
[10:40] Sonja Strom: It has been posted in the forum here:
[10:40] Sonja Strom: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3079
[10:40] Sonja Strom: and also sent out to all of the citizens in the form of a notecard.
[10:41] Sonja Strom: We have organised what looks like a really great Oktoberfest.
[10:41] Sonja Strom: If you go to the Platz you will be amazed at the fantasitic work done by Rosie Gray and others.
[10:42] Sonja Strom: I want to thank publicly all of our participants in getting this so nicely put together,
[10:42] Sonja Strom: and I hope you will thank them also.
[10:43] Sonja Strom: Last but not least, I really hope the people in the government (at least) will try to go to the events as much as possible,
[10:43] Sonja Strom: and even when there are not "events" be around to greet people and welcome them.
[10:44] Sonja Strom: This is a really wonderful opportunity for us all to and meet and talk with people!
[10:44] Sonja Strom: Thank you.
[10:44] Rose Springvale: Thank you Sonja. RA, questions?
[10:44] Keila Forager raises hand
[10:44] Tor Karlsvalt: ys
[10:44] Rose Springvale: keila?
[10:45] Tor Karlsvalt raises his hand too
[10:45] Keila Forager: it's a long one..LOL
[10:45] Rose Springvale: smiles. go on
[10:45] Rose Springvale: tor next
[10:45] Pip Torok: I propose a vote of thanks to the Chancellor and helpers for theeir efforts
[10:45] Keila Forager: ~Oktoberfest looks like it will be alot of fun..great work. Thanks to all putting it together. FYI, the info give is not copy as one of the scripts is no copy and no mod
~A couple things..as marketing of CDS is sporatic at best. Why aren't we in SL Showcase? That is an awesome way to get traffic here.
~Comment on lowering tiers...I think first we need to lower land prices. How can we get new citizens if they can't afford land?
And along with that, we ,as a whole need to look at retaining citizens and not driving them away..
~Next...The flags on the Schloss are flying in different directions and some of the textures on the clocktower are all wrong. It has been pointed out to me by numerous people. I"ve been told this is something for the exec to fix.
~And last a personal question...have you taken care of the issue we spoke about...and when? As they are still there and it is 10 days later.
[10:45] Arria Perreault: second
[10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Pip's motion
[10:45] Rose Springvale: out of order folks
[10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry !
[10:46] Pip Torok wonders why
[10:46] Keila Forager: Feel free to take them one at a time Sonja
[10:46] Arria Perreault: me too
[10:46] Rose Springvale: okay sonja, want to take keils's questions?
[10:46] Rose Springvale: we are in discussion.
[10:46] Sonja Strom: Ah, thanks Keila, I did not know about the script being no copy and no mod
[10:47] Sonja Strom: I will find one where those a possible.
[10:47] Sonja Strom: I am not familiar with the SL Showcase. If you will let me know how we can get into it, I will work on this.
[10:48] Keila Forager: it's in the search tab
[10:48] Sonja Strom: How do we apply for it?
[10:49] Keila Forager: Click on the FAQ and it should take you to the info..and it is on the website..
[10:49] Delia Lake: http://secondlife.com/destinations
[10:49] Sonja Strom: I agree with you that lowering prices on the government-owned land that is for sale is a good idea. If you would like to help with getting this worked out, that would be great.
[10:49] Sonja Strom: Good, thanks!
[10:49] Sonja Strom: I will do it.
[10:51] Sonja Strom: I will look into the flags flying in different directions. I agree that can look kind of strange and disorganised, like the work is incomplete or something.
[10:51] Keila Forager: Yes, that and the textures have been commented on frequently
[10:51] Sonja Strom: what is the issue with the textures?
[10:51] Keila Forager: they are wrong..
[10:51] Sonja Strom: ah, ok
[10:52] Sonja Strom: sure, I will be happy to help to get them changed.
[10:52] Keila Forager: it is blatant, so you can't miss it when you look at it
[10:52] Sonja Strom: Thank you for bringing them up
[10:52] Sonja Strom: alright, I will go and look at them.
[10:53] Sonja Strom: The issue you and I spoke about had to do with the use of sim resources of rabbits, or bunnies
[10:53] Sonja Strom: and you had told me there are some on Locus Amoenus
[10:53] Sonja Strom: I have found them, and am in the process of documenting the amount of sim resources they use,
[10:53] Rose Springvale: can you share what the issue is please?
[10:54] Keila Forager: Upholding the covanents is the issue
[10:54] Sonja Strom: another way of saying this is, how much lag the rabbits cause
[10:54] Keila Forager: they don't cause lag
[10:54] Sonja Strom: and, yes, enforcement of the covenants.
[10:54] Keila Forager: enforcement of the covenants is the main issue..
[10:54] Sonja Strom: I am moving forward with this with care,
[10:55] Sonja Strom: because of the nature of what has happened with those residents in the recent past,
[10:55] Sonja Strom: and what their interests are in the CDS.
[10:55] Sonja Strom: I will speak with them about it in detail before very long.
[10:55] Keila Forager: but you gave me 48 hours to resolve my issue and I did in 24, why do they get special treatment and get to keep more bunnies than I ever had..
[10:55] Keila Forager: ??
[10:55] Kaseido Quandry has no idea what's going on.
[10:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn:
[10:56] Keila Forager: I was asked to remove all my bunnies as they were in violation of covanent and given 48 horus
[10:56] Sonja Strom: Keila, I asked you to move your rabbits from the sim of Neufreistadt because of Oktoberfest coming up.
[10:56] Keila Forager: I did..
[10:56] Rose Springvale: maybe we can have covenant violations posted and disposition on the exec thread as in the past?
[10:56] Keila Forager: No, that is incorrect
[10:56] Keila Forager: I have the log of that conversation..
[10:56] Sonja Strom: It is very important that we focus all of the resources we can in Neufreistadt on the ability for the Oktoberfest events to not be laggy,
[10:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn likes Rose's suggestion
[10:57] Sonja Strom: and for them to go well and smoothly.
[10:57] Keila Forager: that was not even brought up
[10:57] Tor Karlsvalt thinks there was a lack of communication.
[10:57] Rose Springvale: seems this issue is an estate wide issue that shouldn't be borne by one citizen
[10:57] Keila Forager: my question doesn't really have to do with my bunnies,,,,it has to do with why laws are enforced willy nilly
[10:57] Sonja Strom: Well, I'm sorry if you felt I was incomplete Keila.
[10:58] Sonja Strom: The reason I contacted you was because of Oktoberfest coming up.
[10:58] Rose Springvale: for the sake of transparency, can we have process and application applied uniformly?
[10:58] Sonja Strom: But in any event, the rabbits were (and still are) clearly in violation of the posted covenants.
[10:58] Rose Springvale: all bunnies in all sims?
[10:58] Sonja Strom: Yes
[10:59] Keila Forager: you NEVER mentioned Oktoberfest at all
[10:59] muhammedyussif Wikinger: next question please
[10:59] Sonja Strom: Keila, would it have made a difference for you if I would have mentioned Oktoberfest?
[10:59] Rose Springvale: okay, lets have a covenants review committee look at those. That issue has foundered, so i'll take it up.
[10:59] Rose Springvale: lets move on please
[10:59] Tor Karlsvalt remembers reading blogs on this issue and major opinion was that bunnies use few resources.
[10:59] Keila Forager: no, and why aren't the others gone..you agreed to that
[10:59] Rose Springvale: Was that your last question Keila?
[10:59] Keila Forager: and you are correct, this isn't about bunnies
[11:00] Keila Forager: it's about picking and chosing what laws to enforce
[11:00] Sonja Strom: I am in the process of documenting the use of sim resources.
[11:00] Sonja Strom: If you like, I can post this in the Forum.
[11:00] Rose Springvale: please do. I think Tor has a question?
[11:00] Pip Torok thinks that wd be a good idea
[11:00] Sonja Strom: Alright, I will.
[11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, several questions and suggestions
[11:00] Keila Forager: That isn't important to enforcing the covanents and picking and chosing who you let do whatever
[11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Just like to point out several things.
First, there are several very desirable parcels along the NC south wall and river that are not set for sale, but owned by Rudene. Just found those the other day.
[11:00] Tor Karlsvalt: Second, I wonder if the exec team has thought of listing parcels in search? The cost would be small and might offer us some chance to get land at least considered by non-citizens. Perhaps we could just list one parcel and have a kiosk on it that would direct prospective buyers to other parcels and the parcel maps and tier schedules.
[11:01] Rose Springvale: smiles. CN i think he means
[11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: Finally, I remade the sign as copy/mod and placed them at my houses and here in the praetorium. Also, a note to all, take a flag and decorate your houses, show support for Oktoberfest. (They seem to always fly in the same direction thanks to Rosie Gray.)
[11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: I meant CN
[11:01] Tor Karlsvalt: that's it
[11:01] Sonja Strom: Thanks Tor!
[11:02] Sonja Strom: I was not aware of those parcels owned by Rudeen. I will look into why they are, and why they are not set for sale.
[11:02] Sonja Strom: I think it can be a good idea to list parcels for sale in SL Search.
[11:02] Sonja Strom: There is a cost for that, but it can be minimal.
[11:02] Sonja Strom: However,
[11:03] Sonja Strom: I also think we will have people more interested in the parcels here if they have some connection to our community.
[11:03] Sonja Strom: If they have seen the CDS,
[11:03] Sonja Strom: and/or they have talked with someone who is a citizen.
[11:03] Sonja Strom: The best marketing we can have is our Oktoberfest,
[11:04] Sonja Strom: and for all of us to be there to meet and talk with its visitors.
[11:04] Tor Karlsvalt: We will talk to more people about CDS if they come into our sims.
[11:04] Sonja Strom: Yes, true, I agree.
[11:04] Kaseido Quandry: May I ask, what adverstising has been done for Oktoberfest?
[11:04] Sonja Strom: Thank you for your work on the signs and flags, Tor!
[11:04] Tor Karlsvalt: i posted a classified yesterday
[11:04] Sonja Strom: Yes,
[11:05] Tor Karlsvalt: told Anna about it.
[11:05] Sonja Strom: Oktoberfest is listed in the SL Events Calendar
[11:05] Sonja Strom: It is listed in the CDS Events Calendar
[11:05] Sonja Strom: All of the performers and artists are telling their fans and friends to come.
[11:06] Sonja Strom: We have InfoGivers and Flags that are distributed widely.
[11:06] Sonja Strom: Would any of you like to help us do more to advertise it?
[11:06] Rose Springvale: maybe on our portal and web presences
[11:06] Rose Springvale: nothing on any of them
[11:07] Keila Forager: I've put mine out in Fruit Islands..I get more visitors there than CDS gets..hehe, but only have one
[11:07] Sonja Strom: They are in the Events Calendar, which comes up on the portal.
[11:07] Sonja Strom: I made a post about all of the events in the CDS Forum.
[11:07] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[11:07] Sonja Strom: As events come up, we can put them in Twitter...
[11:07] Rose Springvale: but when you click on the portal front page, all you get is an old beach party note
[11:07] Sonja Strom: that is a good idea!
[11:08] Keila Forager: But still, the portal is very difficult to navigate..and seems the people that read the forums are all sitting here..LOL
[11:08] Tor Karlsvalt: We really need to focus on non-citizens.
[11:08] Tor Karlsvalt: hence my classified
[11:08] Keila Forager: Yes, and they don't go to the portal
[11:08] Sonja Strom: Thank you Tor.
[11:08] Delia Lake: is there a sign on the platz that has a notecard to the url for the land for sale in CDS? sign saying something like This could be home!
[11:08] Rose Springvale: we have always done press releases in the past too
[11:08] Arria Perreault: maybe facebook
[11:08] Sonja Strom: Rose, would you please help us with a press release?
[11:08] Keila Forager: But we need to get the word out to people who arent' sitting in this room...
[11:09] Rose Springvale: we are at time. Maybe furthre questions can go to the forums. too late for them now Sonja
[11:09] Sonja Strom: Keila, your help would also be appreciated.
[11:09] Sonja Strom: Rose, it's never too late -- Oktoberfest has not even yet started!
[11:10] Rose Springvale: Thank you for all your hard work sonja. And yay for Rosie and anna and tor too
[11:10] Sonja Strom: Thank you
[11:10] Pip Torok: I propose a vote of thanks to the Chancellor and helpers for theeir efforts
[11:10] Lilith Ivory aplauds
[11:10] Tor Karlsvalt: hear hear
[11:10] Tor Karlsvalt: ♫~~♫~~APPLAUSE~~♫~~♫
[11:10] Rose Springvale: i think we did just thank her
[11:10] Sonja Strom:
[11:10] muhammedyussif Wikinger: second
[11:10] Pip Torok:
[11:10] Rose Springvale: fine. all in favor?
[11:11] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[11:11] muhammedyussif Wikinger: aye
[11:11] Keila Forager: aye
[11:11] Pip Torok: aye
[11:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye, sure
[11:11] Lilith Ivory: aye
[11:11] Rose Springvale: arria? kas?
[11:12] Kaseido Quandry: hm? oh, aye
[11:12] Rose Springvale: thank you, motion carries.
[11:12] Rose Springvale: i'll let you draft the language Pip.
[11:12] Pip Torok:
[11:12] Rose Springvale: other RA concerns?
[11:12] Rose Springvale: okay. Announcements?
[11:13] Rose Springvale: Sonja, can you tell us what we are sponsoring on Radio Riel and where?
[11:13] Sonja Strom: Yes
[11:14] Sonja Strom: Klaus Wulfenbach, who many of us know has been a great person to have around,
[11:14] Sonja Strom: and who has helped the CDS a great deal,
[11:14] Sonja Strom: is organising a folk music stream in SL, put together by Radio Riel
[11:15] Sonja Strom: Radio Real has also been very supportive of the CDS
[11:15] Pip Torok gets interested ....
[11:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn is really, really sorry, but will have to leave you a bit earlier today. Thanks for your patience and have a lovely weekend all!
[11:15] Arria Perreault: aye
[11:15] Rose Springvale: smiles. radio riel makes a lot of money in CDS
[11:15] Sonja Strom: and if the CDS helps to sponsor this radio station,
[11:15] Kaseido Quandry: bye Gwyn!
[11:15] Lilith Ivory: bye Gwyn
[11:15] Sonja Strom: they will give us advertising time when there are breaks in the music
[11:16] Rose Springvale: so will our streams be set to their url?
[11:16] Sonja Strom: which... we were just talking about how advertising the CDS can be really good.
[11:16] Sonja Strom: And, yes, we can have this URL in our public areas.
[11:16] Keila Forager: They would have to be
[11:16] Rose Springvale: radio riel is primarily a steampunk organization, and Gabi has her own sims with land for sale as well
[11:17] Sonja Strom: I believe it is a worthwhile project, and have said we would support it.
[11:17] Rose Springvale: how will you assess its usefulness?
[11:17] Sonja Strom: If the RA disagrees with this, we can take away our support of it.
[11:17] muhammedyussif Wikinger: afk
[11:17] Sonja Strom: That's a good question, Rose. Any suggestions?
[11:18] Pip Torok thinks he really needs to research steampunk ....
[11:18] Rose Springvale: i am just asking process. I thought that question would be determined before committing funds
[11:18] Rose Springvale: gabi is a personal friend of mine, and has often bailed me out when others have not been professional
[11:18] Sonja Strom: We can ask the RA right now: what do you think about it?
[11:19] Rose Springvale: we are out of time today. Please open a thread, and we can pick it up later
[11:19] Kaseido Quandry: I think I'd like to see a written proposal and a budget
[11:19] Rose Springvale: maybe you can give some more background on what we are getting
[11:19] Sonja Strom: Alright, I will do that.
[11:19] Rose Springvale: any other announcements?
[11:19] Lilith Ivory needs more info to have an opinion
[11:19] Pip Torok agrees with Kas
[11:19] Keila Forager: agrees also with Kas
[11:19] Rose Springvale: i'll entertain a motion to adjourn then
[11:19] Keila Forager: second
[11:19] Pip Torok: so move
[11:19] Tor Karlsvalt same as Lilith. But sounds like a good idea at first light.
[11:20] Rose Springvale: thank you
[11:20] Tor Karlsvalt: secont
[11:20] Kaseido Quandry: heck, I'd feed it dinner and ask it to spend the night
[11:20] Rose Springvale: all in favor?
[11:20] Pip Torok: aye
[11:20] Kaseido Quandry: aye
[11:20] Keila Forager: aye
[11:20] Tor Karlsvalt: aye
[11:20] Lilith Ivory: aye
[11:20] Arria Perreault: aye
[11:20] Rose Springvale: thank you all, we are adjourned