[10:05 AM] Keila Forager: Did everyone get a copy of the notecard that has the link of work in progress and the current covenant that is on the portaL?
[10:05 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: um hadn't noticed.
[10:05 AM] Kaseido Quandry: nope
[10:05 AM] Rose Springvale: same one you sent on group notice Keila?
[10:05 AM] Arria Perreault: i have it
[10:05 AM] Keila Forager: And if you haven't already..take a peek at the covenant in "about land" here..
[10:05 AM] Keila Forager: yes Rose
[10:06 AM] Rosie Gray: got it
[10:06 AM] Rose Springvale: got it thanks
[10:06 AM] Keila Forager: That is one of the reasons I think it is so important to get it all updated..
[10:07 AM] Rose Springvale: yep, and has been that way for a long time... had created a lot of confusion
[10:07 AM] Keila Forager: My opinion is that we need to do the updates in sections, probably starting with the general CDS convenants and then NFS
[10:07 AM] Keila Forager: and I'm also hoping the next RA will continue this..
[10:08 AM] Lilith Ivory nods
[10:08 AM] Keila Forager: Just to clarify the google docs..can you explain who and when worked on them Rose?
[10:08 AM] Rose Springvale: sure
[10:09 AM] Keila Forager: I understand it was during Jamie's admin.
[10:09 AM] Rose Springvale: yes, it was, and during the time that i was in charge of land sales as Deputy chancellor
[10:09 AM] Rose Springvale: every time we had a new citizen.. someone who'd not been part of the project before, there was so much to explain that wasn't in the covenants, that i started looking at them in detail
[10:10 AM] Rose Springvale: Also, having been part of the committee in the Guild who put the initial drafts of two sims together
[10:10 AM] Rose Springvale: AM and LA, i knew that for the most part, we did them in a huge hurry to try to meet requirements to get the sims to market
[10:10 AM] Rose Springvale: pressure from RA, or citizens who wanted to start building etc
[10:11 AM] Rose Springvale: so that at no time did the guild or anyone have the opportunity really to consider the covenants as a whole estate... you'll not CDS is NOT an estate for LL purposes
[10:11 AM] Kaseido Quandry nods
[10:11 AM] Rose Springvale: each sim is independent, otherwise the covenants could go across the sim lines
[10:11 AM] Keila Forager: right..
[10:11 AM] Rose Springvale: So when i started going through them, my goal was to come up with a document that could be used on all sims
[10:12 AM] Rose Springvale: with only additions for the specific theme of the sims
[10:12 AM] Rose Springvale: I went through all the covenants as posted in world
[10:12 AM] Rose Springvale: as those are the ones people in world have access to
[10:12 AM] Keila Forager: I think a general CDS covenant the way it relates to themes, usage, scripts, buildings etc is very helpful
[10:13 AM] Rose Springvale: and then compared both the overriding general covenants and the specific sims to try to come up with uniform covenants
[10:13 AM] Rose Springvale: Moon, Sudane, and Jamie were part of the original review team, and i think you see moons comments in the Google Docs
[10:13 AM] Keila Forager: yes..
[10:13 AM] Rose Springvale: after that, things just sort of fizzled.
[10:13 AM] Cherry Voorhees is Offline
[10:14 AM] Rose Springvale:
[10:14 AM] Rose Springvale: that answer you question?
[10:14 AM] Tor Karlsvalt:
[10:14 AM] Keila Forager: So, basically , what is in the portal then is still the "official" covenant until a new one is adopted?
[10:14 AM] Keila Forager: yes, thanks Rose..
[10:15 AM] Rose Springvale: noooo
[10:15 AM] Rose Springvale: what is in the portal is what brian and successors think it was. For LL purposes, the only thing that counts is what is posted on the About Land tab
[10:15 AM] Keila Forager: I mean for CDS purposes..
[10:15 AM] Kaseido Quandry: A link counts, yes, right?
[10:15 AM] Rose Springvale: well, kas, if the link goes someplace, maybe
[10:15 AM] Keila Forager: and in NFS, the link "don't work"..LOL
[10:15 AM] Rose Springvale: but as you see here...
[10:16 AM] Kaseido Quandry snorts and nods
[10:16 AM] Rose Springvale: and for cds purposes... i'm not sure. Because i don't know where that stuff came from
[10:16 AM] Keila Forager: So, I think we need to streamline our covenants, all of them, get them posted on the portal, and have a working link to take anyone who needs to read it
[10:17 AM] Kaseido Quandry: yep
[10:17 AM] Rosie Gray nods
[10:17 AM] Rose Springvale: personally, i don't mind the portal as a back up, but think we need the basics ON the land tabs
[10:17 AM] Rosie Gray: I agree Rose!
[10:17 AM] Lilith Ivory: right
[10:17 AM] Keila Forager: true..
[10:17 AM] Arria Perreault: what is on the portal is nothing else than a copy paste. But I agree that an official version has to be done and approved ny the RA
[10:18 AM] Keila Forager: Definitely need the general CDS and sim covenant on the about land tab
[10:18 AM] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Callipygian Christensen (7m)
[10:18 AM] Keila Forager: I think you are right Arria..but we need an offical version
[10:18 AM] Keila Forager: Hi Calli
[10:18 AM] Lilith Ivory: Hi Calli
[10:18 AM] Wolfeyen Willsmere is Online
[10:19 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Hi everyone
[10:19 AM] Kaseido Quandry: hi Calli
[10:19 AM] Rose Springvale: and we really need to refer to the need to pay tier ON the tab.. you'd be shocked by the number of people who still think they can buy into a project and thats' all they have to pay
[10:19 AM] Keila Forager: Absolutely..
[10:20 AM] Keila Forager: and I think the name of the treasurer should also be there..on the about land tab
[10:20 AM] Arria Perreault: Hi Calli
[10:20 AM] Lilith Ivory: might be a good idea
[10:20 AM] Rose Springvale: actually
[10:20 AM] Keila Forager: When you are new, you have no idea where to go to get that info
[10:21 AM] Rose Springvale: since that is term sensitive, if you have a site reference, its best not to have a person reference
[10:21 AM] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: CLEOPATRA Xigalia (11m)
[10:21 AM] Rose Springvale: someone would have to update the covenant everytime that changed
[10:21 AM] Rose Springvale: and while we can hope sudane will always do it, that isn't guaranteed
[10:21 AM] Lilith Ivory smiles
[10:22 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: we should require land for sale to have some contact info, but that isn't conenant stuff.
[10:22 AM] Lilith Ivory: I wonder if a slurl to the payment boxes would be helpful also
[10:22 AM] Kaseido Quandry: Lil, it really would
[10:22 AM] Arria Perreault: Hi Cleo:)
[10:22 AM] Lilith Ivory: hi Cleo
[10:22 AM] Keila Forager: yes, that would be very helpful with the info and names there..
[10:22 AM] Keila Forager: Hi Cleo
[10:22 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: Maybe Lil, but we do need some sort of info kit for new people.
[10:22 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: hi
[10:23 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: hi Cleo
[10:23 AM] Keila Forager: That's another project Tor
[10:23 AM] Keila Forager: and I agree
[10:23 AM] Rose Springvale: it would be really n ice if all our land was left named according to parcel and have tier cost in the description, but that's going to be hard to legislate
[10:23 AM] Tor Karlsvalt makes note of action item.
[10:23 AM] Sam55 Chester is Online
[10:24 AM] Keila Forager: I don't see how it could Rose, but yes, would be nice
[10:24 AM] Rose Springvale: could be done especially for CDS owned land
[10:24 AM] Rosie Gray: What about just having the covenants for the particular parcel osted inside the "Covenenat" tab of the land parcesl?
[10:24 AM] Rosie Gray: posted*
[10:24 AM] Lilith Ivory: a lot of private estate owners have that in their covenants
[10:24 AM] Rose Springvale: it has to be sim wide Rosie
[10:24 AM] Rose Springvale: posted in the estate tab
[10:24 AM] Keila Forager: It's done at the estate level Rosie
[10:24 AM] Rosie Gray: yes, but I mean as well as
[10:25 AM] Rosie Gray: so that if a new person wants to know exactly what they are, it's right there for them
[10:25 AM] Rose Springvale: you can't make changes at the parcel level on covenants
[10:25 AM] Rose Springvale: that's why we need them right at the estate level
[10:25 AM] Rosie Gray: oh sorry, yes I see
[10:25 AM] Keila Forager: you can change description levels, just not covenanats
[10:25 AM] Rosie Gray: maybe they should be in the descriptions then
[10:26 AM] Rose Springvale: not enough space
[10:26 AM] Rose Springvale: not sure what the limit is, but i think 255 words
[10:26 AM] Rosie Gray: ah okay
[10:26 AM] Rose Springvale: for descriptions
[10:26 AM] Rosie Gray: I know it was something I found confusing when I first came to purchase land
[10:27 AM] Rose Springvale: do you want to look at the specifics today Keila?
[10:27 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Not sure if its been mentioned, but also its at the estate level a sale can be blocked until somoen checks that they accept the covenant
[10:27 AM] Keila Forager: So, what we need to go in the about land tab should be the CDS covenants, the sim specific covenant, a slurl to tier boxes, a link to the complete cds covenants..
[10:27 AM] Keila Forager: what else?
[10:27 AM] Rose Springvale: that is automatic when there are covenants Calli
[10:27 AM] Callipygian Christensen: yes Rose, which is why having it in that spot is important
[10:27 AM] Rose Springvale: yep
[10:28 AM] Rose Springvale: but i think anything there works to trigger that. other than 'there is no covenant"
[10:28 AM] Tor Karlsvalt hopes people forgive the chair animation.
[10:28 AM] Sam55 Chester is Offline
[10:28 AM] Keila Forager: I think you are correct Rose..
[10:30 AM] Keila Forager: Which is why this is so important..just look at the covenant anyone buying land in NFS agrees to.
[10:31 AM] Rose Springvale: For those who don't know how it works. to put a covenant on the estate, the estate owner... and only the estate owner, drops a notecard onto the Estate tab
[10:31 AM] Rose Springvale: so even a new notecard referencing the portal is better than what we hae now in NFS
[10:32 AM] Rosie Gray: yes it would be
[10:32 AM] Keila Forager: Yes..
[10:32 AM] Rose Springvale: ideally the group will put together the notecards for each sim, and present to RA to approve, then all that Rudeen needs to do is drop it onto the tab
[10:33 AM] Keila Forager: I hope that is what will happen..
[10:33 AM] Keila Forager: By purchasing this parcel of land, the you, the owner, understand and agree that you become a voting citizen of the community of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS). As a member you agree to abide by the rules and laws of the community as displayed on the CDS web portal, www.slcds.info, as well as the terms of use of this parcel of land, which follow.Your status as citizen in this community is dependent on your making regular payment of the monthly fee for this land, which will be reclaimed by the community if you do not make this payment. Responsibility for monthly fees continues until a new owner claims the tier box,or you officially abandon the property. It is your responsibility to inform the treasurer of changes in ownership. Tier fees are paid to CDS, and not to Linden Labs. The two systems are totally separate. You do not need a Premium account to become a citizen in CDS.
[10:33 AM] Keila Forager: OK, this is from the google docs..and should go to every covenant..
[10:33 AM] Wolfeyen Willsmere is Offline
[10:33 AM] Keila Forager: Lets start with this.
[10:33 AM] Arria Perreault: good
[10:34 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: please leave the land description on the general tab of about land box, i.e.. parcel 1.3
[10:34 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: just add something like that
[10:35 AM] Rose Springvale: maybe a reference there to the portal, where the name of the current treasurer can be found too
[10:35 AM] Lilith Ivory: doesn´t the treasurer/estate owner know anyway if there is a land sale?
[10:35 AM] Keila Forager: there is a refenerce to the portal..
[10:36 AM] Rosie Gray: perhaps it could be referenced as a website too? I was looking for an inworld portal
[10:36 AM] Rose Springvale: oh yes it is referenced, read right over it
[10:36 AM] Keila Forager: it say web portal..what should it read as
[10:36 AM] Arria Perreault: there is a tool that warns when there is a change of ownership in a parcel
[10:36 AM] Callipygian Christensen: As a suggestion, people tend not to read large blocks of text -bullet pints or at least short individual lines of points is most likely to be both read and understood
[10:36 AM] Kaseido Quandry: yes - that's why we've read past critical stuff
[10:37 AM] Kaseido Quandry: espcially in little windows like the covenant box
[10:37 AM] Rosie Gray: yes good advice Calli
[10:37 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: true but probaby a character issue.
[10:37 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: spaces are characters
[10:37 AM] Rose Springvale: that change of ownership tool doesn't change the responsibilyt of citizens to report to the treasurer.
[10:37 AM] Rose Springvale: and it does miss some
[10:38 AM] Kaseido Quandry whispers: ahh, I thought you meant we were degenerates for having poor reading skills
[10:38 AM] Rose Springvale: SL script issues cause it to fail sometimes
[10:38 AM] Tor Karlsvalt:
[10:38 AM] Rosie Gray: lol
[10:38 AM] Sam55 Chester is Online
[10:38 AM] Keila Forager: and Cleo, what is the benefit of keeping the parcel name in the description line?
[10:39 AM] Lilith Ivory: I see
[10:39 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: so you know what type of land it is
[10:39 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: commerical or residential
[10:39 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: otherwise you don't know what part of the covenent applies
[10:39 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: That is true cleo, parcels are usually given a specific zone.
[10:39 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: of course its true
[10:40 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: in effect we ahve another layer of covenants for each zone.
[10:40 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: true sub covenents
[10:40 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: for some sims
[10:40 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: yes, right.
[10:40 AM] Rosie Gray: yes that's a good point too
[10:41 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: the maps do point out the parcel name and zone.
[10:41 AM] Keila Forager: Then maybe it can be added, when selling your land, the parcel name must appear in the about land tab...as owner, you should know where you fall in the zones..
[10:41 AM] Rosie Gray: but then you have to go to the website
[10:41 AM] Rosie Gray: and search for it
[10:42 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: we need to put the maps on the portal covenant page as well as the tier page.
[10:42 AM] Rose Springvale: i think leaving the parcel name and zone would be a good idea, just can't enforce it
[10:42 AM] Rose Springvale: because people like to name their land... so we can do it for the cds owned parcels, but harder for privately owned
[10:43 AM] Keila Forager: Then that info can be added to the new citizens packet..which is another project all together
[10:43 AM] Jordana Streeter is Online
[10:43 AM] Keila Forager: so aside from parcel names, anything else need to be added to the begining of the cds general covenants
[10:43 AM] Callipygian Christensen: A refernce and url to the map can be included in each covenant
[10:43 AM] Tor Karlsvalt makes the box for the new citizen kit bigger.
[10:43 AM] Keila Forager: LOL
[10:46 AM] Keila Forager: So do we like the way it's written or need to make some changes?
[10:46 AM] Rose Springvale: i like it
[10:46 AM] Kaseido Quandry: I think it works
[10:47 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: do we need "the owner" on the second line?
[10:47 AM] Callipygian Christensen: I personally believe something simpler and clearer would be better
[10:47 AM] Rose Springvale: like what Calli?
[10:47 AM] Keila Forager: How would you make it simplier and clearer and keep all the info?
[10:48 AM] Keila Forager: We need all the help we can get..LOL
[10:48 AM] Callipygian Christensen: ] You: Purchase of this land, and payment of the monthly tier , gives you citizenshi p in the Confederation of Democratic Sims
You: You can find out the monthly tier for this parcel here (insert)
You: By purchasing this land you agree to abide by the covenant of both this sim (insert) and the covenant of CDS as a whole.
You can read the CDS covenant here: (insert)
The (insert) covenant is as follows:
blah blah blah
[10:49 AM] Callipygian Christensen: as a preamble, even if they dont read the actual covenants, they cant claim they didnt know there was ier, there were mulitple covenants..etc
[10:49 AM] Callipygian Christensen: insert reers to URLs for the portal
[10:49 AM] Lilith Ivory: you forgot that the owner has to follow CDS law
[10:49 AM] Callipygian Christensen: include it..its just a 'like this' draft
[10:50 AM] Rose Springvale: i think that works too
[10:50 AM] Keila Forager: Yes..and when I buy land, I don't like to go to an outside website if I can help it
[10:50 AM] Rose Springvale: well, her language has the covenant in full to follow
[10:50 AM] Callipygian Christensen: 'You must also abide by the laws of the CDS. They can be found here: (insert)
[10:50 AM] Rose Springvale: just bullet points up front instead of dense text.. it works
[10:50 AM] Callipygian Christensen: sim covenant in full, overall CDS covenant at the website
[10:51 AM] Rose Springvale: well
[10:51 AM] Rose Springvale: the only problem with that is that the overall covenant has a lot of the sticking points
[10:51 AM] Rosie Gray: I agree with Keila about going to an outside website... I think that is another step that dissuades people at first.
[10:51 AM] Keila Forager: I think overall CDS covenant needds to be in about land tab
[10:51 AM] Callipygian Christensen: then isert itinstead f an URL
[10:51 AM] Rose Springvale: like scripts. Me too, i don't mind bullet pointing up front, but want the whole thing available in world, but for the CDS laws, which will always need an outside reference
[10:52 AM] Callipygian Christensen: My pint is just to get the key elements across before their eyes glaze over
[10:52 AM] Callipygian Christensen: citizenship, tier, rules and laws
[10:53 AM] Keila Forager: important info will be included in CDS Conv. and if they don't go to the website, they may wonder why their spaceship house isn't acceptalbe..LOL
[10:53 AM] Kaseido Quandry: sorry all, but I've got to head out - the time change caught me off guard today
[10:53 AM] Rose Springvale: nice to see you kas
[10:53 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: I think the original did point out that citizenship included a right to vote.
[10:53 AM] Rosie Gray: yes all the fine points don't need to be there on the land tab
[10:53 AM] Kaseido Quandry: good to be here - wish I could stay!
[10:53 AM] Lilith Ivory: see you Kas
[10:53 AM] Kaseido Quandry: bye!
[10:53 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: not sure if people will understand that as our unique feasture unless it is mentioned.
[10:54 AM] Rosie Gray: bye Kaseido
[10:54 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: by kas
[10:54 AM] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: CLEOPATRA Xigalia (5m)
[10:54 AM] Rosie Gray: yes I think that's important too Tor
[10:54 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: wb cleo
[10:54 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: tyvm
[10:55 AM] Arria Perreault: wb Cleo
[10:55 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: tyty
[10:55 AM] Keila Forager: Personally as have bought and lived in many various estates throughout SL, if you are going to buy land, you will read the covenant..
[10:56 AM] Lilith Ivory: in case you are an experienced land owner ,-)
[10:56 AM] Rosie Gray: It could be someone fairly new to SL though Keila, who isn't experienced
[10:57 AM] Rose Springvale: one of the reasons i hate yellow map sales, for CDS specifically
[10:57 AM] Keila Forager: true, but as a new land owner, I did read the covenants too..
[10:57 AM] Rose Springvale: there is so much involved here.. its best if someone has personal contact
[10:57 AM] Rosie Gray: I did too
[10:57 AM] Lilith Ivory: I agree
[10:57 AM] Rosie Gray: but for example, there was the bunny store people that bought Cleo's property who obviously didn't read thenm
[10:57 AM] Aradia Dielli is Offline
[10:58 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: lol
[10:58 AM] Keila Forager: so unless we want to keep going on this point, we can work on writing up something simplier and go on to specific points..
[10:58 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they read them
[10:58 AM] Rosie Gray: so you have to make it accessible to even the young and inexperienced
[10:58 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: they didnt either understand or belive or care
[10:58 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: but they read them
[10:58 AM] Aradia Dielli is Online
[10:58 AM] Rosie Gray: or were too stupid to understand it
[10:58 AM] Rosie Gray: yes
[10:58 AM] Rosie Gray: lol
[10:58 AM] Keila Forager: did you also tell them Cleo?
[10:59 AM] Arria Perreault: we were several people to help them
[10:59 AM] Rosie Gray: sorry I wasn't meaning to harp on about them
[10:59 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Rosie, I'd suggest 'stupid' isnt the same as illiterate at the level needed
[10:59 AM] Keila Forager: What someone does with the info is their business if we make it available
[10:59 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: That brings up an issue too of buildings that must remain I think.
[10:59 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Are people familiar with the tools to measure readability ?
[10:59 AM] Keila Forager: we aren't there yet Tor
[11:00 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: Wasn't that a problem there?
[11:00 AM] Arria Perreault: some people also don't read eaely english
[11:00 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: no we aren't
[11:00 AM] Arria Perreault: easely*
[11:00 AM] Rose Springvale: remember too we have some language issues. yes Arria
[11:00 AM] Rosie Gray: yes that's true Arria
[11:00 AM] Rosie Gray: no I'm not Calli, what is that?
[11:00 AM] Arria Perreault: we could translate the main convenant in several languages
[11:00 AM] Arria Perreault: we have poeple who are able to help
[11:00 AM] Keila Forager: First Arria we have to write it in english..LOL
[11:01 AM] Arria Perreault: of course
[11:01 AM] Lilith Ivory: in the best of all worlds we would have all laws and covenants writen in different languages in the forum
[11:01 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Rosie, writing is evaluated by 'garde level'..wht grade of schooling do you need to comprehend it..
[11:01 AM] Keila Forager: Once it's done we can work on programs, translators etc
[11:01 AM] Callipygian Christensen: most writing for general consupmption is writtten at a grade 6 level..
[11:01 AM] Callipygian Christensen: there is also a measure of complexity that one can apply..
[11:02 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: The thing is like with the bunnie people, it was a great opportunity. The commuity came in and met them and helped them fix it to conform.. and now everyone is happy. It was a good thing.
[11:02 AM] Keila Forager: WE are off track here..
[11:02 AM] Rosie Gray: yes it worked out okay with those people, but it could have gone horribly wrong
[11:02 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: i am in and out i am sorry if i am.
[11:02 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: But it didnt rosie
[11:02 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: and it CANNOT go that bad, you can always just get rid of them
[11:02 AM] Callipygian Christensen: the piece we had in main chat earlier has a grade 12.6 reading level
[11:03 AM] Rosie Gray: lol
[11:03 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: Cindy build s boxes around things she doesnt think she likes
[11:03 AM] Rosie Gray: well then it's approx double the level of reading comprehension
[11:03 AM] Rosie Gray: that it should be
[11:04 AM] Keila Forager: So we need to simplify it without all the url's..project for next meeting..
[11:04 AM] Callipygian Christensen: yes Rosie..it means large blocks of US adults cant comrehendit easily or at all, and for ESL people even harder
[11:04 AM] Rosie Gray: definately
[11:05 AM] Rose Springvale is not sure dumbing down our covenants is appropriate. What is the reading level of most SL participatns?
[11:05 AM] Callipygian Christensen: 'dumbing down'
[11:05 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: lol
[11:05 AM] Callipygian Christensen just shakesher head. Threre speaks a lawyer
[11:05 AM] Rosie Gray: Rose I can't tell you how many times I've thought that an avatar must be using English as a second language, only to find out that it is in fact their only language
[11:06 AM] Rosie Gray shakes head sadly
[11:06 AM] Rose Springvale: who wrote the phrase in question and grade 12 seems to me appropriate for this issue.
[11:06 AM] Callipygian Christensen: Something can be clear without it being 'dumbed down'
[11:06 AM] Lilith Ivory: would be good to have contact persons for people who don´t speak english well
[11:06 AM] Rose Springvale: but whatever. Can we move to the substance rather than the form of delivery?
[11:06 AM] Soliel Snook is Online
[11:06 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: what is the worst case scenario if someone doesnt understand the covenent, ?? the chancellor clarifies it for them .. right??
[11:06 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: amen rose
[11:07 AM] Keila Forager: or someone clarifies it, since most of our laws, I can't understand and I'm a college graduate..
[11:07 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: right i agree with rose, substance
[11:07 AM] Callipygian Christensen: SO if they dont understand, and what they want the land for isnt appropriate, does CDS refund their purchase price?
[11:07 AM] Rose Springvale: they resell
[11:07 AM] Rose Springvale: they can investigate before buying
[11:07 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: no
[11:07 AM] Keila Forager: So, shall we end the meeting now, or go on to specifics of CDS covenant???
[11:07 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: buyer beware
[11:07 AM] Rosie Gray: isn't it better to make sure that they udnerstand properly before purchasing?
[11:08 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: in a perfect world rose, but
[11:08 AM] Callipygian Christensen: I'd think so Rosie, but apparently it's their problem not ours.
[11:08 AM] Rosie Gray: hmmm
[11:08 AM] Rose Springvale: Rosie, it is better, and that's why i dont' like direct sales. but there are a lot of people whe understand, but still don't comply
[11:08 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: we can say to ask the chancellor if they have questions
[11:08 AM] Rosie Gray: that's true, ha
[11:08 AM] Keila Forager: OMG..for the last 3 years the covenant in NFS has been as written now..or similar..How much did we really care until now.??
[11:09 AM] Rose Springvale: Keila
[11:09 AM] Rosie Gray: well I did, when I purchased there
[11:09 AM] Rose Springvale: we have actually had people who unintentionally broke covenant... for example, i think Pip owned something like 8 fachwerk once
[11:09 AM] Arria Perreault: it's also a part of the welcoming part to ask them if they are fine with convenant, tier, ...
[11:09 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: Well one looks around and sees violations and interprets those as the covenants aren't enforced or are dated.
[11:09 AM] Rose Springvale: and willingly resold when told. but...
[11:09 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: can pip read ?
[11:10 AM] Rose Springvale: and that welcoming part is why we put the land tool in place, so that the exec staff was advised that there were new people. its all about follow up
[11:10 AM] Keila Forager: This plot is in total violation as I'm sure many others...there are more than 10 scripts here and that is in viiolation as I found out reading..
[11:10 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: must be american english that is the problem
[11:10 AM] Keila Forager: so every store must be too
[11:10 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: he always has me muted so im not sure.. oh except during elections
[11:10 AM] Rose Springvale: Keila, i think that is one of the covenants that is way out of date
[11:11 AM] Rose Springvale: and frankly, i dont think it was ever a voted on covenant
[11:11 AM] Keila Forager: So as I asked before...[11:07 AM] Keila Forager: So, shall we end the meeting now, or go on to specifics of CDS covenant???
[11:11 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: latter
[11:11 AM] Keila Forager: Maybe not Rose, but it is still in the portal
[11:11 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: hear hear, some of this stuff is jsut too restrictive and dates.
[11:11 AM] Jordana Streeter is Offline
[11:11 AM] Rosie Gray: yes let's go onto specifics
[11:11 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: dated
[11:11 AM] Rosie Gray: very dated covenants!
[11:11 AM] Keila Forager: So , it's been over an hour now, so how about some homework
[11:12 AM] CLEOPATRA Xigalia: didnt the guild write the covenents for LA and the RA approved them?
[11:12 AM] Keila Forager: Look at the covenant in the portal , the one in google docs and see what needs to be added or removed for next time
[11:12 AM] Keila Forager: for the CDS covenant and NFS
[11:13 AM] Rose Springvale: Keila, i think anyone can put notes on those google docs too
[11:13 AM] Rose Springvale: just pick a color for comments
[11:13 AM] Keila Forager: good , excellant idea Rose..I didn't know that
[11:14 AM] Aradia Dielli is Offline
[11:14 AM] Rose Springvale: if not, let me know and i'll see if i can fix the permissions. that's how we've been doing workgroups in guild for some time now
[11:14 AM] Keila Forager: the link to the google docs for all that don't have it, is at the top of the notecard
[11:14 AM] Rose Springvale: also in the forums
[11:15 AM] Keila Forager: yes..the link takes you to the forum with all the links
[11:15 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: do we want to take a sim or just make comments generally.
[11:15 AM] Rose Springvale: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3105
[11:15 AM] Rose Springvale: for your transcript
[11:15 AM] Keila Forager: I think for next meeting, for sure CDS general and NFS..but feel free to comment on all..
[11:16 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[11:16 AM] Rose Springvale: Remember that on Dec 1, anything not approved by RA goes poof
[11:16 AM] Rose Springvale: and must be restarted
[11:16 AM] Keila Forager: I will post this in the forums for all to comment on
[11:17 AM] Rose Springvale: thanks keila, for leading this
[11:17 AM] Keila Forager: Well, if we are in the process with nothing to be voted on, then I certainly hope the next RA will keep this as a priority..
[11:17 AM] Lilith Ivory nods
[11:18 AM] Keila Forager: Thanks everyone for coming and please comment on google docs and in the forums..
[11:18 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: ok
[11:18 AM] Keila Forager: this is our community
[11:18 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: thanks keila
[11:18 AM] Keila Forager: we need to be involved
[11:18 AM] Arria Perreault: thank you for the meeting, Keila
[11:18 AM] Lilith Ivory: yes thank you Keila
[11:18 AM] Keila Forager: Thanks for coming everyone...
[11:18 AM] Keila Forager: good turnout
[11:18 AM] Tor Karlsvalt: yes
[11:19 AM] Keila Forager: also , if you can't access the google docs, either send Rose a message or post on the forums