Well, we finally roused Keltrien from his idyllic retreat in Maine to come help us transfer the museum building to us, so that we could work on it.
He was by last night, and transfered all the bits to me. Unfortunately, we didn't get all the perms right, and both of us ended up locked out of being able to change anything.
Then... this morning... we were saved by the helpful assitance of Hermia Linden, who converted the perm settings of the building so that it could be modified.
So, big thanks to both Keltrien Baker and Hermia Linden. Yay!!
Keltrien in fact commented that he hoped someone would do a professional tex job on the building. He said that he had built it expecting Kendra to do that, but, with one thing and another, it never got done. So, indeed, he's quite enthusiastic about what we're doing.
I have a bunch of linking to do, before we do anything else. Then we'll set the whole thing to a convenient group, and the MoCA folks can get to work!